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1、大学四级-188 及答案解析(总分:693.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.目前,垃圾短信给人们的生活带来了许多的麻烦与困扰; 2这种现象产生的原因; 3如何解决这个问题。 B My View on Spam Message/B(分数:106.00)_二、BPart Reading (总题数:1,分数:70.00)B The Organized Travellers Checklist/BHeres a step-by-step guide to accomplishing the essentials in the weeks,

2、 days, and hours before you leave on vacation.Eight Weeks Ahead If youre going out of the country and dont have all of the documents you need-whether passports or original birth certificates-now is the time to get them. If it looks like the documents may not arrive until the last minute-or even late

3、-show your airline tickets to personnel at the government agencies from which youre requesting documents. Ask them to put a rush on your application. If youre traveling abroad, contact a travel health specialist (your health-care provider may have a travel department, or your doctor may be able to r

4、ecommend a specialist), or contact your local health department to ask about immunizations and preventive medicines. When it comes to what to take with you-be it luggage, sports equipment, camping gear, or clothing-nows the time to assess your needs. You can save shopping time and hassle by buying f

5、rom catalogs: order now so purchases will arrive before your departure date.BSix Weeks Ahead/B If you dont belong to an auto club and are about to use your car on a trip, join a club now so you can take advantage of member benefits. These usually include trip-planning services, maps, guidebooks, dis

6、counts at accommodations and attractions, and roadside emergency help. Join an airlines frequent-flier program too-its free. Make sure the names on your tickets and on membership forms are identical, or you wont get mileage (英里里程)credit for your flights. Give frequent-flier numbers to your travel ag

7、ent.BFour Weeks Ahead/B Airline seats are generally assigned and confirmed 30 days prior to departure, so call now to get your desired seat assignments and to make certain your family is seated together. Another call to make is to a kennel (养狗场) or other facility if you plan to board a pet during va

8、cation. Buy any home security and automation (自动操作)devices youll need. These might include timers for lights and TVs, an alarm system, automatic plant-watering systems, and pet feeders. Figure out how they work now so you wont be scrambling to set them on the day of departure. If anyone in your fami

9、ly wears glasses or contacts, order a spare pair today so theyll be ready by the time you go. At the very least, get an up-to-date prescription so you can take it to a quick-service optical store if glasses are lost or broken. If you need prescriptions or checkups, make those appointments now.BTwo W

10、eeks Ahead/B Write down your doctors and. pharmacists phone numbers in case you need information on the road. If youll be driving your own car, have a reliable mechanic check it from top to bottom. Plan the route now: Do it yourself with good maps and trip-planning software, or use your automobile c

11、lubs trip-planning service. Clubs like the American and Canadian Automobile Associations (AAA and CAA) require two weeks notice to provide this service to members. You will want to carry a moderate amount of cash, as well as travelers checks and credit or debit cards. Automated teller machines (ATMs

12、) are handy because you dont have to take as much cash with you, but check with your bank to see if there will be ATMs where youre going. Buy the travelers checks now, and be sure to keep the records detailing check numbers separate from the checks themselves. Check camera equipment. Buy fresh batte

13、ries and more film than you think youll need. Resort-area stores charge premium prices for cameras and film.BOne Week Ahead/B No need to pack yet, but get everything ready. Gather toiletries, medicines, shoes, clothes, first-aid supplies, toys, and activities. Wash clothes and add to the pile. Make

14、a separate pile for carry-on items. Unless taxis or airport shuttle buses are available in your area, arrange a ride to the airport. You can call a car service or radio taxi, or ask a friend to take you.Arrange for your lawn to be cut, your mail to be held or picked up, and newspaper and milk delive

15、ry to be suspended. If youre expecting deliveries from a parcel service, make arrangements for those too. If any bills will come due while youre away, pay them in advance. You can also prepay some bills if youll be gone a month or longer. Make arrangements with your utility, telephone, and cable com

16、panies, or any others that may tack on late fees or interest if you dont pay on time.Call your childs school if itll be in session while youre gone. Give the office your travel dates, and talk to teachers about making up assignments. Also talk about travel-related work your child can do to make up f

17、or missing school.B48 Hours Ahead/B Plan to meet with a friend who will hold on to your house keys and a detailed itinerary with telephone numbers where you can be reached. Also, give the friend a list of the serial numbers for your travelers checks, photocopies of airline tickets, and copies of any

18、 passports or birth certificate youre taking along. If you lose these, your friend can fax or send copies to you. Finish laundry now. You dont want to be washing clothes at the last minute and worrying about whether everything will be dry enough to pack.BThe Final 24 Hours/B The day before you leave

19、, stay home from work if possible-or at least try to come home early. Sacrificing one vacation day is worth it to reduce stress. Once youre packed and organized, order dinner in instead of cooking, and use paper plates so that you wont have to wash up afterward. Before bed, load packed bags and any

20、camping or sports gear into the car, leaving one bag indoors to hold last-minute items. If someone will be driving you to the airport, set everything by the door.BLast-Minute Details/B Walk through the house and take care of everything that needs attention. In the kitchen, wash dishes, throw out the

21、 coffee filter, unplug appliances, and make sure the oven and stove-top burners are off. Adjust the refrigerator to an energy-saving setting, and toss out perishable foods. Take out the garbage. If you have canceled garbage pickup during your vacation, bring last-minute trash to a neighbors house or

22、 with you to dump elsewhere. In the living room and bedrooms, unplug TVs and other devices not on timers. If its summer, turn the air conditioning off or to a comfortable setting for pets staying behind. If its winter, turn the heat to the lowest temperature that will keep pets warm and prevent pipe

23、s from freezing (ask your local utility company for the ideal setting). Close the fireplace flue to save heat and keep out animals. Turn off the water to the washing machine. Clean pets cages and litter boxes; leave care instructions if theyre staying behind and youve asked someone to look in on the

24、m. Activate control systems for security, lawn watering, and lights. Before leaving, secure windows and doors.(分数:70.00)(1).Whom do you consult concerning health problems when you plan to travel abroad?(分数:7.00)A.A travel agency.B.A travel health specialist.C.Passports personnel.D.Birth certificates

25、 personnel.(2).If we decide to drive a car during a trip, wed better join a club so that we _.(分数:7.00)A.can make full use of the benefits as club membersB.can make contact with family easilyC.can get mileage credit convenientlyD.can get sufficient service in buying cars(3).What do you do if you wan

26、t to get a desired seat assignment on the airline?(分数:7.00)A.To call the airline to confirm two months before the departure.B.To call your family and discuss about it together.C.To call the airline to confirm one month ahead of the departure.D.To call the travel agency to confirm three weeks before

27、the departure.(4).Wed better buy automation devices a month before the travel in order to _.(分数:7.00)A.build an automatic system within the householdB.prove they can do the housework when were absentC.check whether they are the right ones we wantD.learn how to make them work properly now(5).Armed wi

28、th travelers checks and credit or debit cards, you _.(分数:7.00)A.have to consult your bank to confirm the amount you can useB.neednt take too much cash with you during the travelC.should put a moderate amount of cash in your money cardsD.are advised to take cash as much as possible with you(6).When d

29、o we need to gather traveling items such as medicines or clothes?(分数:7.00)A.One month before the traveling.B.One week before the traveling.C.One day before the traveling.D.Ten hours before the traveling.(7).What do you do if any bills come due when you are traveling?(分数:7.00)A.To tell the bill issue

30、rs not to send them.B.To delay the payment till you are back home.C.To pay your bills before the travel.D.To consult your bank for a related document.(8).Give your friends copies of your passport, certificate or airline tickets so they can fax them to you in case _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).Youd better no

31、t to work the day before you leave so as to _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).If you travel in winter, remember to keep pets warm and prevent pipes from freezing by _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、BPart Listenin(总题数:3,分数:105.00)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:56.00)A.Taking a plane

32、.B.Taking a train.C.Feeling nervous.D.Traveling with her friends.A.The man is focusing on reading books.B.The man likes reading books.C.The man pretends not hearing the woman.D.The man is listening to the music.A.Jack and Jim made a lot of wrong choices in the exam.B.Jack and Jim are telling the tru

33、th.C.Jack and Jim didnt do well in the exam.D.Jack and Jim must have cheated in the exam.A.The man needs more skills.B.Vocabulary is sufficient for communication.C.The man should practice to use the vocabulary.D.Vocabulary is a necessary part for communication.A.The subject deserves more discussion

34、later.B.The materials being discussed should be kept upstairs.C.Hed like to end the meeting early.D.What they do at the end of the meeting doesnt matter.A.To find a better record in the store.B.Not to miss any chance to get the record.C.To buy all the favorite records.D.Not to buy the music records.

35、A.Pull through the crowds.B.Come to the bank in the morning.C.Choose another bank.D.Choose other time.A.It is difficult to operate computers.B.It is frightening if the computer loses control.C.Trying more makes an easy job to operate computers.D.People get lost in front of the computer.Questions 19

36、to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.He has been attacked by someone.B.He has got confused about the book.C.He has read an instructive book.D.He has contacted the writer.A.It is essential for the success in life.B.It can separate life into different stages.C.It may be

37、helpful to understand the book.D.It can bring hopes to people.A.It should be very high.B.It should be reasonable.C.It should be eternal.D.It should be fixed.A.Because it is most closely related to your life.B.Because it concerns the most important stage of life.C.Because it helps achievement of the

38、other goals.D.Because it is quite different from the other goals.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.He will meet her cousin sister at the station.B.He will ask for a leave from the class.C.He will have an interview.D.He will be on duty at the library.A.V

39、isit the library.B.Show her around on the campus.C.Watch a film.D.Visit the stadium on the campus.A.She loves painting best.B.She isnt interested in arts.C.She is curious about campus.D.She is earnest for music.四、BSection B/B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you

40、 have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.Three.B.Four.C.One.D.None.A.They smoke the cigarettes at home.B.They burn the cigarettes in the kitchen.C.They leave the cigarettes burning.D.They put the cigarettes in the ashtray.A.To move the oil gas outside of the kitchen.B.To equip the kitchen with the window made

41、 of iron bars.C.To keep newspapers and magazines in the kitchen.D.To move the matches out of the reach of the children.BPassage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.The writing style of the author.B.The opinion of the author.C.The idea of the report writer

42、.D.The quotation from the book.A.The publication of the book.B.The evaluation of the book.C.The introduction to the writer.D.The content of the book.A.It depends on the type of the book.B.How many characters there are in the book.C.What the authors point of view is about some events.D.Where the stor

43、y takes place.BPassage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:28.00)A.Because it has study centers all over the country.B.Because its students can be very young or very old.C.Because its students enter it without examinations.D.Because it is very different from al

44、l other universities.A.Receiving advice from people who guide their studies.B.Discussing with other students and the tutors.C.Attending summer classes given by professors.D.Listening to the radios and watching TV.A.They will receive the letters from the students.B.They will organize the classes.C.Th

45、ey will guide the studies.D.They will give the lectures about textbooks.A.Get grade A in each year.B.School results are good each year.C.Three out of four subjects are passed.D.The study time lasts more than five years.五、BSection C/B(总题数:1,分数:77.00)The war for independence from Britain was a long an

46、d economical costly conflict. The New England fishing industry was U(36) /U destroyed, and the tobacco U(37) /U in the South were also hard U(38) /U The trade in imports was seriously U(39) /U, since the war was fought against the country that had previously monopolized the supply of U(40) /U goods.

47、 The most serious U(41) /U were felt in the cities. Because they depended on U(42) /U activity. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston were all U(43) /U for a time by British troops. U(44) /U. American income from ship building and commerce declined, harming the entire economy of the urban a

48、reas. The decline in trade brought a fall in the American standard of living. U(45) /U Some of them joined the Continental army, or if they were loyal to Britain, they departed with the British forces. U(46) /U. The destroys produced by the fighting of the war, by the loss of sources of credit, and by the lack of new investment all created a period of economic stagnation that lasted for the next twenty years.(分数:77.00)(1)


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