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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Wheres my cat?,外研版(一起)一年级英语下册课件,Lets play a guessing game .猜猜游戏,Great!,Where is the ball?,Its _ the box.,in,Whats this?,Its a ball.,Where is the ball?,Its _ the box.,on,Where is the ball?,Its _ the box.,under,Lets chant.,Where is your ruler? Where is your ruler?,On, on, on the box.,U

2、nder, under, under the chair.,In, in, in the desk.,Lets make a new chant.,Where is your _? Where is your _?,On, on, on the _.,Under, under, under the _.,In, in, in the _.,Where is the _?,Its _ the _ .,ruler,in,desk,on,under,chair,Ask and answer.,Where is the _?,Its _ the _ .,ruler,bag,in,head,on,bal

3、l,foot,under,Lets play a game.,Guessing game: Where is the ball ? Its _ the box. 每组选一位同学猜猜尺子在哪儿,猜对可为本组加10分,on,under,in,?,Mike: I am a boy. I have many toys .,Mike: I have,a ball,a toy boat,a toy plane,a toy car .,Oh! Where is my car ?,( 玩具),and,Mike: No.,desk,Mike: No.,toy box,Mike: Oh, yeah! Thanks

4、, Chen Jie.Goodbye.,Chen Jie: Look! Its under the chair .,是,是的,Chen Jie: See you.,Mike: I am a boy. I have many toys. I have a ball, a toy plane, a toy boat and a toy car. Oh! Where is my car?Wu Yifan: On your desk ?Mike: No.Chen Jie: In the toy box?Mike: No.Chen Jie: Look! Its under the chair.Mike:

5、 Oh, yeah! Thanks, Chen Jie.Goodbye.Chen Jie: See you.,Mike 回家后又找不到他的toy car 了,Mike:_, Where is my _ ? Mom: _ your _ ? Mike: No! Mom: _ the_? Mike: No! Mom: Look! Its _ the _ . Mike: Oh,yeah! Thanks, _ .,Mom,car,On,desk,In,toy box,under,chair,Mom,A: _, Where is my _ ? B: _ the _ ? A: No! B: _ your_? A: No! B: Look! Its _ the _ . A: Oh,yeah! Thanks, _ .,Listen and finish the paper work. 听音完成作业纸,Goodbye,


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