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1、PMP 资格认证考试-概论及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B单项选择题/B(总题数:50,分数:50.00)1.Project management techniques applied to ongoing operations is called as _ .(分数:1.00)A.portfolio managementB.management by projectsC.management by objectivesD.management by exception2.Cultural and social environmental aspects to be

2、considered by the project team include all of the following areas EXCEPT _ .(分数:1.00)A.EconomicB.OccasionalC.EducationalD.Demographic3.Reviewing the initiating processes at the start of each phase _ .(分数:1.00)A.is wasteful and should be avoided whenever possibleB.helps to keep the project focused on

3、 the business need that the project was undertaken to addressC.helps ensure that the project continues regardless of changes in the business needsD.helps ensure continuous employment of project team members even if the project is unlikely to satisfy the business need that it was undertaken to addres

4、s4.The project manager is more likely to have a full-time role in a _ organization.(分数:1.00)A.functionalB.weak matrixC.projectizedD.small capitalization5.All of the following occurred during the planning process group EXCEPT _ .(分数:1.00)A.develop project charterB.create WBSC.estimate costsD.sequence

5、 activities6.A project coordinator may typically be found in a _ organization.(分数:1.00)A.projectizedB.strong matrixC.weak matrixD.balanced matrix7.Complex projects, involving cross-disciplinary efforts, are MOST effectively managed by _ .(分数:1.00)A.multiple lead project managersB.a functional organi

6、zationC.a strong matrix organizationD.a strong traditional manager8.Key features of a project management office(PMO)generally include all of the following EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.Delivering specific project objectives and controlling the assigned project resources to best meet objectives of the projecB.Id

7、entification and development of project management methodolog best practices, and standardC.Centralized repository and management for both shared and unique risks for all projectD.A mentoring platform for project manager9.Project success depends on a number of interrelated factors, including time, c

8、ost, and scope control. However, the success of any project depends primarily on _ .(分数:1.00)A.customer acceptanceB.customer satisfactionC.customer compromise in defining its needsD.exceeding customer requirements through gold-plating10.In which project phase do you have the GREATEST influence on pr

9、oject risk?(分数:1.00)A.ConceptuaB.DesigC.ExecutioD.Implementatio11.In considering project stakeholders, the project management team must do all of the following EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.As much as possible, create conflicts among stakeholders to allow the project team to get its work donB.Identify the stake

10、holderC.Determine stakeholders requirements and expectationD.To the extent possible, manage stakeholders influence in relation to the requirements to ensure a successful projec12.A PMs boss and the head of engineering discuss a change to a major task. After the meeting, the boss contacts the project

11、 manager and tells him to make some changes. This is an example of _ .(分数:1.00)A.management attention to scope managementB.management involvement in planningC.change control board meetingD.a project coordinator position13.The project manager has the highest level of independence and authority in an

12、organization _ .(分数:1.00)A.strong matrixB.weak matrixC.projectizedD.functional14.Which of the following is a characteristic of project management processes?(分数:1.00)A.IterativB.UniquC.UnnecessarD.Standardize15.The following statements describe the project management office (PMO) EXCEPT _ .(分数:1.00)A

13、.PMO focuses on the coordinated planning and execution of projects and subprojects that are tied to the parent organizaitons or clientss overall business objectivesB.PMO can be given the authority to act as a key decision-maker during the initiation stage of each projectC.PMO can be involved in the

14、selection and redeployment of project personnelD.PMO and project managers pursure the same objectives and are driven by the same requirements16.Effective stakeholder management includes all of the following project elements EXCEPT _ .(分数:1.00)A.clear requirements definitionB.scope change controlC.ti

15、mely status informationD.frequent cost reports17.Project sponsors have the GREATEST influence on the scope, quality, time, and cost of the project during the _ .(分数:1.00)A.concept phaseB.development phaseC.execution phaseD.close-down phase18.A common title for the project managers role in a projecti

16、zed organization is _ .(分数:1.00)A.project managerB.project coordinatorC.project coachD.project expeditor19.An underlying concept for the interaction among the project management processes is the _ .(分数:1.00)A.plan-do-check-act cycle(as defined by Shewhart and modified by DeminB.plan-do-analyze-check

17、-act-standardize cycle (as defined by Shewhart and modified by DeminC.ready-aim-fire cycle linked by resultsD.conceptualize-design-execute-finish(CDEcycle20.All of the following are true about the product life cycle EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.It is collection of generally sequential, non-overlapping product

18、phaseB.The last product life cycle phase for a product is generally the products deterioration and deatC.Generally, a project life cycle is contained within one or more product life cycleD.Generally, a project life cycle contains one or more product life cycle21.Organizations perform work to achieve

19、 a set of objectives. All of the following are true about projects and operations work EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.Both projects and operations are constrained by limited resourceB.Operations are ongoing and repetitive, while projects are temporary and uniquC.Both projects and operations are planned, executed

20、, and controlleD.All activities in the organization can be addressed within the organizations normal operational limit Therefore, projects are rarely utilized as a means of achieving an organizations strategic pla22.You are managing the construction of luxury condominiums in one of the last availabl

21、e plots of city land. On this project, the owner is focused on timely performance and has provided contract incentives that will reward you and your company if the job is complete early. However, the International Brotherhood of Commode Installs is ready to strike for higher wages, and an environmen

22、tal group is concerned about adverse impacts on the full-breasted warbler resulting from the placement of satellite dishes on the balconies. On this project, you need to _ .(分数:1.00)A.find appropriate resolutions to resolve differences between or among stakeholdersB.put the owners requirements at th

23、e top of the list as you resolve stakeholder differencesC.carefully manage all communication and make status information available only on a need-to-know basisD.build the condominiums according to the specifications and not worry about any other stakeholder23.You have always dreamed of living abroad

24、 and now find that you have been selected to manage an international project headquartered overseas. The job sounds exciting, but you must consider certain things. For example, your native language is not spoken there. The weather is terrible: constant rain, high humidity, and occasional earthquakes

25、. The food is completely different, and you will not be able to get those pastries you have loved since you were a child. You will live in an apartment that is half the size of the one you live in currently and that costs twice as much. The cultural differences are many and varied. As you list the p

26、ros and cons of a accepting the assignment, there is one question, above all others, that you must answer honestly before saying “yes” or “no”. That question is:(分数:1.00)A.What common ground exists between the people with whom I will be working and me?B.How do I translate my cultural awareness and k

27、nowledge into functional skills that I can use on the project?C.How can I continue to refine my skills and to develop my level of cultural competence and adaptability?D.How adaptable am I?24.In a triple constraint, which of the factors has the most importance(in order of importance)?(分数:1.00)A.Scope

28、, time, cosB.Time, scope, cosC.Cost, time, scopD.None of the abov25.Having the client assist in the project planning _ .(分数:1.00)A.is not always recommended since the client does not have adequate knowledge of project managementB.enables better planning since they are familiar with project insightsC

29、.provides only some understanding, but usually the client dealing with the project has only limited authorityD.usually confuses the situation26.The process of establishing clear and achievable objectives, measuring their achievement, and adjusting performance in accordance, with the results of the m

30、easurement is called _ .(分数:1.00)A.strategic planningB.alternative objectives inventoryC.management by objectivesD.contingency planning27.Almost all projects are planned and implemented in social, economic and environmental context, and have intended and unintended positive and/or negative impacts.

31、In this context, the project team should do all the following EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.Understand how the project affects people and people affect the projec This may require understanding aspects of economic, demographic and educational characteristics of people whom the project affects or who may have in

32、terest in the projecB.Understand the political climate that could affect the projecC.Always be aware of the physical geography and local ecology where the project is being executeD.If having an international team, international factors like time-zone differences, national and regional holidays et to

33、 be taken into consideratio28.All of the following are characteristics of project management process groups EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.The process groups are linked by the objectives they producB.The output of one process generally becomes an input to another process or is a deliverable of the projecC.All of

34、 the processes will be needed on all projects, and all of the interactions will apply to all projects or project phaseD.When a project is divided into phases, the process groups are normally repeated within each phase throughout the projects life to effectively drive the project to completio29.In un

35、derstanding the project environment, all of the following are true EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.Projects are planned and implemented in a social, economic, and environmental contexB.Projects may have intended positive and/or negative impactC.Projects may have unintended positive and/or negative impactD.The pro

36、ject team rarely should consider the political and physical environmental contexts of the projec30.Organizational cultures _ .(分数:1.00)A.are generally similar and indescribableB.are generally unique and indescribableC.have no impact on a clearly defined projectD.often have a direct influence on the

37、project31.The five project management process groups are _ .(分数:1.00)A.planning, checking, directing, monitoring, and recordingB.initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closingC.planning, executing, directing, closing, and deliveringD.initiating, executing, monitoring, evalu

38、ating, and closing32.You are one of four full-time project managers in an organization. You all share an administrative person. There are generally 8-10 project per year that involve about 25% of the organization-employees;however, these employees do not report to you. Your organization can best be

39、classified as _ .(分数:1.00)A.functionalB.strong matrixC.projectizedD.balanced matrix33.At the first phase end of the project, you should ensure that _ before you begin the next phase.(分数:1.00)A.resource are available for the next phaseB.progress was achieved to its baselineC.corrective actions are ta

40、ken to bring project resultsD.the phase has achieved the objectives and formally accepts its deliverables34.The linkages between project management process groups are best described by:(分数:1.00)A.The work breakdown structure links process groupB.Process groups are linked by their planned objectives-

41、the summary objective of one often becomes the detailed action plan for anotheC.Process groups are linked by the objectives they produce-the output of one process often becomes an input to another process, or is a deliverable of the projecD.There are no significant links between discrete process gro

42、up35.The first phase of a project is the feasibility study. According to the PMBOK, which of the project management process group does the feasibility study phase need?(分数:1.00)A.PlanninB.Planning and monitoring controllinC.Initiating and closinD.All of five process groups: initiating, planning, exe

43、cuting, monitoring controlling, and closin36.You recently were assigned to a project in Australia. Coming from Japan, you are excited about the opportunity to visit the Outback, Tour Sydney Harbor, travel to the Great Barrier Reef; and eat some “Skippy” burgers. To make the transition as easy as pos

44、sible, your company should do which of the following first?(分数:1.00)A.Hire a consultant who knows the country to brief you on what to expect in AustraliB.Give you a tourists guide to Australia to read on the planC.Send you to Australia for a couple of weeks before the assignment so that you get to k

45、now the place and to meet your new teammateD.Arrange a meeting at the Australian embassy in Tokyo so that you can meet Australian people and they can explain what it is like for a Japanese person to live ther37.As for projects and operational work, which of the followings is proper?(分数:1.00)A.A proj

46、ect is constrained by limited resources and operational works generally have no such constraintB.Projects and operations differ primarily in that operations are ongoing, projects are temporarC.Projects are different because the project conclueds when its specific objectives have been attained, while

47、 operations are repetitivD.Operational works are not defined as a projec38.The project manager has the lowest level of authority in a _ organization.(分数:1.00)A.functionalB.weak matrixC.strong matrixD.projectized39.A stakeholder is a(n) _ .(分数:1.00)A.project engineerB.individual or agency that contro

48、ls contingency fundsC.organizations corporate attorneyD.person or organization that is actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project40.Which project management process group normally takes the MOST project time

49、 and resources?(分数:1.00)A.PlanninB.DesigC.IntegratioD.Executio41.You are working in the project office of your organization. What is your job responsibility?(分数:1.00)A.Managing the operational activities in the companB.Always managing human resource and risk management issues for projectC.Central coordination of communication management across projectD.Providing subject matter expertise in the functional areas of the projec42.The relationship between pr


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