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1、1黑龙江省大庆实验中学 2019 届高三英语 11 月月考(期中)试题说明:答题时间 100 分钟,总分 120 分。第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)A“All animal products contain much more concentrated levels of pesticides residue (杀虫剂残留 ) than either vegetables or grains. Red meat, chicken and fish contain no beneficial carbonhydrates (碳

2、水化合物), fiber.“Fish contain far more heavy metals and industrial pollutants than land animals.“There is a common misconception that vegetarians have limited food choices. Just the opposite is true. Vegetarians commonly eat a wider variety of foods than most meat eaters.”“Vegetarian FAQ”, North Americ

3、an Vegetarian Society “The more I got educated about cruel treatment, it really was a no-brainer to become a vegetarian. You know, no one would barbecue their family dog. You know, a pig or a chicken isnt different. They are just as gentle as a dog or a cat.”Public service announcement, Mike Ness“Im

4、 not a vegetarian because I enjoy eating meat. Meat is nutritious food, and I believe there are ways to eat meat that are in keeping with my environmental and ethical (道德的) values. I dont make the decision to eat meat lightly. Meat-eating has always been a messy business, shadowed by the shame of ki

5、lling.“I have a sincere respect for vegetarians, for they have actually done the 2work of thinking through the consequences of their eating decisions, something most of the rest of us have not done. My own examination of those consequences has led me to the conclusion that eating a small amount of m

6、eat from certain kinds of farms is something I can feel good about.” “Animal Welfare: FAQ for better or for worse, the demands of raising a baby are often assumed by women.But there are plenty of working dads out there, too. In fact, I feel if Im struggling with this whole working dad thing, then ot

7、her guys must be struggling, too. If Im craving a space to share experiences and normalize true co-parenthood, I have to believe Im not the only one.Dealing with the problem at a macro (大的) level is hard. But I do have the power to make real change within Harrys. My co-founder and I want to make sur

8、e that everyone on our team feels 100% supported, as employees and as parents. To that end, were excited to offer a new, progressive policy: 16 weeks of paid parental leave, taken any time within the first year, to every person on our team.Some people might decide to take the full 4 months and other

9、s wont. Thats OK. The goal is not to dictate right or wrong, but to offer our team real flexibility and control. Because all parents deserve the resources and tools to make the best decisions for their families; to be great coworkers, and also great parents. 12. What is bothering the author? A. His

10、wife is fully occupied. 7B. His daughter is troublesome.C. He is failing to balance work and life.D. He can find nowhere to seek child-raising advice.13. Which of the following would the author agree with? A. Its easier for a woman to be a parent. B. Kids benefit a lot from co-parenting.C. Women suf

11、fer a lot from parenthood. D. Its womens duty to take care of kids.14. What does the underlined word “craving” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Using. B. Desiring. C. Creating. D. Saving.15. Whats the aim of the new policy? A. To promote equality.B. To free working dads. C. To nurse great coworkers.D. To enc

12、ourage true co-parenthood.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项有两项为多余选项。People elect a mayor (市长) to help run a city in the United States. The mayor must keep track of all city activities. 16 They run the city government with the help from city council (市议会).Mayors may be “weak”

13、 or “strong.” In cities that use a weak-mayor system, the city council has most of the power. Under this system, people elect council members and leaders of some departments, or city offices. 17 A city may have many boards and committees, which are groups that make decisions. Each group manages one

14、city department. Although people elect the mayor, he or she has little power. The weak mayor may suggest leaders for city departments. However, the council must approve these suggestions.In a strong-mayor system, the elected mayor chooses the leaders of each 8department. 18 The elected city council

15、doesnt have the power to approve the leaders that the mayor chooses. Strong mayors check the work of many different city departments. These departments plan the way that the city will grow and develop. A strong mayor prepares the city budget. 19 Citizens know whom to blame if services fail. However,

16、 the mayor works with the council to figure out the needs of the city and to complete city projects. Strong mayors have a great deal of control over the government of a city. 20 Most cities have written city charter (章程 ) that explains the duties of the mayor and other officials.A. However, mayors d

17、o not work alone. B. However, they must stay within the law. C. The council never prepares the city budget. D. The council also may choose leaders for city departments.E. The mayor makes sure that people who break the laws are punished. F. In this sense, the mayor decides how to spend money for city

18、 services. G. He or she makes sure that these leaders run their departments efficiently. 第二部分:语言知识运用(共三节,满分 55 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was a child I used to look forward to Saturday mornings. That was when my brother, Bernard, and I g

19、ot our pocket money from our father. I would put half of it in my money box, 21 run off happily with the rest to Bartletts, a little, local 22 at the end of our street. There I would join the other children 23 to spend their pocket money, and wed ask Mrs. Bartlett to 24 us “the tray (托盘)”. In those

20、days, there werent all the 25 of sweets and chocolate bars you see on sale now. All Mrs. Bartlett 26 were a few items arranged on a simple wooden 27 , which she kept under the counter. But to us it was a wonderful 28 : toffees, lollipops, 9barley sugar, and sweets wrapped in colorful paper. It alway

21、s took ages for each child to 29 what to buy. But Mrs. Bartlett didnt 30 : as long as there were no grown-up customers waiting to be 31 , she let us take our time.Bernard liked sweets, too. The 32 was he didnt like buying them. When I went to Bartletts, he went to a newsagents shop that sold footbal

22、l cards. He was 33 about these picture cards of famous footballers and spent all his pocket money trying to 34 whole teams of players.On Saturday afternoons he would 35 the house and find out where I was. He knew I had been to Bartletts. If I didnt 36 my bag of sweets quickly enough, hed see it and

23、say, “Can I have one?” And I would say, “Why should I give you one? You had your pocket money, too you could have 37 your own sweets.” Then Bernard would go to our mother to 38 , “Mom, Helen has a whole bag of sweets and she wont give me one.” To which Mum would say, “Helen, dont be so 39 . Share yo

24、ur sweets with your brother!” I thought this was really 40 , but of course I gave him some sweets.21. A. and B. but C. or D. until22. A. restaurant B. theatre C. barbershopD. grocery23. A. careful B. slow C. eager D. afraid24. A. sell B. show C. make D. teach25. A. prices B. tastes C. varieties D. s

25、mells26. A. provided B. wanted C. noticed D. controlled27. A. floor B. tray C. chair D. house28. A. atmosphere B. line C. way D. sight29. A. imagine B. decide C. realize D. 10guess30. A. escape B. change C. mind D. succeed31. A. served B. accepted C. paid D. checked32. A. problem B. mistake C. diffi

26、culty D. disadvantage33. A. anxious B. cautious C. puzzled D. mad34. A. collect B. return C. organize D. protect 35. A. paint B. repair C. shareD. search36. A. sew B. hide C. pack D. deliver37. A. divided B. saved C. boughtD. eaten38. A. recommend B. complain C. apologize D. reply39. A. surprised B.

27、 modest C. smart D. mean40. A. unfair B. unusual C. impolite D. inconvenient 第二节 语法填空(共 10 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Regular exercise and a healthy diet can be potentially beneficial to your life. But could speaking more than one language have healthy benefits for you

28、r brain? A team at Baycrests Rotman Research Institute in Canada 41 (seek) the answer to that question. 42 (get) it, they studied the medical records of 211 people. Based on medical examinations, all of the subjects were apparently suffering from Alzheimers disease (老年前期痴呆). Typically, such 11people

29、 are 43 (confuse) easily about times and dates, have trouble 44 (remember) recently acquired information, and find 45 difficult to solve problems and make plans. Among the people participating in the Canadian study, about half spoke two languages and the other half only one.46 the researchers found

30、was a clear link between the bilingualism (双语能力) of the first group and a delayed onset (开始) of the symptoms of Alzheimers. In the study, the group that spoke two languages showed 47 (sign) of Alzheimers five years later than the group that spoke only one language did.People who 48 (regular) communi

31、cate in two languages have stronger control of language 49 are able to keep their speech ability longer. The Canadian study followed earlier work that was conducted in 2007. That research showed that 50 (be) bilingual improves attention and cognitive control in both children and adults.第三部分:写作(共两节,满

32、分 35 分)第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Most people say we prefer spring or summer, but I like early

33、autumn most. Surprising, the weather is often very good in September and October and it is not so hot in summer. This is really the time to get out to enjoying the beauty of the countryside. At this time of year, you will find that the woods and forests were breathtakingly beautiful. Few things are

34、more enjoyable when walking slowly through a wood on a sunny morning in early autumn. It is wonderful to walk across of a crisp carpet of orange, gold and brown fallen 12leaf in a quiet and cool air. The world seem at peace and I always feel relaxing.第二节:书面表达 (满分 25 分)假如你是李华,你未曾谋面的美国笔友 Tim 给你发来邮件,表示

35、将要来你所在的城市参观游玩。请你给他回复一封电子邮件,内容包括:1表示欢迎并要去接机;2询问航班及到达时间;3描述自己,以便对方辨识。注意:1词数 100-120; 2邮件格式已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Tim,_ _ Yours,Li Hua13实验 11 月月考英语试题答案阅读:1-3 CAD 4-7 DABC 8-11 DBBB 12-15 DCBD 16-20 ADGFB完型:21-25 ADCBC 26-30 ABDBC 31-35 AADAD 36-40 BCBDA 语法填空:41.sought 42. To get43.confused 44. remembering45.

36、it 46. What47.signs 48. regularly49.and 50. being短文改错:Most people say we prefer spring or summer, but I like early autumn most. theySurprising, the weather is often very good in September and October and it is Surprisinglynot so hot in summer. This is really the time to get out to enjoying the beaut

37、y of as enjoythe countryside. At this time of year, you will find that the woods and forests were breathtakingly beautiful. Few things are more enjoyable when walking are thanslowly through a wood on a sunny morning in early autumn. It is wonderful to walk across of a crisp carpet of orange, gold an

38、d brown fallen leaf in a quiet and leavescool air. The world seem at peace and I always feel relaxing.seems relaxed14书面表达:Dear Tim,Im very glad to hear that you will come to China and visit my city. I cant wait to meet you!I will pick you up at the airport, so please tell me your flight number and t

39、he arrival time. As we have never met before, Id like to describe myself so that you can recognize me easily. I am of medium height and wear glasses. I will wear a white T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of black sports shoes that day. Im sure that your will pick me out the moment you see me. Hope we can meet soon.

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