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1、2017年天津市南开区高考模拟(二)试题英语 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项选择( 15分) 1. Unfortunately, _ stone hit him on _ head and he got injured. ( ) A. the; a B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. the; the 解析: 该题考查 冠词的用法辨析 。 不定冠词 a/an 意为 “ 一个 ” ,表示泛指 ; 定冠词 the意为 “ 这个 ” ,表示特指 . hit sb. on the head意为 “ 击中某人的头部 ” ,为固定搭配 ; 又根据句意 “ 不幸的是一

2、块石头击中了他的头部 ” 可知第一个横线处需使用不定冠词 a“ 一个 /块 ”。综上,本题答案为 C选项 。 答案: C 2. _ to Annes birthday party, Mr. Brown is now searching shop after shop for a nice present for her. A. Having invited B. Having been invited C. Have been invited D. Being invited 解析: 该题考查 现在分词的完成式 。 句中有逗号分隔,没有连词,要用非谓语动词 ; invite与主语 Brown构

3、成动宾关系,要用表示被动的过去分词 ; 句意表达的 invite动作发生在 search动作之前,要用分词的完成式作原因状语 。 故选 B。 答案: B 3. The activities organized by our school really gave us a platform _ we learned team spirit. A. that B. where C. which D. when 解析: 该题考查 限制性定语从句 。 根据句子结构可知, _ we learned team spirit是一个定语从句,在该句子里主语宾语不缺,所以需用关系副词来引导,结合先行词为plat

4、form,表示一个抽象地点,所以用 where。 答案: B 4. _ I say Clancy is a smart boy, he still needs to work hard to achieve his goal. A. Then B. When C. While D. As 解析: 该题考查 从属连词 。 A:那么 ; 然后 ; B:当 的时候 ; C:虽然 ; D:因为 。根据后面的 “ 但是他还需要努力学习才能实现他的目标 ” 可知前面一个分句需要使用引导让步作用的从属连词 while“ 虽然 ” 一词 。 综上,本题答案为 D选项 ; 其余选项均不符合题意 。 答案: C

5、5. The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material, _ proved to be reliable. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of whom D. most of those 解析: 该题考查 非限制性定语从句 。 分析句子结构及句意可知,后面的分句为定语从句 。定语从句的先行词是指物的物 the material,故应该用 which做介词宾语,引导非限制性定语从句 ; X选项 whom代人, A选项 them无法用来引导定语从句, D选项 those也无

6、法引导定语从句 。 综上,本题答案为 B选项 。 答案: B 6. The old woman who _ in the deserted house alone for ten years have been settled in a nursing home now. A. lived B. have lived C. had lived D. has been living 解析: 该题考查 一般过去时的用法 。 根据句意可知,由于那对老夫妻现在已经被安顿在养老院了,不在那所废弃的房子里住了,因此 “ 住在废弃的房子里 ” 是发生在过去的动作,句中的时间状语 now 对应的是过去 ; 故

7、应使用一般过去时 ; B 现在完成时,表示发生在过去并持续到了现在的动作 ; C过去完成时,表示发生在过去某时间之前的动作 ; D现在完成进行时,表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去 ; B、 C、 D 都不符合句意 。 故选 A。 答案: A 7. I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didnt recognize the voice. Oh, it _ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment. A. must have been B

8、. should have been C. could have been D. may have been 解析: 该题考查 情态动词的用法 。 句意表达的是肯定的推测 ; 对过去的推测要用情态动词加完成时态来构成 ; must一定, should应该, could可能, may也许 。 根据句意表达的是肯定推测,故选 A。 答案: A 8. Do you mind if I look at your new mobile phone? Of course not. _. A. Please dont B. It depends C. Be my guest D. No way 解析: 该题

9、考查 语言交际 。 A. Please dont请不要,请勿 ; B. It depends看情况而定 ;C. Be my guest别客气,请便 ; D. No way 没门 。 根据答语 “ 当然不介意 ” ,可知此处表达的应是 “ 我 ” 同意你看 “ 我 ” 的新手机 。 故选 C。 答案: C 9. In the reading room, we found her _ at a desk, with her attention _ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated;

10、 fixed 解析: 该题考查 过去分词 。 句中 sit或 seat作 her的宾语补足语,即 find sb. doing sth.发现某人正在做某事 ; seat是及物动词,作宾补时,与 her构成动宾关系,要用过去分词 ;fix作 attention的宾语补足语,即 with+名词 +非谓语动词 ; fix与 attention构成动宾关系,要用过去分词 。 故选 D。 答案: D 10. How long do you think _ the computer company brings out a new product? A. will it be when B. will i

11、t be until C. it will be before D. it will be that 解析: 该题考查 时间状语从句及用法 。 分析句子的结构可知,这里 do you think是插入语,这是固定句式 it willbe+some time+before+句子 .意为:还要过多久才能 ,这里是对时间段进行提问,所以用疑问词 how long,因为疑问词后有插入语,当插入语用了疑问语序,它后面的成分就用陈述语序,故选 C。 答案: C 11. Monitor? Im not monitor of our class. I _with the teacher until the m

12、onitor is elected. A. will just help B. am just to help C. am just helping D. have just helped 解析: 该题考查 现在进行时 。 根据题意可知,我现在只是帮助老师做一些事情,暗示目前我正从事的事情,所以需用现在进行时表示目前正进行的动作 。 答案: C 12. How could they reach an agreement? Some said one thing, but others _. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 解析: 该题 考查

13、不定代词 。 A:其他的(后接可数名词复数) ; B:另一个(表示泛指) ;C:另一个(表示特指) ; D:其他的 。 根据前面的 one thing“ 一样(东西) ” 可知后面与会对应的是 “ 另一样(东西) ” ,又因为此处没有特指,故使用 another一词来表达 “ 另一样(东西) ” 之意 。 综上,本题答案为 B选项 , 其余选项均不符合题意 。 答案: B 13. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your _. A. condition B. in

14、come C. credit D. status 解析: 该题 考查名词的词义辨析 。 condition“ 条件,状况 ”; income“ 收入 ”; credit“ 信用,信誉 ”; status“ 身份,地位 ”。 根据上文语境和句子所表达的意思 “ 逾期付款影响信用 ”可知答案选 C。 答案 : C 14. Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase _. Dont cry! A. on purpose B. by accident C. on business D. by mistake 解析: 该题考查 介词短语 。 on

15、purpose故意 ; by accident意外 ; on business出差 ; by mistake失误 。 句意表达的是劝慰,可以知道不是故意的 。 故选 A。 答案: A 15. Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS related deaths _ since their highest in 2005. A. had not fallen B. would not fall C. did not fall D. would not have fallen 解析: 该题考查 虚拟语气 和 过去完成

16、时 。 根据题干从句中 had置于句首可知,此处为虚拟语气中连词 if省略情况 。 由从句中谓语动词 had not worked (had done)可知,是对过去情况的假设,所以主句中的谓语动词应用 would/could/might/should have done来表示对过去情况的假设 。 故选 D。 答案: D 第二节 完形填空(满分 30分) My heart beat with that feeling, pumping it like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys. As the piece

17、neared the end, I 16 up to take my final bow. For a second, the room was 17 . Yet, even in that one second, I had enough time to 18 whether I had done perfectly. Then, 19 , the applause came. Thank youso much . I said, 20 to the person standing on my other side. Olga,my piano teacher for six years,

18、smiled back at me. Youve been an 21 student all these years. She said, I hope that whatever you do, you never stop 22 . I leaned forward, 23 I would keep playing because I loved piano, and hugged her. It 24 to be that the promises werent as meaningful as Id hoped. Right after the 25 , I kept up my s

19、trict practicing schedule every day. 26 , it began slipping away from me. The reason I had stopped taking 27 A was because of my busy schedule with homework. Not long after, I stopped practicing altogether. It was 28 not to have to stress about piano anymore. But something was 29 inside of me. I was

20、 empty inside. One day I met Michelle, who had also taken piano lessons from Olga. Are you 30 taking lessons from Olga? she asked. Um, no! Actually I just quit a while ago, I replied. Thats a 31 , she responded, You used to be so 32 . I remember your performance a year ago; it was breathtaking. Two

21、days 33 talking to Michelle, I subconsciously sat down on the bench and started playing. I wasnt even trying to make the notes sound musically correctI was simply doing what I should have been this entire time: playing, 34 to be playing. As the music spread, a(n) 35 feeling rose inside me. 16. A. st

22、ood B. sat C. showed D. looked 17. A. light B. nervous C. colorful D. quiet 18. A. expect B. remind C. know D. doubt 19. A. immediately B. suddenly C. hopefully D. successfully 20. A. running B. waving C. turning D. pointing 21. A. easy going B. imaginative C. amazing D. honest 22. A. practicing B.

23、training C. competing D. gaining 23. A. admitting B. telling C. promising D. speaking 24. A. carried on B. turned out C. brought up D. showed off 25. A. play B. final C. presentation D. performance 26. A. Soon B. Besides C. Thus D. Instead 27. A. lessons B. parts C. lectures D. pieces 28. A. disappo

24、inting B. puzzling C. inspiring D. pleasing 29. A. beating B. rising C. changing D. shining 30. A. even B. still C. much D. yet 31. A. shame B. relief C. pleasure D. deal 32. A. poor B. good C. nice D. old 33. A. after B. before C. when D. until 34. A. still B. always C. also D. just 35. A. unknown

25、B. familiar C. awful D. empty. 解析: 16.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,作者演奏完要站起来鞠躬 。 show展示,表现 ; sit坐 ;stand站 ;look看 ;故选 A。 17.考查形容词辨析 。 根据句意可知,那一秒钟,房间里是安静的 。 light 明亮的 ; quiet安静的 ; colourful丰富多彩的 ; nervous紧张的 。 故选 D。 18.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,在那一秒钟作者有足够的时间怀疑自己做得是否完美,即作者不确定自己的表演是否完美 。 expect期望,期盼 ;remind提醒,使想起 ; know知道,认识

26、; doubt怀疑,不相信 。 故选 D。 19.考查副词辨析 。 然后掌声突然响起来了 。 immediately立即,马上 ; successfully 成功地 ; hopefully有希望地 ; suddenly突然地 。 故选 B。 20.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,作者是在表演,所以是转向自己身边的人 。 turn (to)转向,求助于 ; wave挥手,挥舞 ; run跑 ; point指向 。 故选 C。 21.考查形容词辨析 。 根据句意可知,老师对作者说她是自己这些年遇到的最令人惊叹的学生 。 easy going容易相处的 ; imaginative富有想象力的 ; a

27、mazing令人惊叹的 ; honest诚实的 。 故选 C。 22.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,老师希望作者不要停止练习 。 practise练习 ; learn学习 ; compete竞争 s gain获得 。 故选 A。 23.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,作者在向老师承诺 。 tell告诉,告知 ; promise 承诺,允诺 ; admit承认 ; speak说话 。 故选 C。 24.考查短语辨析 。 结果,这个承诺并不像作者曾经希望的那么有意义 。 carry on实施,执行 ; bring up抚养长大 ; turn out结果是,制造,关灯 ; take in吸收,领会

28、,欺骗 。 故选 B。 25.考查名词辨析 。 在表演之后,作者严格按照时间表每天练习 。 performance 表演 ,表现 ; final决赛 ; presentation陈述 ; play游戏,比赛 。 故选 D。 26.考查句意理解 。 根据上下文可知作者很快就放松了练习 。 soon 不久,很快 ; besides此夕卜 ; thus因此 ; instead而不是 。 故选 A。 27.考查名词辨析 。 根据句意可知,作者停课的原因是作业繁重 。 lecture演讲 ; part部分 ;lesson课程 ; piece碎片 。 故选 A。 28.考查形容词辨析 。 根据句意可知,作

29、者觉得不再有钢琴的压力是非常愉快的 。disappointing令人失望的 ; pleasing令人愉快的 ; inspiring鼓舞人心的 ; puzzling令人迷惑的 。故选 D。 29.考查动词辨析 。 根据句意可知,因为不再练钢琴,作者变得空虚了,所以是作者内在的一些东西改变了 。 beat打败 ; rise上升 ; change改变 ; shine闪光 。 故选 C。 30.考查句意理解 。 根据句意可知,这里是问作者现在是否仍然在上课 。 still仍然 ; even甚至 ; much很多 ; yet“ 仍,还 ”, 多用于完成时态 。 故选 B。 31.考查名词辨析 。 根据后

30、文可知,这是遗憾的 。 shame遗憾,羞耻 。 relief安心,放松 。pleasure愉快 。 deal交易 。 故选 A。 32.考查形容词辨析 。 根据句意可知,对方说自己记得作者一年前的表演是激动人心的 。challenging有挑战性的 ; breathtaking激动人心的 ; demanding 要求高的 ; embarrassing令人尴尬的 。 故选 B。 33.考查介词辨析 。 根据句意在与她交谈后,我下意识地在长椅上坐了下来 。 故选 A。 34.考查句意理解 。 根据句子我甚至不想让音色音乐正确 我只是做了我应该做的在这个时间,玩,只是为了玩 。 故选 D。 35.

31、考查形容词辨析 。 根据句意可知,随着音乐散布开来,一种熟悉的感觉 在作者体内逐渐升腾 。 故选 B。 答案: ADDBC CACBD AADCB ABADB 第二部分 阅读理解(满分 40分) A Acting Musical Theater The Summer Acting Musical Theater program, which starts on Friday, July 3and ends on Thursday, July 23, is created for talented students who have been inspired by musical theate

32、r. The program develops the abilities of experienced performers who are serious about the field and eager to work hard. Our goal is to help you grow creatively through full time, college level theatre training under the direction of popular professional performers and teachers. The students can impr

33、ove their performance skills and can get the knowledge about the history of theater, the style of theater and so on. Students will complete the program with improved audition(试演 ) skills. Classes aim to improve your command of body, mind and voice. Students will take a trip to see at least one profe

34、ssional production with program teachers. An exhibition of the students class work will be presented at the conclusion of the program to family, friends, students from other Summer College programs, and the University community. Program Costs: Accommodation: 3, 359;Traffic: 2, 234. Audition requirem

35、ents: Auditions should include the following video materials: Two different songs; One age suitable monologue(独白 ); One short dance part; A personal statement regarding your background and training, experience in performances,and personal goals in theater; Each part of the audition should be about o

36、ne minute in length; You should be the only person shown in the audition; The audition is given online with your application. Typical day: 9:00am to noon classes focus on musical theater, including acting, voice, movement, dance and scene study. 1:00 to 4:00 pm classes involve additional work in act

37、ing, movement, and voice, along with rehearsals(排 练 ) for public performances. 36. What do you know about the program? A. Students can have chances to audition in films. B. The program helps students grow healthily. C. The program will last for three weeks. D. The program provides accommodation for

38、free. 37. The underlined word production in Paragraph 4 refers to _. A. writing B. performance C. conference D. guidance 38. It can be learnt from the passage that students _. A. seldom attend classes in the morning B. cannot be taught by well known actors C. will get some information about theater

39、D. will usually perform for college students 39. The audition materials include the following EXCEPT _. A. a performance with your partner B. a short dance part in one minute C. an online introduction of yourself D. a suitable monologue in one minute 40. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To tel

40、l us how to hold a musical theater program successfully. B. To call on more and more students to pay attention to theater. C. To introduce the development of the Summer Acting program. D. To attract more students loving performances to attend the program. 解析: 36.细节理解题 。 根据 which starts on Friday, Ju

41、ly 3and ends on Thursday, July 23时间推算可知,持续三周时间 。 故选 C。 37.猜测词意题 。 根据前句 The students can improve their performance skills以及 Classes aim to improve your command of body可知学生参加这样的课程能提高他们表演技能,而且和老师一起至少能够观看一场专业的表演,所以此处 production可以指 performance,即表演 。 38.推理判断题 。 通过整个文章的介绍可知,主要讲述 Acting Musical Theater,所以学生

42、可以获取关于剧院的相关知识 。 39.细节理解题 。 根据 Auditions should include the following video materials可知 Auditions材料包括: One short dance part; The audition is given online with your application; One agesuitable monologue 所以 B、 C、 D均提到,只有 A没有涉及到 。 40.主旨大意题 。 通过介绍 Acting Musical Theater相关情况,主要为了吸引更多爱好表演的学生参加该项目 。 答案: CB

43、CAD B After a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deaf, the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His fami

44、ly, especially his wife, did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live. One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lig

45、htning. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he saw: a plough and a wall. When Mrs Edwards came running up to him, shouting to their

46、 neighbors to call for help, he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years. The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread, and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the li

47、ghtning. However, none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden s

48、hock. 41. The reason for Roberts attempts to kill himself was that _. A. he had to live in a dark and silent world B. a terrible traffic accident happened to him C. he was struck by the lightning once more D. nobody in the world cared about him 42. What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning? A. Taking a walk with a stick. B. Driving a car. C. Sheltering from the rain under a t


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