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1、2013 年西安外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 Over-the-counter(OTC)drugs are medicines that may be sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as compared to prescription drugs.2 Long-term government bonds have been badly hit by expectations of economic recovery and fallin

2、g investor risk aversion.3 U. S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obamas chief negotiator in talks to avert the “ fiscal cliff,“ will meet with Congressional leaders on Thursday amid signs that the market-rattling uncertainty about the outcome could go down to the wire.4 In econ

3、omics, an easy money policy is a monetary policy that increases the money supply usually by lowering interest rates. The policy may lead to inflation.5 As the worlds population of older people rapidly grows in the coming years, Alzheimers and other forms of dementia will become a health-care disaste

4、r.6 Leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and Japan, South Korea and China expressed their will to forge closer ties at a summit in Cambodia on Monday.7 A major earthquake measuring 7. 8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province on Mond

5、ay, the State Seismological Bureau(SSB)said.8 Pyeongchang defeated rivals Munich and Annecy, France, in the first round of a secret ballot of the international Olympic Committee.9 Chancellor George Osborne will today unveil details of 154m of funding to help tackle tax evasion and avoidance by big-n

6、ame global companies and wealthy individuals.10 Defending champion Julie Tvede from Denmark will be back to defend the Murcia Ladies Open when the second edition of the event gets under way at La Manga Club in Murcia, Spain.11 E 111 is a document which is available to citizens of any country in the

7、European Union, and which gives them the right to receive free health care when they visit other EU countries.12 Corporate social responsibility is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the companys actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment and

8、all members of the public sphere.13 Capacity building aims to help people, governments, international organizations and nongovernmental organizations realize their developmental goals and achieve measurable and sustainable results.14 Since OTC began making polycrystalline silicon in 1960, it has mad

9、e successive improvements to its developmental technologies while maintaining the worlds top quality standards for semiconductor-grade products.15 The countrys E-911 commission will seek proposal for the “nuts and bolts“ of the emergency dispatch center and have been given approval to use a process

10、called negotiated bidding to get the best price.汉译英16 大力培育战略性新兴产业,促进新能源、新材料、生物医药、高端装备制造、新能源汽车 迅速发展,加快三网融合、云计算、物联网试点示范工作步伐。17 新型农村合作医疗是由政府组织、引导、支持,农民自愿参加,个人、集体和政府多方筹资,以大病统筹为主的农村居民医疗互助共济制度。18 “三网”融合是指电信网、 广播电视网和互联网融合发展,实现三网互联互通、资源共享,为用户提供语音、数据和广播电视等多种服务。19 我国的社会保障覆盖范围继续扩大,全国参加城镇基本养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险 和生育保险人

11、数大幅增加。20 11 月 8 日,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会在北京人民大会堂开幕,胡锦涛代表十七届中央委员会向大会作报告。21 过去一年,中央政府推动实施“学前教育三年行动计划”,提高幼儿人园率;大力发展职业教育;加强中小学教师培训工作,提高中小学教师队伍整体素质。22 2012 年 10 月 9 日,纪念辛亥革命 100 周年大会在北京人民大会堂举行。胡锦涛、江泽民、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林、李长春、习近平等出席大会。23 国务院常务会议在部署四季度工作时明确提出,要制定收入分配制度改革总体方案,引起社会各界高度关注。24 文化部副部长日前表示,十年来中华文化影响力不断扩大,全方位、多层

12、次、宽领域的对外文化交流格局正在形成,不过,中国对外交流仍然存在“文化逆差”。25 受到飓风“ 桑迪” 的影响,美国股市 30 日将继续休市,这是 纽约证券交易所一个多世纪以来首次因天气原因连续两天休市。26 循环经济 是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“ 减量化、再利用、资源化” 为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式。27 北京时间 10 月 11 日 19 点,瑞典文学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布,中国作家莫言获得 2012 年诺贝尔文学奖。28 以“品质、安全、责任” 为主题的2012 中国( 上海) 国际食品安全览会 及第一届中国国际地理标志

13、产品博览会,将于 12 月 13 日在上海国际展览中心举行。29 专业人士指出,中国经济持续增长动力充足,世界成功经济体的发展经验表明中国具有克服“中等收入陷阱”的制度优势和经济优势。30 中共中央政治局常务委员会5 月 22 日上午召开会议,研究部署继续全力做好抗震减灾工作。英译汉31 After more than 30 years of rapid growth, China has reached another turning point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental,

14、 shift is called for. The 12th Five-Year Plan provides an excellent start. This report combines its key elements to design a longer-term strategy. Six important messages emerge from the analysis:First, implement structural reforms to strengthen the foundations for a market-based economy by redefinin

15、g the role of government, reforming and restructuring state enterprises and banks, developing the private sector, promoting competition, and deepening reforms in the land, labor, and financial markets. As an economy approaches the technology frontier and exhausts the potential for acquiring and appl

16、ying technology from abroad, the role of the government and its relationship to markets and the private sector need to change fundamentally. While providing relatively fewer “tangible“ public goods and services directly, the government will need to provide more intangible public goods and services l

17、ike systems , rules, and policies, which increase production efficiency, promote competition, facilitate specialization, enhance the efficiency of resource allocation, protect the environment, and reduce risks and uncertainties.Second, accelerate the pace of innovation and create an open innovation

18、system in which competitive pressures encourage Chinese firms to engage in product and process innovation not only through their own research and development but also by participating in global research and development networks. China has already introduced a range of initiatives in establishing a r

19、esearch and development infrastructure and is far ahead of most other developing countries. Its priority going forward is to increase the quality of research and development, rather than just quantity. To achieve this, policy makers will need to focus on: increasing the technical and cognitive skill

20、s of university graduates and building a few world-class research universities with strong links to industry; fostering “ innovative cities“ that bring together high-quality talent, knowledge networks, dynamic firms, and learning institutions, and allow them to interact without restriction; and incr

21、easing the availability of patient risk capital for start-up private firms.Third, seize the opportunity to “ go green“ through a mix of market incentives, regulations, public investments, industrial policy, and institutional development. Encouraging green development and increased efficiency of reso

22、urce use is expected to not only improve the level of well-being and sustain rapid growth, but also address Chinas manifold environmental challenges. The intention is to encourage new investments in a range of low-pollution, energy-and resource-efficient industries that would lead to greener develop

23、ment, spur investments in related upstream and downstream manufacturing and services, and build international competitive advantage in a global sunrise industry. These policies have the potential to succeed, given China many advantagesits large market size that will allow rapid scaling up of success

24、ful technologies to achieve economies of scale and reduced unit costs, a high investment rate that will permit rapid replacement of old, inefficient, and environmentally damaging capital stock; its growing and dynamic private sector that will respond to new signals from government, provided it gets

25、access to adequate levels of finance.汉译英32 关中民俗艺术博物院坐落于秦岭终南山世界地质公园中心地带和隋唐佛教圣地南五台山脚下,东接翠华山,南拥五台山,西邻草堂寺,北瞰长安城,占地49388 亩、规划建筑面积 108 万平方米,计划总投资人民币 57 亿元,是以民俗文化遗产抢救、保护、收藏、研究和展示为主的大型文化旅游项目。整体建筑呈明、清园林风格,气势恢宏,古朴典雅。博物院抢救、保护、珍藏了周秦汉唐以来历代的民俗文化遗产 36 000 多件。形成了民间艺术、关中民居、民俗风情、名人字画四大系列藏品。从不同层面集中地反映了关中地区各族人民在不同历史时期的

26、民俗历史风貌,被国内外学者誉为“民族文化的基因和标本库” 。8 600 多根拴马桩以其精美的石雕工艺引人注目,极大地丰富了我国民间石刻艺术宝库,被誉为“地上兵马俑 ”。博物院被列为陕西省 “十二五”重大建设项目,被国家文化部命名为“国家文化产业示范基地 ”,现为国家 4A 级旅游景区,已成为陕西独具特色的民俗文化旅游景观。2013 年西安外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 非处方药2 【正确答案】 长期公债3 【正确答案】 美国财政部长4 【正确答案】 宽松的货币政策5 【正确答案】 痴呆;精神错乱6 【正确答案】 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)7 【正确答案】 里克特震级

27、(测量地震强度的标准)8 【正确答案】 无记名投票9 【正确答案】 偷税避税10 【正确答案】 卫冕冠军11 【正确答案】 欧洲健康保险卡(European Health Insurance Card)12 【正确答案】 企业社会责任13 【正确答案】 能力建设14 【正确答案】 多晶硅15 【正确答案】 谈判招标汉译英16 【正确答案】 new-energy vehicles/green cars17 【正确答案】 New Rural Cooperative Medical Care18 【正确答案】 Broadcasting network19 【正确答案】 employment inju

28、ry insurance20 【正确答案】 the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China21 【正确答案】 A three-year action plan for preschool education22 【正确答案】 the grand meeting to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the 1911 Revolution23 【正确答案】 overall reform plan for the income distribution system

29、24 【正确答案】 cultural deficit25 【正确答案】 New York Stock Exchange26 【正确答案】 circular economy27 【正确答案】 Nobel Prize in Literature28 【正确答案】 2012 China(Shanghai)International Food Safety Expo29 【正确答案】 middle-income trap30 【正确答案】 Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee英译汉31 【正确答案

30、】 在经历 30 多年高速增长之后,中国已经到达另一个转折点,需要再一次进行深刻的战略转变。“十二五” 规划是一个良好开端。在融汇其主要内容的基础上,本报告提出长期战略。研究引出了如下六条重要结论。第一,通过推进结构性改革以强固市场经济的基础。包括重新界定政府职能,改革和重组国有企业与国有银行,发展民营部门,促进竞争,深化土地、劳动力与金融市场改革。随着一个经济体技术接近前沿水平,引进推广国外先进技术的空间缩小,政府职能及政府与市场和民营部门的关系均需进行深刻调整。政府在直接提供的有形公共产品和服务相对减少的同时,需要提供更多诸如制度、规则和政策之类的无形公共产品,以提高生产效率,促进竞争,便

31、利专业化分工,改善资源配置,保护环境,降低风险与不确定性。第二,加快创新步伐,建立一个开放的创新系统。在这个系统中,竞争压力激励中国企业通过自身研发和参与全球研发网络进行产品与工艺创新。中国已经在建立研发体系方面采取了一系列措施,走在大部分发展中国家前列。未来的优先任务是提高研发质量而不仅仅是数量。为此,决策者需要着力提高大学毕业生技能和认知能力;建设一批与产业紧密联系的世界一流研究型大学;促进“创新型城市” 发展,集聚高素质人才、知识网络、充满活力的企业和学习型组织,并使这些机构自由互动;提高长期风险资本对于新设民营企业的可及性。第三,通过市场激励、监管、公共投资、产业政策和制度建设等措施,

32、抓住“绿色”机遇。鼓励绿色发展,提高资源利用效率,不仅能提高福利水平和实现持续增长,也有助于应对中国面临的主要环境挑战。这将鼓励一系列污染低、能源和资源利用效率高的部门的投资,实现绿色发展,并促进上下游的相关制造业和服务业投资,在全球朝阳产业竞争中赢得优势。这些政策有成功潜力,因为中国具备诸多优势。巨大的市场规模有助于快速推广成功技术以实现规模经济、降低单位成本;高投资率能快速更新原有的低效和高污染的资本品;日益成长和充满活力的民营部门如能获得足够融资,将对政策信号做出积极响应。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Guan Zhong Folk Customs and Art Museum, locat

33、ed in the core area of the world geological park of Zhong Nan Peak at Qin Ling and beneath the Peak Wu Tai, a holy Buddhist place in Sui and Tang dynasties, is a large-scaled cultural tourism project which aims to rescue, protect, collect, research and display the folk cultural heritage. It stands o

34、n a site of 493. 88 mu(82 acres)with a total planning area of 108, 000 square meters and a total planning investment of RMB 0. 57 billion. On the east, it faces CuiHua Peak; on the south, the WuTai Peak; on the west, the CaoTang Temple; and on the north, Changan(Xian, capital of Shaanxi province now

35、). The whole construction of the museum is built in a typical garden style in Ming and Qing dynasties, magnificent, elegant, and simple. The museum, which is acclaimed by experts and scholars both home and abroad as “ Treasury Vault of National Cultural Genes and Specimens ,“ has rescued, protected

36、and collected more than 36, 000 folk relics and intangible cultural heritage from Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang dynasties, formed four main series of collections including folk art, Guan Zhong folk house, folk customs and practices, famous peoples calligraphy and paintings. And from different aspects it demo

37、nstrated the folk customs and practices of people of all ethnic groups in Guan Zhong area during different historical periods. More than 8, 600 stone hitching posts known as “Aground Terracotta Warriors and Horses“ attract people by their exquisite stone-carving craft and enrich the treasure vault o

38、f national folk stone-carving art. The museum is listed as the key construction project during the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan of Shaanxi province and named by Ministry of Cultural of Peoples Republic of China as “ National Demonstration Base for Cultural Industry. “ Now as a national AAAA scenic spot, it has also become a new folk cultural landscape with special characteristics for tourism in Shaanxi province.


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