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1、2008年上海外国语大学二外英语考研真题试卷及答案解析(总分:144.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1._the sun in superstitious awe everywhere in the world.(分数:2.00)A.Man has long heldB.Long has held manC.Has man long heldD.Man has held long2.You won“ t get there on time_you set off right now by air.(分数:2.00)A.unlessB.evenC.in caseD.other than3._bad

2、ly he had slept, he was always up early.(分数:2.00)A.No matterB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Even when4.If you want the rainbow, you“ ve got to_the rain.(分数:2.00)A.get up withB.catch up withC.come up withD.put up with5.The French pianist has not decided yet which orchestra_.(分数:2.00)A.is to work withB.to work w

3、ithC.should work withD.he will work6.But for the accident, we_the task much earlier.(分数:2.00)A.should finishB.should have finishedC.would finishD.shall have finished7._for a person who has more problems than you do.(分数:2.00)A.Not try to workB.Trying not to workC.Try not to workD.Not trying to work8.

4、A baby who_when young has the better chance of growing up successfully.(分数:2.00)A.talks toB.has talkedC.was talked aboutD.is talked to9.The need to go to college is realized,_offers opportunities for better careers.(分数:2.00)A.whichB.thatC.andD.with10.The manager disapproved of the plan that Sam had_

5、.(分数:2.00)A.drawn backB.drawn inC.drawn onD.drawn up11.At first ice cream was shaken by_hand in_pan of salt and ice.(分数:2.00)A.a, theB.the, aC./, aD.the, the12.Nowadays, books are expensive. Every time I go to the bookstore, I seem_more.(分数:2.00)A.to be spendingB.spendingC.to spendingD.spend13.He di

6、dn“ t see the men_the room, but he heard them_in it.(分数:2.00)A.to enter, laughB.enter, to laughC.to enter, laughingD.enter, laughing14._he tried, he still failed his second driving test(分数:2.00)A.As hardB.Hard asC.Though hardD.No matter hard15.It is imperative that the students_to hand in their pape

7、rs on time.(分数:2.00)A.toldB.be toldC.are toldD.have been told16.Today, the Australian population is still mainly of British_.(分数:2.00)A.descentB.descendC.decadenceD.descendant17.The_is not always won by the fastest runner but sometimes by those who just keep running.(分数:2.00)A.contestB.gameC.matchD.

8、race18.When they moved to London, they had to_with some of the treasured furniture.(分数:2.00)A.abandonB.divideC.partD.separate19.The ice is too thin to_your weight.(分数:2.00)A.supportB.loadC.resistD.take20.We don“t expect that there should be such a great_for houses in the city.(分数:2.00)A.demandB.requ

9、irementC.requestD.requisite21.It is believed that the beauty of the valley is beyond_.(分数:2.00)A.comparingB.compareC.contrastD.resemblance22.It is prudent to keep your children within_when shopping.(分数:2.00)A.distanceB.boundC.reachD.safety23.The newly built sports ground has a_of 60,000 people.(分数:2

10、.00)A.capabilityB.capacityC.advantageD.seat24.As he grew older, all memory of his childhood began to_from his mind.(分数:2.00)A.faintB.retreatC.deriveD.fade25.This sweater will not_when washed.(分数:2.00)A.shortenB.contractC.withdrawD.shrink26.Another natural_that contributes to the welfare of the count

11、ry is water.(分数:2.00)A.mineralB.powerC.resourceD.source27.If you think education is expensive, wait till you see what_costs you.(分数:2.00)A.expenditureB.ignoranceC.knowledgeD.school28.Avoid shortcuts. They always take too much time in the long_.(分数:2.00)A.runB.wayC.periodD.consequence29.The magnifice

12、nt building, _in the center of the city, is the symbol of an old era.(分数:2.00)A.placedB.positionedC.locatedD.stood30.Driving straight ahead, and you will see a_to the New Expressway.(分数:2.00)A.boardB.markC.signD.signalThere are more than forty universities in Britainnearly twice as many as in 1960.

13、During the 1960s eight completely new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were created【C1】_converting old colleges of technology into universities. In the same period the【C2】_of students more than doubled, from 70,000 to【C3】_than 200,000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged from eighteen【C4】_twenty-

14、one were in universities and about 5% of women. All the universities are private institutions. Each has its【C5】_governing councils, 【C6】_some local businessmen and local politicians as【C7】_as a few academics. The state began to give grants to them fifty years【C8】_, and by 1970 each university derive

15、d nearly all its【C9】_from state grants. Students have to【C10】_fees and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place【C11】_he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay his full costs, including lodging and【C12】_unless his patents are【C13】_Most【C14】_take jobs in

16、 the summer【C15】_about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside【C16】_during the academic year. The Department of Education takes【C17】_for the payments which cover the whole expenditure of the【C18】_, but it does not exercise direct control. It can have important influence【C19】_new developments

17、through its power to distribute funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly【C20】_of academics.(分数:40.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.withB.byC.atD.into(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.amountB.quantityC.lotD.number(3).【C3】(分数:2.00)A.moreB.muchC.lessD.fewer(4).【C4】(分数:2.00)A.with



20、rimentD.study(17).【C17】(分数:2.00)A.responsibilityB.adviceC.dutyD.pleasure(18).【C18】(分数:2.00)A.governmentB.schoolC.universitiesD.committees(19).【C19】(分数:2.00)A.atB.toC.onD.from(20).【C20】(分数:2.00)A.consistedB.composedC.madeD.taken31.Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions

21、below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.(分数:10.00)_Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be game of some kind; football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering. Those who have a passion for

22、climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give t

23、heir leisure. Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as mere are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind, which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractiv

24、e to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods. If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “ team game“. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no “ matches“ between

25、 “ teams“ of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork. The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport require

26、s high mentaland physical qualities. A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not unusual for man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mou

27、ntains in Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.(分数:10.00)(1).Mountaineering involves_.(分数:2.00)A.courageB.hardshipC.physical riskD.all of the above(2).The difference between a s

28、port and a game has to do with the kind of_.(分数:2.00)A.activityB.rulesC.uniformD.participants(3).Mountaineering can be called a team sport because_“ .(分数:2.00)A.it is an Olympic eventB.teams compete against each otherC.mountaineers depend on each other while climbingD.there are 5 climbers on each te

29、am(4).Mountaineers compete against_.(分数:2.00)A.natureB.each otherC.other teamsD.international standards(5).Choose the best tide for the passage; _.(分数:2.00)A.Mountaineering is Different From Golf and FootballB.Mountaineering is More Attractive than Other SportsC.MountaineeringD.Mountain ClimbersSoci

30、al change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ide

31、as, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society whe

32、re people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed. Within a society, social change is also l

33、ikely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than i

34、n their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements. Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relation

35、s on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies. This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.(分数:10.00)(1).The passage is ma

36、inly discussing_.(分数:2.00)A.the necessity of social changeB.certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occurC.two different societiesD.certain factors that promote social change(2)._is one of the factors that tend to promote social change.(分数:2.00)A.Joint interestB.Different p

37、oints of viewC.Less emotional peopleD.Advanced technology(3).According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?(分数:2.00)A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society.B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social c

38、hange.C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young.(4).The expression “greater tolerance“(paragraph 1)refers to_.(分数:2.00)A.greater willingness to accept social changeB.quicker adaptation

39、 to changing circumstancesC.more respect for different beliefs and behaviorD.greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas(5).Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quite similar in many ways because _.(分数:2.00)A.people there have got so accustomed to their

40、conditions that they seldom think it necessary to changeB.people there have identical needs that can be satisfied without much difficultyC.people there are easy to pleaseD.people there are less disputedThe Colonel asked Ashenden a good many questions and then suggested that he had particular qualifi

41、cations for the Secret Service. Ashenden knew several European languages and the fact that he was a writer provided excellent cover; on the pretext that he was writing a book he could, without attracting attention, visit any neutral country. It was while they were discussing this point that the Colo

42、nel said, “ You know you might get material that would be very useful to you in your work. I“ 11 tell you an incident that occurred only recently. Very dramatic. A foreign government minister went down to a Mediterranean resort to recover from a cold and he had some very important documents with him

43、 that he kept in a dispatch-case. A day or two after he arrived, he picked up a blonde at some restaurant or other, and he got very friendly with her. He took her back to his hotel, and when he came to himself in the morning the lady and the dispatch-case had disappeared. They had one or two drinks

44、up in his room and his theory is that when his back was turned the woman slipped a drug in his glass. “Do you mean to say that happened the other day?“ said Ashenden wearily. “The week before last “ “ Impossible,“ cried Ashenden. “ Why, we“ ve been putting that incident on the stage for sixty years.

45、 We“ ve written it in a thousand novels. Do you mean to say that life has only just caught up with us?“ “ Well, I can vouch for the truth of the story. “ said the Colonel, “ And believe me, the government concerned has been put to no end of trouble by the loss of the documents. “ “Well sir, if you c

46、an“t do better than that in the Secret Service,“ sighed Ashenden, “that I“ m afraid that as a source of inspiration to the writer of fiction, it“ s washout. “(分数:10.00)(1).How did the Colonel suggest that Ashenden“ s being a writer would relate to his work as a spy?(分数:2.00)A.It would make traveling

47、 abroad possible.B.It would make it easier for him to meet people.C.It would enable him to avoid arousing suspicion.D.It would enable him to use the languages he knew.(2).The reason for the Minister“s trip was_.(分数:2.00)A.to fetch some documentsB.to get over an illnessC.to meet a spyD.to deliver som

48、e papers(3).According to the Colonel, the incident happened_.(分数:2.00)A.a few days beforeB.a few weeks beforeC.two weeks beforeD.sixty years before(4).Ashenden cried “ Impossible“ after hearing the Colonel“ s story because he thought_.(分数:2.00)A.it could not possibly happenB.it was too embarrassingC.it was too close to fictionD.it was too recent(5).The effect of the loss of documents on the foreign government was that_.(分数:2.00)A.it put an end to one source of troubleB.it caused t


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