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1、第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,九年级,第19讲 Unit 13Unit 14,重点词汇过关,单词拼写 (一)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。1How much did you spend on your trip to South Korea? The cost of it was 3,500 yuan in all. 2I never take wood chopsticks or plastic forks when I buy takeaway food. 3We are thankful to the people who have ever helped us. 4To s

2、olve this problem,we need to learn more science knowledge. 5Lucys strawberries are fresher than ours,(二)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。 6Its impossible to separate(分离)Diaoyu Island from China. 7No flash photos.Bright lights can be harmful(有害的)to the art. 8People throw litter(垃圾)into the river and make it reall

3、y dirty. 9Being tall gives him an advantage(优势) over the other basketball players. 10We are doing a school survey(调查),高频考点精讲,考点1 afford的用法 Yes,we cant afford to wait any longer to take action!我们不能再等待下去了,要采取行动! Unit 13 P100,【透析】afford“买得起,承担得起”,常与can,could等连用,其后面常跟名词、代词或带to的动词不定式。如:They couldnt affor

4、d the ticket.他们买不起票。We cant afford to go abroad this year.今年我们没有足够的钱出国。,考点2 especially的用法 She especially likes to use old jeans to make handbags.她尤其喜欢用旧牛仔裤做手提包。 Unit 13 P102,【透析】此处especially的意思是“尤其,特别地”,表示强调,多用于动词之前或者助动词之后,它的形容词形式是especial。区别specially 和especially:这两个副词都含有“特别地,尤其”的意思,但在其含义和用法上完全不同,sp

5、ecially含有“专门地,特意地”的意思,通常指为某一特殊目的而专门采取某一方式,后面通常接不定式或介词for等短语作目的状语。especially含有强调“超过其他”的意思,只说明程度,不表示目的。如:The ring was specially made for her.这枚戒指是为她定做的。I feel especially interested in the project.我对这个方案特别感兴趣。,考点3 辨析 at the end of,by the end of与in the end This year,with Mr.Trents help,my English level

6、has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year.今年在特伦特老师的帮助下,我的英语水平一直在提高,我希望年底取得好成绩。 Unit 14 P108,考点4 辨析ahead of与go ahead I dont need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you.我不得不告诉你们高中的生活会更艰难,并且你们将会面临许多艰难任

7、务。 Unit 14 P110,【透析】ahead of介词短语,指时间或空间上的“在之前”。go ahead动词短语,表示同意或允许,意为“说吧,做吧”如:He is always ahead of the age.他总是走在时代的前面。May I start?我可以开始了吗?Yes,go ahead.好,开始吧。,关联语法链接 语法1:复习动词的时态与语态(一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时及各种被动语态) 见P134与P136 语法2:复习情态动词、used to和宾语从句等 见P127与P141,考点即时运用,1考点1The Apple Watch is ver

8、y beautiful,but its too expensive.So I cant _D_it. Asave Bsupport Coffer Dafford 2考点2Though it was _A_cold,he came _for our party. Aespecially;specially Bespecially;especially Cspecially;specially Dspecially;especially 3考点3They _C_more than 2,000 words _ this term. Alearned;by the end of Blearn;at t

9、he end of Chave learned;by the end of Dhave learned;to the end of 4考点4If you work hard at math,you will be _A_ others. Aahead of Bin front of Cacross from Dat the back of,5语法22017泰州中考Diana used to _A_ to work,but now she is used to _ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit. Adrive;walk

10、ing Bdrive;walk Cdriving;walk Ddriving;walking 6考点4Excuse me.May I use your eraser,please? Sure._C_ AWatch out! BWell done! CGo ahead. DFollow me. 7语法12017渝北中考Mary will make a plan as soon as she _B_ her homework. Afinish Bfinishes Cfinished Dwill finish 8考点3The man tried several times to start the

11、car,and he succeeded _B_. Ain the past Bin the end Cat first Dat once 9考点1给他买个昂贵的生日礼物我负担不起。(afford) I_cant_afford_to_buy_him_an_expensive_birthday.,话题写作指导,话题11:毕业感想,考情分析,分析近几年全国各地和滨州中考有关“毕业”话题的书面表达,主要涉及两个方面:介绍或回顾自己初中的生活和学习,并展望毕业后的高中生活。如:介绍学校生活情况,包括校规、学习习惯、课外活动、成长经历、感谢师恩等。介绍初中班会经历、毕业典礼、校庆活动和毕业聚会的情况,并

12、谈论自己的感受。,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】 描述过去经历 1I still remember.我仍然记得 2I never forget being a volunteer once.我不会忘记曾经当过一名志愿者。 3win many prizes in the school sports meeting在校运动会上获得很多奖 4caring teachers,kind classmates and friends体贴的老师、善良的同学和朋友 5be always patient with对有耐心 描述初中进步 1put in more effort更加努力 2work hard 努力学习

13、3make great progress取得巨大进步 4have grown up已经长大 5Now I have the abilities to get good grades.现在我有能力取得好成绩。,展望未来 1try ones best to achieve ones aims尽力实现自己的目标 2set out on a new journey开启新的征程 3want to get a business degree and become a manager想获得商务学位,成为一名经理 4I will never give up and always do my best.我将永不

14、放弃,总是尽力做到最好。 5Im looking forward to new experiences in senior high school.我期盼着在高中有新的经历。,【基础写作运用】 1Tim has taken part in many school activities and enjoys(享受)every year of junior high school. 2The teacher I will never forget is Ms.Lee,who was always patient(耐心的)with me and helped me work out(解决)the a

15、nswers by myself no matter how difficult they were. 3Daming has grown up so much and he is proud(自豪)of himself. 4Betty used to be scared of a teacher with high standards (标准)But now she has overcome(克服)the fear.,经典亮句积累,开头句 1Our school life is very busy and colorful.我们的学校生活紧张并且丰富多彩。 2How time flies!W

16、ell graduate from our school this weekend.时光飞逝!我们这周就要从我们学校毕业了。 3I have many unforgettable memories of the past three years.在过去三年里,我有很多难忘的记忆。 4I feel so excited and so happy.We have had three fantastic years in our school.我感到如此兴奋和快乐,我们已经度过了精彩的三年。 中间句 1Our teachers not only teach us how to learn,but a

17、lso teach us how to be a useful person in society.我们的老师不仅教我们怎样学习,也教我们如何在社会上做一个有用的人。 2We have studied and lived together like a happy family.我们一起学习和生活,就像一个快乐的家庭。,3Having been a friend for three years,he has done a lot for me.成为朋友已经三年了,他为我做了很多。 4We helped and learned from each other.我们相互帮助,相互学习。 结尾句 1

18、Thanks to my teachers and my parents,Ive made so much progress.多亏老师和父母的帮助,我取得了非常大的进步。 2I have learnt not only how to study,but also how to be a man.我不仅学会了学习,也学会了做人。 3I wish my classmates and teachers health,happiness and good luck.祝愿我的同学和老师健康、快乐、好运。,典例运用,【例】 中考结束后,你将告别熟悉的校园。三年的初中生活也许会成为你一生中的“永恒记忆”。请

19、你根据下列图中所给的四个方面,以“Three Years School Life”为题写一篇小短文,回顾你的初中校园生活。 写作要求 1词数7080; 2条理清晰,语句连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 3文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。,【审题指导】 本篇书面表达的写作内容是回顾三年的初中校园生活。写作时,使用第一人称,时态为一般现在时。要尽量做到结构合理,意思清楚,行文流畅,书写规范。,【拟定提纲】,【我的作品】 Three Years School Life _,范文借鉴,Three Years School LifeIm a student in Grade Nine.I will l

20、eave my junior middle school next month after I finish the exam.Im feeling a bit nervous and excited.I study in a middle school.It is big and nice.There are many students and teachers in it.I get on well with my classmates.We often help each other.We study many subjects in school.I like English and

21、PE.best.We often do sports in the afternoon after class.Of course,we all spend_much_time_on_studyWe work very hard.Our teachers are quite friendly to us.They are also helpful.We can ask_them_for_help at any time.We go on a school trip each term and we really enjoy it.In a few days,I have to say “goo

22、dbye” to my school.I feel sorry about it.I love my school and all my teachers.I will never forget my three years school life.,借鉴点 文章涵盖了所有的提示要点,结构完整。 有效地运用了语句间的连接成分,语言流畅,过渡自然,内容连贯。 时态、语态及人称运用正确。回忆过去的事情用一般过去时,叙述现在的感受用一般现在时。 运用了大量词组,如:get on well with,do sports,spend.on.,ask.for.等,体现了作者较强的语言运用能力;长短句交替使用,使文章读起来朗朗上口。,


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