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1、同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语-49 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Paper One(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part Dialogue Comm(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A(总题数:5,分数:5.00)1.A: This vase is 200 years old. Be very careful in carrying it.B: _.(分数:1.00)A.Take it easy, professor.B.Just a piece of cake, professor.C.No problem.D.You can depend

2、on me, professor; Ill be as careful as I can.2.A: How about the food I ordered? Ive been waiting for twenty minutes already.B: _.(分数:1.00)A.What have you ordered, sir?B.Who took your order, sir?C.When did you give your order, sir?D.Very sorry, sir. Ill be back with your order in a minut3.A: What sha

3、ll I do? Ive got so many things on my mind now. Will anybody help me?B: _.(分数:1.00)A.How can I get support from others?B.Dont expect me to help you. Is there anybody who can help me?C.Dont ask me. Its your baby, Mary. See, my hands are full.D.Sorry. I didnt expect you are so busy.4.A: I ought to eat

4、 before I head to the meeting.B: _.(分数:1.00)A.Why bother? Theyll have food there.B.But its still early.C.You shouldnt eat too much.D.But you already had afternoon te5.A: A young man from AT Ill be as careful as I can. 解析:A 方叫 B 方小心搬运那已有 200 年历史的花瓶,可见其对此非常重视,作为回应,选项 D 较适合,承诺其会尽可能小心,让 A 方放心;而其他选项所体现的态

5、度过于轻佻。2.A: How about the food I ordered? Ive been waiting for twenty minutes already.B: _.(分数:1.00)A.What have you ordered, sir?B.Who took your order, sir?C.When did you give your order, sir?D.Very sorry, sir. Ill be back with your order in a minut 解析:显然该对话发生在餐馆中的顾客与服务员之间,顾客 A 方抱怨他点的菜过了二十分钟还没有上桌,服务员

6、 B 方对此表示抱歉,并说马上为顾客上莱,选项 D 显得得体而礼貌,其他选项显得态度生硬,在此不适合作为回答。3.A: What shall I do? Ive got so many things on my mind now. Will anybody help me?B: _.(分数:1.00)A.How can I get support from others?B.Dont expect me to help you. Is there anybody who can help me?C.Dont ask me. Its your baby, Mary. See, my hands

7、are full. D.Sorry. I didnt expect you are so busy.解析:A 方显然在发急,抱怨自己事情多,希望有人能来帮帮她的忙。选项 C 说,别指望我,我忙着呢。4.A: I ought to eat before I head to the meeting.B: _.(分数:1.00)A.Why bother? Theyll have food there. B.But its still early.C.You shouldnt eat too much.D.But you already had afternoon te解析:A 方说在去参加会议前他得

8、先吃饭,B 方告诉他不需要那么麻烦,因为会议方会提供食物。其他选项都显得文不对题。5.A: A young man from AT&T would like to talk with the manager on the new project. Is she available?B: _.(分数:1.00)A.Im sorry. She is engaged just now. B.Im busy. Ask someone else.C.Pardon, please. She said she would come to meet sooner or later.D.She said she

9、 should apologize for inconvenienc解析:A 方显然是个传话人,说 AT&T 公司来的一个年轻人要见经理谈项目,问她是否有空。注意选择答案时,要明白 be engaged in 这个说法的意思是“正在忙着”。四、Section B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)6.Man: Are you coming with us to the supermarket this afternoon?Woman: I promised Lucy that Id help her with her painting project, and Im really looking f

10、orward to it.Question: What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.She doesnt need anything at the supermarket.B.She wont be joining the man. C.She and Lucy are learning how to paint.D.Shed rather go to the supermarket than help Lucy.解析:男士邀请女士一起去超市购物,但女士已答应了露西帮她画画,并且正期待着这一时刻的到来,可见她不打算接受男士的邀请与男士一起去购物。7.Man:

11、I hope we can see everything from way up here.Woman: Dont worry. You can watch the whole game no matter where you are.Question: What kind of place are the speakers probably at?(分数:1.00)A.An apartment building.B.A stadium. C.A theater.D.An airplan解析:男士希望能看到全场,女士安慰他不管坐在哪里都能看到整个比赛,由此可推断出该对话双方身处一个运动场或赛场

12、。8.Man: If I dont find my wallet pretty soon, I have to report it stolen.Woman: Hold on! Before you call the campus security office, have you checked your Car, all your jacket pockets everywhere?Question: What does the woman suggest the man do?(分数:1.00)A.Keep looking for his wallet. B.Report the the

13、ft of the wallet right away.C.Put his wallet in his jacket pocket.D.Be more careful with his wallet.解析:本题的关键用语是 Hold on。男士说如果找不着自己的钱包就去报失了。女士劝他沉住气,并建议他到处仔细找找看。9.Man: Are you ready to go jogging?Woman: Almost, I have to warm up first.Question: What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.She wants to exercise

14、 before she runs. B.Its too hot to go running.C.Her jogging suit isnt warm enough.D.She already went joggin解析:jogging 的意思是“慢跑”。warm up 是“热身”。女士回答说她要先热身,因此应选 A。10.Man: I notice you dont buy your lunch in the cafeteria any more.Woman: When prices went up,I decided to bring my own.Question: Why doesnt

15、the woman buy food in the cafeteria?(分数:1.00)A.She is on a special diet.B.She doesnt like to walk to the cafeteria.C.She thinks the cafeteria is too expensive. D.She doesnt eat lunch anymor解析:prices went up 是“涨价”的意思。女士在食品涨价后决定自己带午餐,因此应选 C。五、Part Vocabulary(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Section A(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11

16、.Flu shots are given every fall as a precaution against an epidemic the following winter.(分数:0.50)A.required treatmentB.free serviceC.preventive measures D.new therapy解析:画线词 precaution:预防措施。其含义等于选项 Cpreventive measures(预防性措施)。辨义:Arequired treatment 所要求的治疗;Bfree service 免费服务; Dnew therapy 新的疗法。故答案为 C

17、。12.Jane was quite annoyed(下划线) with Jerry for arriving so late.(分数:0.50)A.put offB.put onC.put downD.put out 解析:画线词 annoyed 的意思是:(使)烦恼的。正确答案为 D。辨义:Aput off 推迟;Bput on 穿上;Cput down 放下、镇压; Dput out(使人)烦恼的。用短语动词 put out 的过去分词形式可替换形容词 annoyed。13.The recent medical breakthrough was the culmination of ma

18、ny long years of experimentation.(分数:0.50)A.resultB.climax C.abyssD.cultivation解析:本题 The recent medical breakthrough was the culmination of many long years of experimentation题句的意思为:最近在医学方面取得的突破是多年漫长试验的最高峰。正确答案为B。画线词 culmination 的含义等于 climax,即“顶峰”之意。辨义:Aresult 结果; Bclimax 顶点、最高峰;Cabyss 深渊;Dcultivatio

19、n 耕种、耕作。14.Evidence exists that hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.(分数:0.50)A.initiatedB.lessened C.curedD.complicated解析:画线词 alleviate 的意思等于 lessened,即“减轻”,“缓解”。辨义:Ainitiated 发起;Ccured 治愈;Dcomplicated 复杂化。15.Mark Twain is one of the best American creative write

20、rs.(分数:0.50)A.productiveB.inventive C.fancifulD.ingenious解析:画线词 creative 的意思是:创造性的。与选项 B inventive 有发明能力的意思相近。正确答案为B。其他词的辨义为:A生产的 productive;Cfanciful 爱空想的;D灵巧的 ingenious。16.The rapid expansion of cities during the Industrial Revolution created a housing crisis.(分数:0.50)A.avoidedB.brought about C.ag

21、gravationD.started with解析:画线词 created 在本句中的意思是:造成、带来。相当于 brought about。故正确答案为 B。辨义:Aavoided 避免;Caggravation 使恶化;Dstarted with 从开始。17.The question was discarded, because it was ambiguous.(分数:0.50)A.incorrectB.biasedC.vague D.dull解析:画线词 ambiguous的意思是:“模糊的,含糊的。”正确答案为 C。辨义:Aincorrect 不正确、错误的;Bbiased 有偏见

22、的;Cvague 模糊的;Ddull 枯燥的。18.The agencys ruling crippled their plans.(分数:0.50)A.enhancedB.promptedC.impaired D.advanced解析:本题题句 The agencys ruling crippled their plans的句意为:代理机构的裁决破坏了他们的计划。画线词 cripple 的意义接近选项 C,impaired。故正确答案为 C。其他词的辨义:Aenhanced增强;Bprompted 促进;Dadvanced 推进。19.In the phenomenon of atomic

23、fission, the nucleus is split into two pieces of approximately equal mass.(分数:0.50)A.doublyB.alwaysC.solidlyD.about 解析:画线词 approximately 的意思等于 Dabout,即“大约、将近。”正确答案为 D。辨义:Adoubly 两倍的;Balways 总是;Csolidly 坚固地。20.This legislation is critical to sustaining the business upturn.(分数:0.50)A.crucial for B.con

24、trary toC.objectionable forD.averse to解析:画线词 critical to 的意思是:极为重要的、决定性的,与 crucial for 含义相同。故正确答案为A。辨义:Bcontrary to 相反的;Cobjectionable for 讨厌的;Daverse to 不喜欢。七、Section B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)21._ the bad weather,we decided to go to the picnic.(分数:0.50)A.Despite B.In spiteC.AlthoughD.Though解析:辨义:in spite 需

25、要加 of 才能接宾语;although 和 though 后面要接句子,是连词;despite 等于 in spite of。故 A 为正确答案。22.The court reversed its _ of imprisonment, and the man went free.(分数:0.50)A.demandB.directionC.decree D.declaration解析:本句需提案的词为 decree。辨义:Ademand 需求;Bdirection 指示;Cdecree 法令、命令;Ddeclaration 宣布。23.In Thailand four banks went b

26、ankrupt, which led to a _ among businessmen.(分数:0.50)A.panic B.horrorC.nightmareD.chaos解析:辨义: Apanic 恐慌、惊慌;Bhorror 恐怖、恐惧;Cnightmare 噩梦;Dchaos 混乱、紊乱。根据题意上下文,选项 A 应为正确答案。24.The camel is _ by the ability to go for quite a few days without water.(分数:0.50)A.summarizedB.symbolizedC.characterized D.represe

27、nted解析:根据句意,需加的词为 characterized,即“以为特征。”辨义:A总结、概括summarized;Bsymbolized 象征;Drepresented 代表,表述。25.That small fishing village has now _ into an important port.(分数:0.50)A.openedB.blossomed C.blownD.sprouted解析:辨义:Aopened 开放;Bblossomed 开花、发展;Cblown 打、击;Dsprouted 发芽。26.Passengers are _ not to leave their

28、cases and packages here.(分数:0.50)A.commandedB.informedC.notified D.ordered解析:辨义:Acommanded 命令,指挥,其命令多为军事命令;Binformed 和 Cnotified 都表示“将某事告诉或通知某人”。inform 强调直接将任何种类的事实或知识告诉或传递给某人;notify 指用官方公告或正式通知书将应该或需要知道的事告知某人;D“ordered 命令”,可以指各种命令,比 command 使用范围广。根据句意,C 为正确答案。27.After the _ application is approved,

29、 the cyberspace should not be left untouched.(分数:0.50)A.smogB.blog C.blobD.blot解析:辨义:Asmog 烟雾;Bblog 博客;Cblob(墨水等)一滴、一团;Dblot 污渍。28._ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.(分数:0.50)A.In spite ofB.Because ofC.But for D.As for解析:选项 Cbut for 的意思是“要不是的话,就_。”根据句意“要不是因为这次参加考试

30、的话,我就会去听音乐会了。”因此,选项 C 应为正确答案。辨义:AInspite of 不管;BBecause of 由于;DAs for 至于,关于。29.Tom doesnt think he could ever _ what is called “free-style“ poetry.(分数:0.50)A.take onB.take overC.take to D.take after解析:本题题句 Tom doesnt think he could ever_ what is called “free-style”poetry 的意思是:汤姆没有想到他竟然会对自由体诗_(感上了)兴趣

31、。辨义:Atake on 承担,担当(任务等);Btake over 接管,接过来;Ctake to 意为 begin to like,即开始喜欢上(某种东西);Dtake after 模仿,长得像(某人)。因此,选项 C 适合题意,为正确答案。30.We hadnt met for about 15 years, but I recognized her _ I saw her.(分数:0.50)A.the moment B.the moment whenC.for the momentD.at the moment when解析:此处需加上名词性连接词 the moment,意思是:立即,

32、马上。根据句意:我们虽然 15 年没有见面了,但是我一看见他,_(马上)就认出了她。辨义:Athe moment,在某一时刻,就;Bthe moment as,非固定成语;Cfor the moment 在某一时刻。八、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:6.00)The National Education Association claims. “The school bus is a mirror of the community.“ They further add that, unfortunately, w

33、hat appears on the exterior does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community. They are right-sometimes it reflects more! Just ask Liesl Denson. Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy, school bus driver for Althouse BUS Company, has been Liesls bus dr

34、iver since kindergarten. Last year when Liesls family moved to Parkesburg, knowing her bus went by her new residence, she requested to ride the same bus.This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year, riding the bus. She says, “Its been a great ride so far ! My bus driver is so cool and ha

35、s always been a good friend and a good listener. Sometimes when youre a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important. Mr. Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important.“ Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.Bruce Hardy has been making Octo

36、rara students feel special since 1975. This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Company, Larry Althouso, president of the company, acknowledges Bruce Hardys outstanding record . “You do not come by employees like Bruce these days. He has never missed a day of work and has a perf

37、ect driving record. He was recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350 000 accident free miles. Hardys reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus.“Althouse further adds, “Althouse Bus Company was esta

38、blished 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since. My grandfather started the business with one bus.Althouse Bus Company is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide

39、 quality service for many more years to come.“Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed. Thanks to drivers like Bruce Hardy, they have been building relationships through generations, Liesls mother Carol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardys bus to the Octorara Scho

40、ol District.(分数:6.00)(1).The word “mirror“ in the first line could be best replaced by _.(分数:1.00)A.“vehicle“B.“device“C.“need“D.“reflection“ 解析:mirror 和 reflection 都有“反映”的意思。reflection 的动词是 reflect,在第一段中出现了两次。vehicle 是“交通工具”,device 是“装置”,need 是“需要”,都不符合句意。(2).Why Liesl and her friends treat Bruce H

41、ardy, their school bus driver as a good friend?(分数:1.00)A.Because Hardy is good at driving.B.Because Hardy has been their school bus driver for many years.C.Because Hardy is willing to listen to them and make them feel important. D.Because Hardy has a perfect driving recor解析:第三段中 Liesl 所说的话,“has alw

42、ays been a good friend and a good listener”以及“always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important”可以看出,她们喜欢 Bruce Hardy 是因为他愿意倾听,让她们感到自己的重要性。而其他三个选项只是说明 Bruce Hardy 是一位经验丰富,技术过硬的老司机,并不是小女孩们喜欢他的直接原因。故选 C。(3).Bruce Hardy has been working with Althouse Bus Company _.(分数:1.00)A.for 30 ye

43、ars B.for 70 yearsC.since last yearD.since 2000解析:该题问的是:Bruce Hardy 为 Althouse 公交公司工作了多少年了?第四段的第二句话是这么说的,“This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Company”(今年,他要庆祝为Althous 公交公司工作 30 年),故选 A。(4).Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?(分数:1.00)A.He is popular

44、 with his passengersB.He has never missed a day of workC.He is an impatient person D.He has driven 350 000 accident free miles解析:该题问的是:下面的哪一种说法不符合 Brice Hardy 实际情况。选项 A 可见于第三段第二行,即上一题中讲到他愿意倾听,所以很受小女孩们的欢迎,所以正确。选项 B 在第四段中有提及“He has never missed a day of work”,正确。选项 D 也符合题意,可见于“He was recognizedfor dri

45、ving 350 000 accident free miles”。而选项 C 说的是:Bruce Hardy 不耐心。第三段说到了 Bruce Hardy 是一个很好的听众,他总是听着你要说的话。可见,说 Bruce Hardy 不耐心不符合实际情况。故选 C。(5).Althouse Bus Company was founded by _.(分数:1.00)A.Larry AlthouseB.Althouses grandfather C.Liesls motherD.Ashley Batista解析:该题问的是:谁创立了 Althouse 公交公司?选项 A 说的是:Larry Alt

46、house。Larry Althouse 是公司的总裁。B 说的是:Althouse 的祖父。倒数第二段有这样一句话:我 (Althouse)的祖父开始经营时只有一辆公共汽车。可见,B 是正确答案。(6).Although Bus Company pays much attention to _.(分数:1.00)A.employing young driversB.running quality schoolsC.providing free driving lessonsD.building sound relationships 解析:该题问的是:Althouse 公交公司注重什么?A

47、说的是:雇用年轻司机。B 说的是:经营素质学校。C:提供免费驾驶课程。D:建立良好的关系。文章通过小女孩 Liesl 的讲述,反映出司机与乘客之间的和谐融洽的关系,这才是公司注重的方面,故选 D。十、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Despite not being terribly smart as individuals, wasp (黄蜂) colonies build and maintain a complex nest that lasts many generations. Just how these social wasps coordinate this

48、 task has always been a mystery. But now a mathematical model suggests that one key factor drives their behavior: the amount of water in the nest.Social wasps cannot learn from one anotherunlike bees, which use a complex dance to tell nest mates where sources of nectar (花蜜) are. Nor do they use pheromones (信息素) the way ants do to lead other ants to food.Robert Jeanne of the University of Wisconsin-Madison proposed that wasps set up a demand-driven chain of information. At the end of the chain, builder wasps monitor the nest and when necessary, request pulp from pulp forager wasps. T


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