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1、上海外国语大学考研基础英语真题 2007年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)cherish reach receive rub beam curious history overcome extend kinship break intimate origin enthusiastic barbaric insulting eyes ceremony execute unwashed pertinent sanity substitute relief worse partake custom advertisement alternative spring At the

2、White House on New Year“s Day, 1907, Theodore Roosevelt set a world record for shaking hands-8,150 of them, according to his biographer Edmund Morris, including those of “every aide, usher and policeman in sight“. Having done his exuberant political duty, says Morris, Teddy went upstairs and private

3、ly, disgustedly, scrubbed himself clean. We may presume that on Inauguration Day in January 2001, President Trump will not try to 1 Roosevelt“s record. Trump“s views are known: “I think the handshake is 2 . Shaking hands, you catch the flu, you catch this, you catch all sorts of things.“ Donald Trum

4、p may be right. The more you think about it, the more disgusting the handshake become. Although it is a public gesture, a reflexive 3 of greeting, the handshake has a clammy dimension of 4 . The clamminess is illustrated in principle by the following: a young 5 rushed up to James Joyce and asked, “M

5、ay I kiss the hand that wrote Ulysses?“ Joyce replied, “No. It did lots of other things, too.“ Most of us don“t think about it. The handshake is expected and is 6 automatically in a ritual little babble of nice to meet you how do you do? If you had an attack of fastidiousness and refused to shake so

6、meone“s 7 hand, then the handshake would become an awkwardness and an issue a refusal being an outright 8 . Now that he is almost a candidate, how is the fussy, hygienic Donald to keep his 9 in an election year“s orgies of grip-and-grin? Mingling with the 10 , he will presumably shake tens of thousa

7、nds of germy hands. The most graceful 11 the Hindu namaste (slight bow, hands clasped near the hart as in prayer)would not play well in American politics. One 12 might be to shake your own hand, brandishing the two-handed clutch in font of your face like a champ while looking the voter in the 13 . N

8、o. Too much self-congratulation. A politician mustn“t 14 his narcissism. Best not to think about it. Television has taken so much of the physicalitythe sheer touch out of politics that we should 15 the vestigial handshake, the last fleeting, primitive human contact, flesh to flesh, sweat to sweat, p

9、ulse to pulse. A true politician loves shaking hands. Study Bill Clinton working a rope line. Greedily, avidly, his long, curiously angled fingers 16 deep into the crowd to make the touch, an image that in my mind has some cartoonist“s 17 to Michelangelo“s Adam on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Lyndon

10、Johnson pressed flesh with the same gluttonous physicality, wading into the human surf, clawing and pawing into the democratic mass with an appetite amazing, alarming. On the 18 side, the handshake may be a form of souvenir collecting. My father used to keep a framed photograph of himself shaking ha

11、nds with the young Richard Nixon, the two of them 19 at each other; my father posted a little sign at the bottom of the picture: COUNT YOUR F1NGERS. 20 continuities; Brooke Astor, now 97, remembers the day when, as a little girl, she shook the hand of Henry Adams. I recall the day when I was a child

12、 working for the summer as a Senate page and the aged Herbert Hoover visited the Senate chamber, not a celebrity so much as a 21 . He looked like a Rotarian Santa Claus. After the Senators and pages all shook his banda dry hand, soft and bony at the same time, like grasping a small, fragile birdanot

13、her page, 22 by his (rather forgiving) sense of history, Exclaimed, “I“m never going to wash my hand again!“ If the social handshake has its anthropological 23 in the idea of primitive man showing he was not carrying a weapon, the political handshake 24 from long ago when king“s touch might do magic

14、 and when the power of such connection seemed infinitely more 25 than the potential germs. To touch was to 26 somehowmaybe even through the germsof the king“s magic. Surely voters will imagine that when they shake hands with Donald Trump, gold will 27 off. (Of course, bad magic may also be communica

15、ted. Maybe the handshake with Herbert Hoover many years ago explains why, from time to time, I am visited by a great depression.) If Trump were to think about it, he might be grateful that contact with the electorate is not more intimate than it is. Suppose it were 28 for a politician to kiss not on

16、ly an occasional baby but also every voter in that mating-goose, cocktail-party way? It could be even 29 . Among some tribes in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, men say hello by genially clasping each other“s genitals. Trump should be 30 as he won“t have to work that kind of rope line.(分数:30.00)No

17、t too many decades ago it seemed “obvious“ both to the general public and to sociologists that modem society has changed people“s natural relations, loosed 1 their responsibilities to kins and neighbors, and substituted in their place 2 for superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. 3 How

18、ever, in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the “obvious“ is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you if you are a resident 4 of a smaller community. But, for the most part, this fact has a few signi

19、ficant 5 consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else. Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small, private social worlds. Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ from more

20、 and less urban people. Small-town 6 residents are more involved with kin than do big-city residents. Yet city 7 dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities. Urbanism may produce a different style of life, but the quality of life does not diff

21、er between town and city. Or are residents 8 of large communities any likely to display psychological symptoms of 9 stress or alienation than are residents of smaller communities. However, city dwellers do worry more about crime, and which leads them to a distrust 10 of strangers.(分数:20.00)四、Passage

22、 1(总题数:1,分数:10.50)For most of the 20th century, the solution to the mystery of the original Americanswhere did they come from when, and how? seemed as clear as the geography of the Bering Strait, the climate of the last ice age, and the ubiquity of finely wrought stone hunting weapons known as Clovi

23、s points. According to the ruling theory, bands of big-game hunters trekked out of Siberia sometime before 11,500 years ago. They crossed into Alaska when the floor of the Bering Strait, drained dry by the accumulation of water in a frozen world“s massive glaciers, was a land bridge between continen

24、ts. And found themselves in a trackless continent, the New World when it was truly new. The hunters, so the story went, moved south through a corridor between glaciers and soon flourished on the Great Plains and in the Southwest of what is now he United States, their presence widely marked by distin

25、ctive stone projectile points first discovered near the town of Clovis, New Mexico. In less than 1,000 years, these Clovis people and their distinctive stone points made it all the way to the tip of South America. They were presumably the founding population of today“s American Indians. Now a growin

26、g body of intriguing evidence is telling a much different story. From Alaska to Brazil and southern Chile, artifacts and skeletons are forcing archaeologists to abandon Clovis orthodoxy and come to arms with a more complex picture of earliest American settlement. People may have arrived thousands to

27、 tens of thousands of years sooner, in many waves of migration and by a number of routes. Their ancestry may not have been only Asian. Some of the migrations may have originated in Australia or Europe.(分数:10.50)(1).Which of he following statements best describes the main idea of this passage?(分数:1.5

28、0)A.Hunters from Siberia crossed the Bering Strait 11,500 years ago.B.The Clovis people may not have been the first to arrive.C.Clovis points were first found in New Mexico.D.During the last ice age, the Bering Strait was dry land.(2).The word “trekked“ in Line 4 means _.(分数:1.50)A.traveledB.swamC.s

29、ailedD.hunted(3).According to this passage, the Clovis people may come to North America from _.(分数:1.50)A.AustraliaB.ChileC.SiberiaD.New Mexico(4).The Clovis people are named after the place where _.(分数:1.50)A.they first camped in North AmericaB.their tents and burials were first foundC.they crossed

30、 into North AmericaD.their stone points were first found(5).Scientists now believe that Native Americans originally came from _.(分数:1.50)A.Siberia in a single migration about 11,500 years agoB.all parts of North and South AmericaC.Europe onlyD.many places, including Siberia, Europe, and Australia(6)

31、.The main purpose of writing this passage is to _.(分数:1.50)A.give informationB.provide vivid descriptionsC.tell an interesting storyD.entertain the readers(7).The Clovis people are best known for the type of _.(分数:1.50)A.clothes they woreB.stone points they madeC.animals they huntedD.homes they buil

32、t五、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:9.00)There is a battle going in Australia between Aborigines and archaeologists. The Aborigines say that ancient bones and other artifacts should be reburied. The archaeologists say that to do so would mean the end of archaeology. Rocky Satiny, president of the Tasmanian Aborig

33、inal Land Council, wants all archaeological excavation in Tasmania stopped. Sainty told The Bulletin: “Aboriginal people know how long we“ve lived here. We know how we trade. The sites that have been excavated are very significant to us. We couldn“t expect someone to go and dig up graves of the Whit

34、es at the back of Hobart, well, we have the same feelings.“ Last year, Sainty and the council took two La Trobe University archaeologists to court in an effort to have excavated material returned. University of Western Australia archaeologists had already returned some excavated material. The artifa

35、cts, 17,000 years old, had been dug up in the King River Valley. After the material was returned to them, the Aborigines scattered it over the lake “to heal the site“. The La Trobe archaeologists, Jim Allen and Tim Murray, were shocked. They refused to hand over the artifacts they had collected unti

36、l they had finished their analysis. The courts, however, ordered Allen and Murray to return the material to Tasmania. A track was needed to transport the 500,000 items. Allen is angry. “This decision means I will never again excavate on a site in Australia, because it would carry at least the potent

37、ial problem we“ve encountered there. It would be unethical to take any material out of the ground knowing that it could be vandalized in this way somewhere down the track.“ His colleague, Tim Murray, believes the irony of the current situation is that the work of archaeologists has given Aborigines

38、a new sense of pride. “Archaeologists provide a service both to Aboriginal people and the general Australian public,“ Murray says. “We found the way of making meaningful a whole history of this country before the arrival of Europeans. If that becomes more and more difficult, then the kind of silence

39、 that existed before the development of Aboriginal history will return.“(分数:9.00)(1).The passage focuses on two competing _.(分数:1.50)A.scientific observationsB.archaeological methodsC.attitudes toward the pastD.efforts to build for the future(2).According to the passage, what the archaeologists view

40、 as science the aborigines see as _.(分数:1.50)A.disrespectB.disbeliefC.magicD.religion(3).Rocky Sainty“s Statement about digging up graves of Whites (Lines 3-4, Para. 2) is used as _.(分数:1.50)A.a threat to activities of the archaeologistsB.a parallel to the actions of the archaeologistsC.an excuse fo

41、r the Aborigines“ behaviorD.a joke at the expense of the archaeologists(4).Why does Jim Allen intend not to excavate in Australia any more?(分数:1.50)A.He fears that he could not retain possession of the artifacts.B.He does not have enough financial supportC.It would be too difficult to transport the

42、items to his university.D.All the interesting material has already been dug up by the Aborigines.(5).Tim Murray feels that the whole situation is ironic because archaeologists _.(分数:1.50)A.have begun to explain Aboriginal beliefs to EuropeansB.are partly responsible for the Aborigines“ feelings for

43、their pastC.have adopted the religious attitudes of the AboriginesD.have previously enjoyed the support of the Aborigines(6).As a result of the controversy between Aborigines and archaeologists, Tim Murray believes that _.(分数:1.50)A.more excavations will be undertaken without official permitsB.Abori

44、gines will be obliged to undertake their own excavationsC.archaeologists may be obliged to find new methods of excavatingD.Aboriginal history may be neglected in the future六、Passage 3(总题数:1,分数:7.50)Before whenever we had wealth, we started discussing poverty. Why not now? Why is the current politics

45、 of wealth and poverty seemingly about wealth alone? Eight years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for president, the Dow Jones average was under 3,500, yearly federal budget deficits were projected at hundreds of billions of dollars forever and beyond, and no one talked about the “permanent boom“ or

46、 the “new economy“. Yet in that more straitened time, Clinton made much of the importance of “not leaving a single person behind“. It is possible that similar “compassionate“ rhetoric might yet play a role in the general election. But it is striking how much less talk there is about the poor than th

47、ere was eight years ago, when the country was economically uncertain, or in previous eras, when the country felt flush . Even last summer, when Clinton spent several days on a remarkable, Bobby Kennedy-like pilgrimage through impoverished areas from Indian reservations in South Dakota to ghetto neig

48、hborhoods in East St. Louis, the administration decided to refer to the effort not as a poverty tour but as a “new markets initiative“. What is happening is partly a logical, policy-driven reaction. Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades, especially for minority groups. The most attract

49、ive solution to ita growing economyis being applied. The people who have been totally left out of this boom often have medical, mental or other problems for which no one has an immediate solution, “The economy has sucked in anyone who has any preparation, any ability to cope with modem life.“ Says Franklin D. Raines, the former director of the Office of Management and Budget who is now head of Fannie Mae. When he and other people who specialize in the issue talk about solutions, they talk analytically and long-term: educati


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