1、 Reference number ISO 10303-235:2009(E) ISO 2009INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10303-235 First edition 2009-09-01 Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 235: Application protocol: Engineering properties for product design and verification Systmes daut
2、omatisation industrielle et intgration Reprsentation et change de donnes de produits Partie 235: Protocole dapplication: Proprits dingnierie pour la conception de produits et vrification ISO 10303-235:2009(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes lice
3、nsing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The IS
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5、en taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2009 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of
6、 this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH
7、-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2009 All rights reservedISO 10303-235:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved iiiContents Page 1 Scope1 2 Normative references2 3 Terms and definitions .3 3.1 Terms defin
8、ed in ISO 10303-1 3 3.2 Terms defined in ISO 10303-31 4 3.3 Terms defined in ISO 10303-45 4 3.4 Other terms and definitions .4 4 Information requirements.4 4.1 Units of functionality.5 4.1.1 activity UoF 5 4.1.2 adminstration UoF.6 4.1.3 approval UoF6 4.1.4 condition UoF 7 4.1.5 document management
9、UoF 7 4.1.6 effectivity UoF8 4.1.7 external reference UoF8 4.1.8 geometry UoF 9 4.1.9 geometric tolerance UoF 9 4.1.10 location UoF.10 4.1.11 measure UoF10 4.1.12 person organisation UoF11 4.1.13 product UoF .12 4.1.14 properties UoF .12 4.1.15 requirement UoF13 4.1.16 state UoF 13 4.1.17 substance
10、UoF.14 4.1.18 tolerance datum UoF.14 4.2 Application objects .15 4.2.1 Application objects for the activity UoF15 4.2.2 Application objects for the adminstration UoF 20 4.2.3 Application objects for the approval UoF.30 4.2.4 Application objects for the condition UoF35 4.2.5 Application objects for t
11、he document_management UoF 39 4.2.6 Application objects for the effectvity UoF 47 4.2.7 Application objects for the external reference UoF.54 4.2.8 Application objects for the geometry UoF60 4.2.9 Application objects for the geometric_tolerance UoF.69 4.2.10 Application objects for the location UoF
12、75 4.2.11 Application objects for the measure UoF .80 4.2.12 Application objects for the person_organisation UoF 89 4.2.13 Application objects for the product UoF.95 4.2.14 Application objects for properties UoF.102 4.2.15 Application objects for the requirement UoF .109 4.2.16 Application objects f
13、or the state UoF115 4.2.17 Application objects for the substance UoF 119 4.2.18 Application objects for the tolerance datum UoF 122 5 Application interpreted model .128 5.1 Mapping specification.128 5.1.1 Activity UoF130 5.1.2 Adminstration UoF 135 Foreword x Introduction xi ISO 10303-235:2009(E) iv
14、 ISO 2009 All rights reserved5.1.3 Approval UoF 141 5.1.4 Condition UoF . 146 5.1.5 Document management UoF. 148 5.1.6 Effectivity UoF. 156 5.1.7 External_reference UoF . 162 5.1.8 Geometry UoF . 171 5.1.9 Geometric tolerance UoF . 177 5.1.10 Location UoF. 183 5.1.11 Measure UoF . 187 5.1.12 Person
15、organisation UoF . 193 5.1.13 Product UoF 199 5.1.14 Properties UoF 205 5.1.15 Requirements UoF 211 5.1.16 State UoF . 217 5.1.17 Substance UoF 220 5.1.18 Tolerance datum UoF . 224 5.2 AIM EXPRESS short-listing 230 5.2.1 Engineering properties for product design and validation type definitions 253 5
16、.2.2 Engineering properties for product design and validation entity definitions 263 5.2.3 Engineering properties for product design and validation rule definitions . 280 6 Conformance requirements. 283 Annex A (normative) AIM EXPRESS expanded listing . 284 Annex B (normative) AIM short names. 528 A
17、nnex C (normative) Implementation method specific requirements 548 Annex D (normative) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma 549 D.1 General. 549 D.2 Protocol implementation identification 549 D.3 Implementation method . 549 D.4 Implementation conformance classes . 549 Annex
18、E (normative) Information object registration . 550 E.1 Document identification. 550 E.2 Schema identification. 550 E.2.1 engineering_properties expanded schema . 550 E.2.2 engineering_properties short form schema 550 Annex F (informative) Application activity model . 551 F.1 General. 551 F.2 Applic
19、ation activity model definitions 551 F.3 Application activity model diagrams 563 Annex G (informative) Application reference model. 579 Annex H (informative) AIM EXPRESS-G. 598 Annex I (informative) Computer interpretable listings . 690 Figures Figure 1 Processes for the measurement and approval of
20、engineering properties xiii Figure 2 Generic model for a process.xiv Figure F.1 Application Activity Model top level . 564 Figure F.2 Specification, design, analysis, test, manufacture, use and dispose of an actual product . 565 Figure F.3 Design, analyse and test a product . 566 Bibliography 691 In
21、dex 692 ISO 10303-235:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved vFigure F.4 Develop and manage material property information 567 Figure F.5 Procure and test material object.568 Figure F.6 Reduce and evaluate data .569 Figure F.7 Conduct product design, analysis and assessment.570 Figure F.8 Conduct preli
22、minary whole system and process design 571 Figure F.9 Conduct component and process design and analysis572 Figure F.10 Verify product design573 Figure F.11 Conduct detail analysis 574 Figure F.12 Generate response models575 Figure F.13 Generate environment model.576 Figure F.14 Test product577 Figur
23、e F.15 Manufacture, use and dispose of an actual product 578 Figure G.1 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: activity UoF (1of 18) 580 Figure G.2 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: administration UoF (2 of 18)581 Figure G.3 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: approval UoF (3 of 18).582 Figure G.4 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: condition UoF (4 o
24、f 18)583 Figure G.5 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: document UoF (5 of 18).584 Figure G.6 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: effectivity UoF (6 of 18) .585 Figure G.7 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: external_reference UoF (7 of 18) 586 Figure G.8 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: geometry UoF (8 of 18) .587 Figure G.9 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram
25、: geometric_tolerance UoF (9 of 18)588 Figure G.10 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: location UoF (10 of 18)589 Figure G.11 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: measure UoF (11 of 18) 590 Figure G.12 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: person_organisation UoF (12 of 18)591 Figure G.13 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: product UoF (13 of 18) 592 Fi
26、gure G.14 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: properties UoF (14 of 18) 593 Figure G.15 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: requirements UoF (15 of 18) .594 Figure G.16 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: state UoF (16 of 18).595 Figure G.17 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: substance UoF (17 of 18)596 Figure G.18 ARM EXPRESS-G diagram: tolerance_d
27、atum (18 of 18) .597 ISO 10303-235:2009(E) vi ISO 2009 All rights reservedFigure H.1 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: common resources (1 of 91). 599 Figure H.2 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: date_time types (2 of 91) 600 Figure H.3 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: integer numbers (3 of 91) . 601 Figure H.4 AIM EXPRESS-G diagr
28、am: object_role (4 of 91) 602 Figure H.5 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: id_attribute (5 of 91) . 603 Figure H.6 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: description_attribute (6 of 91). 604 Figure H.7 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: name_attribute (7 of 91) . 605 Figure H.8 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: action (8 of 91) 606 Figure H.9 AIM E
29、XPRESS-G diagram: action_method (9 of 91) 607 Figure H.10 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: action_property and action_resource (10 of 91). 608 Figure H.11 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: action_request (11 of 91) 609 Figure H.12 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: application_context (12 of 91) 610 Figure H.13 AIM EXPRESS-G diagra
30、m: approval (13 of 91) 611 Figure H.14 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: math_types (14 of 91). 612 Figure H.15 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: generic_expression (15 of 91) 613 Figure H.16 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: simple_generic_expression (16 of 91) 614 Figure H.17 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: unary_generic_expression (17 of
31、 91). 615 Figure H.18 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: binary_generic_expression (18 of 91) 616 Figure H.19 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: multiple_arity_generic_expression (19 of 91). 617 Figure H.20 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: generic_literal_expression (20 of 91) . 618 Figure H.21 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: generic_variabl
32、e (21 of 91). 619 Figure H.22 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: expression (22 of 91) 620 Figure H.23 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: numeric_expression (23 of 91). 621 Figure H.24 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: boolean_expression (24 of 91). 622 Figure H.25 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: string_expression (25 of 91) . 623 Figure H.26
33、 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: document (26 of 91) 624 Figure H.27 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: defined_function (27 of 91). 625 Figure H.28 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: numeric_expressions (28 of 91) . 626 Figure H.29 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: boolean_expressions (29 of 91) . 627 Figure H.30 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: compa
34、rison_expression 628 ISO 10303-235:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved viiFigure H.31 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_variable (31 of 91)629 Figure H.32 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_literal (32 of 91)630 Figure H.33 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_space (33 of 91).631 Figure H.34 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: m
35、aths_spaces (34 of 91).632 Figure H.35 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_function (35 of 91)633 Figure H.36 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: explicit_table_function (36 of 91) 634 Figure H.37 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_functions_1 (37 of 91)635 Figure H.38 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: maths_functions_2 (38 of 91)636 F
36、igure H.39 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: external_item (39 of 91) 637 Figure H.40 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: imported_function (40 of 91) .638 Figure H.41 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: geometric_representation_item (41 of 91) 639 Figure H.42 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: placement (42 of 91) .640 Figure H.43 AIM EXPRESS-G d
37、iagram: point (43 of 91) 641 Figure H.44 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: curve (44 of 91) .642 Figure H.45 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: surface (45 of 91) 643 Figure H.46 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: volume (46 of 91) 644 Figure H.47 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: certification (47 of 91)645 Figure H.48 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: c
38、ontract (48 of 91) .646 Figure H.49 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: date_and_time_entities (49 of 91).647 Figure H.50 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: time_interval (50 of 91)648 Figure H.51 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: event_occurrence (51 of 91) .649 Figure H.52 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: event_occurrence (51 of 91) .650 Figu
39、re H.53 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: group (53 of 91).651 Figure H.54 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: language _assignment (54 of 91)652 Figure H.55 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: attribute_language_assignment (55 of 91)653 Figure H.56 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: location (56 of 91)654 Figure H.57 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: materi
40、al_property (57 of 91)655 Figure H.58 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: material_property_representation (58 of 91).656 Figure H.59 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: SI_unit and derived _unit (59 of 91)657 Figure H.60 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: measure_with_unit (60 of 91)658 ISO 10303-235:2009(E) viii ISO 2009 All rights re
41、servedFigure H.61 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: measure_value (61 of 91). 659 Figure H.62 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: named_unit. 660 Figure H.63 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram:address (63 of 91) 661 Figure H.64 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: organization (64 of 91) 662 Figure H.65 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: organizational_project
42、(65 of 91) 663 Figure H.66 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: person (66 of 91) 664 Figure H.67 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: qualification_type (67 of 91) . 665 Figure H.68 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: property_process (68 of 91) . 666 Figure H.69 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: resource_property (69 of 91) 667 Figure H.70 AIM EXPR
43、ESS-G diagram: product (70 of 91) . 668 Figure H.71 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: product_category and configuration_design (71 of 91) 669 Figure H.72 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: product_definition (72 of 91). 670 Figure H.73 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: property_definition and shape_aspect (73 of 91). 671 Figure H.7
44、4 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: characterized_object (74 of 91) 672 Figure H.75 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: general_property (75 of 91) 673 Figure H.76 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: property_definition_representation (76 of 91) 674 Figure H.77 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: shape_representation and item_identified_representat
45、ion_usage (77 of 91) 675 Figure H.78 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: measure_qualification (78 of 91) 676 Figure H.79 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: representation (79 of 91) 677 Figure H.80 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: representation_item (80 of 91) . 678 Figure H.81 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: representation_context (81 of 9
46、1). 679 Figure H.82 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: security_classification (82 of 91) 680 Figure H.83 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: tolerance_datum (83 of 91) 681 Figure H.84 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: geometric_tolerance_with_datum (84 of 91) 682 Figure H.85 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: geometric_tolerance (85 of 91). 683
47、Figure H.86 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: tolerance_zone_definition (86 of 91) 684 Figure H.87 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: tolerance_value (87 of 91) 685 Figure H.88 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: dimensional_location and dimensional_size (88 of 91) 686 Figure H.89 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: state_type (89 of 91). 687 ISO
48、10303-235:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved ixFigure H.90 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: state_observed (90 of 91) .688 Figure H.91 AIM EXPRESS-G diagram: multi_language_attribute_item (91 of 91)689 Tables Table B.1 Short names of entities specified in the AIM of this part of ISO 10303528 ISO 10303-235:2009(E) x ISO 2009 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committee