ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf

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ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf_第1页
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ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf_第2页
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ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf_第3页
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ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf_第4页
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ISO 1586-1977 Textile machinery and accessories Shuttles Terms and designation in relation to the position of the shuttle eye Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 梭子 术语及以.pdf_第5页
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2、n of the shuttle eye First edition - 1977-05-15 Materiel pour lindustrie textile - Navettes - Termes et designation en fonction de la position de loeillet PremiBre Edition - 1977-05-15 TeIccTwIbHbIe MaJHUHbI H BCIIOMOKaTeJ-IbHOe 06OpyOBZUIae - YeJIHoKH - TepMeHbI EI 0603HWIeHWI B 38BMCIlMOCTEi OT lI

3、0JIOXeHWI rJIa3Ka l-IepBoe H3JulEe- 1977-05-15 c 5 3 UDC / CDU /YAK 677.058.4 : 001.4 Ref. No. / hf. no: IS0 1586 - 1977 (E/F/R) i Ccama NE: EiCO 1586 - 1977 (A/P) I : Descriptors : textile machinery, shuttles, vocabulary, designation / Descripteurs : mat3el textile, navette, vocabulaire, designatio

4、n / Owcaaae: 06opyosae TKCTHIIH, wmom, cnoeapb, 0603aaseae. z K Price based on 8 Daees / Prix base SW 8 oases / LIena oaccgararza aa 8 CTI). FOREWORD IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of d

5、eveloping International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee had been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison w

6、ith ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. Prior to 1972, the results of the work of the technical committees were publi

7、shed as IS0 Recommendations; these documents are in the process of being transformed into Inter- national Standards. As part of this process, Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and accessories, has reviewed IS0 Recommendation R 1586-1970 and found it technically suitable for transforma

8、tion. International Standard IS0 1586 therefore replaces IS0 Recommendation R 1586-1970, to which it is technical identical. IS0 Recommendation R 1586 had been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: Belgium India Poland Brazil Israel Spain Czechoslovakia Italy Switzerland Egypt, A

9、rab Rep. of Japan Turkey France Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom Germany Netherlands U.S.S.R. Greece Peru No member body had expressed disapproval of the Recommendation. The member bodies of the following countries disapproved the transformation of the Recommendation into an International Standard : Be

10、lgium Poland AVANT-PROPOS LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorga- nismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de IISO). Lelaboration des Normes internationales est confiees aux corni ces documents sont en tours de transformation en Normes interna

11、tionales. Compte tenu de cette procedure, le comite technique ISO/TC 72, MatPriel pour Iindustrie textile, aprb examen, est davis que la Recommandation ISO/R 1586-1970 peut, du point de vue techniques, Ctre transformte. La presente Norme internationale remplace done la Recommandation ISO/R 1586-1970

12、 B laquelle elle est techniquement identique. Les corniCO (Memapomax OpramrsaImsI IIO CTaHAapTH3aqmi) IIBIIReTcsI SCJZMFSHOpasHm l?zTaJIIsX l-epMaHIiR HHAepJIaHAbI rperim KOpeWKaH Pecrry6nma ErsmeT, Apa6. Pecn. 06aenmremxoe WspaHm KoporreBcTao %XHAEfX mew -smeHaw cnewIo= crpaH: nomma CCCP TYPqETII p

13、a- YexocJrosam mei%4aparr XInOHHX m 0AHI-I KOMHTeT-=XJIeH He OTKJIOHHJI PeKOMeHAaQIiEo. KOMHTeTbI-WIeHbI CJIe,QyIIIHx CTpaH OTKJIOIIHJIE IIepeBOA PeKOMeHnam B MeXAyHapopc- 612 CTaHnapT : I;eJm;rm momma o International Organization for Standardization, 1977 l o Organisation internationale de normaliz

14、ation, 1977 l 0 MexcAyHapoAuaa OpraHHsaqrrrr uo C-raHAapmsaqmi, 1977 0 Printed in Switzerland / Imprim en Suisse / 2.5.5 2.1 - for automatic pirn - pour changement de - C aBTOMaTRYeCKOi% CMe- changing canette HOfi IIlI-Iynb 2.2 - for automatic shuttle - pour changement de - C aBTOMaTWieCKOfi CMO cha

15、nging navette HOii YenHOKOB 2.3 Self-threading device Enfileur automatique 2.3.1 Eye-retaining boIt Vis de Ienfileur 2.3.2 Degagement 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.51 Cover plate Weft guide pins - of steel - chromium plated - of vitrified ceramic Jaw - machined from solid material - made from strip st

16、eel Height of jaw Number of grooves Packing piece Pirn guide Goupilles Hrrrenanpasnntomue ummbK - dacier - CTaJIbHble - chrom&s dures - XpOMApOBaHHble - de ceramique - MeTannoKepahuirecKae Pince - usinee (avec talon plein) 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.56 - en t61e dacier Hauteur de la pince Nombre de r

17、ainures Plaque Garde 2.6 2.7 Feeler slot Ouverture pour tateur Ilpopesb non uynno Cutter recess Rainure pour coupe-fil BbleMKa IIOA HIlTeynOBEiTenb Terms Termes TepMeHbl English French Russian Anglais Franqais Russe AWJIRkKldi Qpanuyscwiii Pycwfii YEJIHOIC AJIR ABTOMATWIECKHX TKAUKHX CTAHKOB ABTO,Ma

18、THYeCKaR 3aBOnKa HUTA &HT KpeIIneHWl 3aBOAHOrO yCTpOfiCTBa 3asonnoe KpblJlO - KWJlbHOpe3epOBaHHbI - LllTaMOBaHHbIti BbICOTa ItmyneAepxaTem KOnwWcTBo nyHOK noAKnaAKa JtInynecnyckarenb ISO1586-1977 (E/F/R) MCO1586-1977 W/P) Terms Termes Number Tepvwbr Mm&o Hosfep English French Russian Anglais Franqai

19、s Russe Awwukxnii ptWlQSCKHii PycclCIiii 3 SPINDLE SHUTTLE NAVEITES A BROCHES YEJIHOK UIIIPbIHOWI6Iji 3.1 Shuttle spindle Broche de navette mI$JblHKa YenHoKa 3.1.1 - removable - dfcrochable - c5emaa 3.1.2 - pivoted - non decrochable - HecXeMHaR 3.1.3 Spindle spring Ressort de la broche flyIOX IUlIpb

20、IHKH 3.1.4 Head of tongue Talon de broche TOJIOBKa UlnpbIHKti - with hole - avec trou - C OTBepCTNeM - with slot - avec fente - c ua30M 3.2 Single spring tongue Broche a un ressort OAHOJlyVKOBaSl IINIpbIAKa 3.3 Double spring tongue Broche a deux ressorts BJlyfKOBaS4 WllpblHKa 3.4 Fou

21、r spring tongue Broche ?I quatre ressorts YeTbIpeXJIyYKOBaFI IlIIlpblHKa 3.5 Pot-hook spring Ressort en U YXBaTliK 3.6 Flat spring Ressort plat lkocKaa npymera 3.7 Porcelain eye CEillet en porcelaine aptJIoposIXi ma30K 4 SHUTTLE WITH COVER NAVETTE A COUVERCLE =IEJIHOIE C KPMUIICO 4.1 Shuttle cover 4

22、.2 Cover hook 4.3 Retaining pin 4.3.1 - for cover 4.3.2 - for cover hook 4.3.3 - for support cover t- 4.6 I 4.3.2 Couvercle de la navette Kpbmma YentroKa Crochet du couvercle 3aIIOpHbIii KpKWOK Goupille de retenue mTA(fITbI - pourcouvercle OCb KpblIIIKK - pour crochet de couvercle OCb 3anopRoro KpKm

23、a - pour supporter Ie OrpaHHWTenb XOaa KpblltMi couvercle 4.4 Cover spring Rcssort dc couvcrclc 4.5 Porcelain eye CEillet cn porcclainc 4.6 Serrations for cop Cannelures pour cocon I-rpymrIrKa 0ap$oponbtii rna30K Pe6pmrocrb llOfaTOfH0i-i KO- po6xrr IS0 1586-1977 (E/F/R) MC0 1586-1977 W/P) Terms Term

24、es NUUlbW TephmbI Numbro Hostep En$sh French Russian Auglais Fraqais Russe AIU-*7lUlCKti paauywctiCi PycctcuCi 5 DESIGNATION Dl%IGNATION 0603HAWZHI4FI 5.1 Principle Principe OCHOBHble IIOJIOXCeHm The shuttles of all conventional Les navettes de tous metiers A =kmoKztnnff BCeXBKLIOBo6bW weaving looms

25、 are designated tisser classiques sont dCsignCes 010 -rKaYecTna 0603HaiCHbI B according to the position of the g partir de la position de leur COOTBCKTBWI C IIOXOXCHHCM shuttle eye when the shuttle is oeiliet telle quelle apparait au masKa, KOrLta qeJIHOK BUileH C viewed from the weavers posi- tisse

26、rand de la place quil occupe pa6oqero Mecca TKaqa. tion at the front of the loom. devant son mCtier. 5.2 Designations employed 52.1 Right eye shuttle D&nations utilis&s Xarette ci &let ri droite kiCIIOb3yCMbIe 0603WieHWI Ye.irroK c rJpa6bJ.u 2.ia3ho.w PirrJ holder Embase de Ia canette ,!LJtJy.eepwam

27、e.Jb 5.2.2 Left eye shuttle Navette b ail/et d gauche Pirtr holder Embase de la cauerte IS0 1586-1977 (E/F/R) MC0 1586-1977 (A/Q/P) NUIllkr Nun&o HOMep 5.2.3 EitgliSh AIl&iiS AHlXKkCtcsii Centre eye shuffle-right take- Off Terms Terms Tepm French Russian m RUSSf3 pawy3crctrii P

28、ycctadi Navefte ci &let cenfral et ir sortie %VHOK c rjenmpa,zbHbw z.qa33204f da fil ci droite a sbieodow numu cnpaea irn holder Embase de Ia canette Illnyedepwamenb 5.2.4 Cenfre e1.e shuttie-ieft take-08 Navette h ceillet central et ci ye.lHOK C IeHmpabHbJht 2,2a3KOht sortie da $1 li gauche ii sbre


30、 Numko HOMep Begriff Deutsch Number Numtko HoMep Jwim Deutsch 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 Webs&t&en, allgemein 1.12 Spitzenschaft 2.6 Fiihlerschlitz Fadenauslauf rechts 1.13 Werkstoff der Schiitzenspitze 2.7 Scherenaussparung Fadenauslauf links 1.14 Zwischenscheibe unge des Schiitzen 1.1

31、5 Fadenbremse 3 Spindelschiltzen Breite des Schiitzen 1.15.1 - verstellbar 1.15.2 - nicht verstellbar 3.1 Schiitzenspindel Schtitzenvorderwand 3.1.1 - aushlngbar Hiihe der Schiitzenvorder- 1.16 Fadenauslauf 3.1.2 - wand nicht aushlngbar 1.16.1 - oben 3.1.3 Spindelfeder Winkel der Schiitzenvorder- 1.

32、16.2 - in der Mitte wand 3.1.4 Spindelkopf 1.16.3 - unten Dicke der Schiitzenvorder- - mit Loch wand 1.17 Einfadler - mit Schlitz 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 Schiitzenhinterwand 1.17.1 Handeinf&iler 3.2 Einfederspindel Hdhe der Schiitzenhinterwand 1.17.2 Selbsteinfidler 3.3 Zweifederspinde

33、l Winlcel der Schiitzenhinter- 1.18 Fadennut wand 3.4 Vierfederspindel Dicke der Schiitzenhinterwand 1.19 Oberfllchenbearbeitung des 3.5 Spulenhaken Schiitzen 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.8 L.8.1 Ml.2 1.9 I.10 1.11 1.11.1 Ml.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 Spulenraum

34、 3.6 Unterfeder LCrge des Spulenraumes 3.7 PorzellanGse Breite des Spulenraumes 2 Automatenschiitzen Tiefe des Spulenraumes 2.1 - fiir automatischen Spu- Ausstattung des Spulenraumes lenwechsel 4 Deckelschiiken - mit Fell - mit Pliisch 2.2 - fur automatischen 4.1 Schtitzendeckel Schiitzenwechsel - m

35、it Schlaufen aus Poly- 4.2 Deckelhaken amid 2.3 Selbsteinftidler - mit Borsten 2.3.1 Fadlerschraube 4.3 Haltestift - ohne Ausstattung 2.3.2 Fadenschutzplatte 4.3.1 - fiir Deckel Schiikenboden 4.3.2 - fiir Deckelhaken 2.4 Umlenkstifte Bodenschlitz 4.3.3 2.4.1 - aus Stahl - als Deckelauflage &ge des B

36、odenschlitzes Breite des Bodenschlitzes 2.4.2 - hartverchromt 4.4 Deckelfeder 2.4.3 - aus Sinterkeramik 4.5 Porzellaniise Werkstoff des Schiitzen 2.5 Spulenklemme 4.6 Gewicht des Schiitzen Kops-Halterillen 2.5.1 - aus Vollmaterial Schiitzenspitze 2.5.2 - aus Bandstahl - kolbig 2.5.3 Hiihe der Klemme 5 Bezeichnung nach der Lage - stumpf 2.5.4 Anzahl der Rillen des Fadenauslaufs - s&lank 2.5.5 Beilage 5.2.1 Rechtsschiitzen - einseitig 2.5.6 Abgleitbiigel 5.2.2 Linksschtitzen 8


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