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1、大学六级-1275 及答案解析(总分:712.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.有人认为城市化进程是一件好事2.有人却认为城市化进程给我们带来了很多负面影响3.在我看来Urbanization(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Hostage Negotiation(总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.A hostage situation is further worsened by the fact that bystanders could be hurt by st

2、ray bullets.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_3.In all hostage situations, the hostage-taker invariably wants something and the real target is a third party.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_4.Hostage situations are usually in tremendous disorder, so there are no obvious stages in them,(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_5.After they get the hostages, th

3、e hostage-takers usually declare their demands during the negotiation phase.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_6.When a negotiator arrives at the scene of a hostage crisis, a first thing is to know 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_7.The type of hostage-taker that NY police officer cope with most often is those in 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_8

4、.Usually, terrorists or radical political groups cause the most famous hostage situations with 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_9.No matter what the hostage situation is like, the principle of negotiating is to work the hostage-takers into a 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_10.Negotiators, push the hostage-takers deadlines, or s

5、hift his attention to unimportant details in order to 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_11.To effectively promote relationships between negotiator and hostage-taker, 1 must appear as credible to the captor.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_四、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Questions 11 to 18 a(总题数:1,分数:5

6、6.00)A.The government has adopted many effective ways to stop pollution.B.The government cant prevent pollution completely because of development.C.There are no effective purifying devices to prevent or stop pollution.D.The government wont control pollution even for tile sake of peoples health.A.She

7、 would like the man to compensate her for the broken vase.B.She will not give the man her forgiveness for her broken vase,C.She thinks the vase was already broken which doesnt matter much.D.She likes the vase very much which was already broken by the man.A.Because she met a heavy traffic on her way.

8、B.Because a terrible car accident happened to her.C.Because she had taken a different road.D.Because the road was closed and she had to wait.A.It is going to be sunny with breeze.B.It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind.C.It is going to be hot, humid and gloomy.D.It is going to be very cold weathe

9、r.A.Lily has found a job to earn her living.B.Lilys brother has set a good example for her.C.Lilys brother is doing a part-time job to support himself.D.The father didnt know his son gambled and was in a debt.A.He has failed in his math 0nly once.B.He will work harder than ever in his math from now

10、on.C.He often promises but does not keep his word.D.He doesnt have any interest in math.A.She sometimes goes to the suburbs to paint.B.She sometimes watches football matches.C.She sometimes goes out to make music.D.She sometimes goes hiking to the suburbs.A.She doesnt like tea although its good for

11、her health.B.She likes to drink tea for its good taste.C.She likes beef for its rich nutrition.D.She doesnt like beef at all for its taste.七、Questions 19 to 21 a(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.He searched information on the Internet.B.He chatted with people from South America.C.He was on line all the time and fir

12、ed himself out.D.He wrote a paper on the computer for his project.A.It has so many useful websites to classify.B.Chatting on the Net really takes a lot of time.C.Useful websites are not available in a search.D.Too many useless sites make it longer to find things.A.To continue his chat With the South

13、 Americans.B.To read the materials he got from the Net.C.To search for more relevant information.D.To have a face-to-face talk with the woman.八、Questions 22 to 25 a(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.Hes offering some suggestions about learning foreign languages.B.Hes asking the woman for help to improve his English.

14、C.Hes discussing with the woman how to listen to a language regularly.D.Hes talking about the importance of taking notes in foreign languages learning.A.By listening to documentaries.B.By watching TV commercials.C.By watching foreign movies.D.By listening to foreign songs.A.Pronunciation.B.Culture.C

15、.New words.D.Grammar.A.It helps one speak the language immediately.B.It helps one improve reading skill.C.It helps one improve writing skill.D.It helps one enlarge vocabulary.九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.They dont have to cook by themselves after work.B.They can eat cheap

16、 food.C.People can eat more nutritious.D.They can eat around their home.A.More and more students like food available on campus.B.Ritzer thinks that fast food is good.C.Fast food makes peoples life quality improve now.D.Fast food can cause traffic accidents.A.Customers dont like the traditional hambu

17、rgers any more.B.They want to attract more children.C.They want to make their food more nutritious.D.They hope to satisfy all kinds of customers.十一、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.Through Silk Route.B.By ship.C.By train.D.Through fairs.A.Trade and business.B.Religious communication.C.Introduction of cu

18、stoms and tradition.D.Wars and political decisions.A.Hard working.B.Language gift.C.Modesty.D.Open mind.十二、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.Because of the politics.B.Because of famine unrest.C.Because of the lush farmland.D.Because of suffering.A.The Irish thanked their rulers very much.B.The Irish ha

19、ted their rulers very much.C.The rulers respected the Irish very much.D.The rulers taxed the Irish heavily.A.After dividing, the north Ireland is mainly Catholic.B.The north part of Ireland is one part of United Kingdom.C.The majority in North Ireland dont accept the current situation.D.The British

20、have stationed an army in North Ireland against agression.A.The IRA are satisfied with the current situation.B.The RA is the illegal military organization from the beginning.C.The British have stationed an army because of the IRA.D.Some soldiers of the IRA were put in prison but none died.十三、Section

21、 C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十四、Public opinion polls(总题数:1,分数:77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_十五、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十六、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十七、Men are notoriously (总题数:5,分数:90.00)12.What do most magazines for women assume about men?(分数:18.00)填空

22、项 1:_13.Many studies have found human expressions are(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_14.When asked to look for a certain expression, both sexes(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_15.What would be one possible explanation for mens quicker response to anger?(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_16.Some tough guys and schoolyard bullies learn that(分数:18.00

23、)填空项 1:_十八、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十九、Passage One(总题数:5,分数:44.50)17.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 3?(分数:8.90)A.The size of the exhaust nozzles is adjustable.B.The acoustic liners in the exhaust will save fuel.C.Flaps are devices that brake the airplane.D.Turbines with three r

24、adial-blade fans will reduce non-moving parts.18.What can we infer from the saying“ Theres no one thing you can do“ ( Line 2, Para. 2 )?(分数:8.90)A.People can do nothing about silencing the noise of airplanes.B.There are toe many things to be considered when people make planed quiet.C.People have to

25、deal with everything that causes the noise of airplanes.D.Only one thing needs to be done when people silence the noise of airplanes.19.What can we infer from the last paragraph?(分数:8.90)A.Designing this plane is like a gamble.B.Its not sure if any manufacturers will invest in this plane.C.No manufa

26、cturers can afford the investment in this plane.D.The design of this plane is impracticable.20.What will be achieved by the design of SAX 40?(分数:8.90)A.The noise SAX-40 made cannot be heard at take off.B.The noise SAX-40 made cannot be heard during landings.C.The noise SAX-40 made during landings wi

27、ll decrease sharply.D.The noise SAX-40 made at takeoff will decrease sharply.21.What will be the result of designing the body of SAX-40 as tailless and triangular?(分数:8.90)A.This shape can make the airplane fly faster.B.This shape can hold more passengers.C.This shape can supply more power raising.D

28、.This shape can be flied easily.二十、Passage Two(总题数:5,分数:44.50)22.Why do people dream what they worry about?(分数:8.90)A.Because the brain tries to help people prepare for the occurrence of a disaster.B.Because the brain tries to develop peoples ability to learn to deal with a disaster.C.Because dreams

29、 can make people feel less worried about the occurrence of a disaster.D.Because dreams can help people remember what to do when a disaster occurred.23.What can we infer from the last paragraph?(分数:8.90)A.We know what happens in our head at night through thinking.B.The dreams we related when we are a

30、wake help interpret our dreams.C.Scientists can guess the content of our dreams without devices.D.We ourselves can interpret our dreams if we have advanced devices.24.According to Cartwright, in what way do dreams function as a built-in therapist?(分数:8.90)A.Dreams regulate mood and help people deal

31、with emotional problems.B.Dreams lay new emotional experience on top of old memories.C.Dreams help people forget old experience, relatives and friends.D.Dreams figure out emotional related images and experience.25.What can help therapists decide whether a divorced one needs counseling or not?(分数:8.9

32、0)A.The correct interpretation of his or her dreams by scientists.B.The records of his or her dreams for a long period of time.C.Advanced devices that can probe the content of his or her dreams.D.His or her emotional attitude towards the ex-spouse in dreams.26.Which of the following statements is tr

33、ue according to the first paragraph?(分数:8.90)A.Color patterns of our dreams may affect our mood directly.B.A long time records of our dreams can predict our future events.C.Color patterns of our dreams show what emotional states we are in.D.When we experience crises in his life, we always have night

34、mares.二十一、Part Error Correct(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二十二、In bringing up child(总题数:10,分数:70.00)27.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_28.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_29.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_30.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_31.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_32.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_33.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_34.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_35.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_36.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_二十三、Part Translation(总题数:5

35、,分数:35.00)37.When he saw the situation got out of hand ,he 1 (请他的老板干预纠纷).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_38.Its the companys policy 1 (为长期发展着想而牺牲短期利润).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_39.Better education and manners 1 (使他在竞争中比对手具有显著的优势).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_40.Although he tried to concentrate on the lecture 1 (走廊的嘈杂声分散了他的注意力).(分数:7.00)填

36、空项 1:_41. 1 (是由于大多数人的不赞成) that the legislature committee didnt pass the proposal.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_大学六级-1275 答案解析(总分:712.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.有人认为城市化进程是一件好事2.有人却认为城市化进程给我们带来了很多负面影响3.在我看来Urbanization(分数:106.00)_正确答案:(范文Urbanization“ Urbanization“ has become, increasingly, a gl

37、obal phenomenon. In other words, urban centers are growing in size and population, and more and more towns are becoming metropolises. And there is no agreement among people as to the issue of urbanization: some people hold a positive attitude toward it, while others are against it. As for me, Im in

38、favor of it.Urbanization displays numerous advantages. In the first place, more and more people could enjoy the convenience of the city, such as advanced public transport, plenty public places for enjoyment, and the perfect health care system which allows people to live in great comfort. Besides, pe

39、ople can enjoy better education and more employment opportunities, since famous universities and modern factories are usually concentrated in big cities. Above all, urbanization results in an amount of people crowding into city from rural areas to work and live.Given the factors I have just outlined

40、, I eau only say that urbanization is an inevitable step of social development.)解析:二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Hostage Negotiation(总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.A hostage situation is further worsened by the fact that bystanders could be hurt by stray bullets.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:NG)解析:定位 由题干关键词 byst

41、anders 和 stray bullets 可将答案定位至第一段第二、四句。解析 但是两句都分别提及了其他情况,而没有说旁观者被流弹打伤的信息。3.In all hostage situations, the hostage-taker invariably wants something and the real target is a third party.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:定位 由题干关键词 all hostage situations 可将答案定位至第一个小标题 The Hostage Situation 下第一段。解析 .there are

42、some basic facts that apply to all hostage situations,紧接下来的第二、三段第一句中均包含了题干关键园 wants something 和 third party,且句意与题干相同,由此证明题干陈述正确。4.Hostage situations are usually in tremendous disorder, so there are no obvious stages in them,(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:定位 题干关键词 obvious 与原文 distinct 同义,phase 与 stage 意

43、义相近,可将答案定位至第一个小标题下第五段。解析 Hostage situations move through several distinct phases,据此证明本题陈述中的 no obvious stages 有误。5.After they get the hostages, the hostage-takers usually declare their demands during the negotiation phase.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:定位 由题干关键词 demands 和 negotiation phase 可将答案定位至第一个小标

44、题下第六段最后一句。解析 The end of this phase is often marked by the presentation of the hostage-takers demands,这证明了题干中 during the negotiation phase 的陈述是错误的。6.When a negotiator arrives at the scene of a hostage crisis, a first thing is to know 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:everything about the hostage-taker)解析:定位 由

45、题干关键词 the scene of a hostage crisis 可将答案定位至第二个小标题 Hostage-takers 下第一段第一句。解析 One of the first things a negotiator does when he or she arrives on the scene of a hostage crisis is to find out everything about the hostage-taker。故空格内可以填入everything about the hostage-taker。7.The type of hostage-taker that

46、NY police officer cope with most often is those in 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:emotional or mental disturbance)解析:定位 由题干关键词 NY police officer cope with most often 可将答案定位至第二个小标题下第三段第一句。解析 this is the type of hostage situation the average police officer faces most often,但 this is the type 并不明确,应该回到上一段第一句 The hostage-taker might be emotionally or mentally disturbed。根据题干语法要求,应该在空格里填入 emotional or mental disturbance。8.Usually, terrorists or radical


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