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1、考博英语-663 及答案解析(总分:112.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:26.00)1.Contradictory to popular belief, recent surveys show that besides housewives, many college students are also _ to soap operas.A. appealed B. addicted C. adjusted D. attracted(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.The universal historians give contr

2、adictory replies to that question, while the historians of culture _ giving a direct answer.A. evade B. miss C. shirk D. steer(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.3.Any troop of wild animals should be approached warily.A. fearlessly B. confidently C. silently D. prudently(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.Five score years ago, a great

3、 American, _ symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.A. with his B. in whose C. by him D. of whom(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.He is a (well-known) hardworking and clever student, and he often gets top (scores) in his class; so all his classmates (are sure) that he (studies very hardly).

4、A. well-known B. scores C. are sure D. studies very hardly(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.Skippers must make a report to customs either in person or by telephone, if they have any duty-free goods on board, or are carrying prohibited goods including animals _ their port of departure.A. with regard to B. ignorant

5、of C. resistant to D. irrespective of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.7.A thorough study of biology requires _ with the properties of trees and plants, and the habit of birds and beasts.A. acquisition B. discrimination C. curiosity D. familiarity(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.8.The town planning commission said that their financ

6、ial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased taxA efficiency B revenues C privileges D validity(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.9.Brazilian music is thoroughly imbued with African themes, and illustrious composers have long found inspiration in the black musical heritage.A. imaginative B. sen

7、sitiveC. distinguished D. persistent(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be_the welfare of his animals.A. critical about B. indignant at C. indifferent to D. subject to(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.“Me, afraid of him?“ he said with a(n)

8、 _ smile, “Not me!“A. contemptible B. amusing C. contagious D. contemptuous(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.12.Perhaps I should not have done so, but I changed my mind about the new job even though I was _ last week.A. to be started B. to have started C. to have been starting D. start(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.The degree

9、of economic growth is an _ of the level of living.A. index B. advantage C. access D. aspect(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A. interfered B. offended C. impressed D. bothered(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.15.Though her parents _ her musical ability, Jerril

10、ous piano playing is really terrible.A pour scorn on B heap praise upon C give vent to D cast light upon(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.16.She believed that she was born to be a film star.A. meant B. supposed C. intended D. hoped(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.One new _ to learning a foreign language is to study the language

11、in its cultural context.A. approach B. solution C. manner D. road(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.18.The chief editor thought he took some liberties with the original in translation. So it was necessary that he make the _ suggested.A. alterations B. alternatives C. alternations D. altercation(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.19.It

12、was a type of urban story that continues to _ big-city dwellers forward each day, a tale of hard work and self-starting initiative, of taking matters into ones own hands to make dreams come true.A. propel B. penetrate C. baffle D. harness(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.20.To be a successful criminal, one must be_.

13、A. empirical B. emigrant C. elegant D. elusive(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.21.The Second Hague Disarmament Conference of 1907 was marked more by discord than discourse, a sign of the deteriorating world situation.A. facilitating B. upgrading C. justifying D. worsening(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.22.The team leader of mount

14、ain climbers marked out _.A. that seemed to be the best route B. what seemed to he the best routeC. which seemed to he the best route D. something that to be the best route(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.23.Rock climbing is so popular now that many people are able to _ the steepest face with great agility.A. scale

15、 B. surpass C. overcome D. mount(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.24.“Our life is _ away by detail. Simplify, simplify.“ That dictum of Henry David Thoreans, echoing from the days of steamboats and ox-drawn plows, had long haunted me.A. frittered B. quenched C. reproached D. scouted(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.25.She felt dizzy

16、 and had to _ something to steady herself.A. hold onto B. hold upC. hold forth D. hold down(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.26.It was all agreed that the first problem the new government would have to _ was unemployment.A. grip B. tackle C. discern D. manipulate(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.27.He failed to carry out some of the

17、 provisions of the contract, and now he has to _the consequences.A. answer for B. run into C. abide by D. step into(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.28.They _ for an early end to the fighting which had brought about a great loss to the city.A. petitioned B. reasoned C. reckoned D. rebuked(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.29.In the d

18、ark they could not see anything clear, but could _.A. hear somebody mourn B. hear somebody mourningC. hear somebody mourned D. hear somebody had been mourning(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.30.Our research has not shown us anything so far, so there is little _ to continue with it.A. impatience B. incentiveC. impul

19、se D. initiative(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:5.00)As the horizons of science have expanded, two main groups of scientists have emerged. One is the pure scientist; the other, the applied scientist.The pure or theoretical scientist does original research i

20、n order to understand the basic laws of nature that govern our world. The applied scientist adapts this knowledge to practical problems. Neither is more important than the other, however, for the two groups are very much related. Some times, however, the applied scientist finds the “problem“ for the

21、 theoretical scientist to work on. Let s take a particular problem of the aircraft industry: heat-resistant metals. Many of the metals and alloys which perform satisfactorily in a car cannot be used in a jet-propelled plane. New alloys must be used, because the jet engine operates at a much higher t

22、emperature than an automobile engine. The turbine wheel in a turbojet must withstand temperatures as high as 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, so aircraft designers had to turn to the research metallurgist for the development of metals and alloys that would do the job in jet-propelled planes.Dividing scient

23、ists into two groups is only one broad way of classifying them, however. When scientific knowledge was very limited, there was no need for men to specialize. Today, with the great body of scientific knowledge, scientists specialize in many different fields. Within each field, there is even further s

24、ubdivision. And, with finer and finer subdivisions, the various sciences have become more and more interrelated until no one branch is entirely independent of the others. Many new specialties-geophysics and biochemistry, for example-have resulted from combining the knowledge of two or more sciences.

25、(分数:5.00)(1).The applied scientist _.A. is not always interested in practical problemsB. provides the basic knowledge for practiceC. applies the results of research to practiceD. does original research to understand the basic laws of nature(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The example given in the passage illust

26、rates how _.A. pure science operates independently of applied scienceB. the applied scientist discovers the basic laws of natureC. applied science defines all the areas in which basic research is doneD. applied science suggests problems for the basic scientist(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The problem discuss

27、ed in the second paragraph called for _.A. selecting the best hear-resistant metal from existing metalsB. developing a turbine wheel capable of generating hear up to 1, 600 degrees FahrenheitC. developing metals and alloys that would withstand terrific temperaturesD. causing the jet engine to operat

28、e at higher temperatures(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Finer and finer subdivision in the field of science has resulted in _.A. greater independence of each scienceB. greater interdependence of all the various sciencesC. the eradication of the need for specialistsD. the need for only on classification of scie

29、ntists(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).“The horizons of science have expanded“ means that _.A. the horizon changes its size from year to yearB. science has developed more fields of endeavorC. scientists have made great progress in studying the horizonD. scientists can see further out into space(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.

30、四、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:6.00)“It was the beginning of a revolution in America and the world, a revolution that some have yet to acknowledge and many have yet to appreciate,“ says Harold Skramstad, president of the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. 1776? No indeed: 1896, when Frank Duryea final

31、ly perfected the Duryea Motor, Wagon. At its first airing, the contraption rolled less than 100 metres before the transmission froze up. But by the end of 1896 Duryea had sold 13 of them, thus giving birth to the American motor industry.That industry (whose roots, outside America, are usually attrib

32、uted to tinkerings by Messrs Daimler and Benz in Germany) is being celebrated hugely over the coming months, culminating with a Great American Crnise-in in Detroit in June. “Our goal is to attract the greatest collection of antique and classic cars this nation has ever seen in one place at one time,

33、“ says Mr Skramstad modestly.Americans may indeed blame the car for almost everything that has happened to their country, and themselves, since 1896. The car has determined.The way they live. From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage. Home by car from the maternity ward; fir

34、st driving licence (usually at the age of 16); first (backseat) sexual experience; first car of ones own (and the make of car is a prime determinant of social status, symbolic of everything a person is or does). In Las Vegas, and elsewhere, Americans can get married at drive-in chapels. They then bu

35、y, or lust after, a house with garages big enough for not one but two or three cars. This allocates more space to cars than to children. And when the time comes, they may lie in state at a drive-through funeral home, where you can pay your respects without pulling over.The way they shop. Main Street

36、 has been replaced by the strip mall and the shopping mall, concentrating consumer goods in an auto-friendly space. A large part of each shopping trip must now be spent, bags under chin, searching for the place where the car was left. (And another point: bags have annoyingly lost their carrying hand

37、les since shoppers ceased to be pedestrian) Since car-friendly living and shopping became the role, most built-up parts of America now look like every other part. There is simply no difference between a Burger Inn in California and one on the outskirts of Boston.The way they eat. A significant propo

38、rtion of Americans weekly meals are now consumed inside cars, sometimes while parked outside the (drive-by) eatery concerned, sometimes en route, which leads to painful spillages in laps, leading to overburdening of. The legal system. Dozens of laws have been written to deal with car cases, ranging

39、from traffic disputes to product liability. Drive-by shootings require a car, as do most getaways. The car is a great crime accessory; and it also causes the deaths of nearly 40,000 Americans every year.Personal finances. Before the age of the car, few people went into debt; no need to borrow money

40、to buy a horse. Now Americans tie themselves up with extended installment loans, and this in turn has spawned a whole financial industry.The wealth of the nation. By 1908, an estimated 485 different manufacturers were building cars in the United States. Employment grew nearly 100-fold in the industr

41、y during the first decade of the 20th century. When Henry Ford, in a stroke of genius, automated his production line he required a rush of new, unskilled labour, which he enticed by offering an unheard-of 5 a day in wages. Henceforth, workers could actually afford to buy what they built.And American

42、s never looked back. Today, the Big Three car manufacturers (Food, GM and Chrysler) generate more than 200 billion a year in business inside the United States. Directly and indirectly, the industry employs roughly one in seven workers. Every car job is reckoned to add 100,000 in goods and services t

43、o the economy, twice the national average.People occasionally suppose that the car is under attack as it enters its second century. Environmental regulators and transport planners (with their talk of car pools and subways) tend to give this impression. There are signs that personal computers may be

44、replacing the sports car as the chief passion, and expense, of young men. But, in the end, nothing beats the idea of individual mobility. In a society that values freedom above all, the obvious way to celebrate a centenary is just to keep driving.(分数:6.00)(1).The article was written in order to _.A.

45、 introduce new models of automobilesB. emphasize automobiles have brought wealth to the nationC. commemorate the centenary anniversary of the birth of the American motor industryD. illustrate the rapid development of automobile industry in America(分数:1.20)A.B.C.D.(2).The coming celebration of Americ

46、an automobile industry _.A. will be held outside AmericaB. will include a display of different variety of classic carsC. will begin in June in Detroit, lasting for a monthD. will be chaired by Mr. Skramstad(分数:1.20)A.B.C.D.(3).According to the passage, _.A. American automobile industry slowed down i

47、ts employment of staff since 1900B. five dollars a day for the blue collar worker was quite a decent wage at the beginning of the centuryC. every car produced will enable the manufacturers to have a profit of 100,000D. Ford, GM and Chrysler, the only existing motor manufacturers in U.S. have a busin

48、ess of 200 billion annually(分数:1.20)A.B.C.D.(4).It is suggested that automobiles will not be as popular as before owing to the possibility that _.A. Americans tie themselves up with extended installment loansB. Americans become more interested in antiquesC. employment in motor industry has grown to

49、such a point that no more unskilled worker are neededD. young people in America will be obsessed by personal computers(分数:1.20)A.B.C.D.(5).The writer believes that Americans will still consider cars as an essential part in their life becauseA. cars provide them with freedom, which is invaluable to AmericansB. the motor industry employ one in seven workers in their manufacturing plantsC. the owners

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