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1、 丹东市 2013 年初中毕业生毕业升学考试 英语试卷 考试时间: 120 分钟 试卷满分: 150 分 注意事项:考生答题时,必须将答案写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。 第一卷 客观题 .听录音,按要求完成任务。(请将符合题意的选项用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上 。 每小题 1 分,共 20 分) (A) 听录音,选图片。根据你所听到的句子选择与其意思相符的图片。(录音播放一遍) (B) 听五组短对话,根据对话内容回答问题。(录音播放一遍) 6. What does Jim want to be when he grows up? A. An actor. B. A singer.

2、C. A teacher. 7. Whats wrong with the man? A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a toothache. C. He has a backache. A B C 1. A B C A B C A B C A B C 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. How is the weather today? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy. 9. Where will the man go on vacation? A. Dandong. B. Beijing. C. Jinzhou. 10. What doe

3、s the man think of the English club? A. Interesting. B. Helpful. C. Beautiful. (C) 听一段长对话,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。(录音播放两遍) 11. Where does the woman plan to go? A. Shanghai. B. Beijing. C. Shenyang. 12. How long is the womans holiday? A. Three days. B. Four days. C. Five days. 13. When will the woman leave? A.

4、 Next Tuesday. B. Next Sunday. C. Next Monday. 14. What place will the woman go to visit? A. The Great Wall. B. The beach. C. The mountains. 15. What does the man plan to do? A. He will stay at home. B. He will visit the city. C. He will see a movie. (D) 听短文,回答问题。(录音播放两遍) 16. What subject does Jim l

5、ike best? A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English. 17. Who does Jim play games with after school? A. His parents. B. His classmates. C. His cousins. 18. Are Jim and Mrs Green in the same school? A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they are. C. We dont know. 19. How old is Mrs Green? A. 40. B. 36. C. 38. 20. What doe

6、s Mr Green do? A. A football player. B. A basketball player. C. A baseball player. .单项选择 (从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将符合题意的选项用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。 每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 21. Excuse me, is there _ bank near here? Yes, its over there, next to _ hotel. A. an, the B. the, an C. a, the D. the, a 22. My pen doesnt work.

7、May I borrow _, Kate? Sorry, Im using it now. A. hers B. his C. yours D. mine 23. Is your home far from school? Not very far. Its only five _ walk. A. minutes B. minute C. minutes D. minutes 24. I hear Dandong is a beautiful city. Yes, its famous _ its rice and seafood. A. for B. as C. to D. with 25

8、. May I smoke here? Sorry, its dangerous. Look at the sign“ _”. 26. Dont make any noise. Your grandfather _. Sorry, we will play outside. A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping 27. There _ an exciting soccer game on TV last night, but I missed it. Oh, what a pity! A. is B. was C. has D. h

9、ad 28. It has been raining for the whole week. I cant stand rainy days. They make me _. A. sad B. excited C. happy D. relaxed 29. Can I hang out with my friends tonight, Mum? Of course, but you _ be home by 8:00 oclock. A. can B. must C. may D. might 30. Im hungry now. Could you please tell me _? Su

10、re. Follow me, please. A. where theres a good place to have fun B. the way to the post office C. where I can get a dictionary D. where theres a good place to eat 31. Hi, Tom, why do you look so tired? Because I _ last night to finish my homework. A. stayed up B. made up C. put up D. looked up 32. Wo

11、uld you mind cleaning the room, Tim? Its a real mess. _. Ill do it right away, Dad. A. Not at all B. Yes, Id love to C. Sorry, I cant D. Sure 33. Ann, would you like to drink tea or coffee? _. Im not thirsty at all. A. Either B. Any C. Neither D. Both 34. David saved an old man in danger yesterday.

12、_! We should learn from him. A. What a kind boy B. What a lucky boy C. What a lucky old man D. What a kind old man 35. What do you think Mary is like? She was quiet before, but she is very _ now. A. B. C. D. A. clever B. outgoing C. serious D. shy 36. Can you understand what I said? Sorry, I can _ f

13、ollow you. Would you please speak a little more slowly? A. always B. almost C. hardly D. hard 37. The flowers in Hekou _ beautiful in May. Yes, many tourists come to watch them every year. A. sound B. listen C. taste D. look 38. When did you start to collect stamps? I got my _ stamp when I was _ yea

14、rs old. A. one, seven B. one, seventh C. first, seventh D. first, seven 39. “Food Safety” problem is becoming _ these days. I think so. The government must do something to deal with it. A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worse C. better and better D. nicer and nicer 40. What are you doing tomorrow,

15、 Jane? Ill go bike riding if it _. I like riding on rainy days. A. doesnt rain B. is cloudy C. is snowy D. rains .完型填空 (根据短文内容,从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确,并将符合题意的选项 用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题 1 分,共10 分) Young people and other people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about

16、living, working and playing. But in a program in New York, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 41 and 50 adults live together for 8 weeks as members of a work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy. It is to find meaning in work. Some

17、teenagers work on the 42 near the village. Some learn to build a house. The adults 43 them. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are 44 , too. Each teenager has his own way to 45 his free time. When people live together, rules are always 46 . In this program the teenagers and adults make

18、the rules together. If someone 47 a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They ask, “Why did it happen? 48 do we have to do about it?” One of the teenagers has this to say about the program, “Stop thinking 49 about yourself, learn 50 to think about the group.” 41. A. workers B. teenagers C.

19、 farmers D. teachers 42. A. lake B. river C. sea D. farm 43. A. give B. agree C. thank D. teach 44. A. free B. busy C. wonderful D. terrible 45. A. make B. take C. spend D. find 46. A. need B. needed C. being need D. needs 47. A. uses B. finds C. breaks D. helps 48. A. What B. Why C. Who D. Where 49

20、. A. even B. only C. never D. seldom 50. A. which B. where C. how D. whether .阅读理解 (根据短文内容,从每个题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案, 并将符合题意的选项用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。 每小题 1 分,共 20 分) Passage 1 Big Screen Cinema Hero An action movie. $5 Monday Friday 8:00am 9:30am 6:30pm8:00pm Kung Fu Panda 2 A cartoon. Adults: $3 Students wit

21、h school ID cards: $2 Kids under six: Free Saturday Sunday 8:00am 9:30am 6:30pm8:00pm Tel: 785-2436 Mr Browns Shoe Store Open: MondayFriday 8:00am8:00pm SaturdaySunday 8:00am10:00pm Womens shoes are on sale. Each pair is 50 yuan on weekends. 302 Green Street Tel: 786-6485 School Bus Driver Wanted Fu

22、ll-time job. At least three years driving experience. Good knowledge of the city. Be good with kids. Under 40 years old. For more information, call Mr Li at 785-4365. 51. Hero is a(n) _. A. comedy B. cartoon C. action movie D. thriller 52. You can buy a pair of womens shoes for 50 yuan on _ at Mr Br

23、owns shoe store. A. Thursday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday 53. If you want to be a school bus driver, please call _. A. 785-2436 B. 786-6485. C. 785-7361 D. 785-4365 54. Mrs Li and her five-year-old son go to see Kung Fu Panda 2,they need to pay _. A. $2 B. $3 C. $4 D. $5 55. Who may get the job as

24、a school bus driver? A. A person who is over 50 years old. B. A person who has been a driver for only one year. C. A person who has driven for four years, but doesnt like children. D. A person who is thirty-five years old and knows the city well. Passage 2 It was Sunday morning. A butcher(屠夫 ) heard

25、 the doorbell(门铃 ) and thought it must be a customer. But he was surprised to see that a dog was coming into his shop. The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth. The butcher took the note and read it. It said,“ 10 pork chops(排骨 ), please.”So the butcher took the money and put a bag of chops in the dog

26、 s mouth. Then he quickly closed the shop because he decided to follow the dog. He found the dog on the street. The dog was waiting for a green light. Then the dog walked across the road. The dog went to a bus stop. When a bus arrived, the dog checked the number and then got on the bus. After a whil

27、e, the dog stood up on his back paws(爪子 ) to push the “stop” button(按钮 ). The bus stopped and the dog got off. Then the butcher followed it to get off the bus. The dog ran to a house and dropped the bag in front of the front door. It then began to beat its head against the front door. After a while,

28、 a big man opened the door and began shouting at the dog. The butcher ran up and shouted at the man, “What are you doing? Your dog is a genius(天才 ).” The owner of the dog said, “Genius? No way! I always tell him to take the keys when he goes to the stores. But he never listens to me!” 56. Who was th

29、e customer that Sunday morning? A. A big man. B. A butcher. C. A dog. D. A little boy. 57. How much did the dog pay for the pork chops? A. $20. B. $10. C. $5. D. $62. 58. How did the dog take the note? A. In the bag. B. On its back. C. In its mouth. D. Around its neck. 59. Which is NOT right accordi

30、ng to the story? A. The dog stood up on its back paws to push the “stop” button. B. The butcher quickly closed the shop to follow the dog. C. The big man was pleased with his dog. D. The butcher thought the dog was a genius. 60. What is the story mainly about? A. A customer. B. A smart dog. C. A but

31、cher. D. A big man. Passage 3 Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature(文学 ) in 2012. He was also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in history. When he was interviewed, he said he was only a normal person who could tell stories. He especially thanked his mother. He thought his mother had a strong influence on him. Mo Yan was born in a poor family in Chinas rural area. Whe


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