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1、英语写作基础自考题-3 及答案解析(总分:92.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.Solomon woke up when it was almost afternoon. ( simple sentence)(分数:2.00)_2.In the contract,there are too many ifs. (loose sentence)(分数:2.00)_3.I bought a loaf of bread. I was hungry. (complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_4.Summer is the most enjoyable season for many p

2、eople. (periodic sentence)(分数:2.00)_5.To know how to study is important for each of us. And to learn how to arrange time is also important for each of us. (sentence with parallel structure)(分数:2.00)_6.I thought she would scold me. She let me tell her my troubles. (compound sentence)(分数:2.00)_7.We sh

3、ould not buy so many discounted coats, shoes and pants. They are expensive. Coats and shoes are old-fashioned. Pants are also old-fashioned. (long sentence)(分数:2.00)_8.Girls usually put on some make-up to make themselves look more mature and beautiful. (sentence with “to Opener“ )(分数:2.00)_9.Scott d

4、id not often attend the professor s lectures. The professor let him pass the exam. Scott gave some brand new opinions in the exam paper. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_10.Joe settled down to his study. He had gobbled down everything on the table. (sentence with a modifying phrase )(分数:2.00)_11

5、.I never saw so many cheerful, courteous students and helpful.(分数:3.00)_12.I bought a new bicycle,he still uses his old one.(分数:3.00)_13.Jack fixed the radio. Which my father bought two years ago.(分数:3.00)_14.I can t agree more when you say to see is believing.(分数:3.00)_15.Listening to music in my r

6、oom,my dog took away my slippers.(分数:3.00)_16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below by writing A, B, C or D.A. As a freshman I felt all the difficulties of managing money.B. Most college students are economically dependent on their parents.C. Doing a part-time job can increase the sens

7、e of financial responsibility for college students.D. Manipulating money wisely is an absolute necessity for everyone, especially for college students.Answer:_(分数:5.00)_17.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.Computers are useful in many ways. As we all know, scientists use

8、computers to run experiments, analyze data, and solve large equations. Engineers use computers to automatically control complicated industrial production, design circuits and machine parts or even spaceships. Writers and editors use computers to write books, edit newspapers and magazines. And office

9、 workers use computers to manage files,send and receive e-mails,conduct statistical surveys of all kinds of information, etc. The list of computer applications is really endless, and more new applications are still developing.(分数:5.00)_18.Read the following paragraph carefully and choose the best to

10、pic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph by writing A, B, C or D.Topic Sentence._A few years ago, letter writing was the most important means of communication and people seldom made phone calls, especially in the rural areas, because there were not many telephones availa

11、ble. With the rapid development of China s economy, telecommunication service is badly needed. For example, when many young Chinese go abroad to work or to study, they want to get in touch with their folks regularly and easily. Private companies have mushroomed all over China; businessmen realize th

12、e importance of telephone. In the countryside, letters usually take several days or weeks, and much time will be wasted, so people have dreamed for many years to have telephone service. Since many families are getting rich, they can afford it now.A. Nowadays, more and more people rely heavily on the

13、 telephone instead of letters.B. Nowadays letter writing is the most important means of communication.C. Internet is the most important means of communication today.D. Many families in China are getting rich now.(分数:5.00)_19.19. One was a St. Bernard dog named Barry, who worked in the Alps in the ea

14、rly 1800s, when St. Bernards were still used to rescue people caught in snowdrifts or avalanches (雪崩).20. Then there was Chips,the first war dog to be shipped overseas during World War .21. Yet another animal hero was a canary named Bibs, the pet of an elderly woman, Tess, who lived alone in Tenness

15、ee and whose niece lived nearby.22. Bibs died after alerting the niece.23. Among the numerous heroes of history are animals.24. He saved more than forty lives.25. One night Chips pulled away from his handler and attacked a German weapons position, seizing one man and forcing the surrender of four ot

16、hers.26. One day the niece heard a tapping at her window and discovered Bibs,so the niece quickly went to her aunts house and found Tess had struck her head on something and fallen over.202521(分数:2.00)_20.When my friend Tom sets to work in the kitchen, disaster often results. I, frankly, am not much

17、 of a cook. Once he tried to make toasted cheese sandwiches for us by putting slices of cheese in the toaster along with the bread, he ruined the toaster. On another occasion, he had cut up some fresh beans and put them in a pan to steam. The water in the pan steamed away while Tom was on the teleph

18、one, and both the beans and the coating in the pan were ruined. Finally, another time Tom made spaghetti for us, and the noodles stuck so tightly together that we had to cut off slices with a knife and fork. The tomato sauce, on the other hand, turned out well. Because of Tom s kitchen mishaps (事故),

19、 I never eat at his place without money in my pocket in case we have to go out to eat.(分数:10.00)_21.Write a letter according to the following situation:You are Zhu Liang. You are a student of Henan University,doing a research on the frequency with which welfare recipients use prescription drugs. To

20、complete the paper, you need some specific information concerning medical aid payments and the number of prescriptions issued to people on public assistanee. Write a letter to the director of Province Welfare Office, asking them to provide the necessary information. (150-200 words)(分数:30.00)_英语写作基础自

21、考题-3 答案解析(总分:92.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.Solomon woke up when it was almost afternoon. ( simple sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Solomon woke up ahnost in the afternoon.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把句子改写为简单句。将题目中 when引导的时间状语从句改成短语后与前面部分连接即可。注意:afternoon 前面一般不使用 at。2.In the contract,there are too many ifs. (loose sentence)(分数:2.00)_

22、正确答案:(There are too many ifs in the contract.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把掉尾句改写为松句。根据松句特点,可把“there are too many ife”直接置于句首。3.I bought a loaf of bread. I was hungry. (complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(I bought a loaf of bread, because I was hungry.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把两个单句组合成一个复合句。由于前后分句具有因果关系,故可用because一词连接两个句子,使其构成复合句。4.

23、Summer is the most enjoyable season for many people. (periodic sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(For many people, summer is the most enjoyable season.)解析:解析 本题考查的是松句与掉尾句之间的转换。根据掉尾句的特点,将附加部分“for many people”置于句首,且将 for的首字母大写即可。5.To know how to study is important for each of us. And to learn how to arrange tim

24、e is also important for each of us. (sentence with parallel structure)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(To know how to study and learn how to arrange time is important for each of us.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把两个单句组合成一个含平行结构的句子。此题可作平行处理的是两个动词短语:“know how to study”和“learn how to arrange time”。6.I thought she would scold me. She le

25、t me tell her my troubles. (compound sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(I thought she would scold me, but she let me tell her my troubles.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把两个句子组合成并列句。首先通读题目,确定两句间可构成转折关系,然后用 but一词连接前后句。本题也可使用 yet和 however(however前后须加逗号)。7.We should not buy so many discounted coats, shoes and pants. They are expen

26、sive. Coats and shoes are old-fashioned. Pants are also old-fashioned. (long sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(We should not buy so many discounted coats, shoes and pants, which are expensive and oldfashioned.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把若干短句组合成一个长句。解答此题首先应确定一个主句,这里主句为:“Weshould notand pants”。然后把其余短句归并到主句中作相应的修饰成分,本题中的短句可转

27、化成 coats, shoes和 pants的定语。8.Girls usually put on some make-up to make themselves look more mature and beautiful. (sentence with “to Opener“ )(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(To make themselves look more mature and beautiful, girls usually lint on Some make-up.)解析:解析 本题考查的是把句子改写成含动词不定式的句子。把“to make them look more mat

28、ure and beautiful”置于句首,后面添加逗号即可。9.Scott did not often attend the professor s lectures. The professor let him pass the exam. Scott gave some brand new opinions in the exam paper. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Scott did not often attend the professorslectures, but the professor let him pa

29、ss the exambecause Scott gave some brand new opinions in theexam paper.)解析:解析 本题考查把若干单句组合成并列复合句。题目中第一、二句构成并列句,第一、二句和第三句构成因果关系的复合句。10.Joe settled down to his study. He had gobbled down everything on the table. (sentence with a modifying phrase )(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Having gobbled down everything on the ta

30、ble, Joe settled down to his study.)解析:解析 本题考查把两个句子组合成一个含修饰性短语的句子。根据句子中动作发生的前后,把第二个句子转换成修饰短语即可。11.I never saw so many cheerful, courteous students and helpful.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(I never saw so many cheerful, couscous and helptul students.)解析:解析 本题考查的是修饰语错置所致病句的修改。题目中 helpful一词应和 cheerful和courteous一起作 s

31、tudents的定语。12.I bought a new bicycle,he still uses his old one.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(I bought a new bicycle, and he still uses his old oue.)解析:解析 本题考查串句的修改。由于原题前后两部分构成并列关系,故可使用 and或 but连接起来。13.Jack fixed the radio. Which my father bought two years ago.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(Jack fixed the radio which my father b

32、ought two years ago)解析:解析 本题考查的是修饰语错置引起的病句。此题中 which引导的句子可作 radio的定语从句,故可将其紧接 radio,两句合成一句。14.I can t agree more when you say to see is believing.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(I cant agree more when you say to see is to believe.)解析:解析 本题考查错误平行结构的修改。题目中平行结构可改为“to see is to believe”或者“seeing is believing”.15.Listen

33、ing to music in my room,my dog took away my slippers.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(When I was listening to music in my room, my dog took away my slippers.)解析:解析 本题考查垂悬修饰语的修改。该题有两种修改方法:一是将前半部分扩展成 when引导的从句,后半部分保持不变;二是将后半部分添加“I found that”,前面保持不变,这样前后共用一个逻辑主语,句子成立。16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group be

34、low by writing A, B, C or D.A. As a freshman I felt all the difficulties of managing money.B. Most college students are economically dependent on their parents.C. Doing a part-time job can increase the sense of financial responsibility for college students.D. Manipulating money wisely is an absolute

35、 necessity for everyone, especially for college students.Answer:_(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(Answer:C)解析:解析 在此题中,A 项(作为新生我意识到所有管理开支的困难的存在)的范围太大;B 项(多数大学生在经济上依靠父母)的范围太小,无法再展开陈述;D 项(合理管理开支对每个人,尤其是大学生绝对必要)的限制性词语太多,无法把内容范围限制到适当程度。只有 C项概括全面,范围适中,应为主题句。17.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.

36、Computers are useful in many ways. As we all know, scientists use computers to run experiments, analyze data, and solve large equations. Engineers use computers to automatically control complicated industrial production, design circuits and machine parts or even spaceships. Writers and editors use c

37、omputers to write books, edit newspapers and magazines. And office workers use computers to manage files,send and receive e-mails,conduct statistical surveys of all kinds of information, etc. The list of computer applications is really endless, and more new applications are still developing.(分数:5.00

38、)_正确答案:(Computers are useful in many ways. As we all know, scientists use computers to run experiments,analyze data, and solve large equations. Engineersuse computers to automatically control complicatedindustrial production, design circuits and machineparts or even spaceships. Writers and editors usecomputers to write books, edit newspapers and magazines. And office workers use computers to managefiles. send and receive e-mails, conduct statisti


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