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1、考博英语-165 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Listenin(总题数:40,分数:20.00)1.The two witnesses who saw the shootings were able to _ who had fired first.(分数:0.50)A.encounterB.highlightC.testifyD.identify2.To maintain public _ is not only the policemens duty but also every citizens responsibility.(分数:0.50)A

2、.customB.confidenceC.securityD.simplicity3.We are prepared to satisfy all your _ claims.(分数:0.50)A.legitimateB.legibleC.intimateD.legislative4.Presently, there are nine teachers in my team, who have _ the task of teaching advanced English to more than 500 non-English majors.(分数:0.50)A.inclinedB.hesi

3、tatedC.affordedD.undertaken5.If you take a(n) _ course like her you can learn English in less than two years.(分数:0.50)A.intensiveB.extensiveC.expansiveD.retentive6.She _ his invitation to dinner as she was on a diet.(分数:0.50)A.inclinedB.declinedC.deniedD.disinclined7.After a years hard work I think

4、I am _ to a long holiday.(分数:0.50)A.entailedB.deservedC.entitledD.satisfied8.The press demands that politicians _ the sources of their income.(分数:0.50)A.betrayB.concealC.discloseD.renew9.Had the explosion broken out, the passengers in the plane should have been killed, for it was _ timed with the pl

5、anes take-off.(分数:0.50)A.spontaneouslyB.instantaneouslyC.simultaneouslyD.conscientiously10.All was dark in the district except for a candle _ through the curtains in one of the houses.(分数:0.50)A.glimmeringB.glitteringC.flamingD.blazing11.Having gone through all kinds of hardships in life, he became

6、a man with a strong _.(分数:0.50)A.philosophyB.idealismC.moralityD.personality12.Doctors have long known that if a patient is _ that he will recover and is treated with sympathy, his pain will often disappear.(分数:0.50)A.assumedB.assuredC.informedD.proved13.The prizes will be _ at the end of the school

7、 year.(分数:0.50)A.distributedB.attributedC.grantedD.contributed14.There is a sale at Hamfridges next week with _ in all departments.(分数:0.50)A.decreasesB.subtractionsC.reductionsD.accounts15.He will simply not listen to anybody; he is _ to argument.(分数:0.50)A.imperviousB.imperceptibleC.impassableD.bl

8、unt16.“Me, afraid of him?“ he said with a(n) _ smile, “Not me!“(分数:0.50)A.contemptibleB.amusingC.contagiousD.contemptuous17.Although most birds have only a _ sense of smell, they have acute vision.(分数:0.50)A.genuineB.negativeC.negligibleD.condensed18.If I may be so _ as to advise you, my opinion is

9、that you should not reply to his letter.(分数:0.50)A.generousB.humbleC.proudD.bold19.There is not a Greek word which is the exact _ of the English word “stile“.(分数:0.50)A.equivalentB.copyC.counterpartD.meaning20.He _ between life and death for a few days but then he pulled through.(分数:0.50)A.hoveredB.

10、lurchedC.waveredD.fluctuated21.The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her _.(分数:0.50)A.whirlB.shiftC.shiverD.shake22.We were four scores left behind with five minutes to go, so the game looked completely _.(分数:0.50)A.irresistibleB.irremissibleC.irreplaceableD.irretrie

11、vable23.He _ himself as a war correspondent in Vietnam.(分数:0.50)A.discernedB.distinguishedC.discriminatedD.extinguished24.If the dispute is not settled in a(n) _ way soon, the two countries will certainly go to war.(分数:0.50)A.amiableB.amicableC.inimicalD.unfriendly25.Molly has always been a(n) _ chi

12、ld; she becomes iii easily.(分数:0.50)A.delicateB.gloomyC.energeticD.confident26.He was _ with attempted robbery and held in custody.(分数:0.50)A.accusedB.prosecutedC.chargedD.arrested27.There are some very beautifully _ glass windows in the church.(分数:0.50)A.designedB.drawnC.markedD.stained28.If you ne

13、ver review your lessons, you will only have yourself to _ if you fail in your examination.(分数:0.50)A.complainB.blameC.mistakeD.fault29.On leaving, we thanked him most warmly for the hospitality _ to us and our friends.(分数:0.50)A.extendedB.expandedC.expendedD.awarded30.Thousands of people _ from Gree

14、ce every year to work in West Germany.(分数:0.50)A.emigrateB.leaveC.abandonD.immigrate31.During our stay in Paris we were splendidly _ by the Italian Ambassador.(分数:0.50)A.sustainedB.maintainedC.retainedD.entertained32.One new _ to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural c

15、ontext.(分数:0.50)A.approachB.solutionC.mannerD.road33.We are sorry to say that Mary is not the very person who can be _ with either money or secret information.(分数:0.50)A.entrustedB.committedC.consignedD.assigned34.What the witness said in court was not _ with the statement he made to the police.(分数:

16、0.50)A.prevalentB.relevantC.consistentD.coincident35.To qualify for such a position, the native would first have to receive specialized training, and this is _.(分数:0.50)A.refusedB.discouragedC.deniedD.forbidden36.Stop asking all these personal questions! It is bad manners to be _.(分数:0.50)A.inquisit

17、iveB.impatientC.acquisitiveD.informative37.The man who never tries anything new is a(n) _ on the wheels of progress.(分数:0.50)A.obstacleB.brakeC.breakD.block38.It was my sad duty to _ the news of Johns death to his family.(分数:0.50)A.submitB.breakC.sayD.proclaim39.One of the stands _ and dozens of peo

18、ple were either killed or injured.(分数:0.50)A.destroyedB.collapsedC.corrodedD.rained40.He was a member of the Hillary _ that conquered Mount Everest.(分数:0.50)A.missionB.invasionC.experimentD.expedition二、BPart Reading (总题数:6,分数:60.00)BPassage 1/BOne day in 1963, a dolphin named Elvar and a famous astr

19、onomer, Carl Sagan, were playing a little game. The astronomer was visiting an institute which was looking into the way dolphins communicate with each other. He was standing at the edge of one of the tanks where several of these highly intelligent, friendly creatures were kept. Elvar had just swum u

20、p alongside him and had turned on his back. He wanted Sagan to scratch his stomach again, as the astronomer had done twice before. But this time Elvar was too deep in the water for Sagan to reach him Elvar looked up at Sagan, waiting. Then, after a minute or so, the dolphin leapt up through the wate

21、r into the air and made a sound just like the word “More!“The astonished astronomer went to the director of the institute and told him about the incident. “Oh, yes. Thats one of the words he knows,“ the director said, showing no surprise at all.Dolphins have bigger brains in proportion to their body

22、 size than humans have, and it has been known for a long time that they can make a number of sounds. What is more, these sounds seem to have different functions, such as warning each other of danger. Sound travels much faster and much further in water than it does in air. That is why the parts of th

23、e brain that deal with sound are much better developed in dolphins than in humans. But can it be said that dolphins have a “language“ in the real sense of the word? Scientists dont agree on this.A language is not just a collection of sounds, or even words. A language has a structure, or what we call

24、 a grammar. The grammar of a language helps to give it meaning. For example, the two questions “Who loves Mary?“ and “Who does Mary love?“ mean different things. If you stop to think about it, you will see that this difference doesnt come from the words in the question but from the difference in str

25、ucture. That is why the question “Can dolphins speak?“ cant be answered until we find out if dolphins not only make sounds but also arrange them in ways which affect their meaning.(分数:8.00)(1).The dolphin leapt into the air because _.(分数:2.00)A.Sagan had turned his backB.it was part of the game they

26、 were playingC.he wanted Sagan to scratch him againD.Sagan wanted him to do this(2).When Sagan told the director about what the dolphin had done, the director _.(分数:2.00)A.didnt seem to think it was unusualB.thought Sagan was jokingC.told Sagan about other words the dolphin knewD.asked him if he kne

27、w other words(3).Dolphins brains are particularly well-developed to _.(分数:2.00)A.help them to travel fast in waterB.arrange sounds in different structuresC.respond to different kinds of soundD.communicate with humans through sound(4).The sounds we call words can be called a language only if _.(分数:2.

28、00)A.each sound has a different meaningB.each sound is different from the otherC.there is a system of writingD.they have a structure or grammarBPassage 2/BMarried people live “happily ever after“ in fairy tales, but they do so less and less often in real life. I, like many of my friends, got married

29、, divorced, and remarried. I suppose, to some people, Im a failure. After all, I broke my first solemn promise to “love and cherish until death us do part.“ But I feel that Im finally a success. I learned from the mistakes I made in my first marriage. This time around, the ways my husband and I shar

30、e our free time, make decision, and deal with problems are very different.I learned, first of all, not to be a clinging vine (依赖男子的妇女). In my first marriage, I felt the every moment we spent apart was wasted. If Ray wanted to go out to a bar with his friends to watch a football game, I felt rejected

31、 and talked him into staying home. I wouldnt accept an offer to go to a movie or join an exercise class if it meant that Ray would be home alone. I realize now that we were often angry with each other just because we spent too much time together. In contrast, my second husband and I spend some of ou

32、r free time apart and try to have interests of our own. I have started playing racquetball at a health club, and David sometimes takes off to go to the local auto races with his friends. When we are together, we arent bored with each other, our separate interests make us more interesting people.I le

33、arned not only to be apart sometimes but also to work together when its time to make decisions. When Ray and I were married, I left all the important decisions to him. He decided how we would spend money, whether we should sell the car or fix it, and where to take a vacation. I know now that I went

34、along with this so that I wouldnt have to take the responsibility when things went wrong. I could always end an argument by saying, “It was your fault!“ With my second marriage, I am trying to be a full partner. We ask each others opinions on major decisions and try to compromise if we disagree. If

35、we make the wrong choice, were equally guilty. When we rented an apartment, for example, we both had to take the blame for not noticing the drafty windows and the “no pets“ clause in our lease.Maybe the most important thing Ive learned is to be a grown-up about facing problems. David and I have made

36、 a vow to face our troubles like adults. If were mad at each f other or worried and upset, we say how we feel. Rather than hide behind our own misery, we talk about the problem until we discover how to fix it. Everybody argues or has to deal with the occasional crisis, but Ray and I always reacted l

37、ike children to these stormy times. I would lock myself in the spare bedroom. Ray would stalk out of the house, slam the door, and race off in the car. Then I would cry and worry till he returned.I wish that my first marriage hadnt been the place where I learned how to make a relationship work, but

38、at least I did learn. I feel better now about being an independent per- son, about making decisions, and about facing problems. My second marriage isnt perfect, but it doesnt have the deep flaws that made the first one fall apart.(分数:12.00)(1).Which of the following has contributed to the writers di

39、vorce?(分数:2.00)A.Her former husband went out to watch football games.B.She started to play racquetball at a health club.C.They spent too much time together and got bored with each other.D.They spent so little time together that they could not talk to each other.(2).It can be learned from the passage

40、 that the writer, in her first marriage, _.(分数:2.00)A.took less responsibility than she should for major decisionsB.took the same responsibility as her husbandC.took more blame when things went wrongD.felt equally guilty when things went wrong(3).Which of the following the author should have said wh

41、en she quarreled with her former husband but she did not?(分数:2.00)A.“It was your fault!“B.“Maybe youre right.“C.“Its none of your business.“D.“Its none of my business.“(4).All the problems between the writer and David can be resolved because _.(分数:2.00)A.they hide their feelingsB.they lock themselve

42、s in their bedroomC.they have promised not to be mad at each otherD.they dare to face them(5).The writers second marriage is different from the first one in all the following ways except _.(分数:2.00)A.that they share their free timeB.that they make their decisions togetherC.that they talk to each oth

43、erD.that they deal with their troubles together(6).The best title for the passage is _.(分数:2.00)A.First MarriageB.Second MarriageC.DivorceD.Perfect MarriageBPassage 3/BClassified Advertising is that advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus distinguished from display

44、advertising. Such groupings as “Help Wanted“, “Real Estate“, “Lost and Found“ are made, the rate charged being less than that for display advertising. Classified advertisements are a convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser. The reader who is interested in a particular kind of advert

45、isement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The advertiser may, on this account, use a very small advertisement that would be lost if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper.It is evident that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame

46、of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to a page of classified advertisements to search for the particular advertisement that will meet his needs. As his attention is voluntary, the advertiser does not need to rely to much extent on display type to g

47、et the readers attention.Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in the number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is vying with others in the same group for the readers attention. In many cases

48、 the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the addition of headlines and pictures. In that way the classified advertisement has in reality become a display advertisement. This is particularly true of real-estate advertising.(分数:10.00)(1).Classified advertising is different from display advertising because _.(分数:2.00)A.all advertisements of a certain type are grouped togetherB.it is more distinguishedC.it is more expensiveD.nowadays the classified advertisements are all of the same size(2).One of the examples given of types of classified advertisement is _


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