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1、1完形填空提分特训(三)A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of times. I was joyfully 1 my first child at the same time that my mother was losing her 2 with a brain disease.As she grew closer to death,my baby grew closer to 3 inside me. My bi

2、ggest fear was that their lives would never 4 .She and the baby would never know each other.A few weeks before my baby was born,she 5 into a deep coma(昏迷). Her doctors did not hold any 6 ; they told us her time was up. On February 3,2009,at about the 7 time my labor(分娩) started,my mother opened her

3、eyes.When they told me this at the 8 ,I called her home and asked for the phone to be 9 to Moms ear. “Mom,listen.The baby is 10 ! Youre going to have a new grandchild.Do you understand?” “Yes!”What a wonderful 11 ! The first clear word shed spoken in months ! When I called again an hour later,the nu

4、rse at her house told me the 12 :Mom was sitting up and smiling,her oxygen supply 13 . 14 I brought Jacob home,Mom was sitting in her chair,dressed and ready to welcome him.For the following two weeks she 15 my father,her children and grandchildren in complete 16 .Then she quietly fell back into a c

5、oma and was finally free 17 the pain. Memories of my sons birth will always be 18 for me,but it was at this time that I learned an important truth about 19 .For while both joy and sorrow are fleeting,and often intertwined (交织),love has the power to 20 both.And love can last forever. 1.A.expecting B.

6、raising2C.discovering D.planning2.A.head B.battle C.breath D.faith3.A.mother B.life C.body D.freedom4.A.last B.happenC.connect D.change5.A.crashed B.slipped C.turned D.divided6.A.fear B.promise C.hope D.opinion7.A.same B.right C.latest D.last8.A.house B.office C.school D.hospital9.A.delivered B.call

7、ed C.received D.put10.A.crying B.comingC.laughing D.speaking11.A.world B.mother C.day D.word12.A.outcome B.miracle C.truth D.remark13.A.recycled B.splitC.removed D.submitted14.A.From then on B.Even thoughC.By the time D.And so15.A.spoke to B.turned toC.smiled to D.came to16.A.possessions B.sentences

8、C.affections D.announcements17.A.for B.with C.of D.in18.A.stainless B.superbC.bittersweet D.fresh19.A.birth B.mother C.living D.death20.A.prohibit B.overcomeC.remind D.simplify语篇解读:本篇是夹叙夹议文。本文通过一个感人至深的故事告诉大家爱的力量。答案及剖析:31.A 考查动词辨析。根据下文 my baby grew closer to 3 inside me 可知,孩子还没出生,作者在期盼(expecting)她第一个

9、孩子的诞生。故选 A。 2.B 考查名词辨析。根据下文母亲情况糟糕,即将去世,可知母亲输了这场与脑病的战斗。lose ones battle with.“输掉与的战斗” 。3.B 考查名词辨析。句意:我肚中的孩子离出生越来越近了。grow closer to life“离出生越来越近” 。4.C 考查动词辨析。由后文“ She and the baby would never know each other.”可知作者担心自己的孩子和母亲的生命没有交集,即未能谋面则孩子的外祖母就撒手人寰。connect“联系”符合语境。5.B 考查动词辨析。在我孩子出生前几周,她进入了深度昏迷状态。crash

10、 into“撞在上”;slip into“滑进;进入”;turn into“变成”;divide into“分成” 。故 B 项符合 题意。6.C 考查名词辨析。根据下文 they told us her time was up 可知,医生们不抱任何希望(hope)了。故选 C。7.A 考查形容词辨析。母亲睁开双眼与作者分娩几乎发生在相同的(same)时间。故选 A。8.D 考查名词辨析。由语境可知,此时作者在医院生孩子。故选 D。9.D 考查动词辨析。由语境可知,把电话放到妈妈耳朵旁边。put.to.“把放到” 。故选 D。10.B 考查动词辨析。根据后文 Youre going to ha

11、ve a new grandchild.可知,此处指“孩子即将诞生” 。be coming 口语中指“就要来了” 。11.D 考查名词辨析。由后文中“The first clear word.”提示可知,此处用 word。12.B 考查名词辨析。由后文的 Mom was sitting up and smiling 可知,一个濒临死亡的人正坐起来笑,对任何人来说都是个奇迹。outcome“结果”;miracle“奇迹”;truth“事实;真相”;remark“评论” 。故选 B。13.C 考查动词辨析。由上文 Mom was sitting up and smiling 可知,妈妈不再需要吸氧

12、设备了,故设备被移走(removed)了。recycle“循环”;split “分开;离开”;remove“移走”; submit“顺从;呈递” 。14.C 空格处引导时间状语从句,指我带 Jacob 回家时。只有 C 项引导时间状语从句。15.A 考查动词短语辨析。 16.B 考查名词辨析。根据上文 The first clear word shed spoken in months!可知 ,妈妈生病时几个月都不能说话,但听到外孙出生的消息,她4能坐起来,能笑,故在接下来的两周妈妈能用完整的句子(sentences)和我们说话(spoke to)。17.C 考查介词辨析。表面句意指母亲摆脱了

13、痛苦,暗指她去世了。be free of“解脱;摆脱” 。18.C 考查形容词辨析。与文章开头呼应,孩子的出生是件快乐的事情,妈妈的去世是件痛苦的事情。故儿子出生时的回忆对作者来说总是悲喜交加。bittersweet“又苦又甜的” 。19.C 考查名词辨析。孩子出生时的记忆让作者明白了关于生活的一个重要真理。20.B 考查动词辨析。欢乐和忧伤既转瞬即逝,又常交织在一起,而爱却有力量超越两者,因为爱是永恒的。prohibit“禁止”;overcome“克服;战胜”;remind“提醒”;simplify“简化” 。故选 B。【疑难词汇解读】1.fleeting adj.短暂的;闪现的Time i

14、s always fleeting.时光总在飞逝。2.be free of/from 从解脱Now he is free of/from smoking.现在他戒烟了。【长难句子分析】When I called again an hour later,the nurse at her house told me the miracle:Mom was sitting up and smiling,her oxygen supply removed.这是个复合句。when 引导时间状语从句,the nurse at her house told me the miracle是主句,冒号起了连词

15、that 的作用,Mom was sitting up and smiling,her oxygen supply removed 是 miracle 的同位语从句,其中 her oxygen supply removed 是独立主格结构在句中作伴随状语。当我一个小时后再打电话时,在她家的护士告诉了我奇迹:妈妈正坐起来笑,也不需要吸 氧了。B(2017浙江宁波高考模拟考试)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This year marked my five-year violin anniversary.Five years ago

16、I entered a music shop and asked,“Do you 1 violin lessons?”I was standing in a room 5filled with beautiful 2 and felt like a stranger in a new land.I had little 3 in playing the violin although I had loved violin music for years.I wanted to learn to play it at that moment. The music shop signed me u

17、p for 4 and it soon became clear to me how 5 it was for a novice(新手) to learn to play the violin.I once watched a skilled violinist play and it looked simple.Actually,it was more difficult than I had expected.Little did I know there was nothing natural about the 6 in which one held the instrument.Th

18、ere was no margin(余地) for errora 7 misplaced finger sends a note out of tune.If I had known how challenging it would be,I might never have started.However,my love for violin music 8 all difficulties.Though it was a big challenge,I made it at last.I won the first place in the violin contest in our ci

19、ty last year. Looking 9 the past five years with my violin,I realized Ive learned much more than how to make music.I believe mistakes are not 10 .They are pointing you toward where to 11 your attention.Besides,youd better not 12 yourself with others.If you find youre not as good as someone,you will

20、feel depressed.If so,remember 13 you started.For me,it was because I loved the violin music and it made me happy.Whats more,remember that developing a new skill 14 repetition.The more you practice,the more you learn.Progress happens even when you are taking 15 baby steps (like practicing for a few m

21、inutes at a time).Take the time to celebrate your successes.When you 16 something youve been working on,acknowledge it with a “Yay me!Look what I did!”Give yourself 17 for what youve learned and enjoy your achievement,which will lead you to the next accomplishment. 18 ,you need to persevere no matte

22、r how difficult the situation is.I firmly believe these lessons 19 anything we take on. Learning something new isnt always easy.Sometimes its more demanding than you expected,but you are 20 rewarded in more ways than you could have imagined for the trying. 1.A.prepare B.offer C.promise D.support62.A

23、.treasures B.machinesC.instruments D.sculptures3.A.experience B.patienceC.consideration D.imagination4.A.travels B.contestsC.performances D.lessons5.A.challenging B.practicalC.meaningful D.convenient6.A.stage B.event C.relation D.position7.A.fairly B.properly C.slightly D.equally8.A.conquered B.expe

24、cted C.discovered D.suffered9.A.up to B.back onC.down on D.forward to10.A.failures B.excusesC.lies D.solutions11.A.record B.organize C.escape D.focus12.A.inspire B.share C.compare D.adjust13.A.what B.that C.how D.why14.A.improves B.introduces C.requires D.guides15.A.broad B.tiny C.proud D.fresh16.A.

25、introduce B.designC.contribute D.accomplish17.A.surprise B.respect C.credit D.warmth18.A.After all B.In conclusionC.In brief D.Above all19.A.lead to B.apply toC.respond to D.occur to20.A.richly B.carefullyC.formally D.willingly语篇解读:本文是一篇情感记叙文,作者通过自己学习小提琴的艰辛历程告诉我们一个道理7宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。答案及剖析: 1.B 根据下文

26、signed me up 可知,我问的是他们是否提供小提琴的教学课程,故选 offer表示“提供” 。2.C instruments 表示“乐器”,根据语境 a music shop 知,乐器店当然有很多的音乐器材。3.A 根据上下文可知,我没有拉小提琴的经验,故选 experience 表示“经验” 。4.D 根据上下文可知,我报名参加小提琴的学习,故应该是“课程”,填 lessons。5.A 根据语意知,对我这个新手而言,初学小提琴是非常具有挑战性的,故填challenging。6.D 因为初学,所以具体小提琴该如何拉的位置也弄不清楚,故填 position。7.C 根据上文 no mar

27、gin for error 可知,只要手指有轻微的位置不正,就会走音,所以slightly“轻微地”正确。8.A 根据下文 I made it at last.可知我对小提琴的热爱最终克服了一切困难,故conquer“征服,克服”符合语境。9.B 根据语意知,现在我回顾过去的 5 年学小提琴的经历,故选 look back on 表示“回顾” 。10.A 根据下文 They are pointing you toward.,可知此处指犯下的错误不是失败,故填 failures 表示“失败” 。11.D 这些错误为你指明你应该把注意力集中在何处。focus 表示“集中” 。12.C 根据下文 I

28、f you find youre not as good as someone 可知,此处指不要跟别人去比较。compare with 是固定词组,表示 “与比较”,符合语境。13.D 根据下文 For me,it was because.可知,此处表示学习小提琴的原因,故选 why。14.C 根据常识可知,要学好一种新技能,需要不停地重复,故填 require 表示“需要” 。15.B tiny 表示“细小的”,此处用小孩学步的例子来说明进步的持续性。16.D 根据下文 accomplishment 提示知,当实现了你一直在做的事情的时候,要给自己以鼓励,所以选 accomplish 表示“

29、实现” 。17.C 根据下文 enjoy your achievement.可知此处指,实现了目标后,要给自己以一定的赞扬,credit 表示“赞扬” 。18.D 此处强调重要性,最首要的一点是要学会坚持不懈,故选 above all。in conclusion8总之,in brief 简而言之,after all 毕竟,均不符语境。19.B 根据语境知,我相信这些经验也适用于我们决定做的任何事。apply to 表示“适用于”符合语境。lead to 导致,respond to 对做出回应,occur to sb.被某人想到,均不符语境。20.A 学习新东西不是很轻松的,有时候它比你预期的要

30、求更高,但你也会在更多方面得到丰厚的回报,故此处应用 richly 修饰 rewarded,表示“丰厚的回报” 。【疑难词汇解读】persevere v.坚持不懈 As a diligent student,Jerry persevered in the study and later was admitted to Peking University.杰瑞是个勤奋的学生,他坚持学习,最终被北京大学录取了。 【长难句分析】Sometimes its more demanding than you expected,but you are richly rewarded in more ways than you could have imagined for the trying.此处是 but 连接的并列句。同时 but 后面的分句中又包含有状语从句 than you could have imagined for the trying。而 could have done 表示对过去状况的猜测 ,意为“过去可能做过” 。有时候它比你预期的要求更高,但你会在更多方面获益,远远超出你的期待。9


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