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1、专业英语四级(作文)-试卷146及答案解析 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.PART VI WRITING(分数:2.00)_2.Read carefully the following excerpt on pirated products, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on the ph

2、enomenon of piracy. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. China Tackles Problems of Pirated Goods The

3、International Chamber of Commerce predicts the global value of counterfeit and pirated goods could this year reach $1.77 trillion and put 2.5 million legitimate jobs at risk. While a study from the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) shows that in the European Union alone piracy c

4、auses lost revenues of more than $26 billion. China is making increasing attempts to tackle pirated goods production. In 2014 its administrative authorities handled 67,500 trade mark infringement cases with a value of 100 million renminbi (10.3 million pounds), destroyed 1,007 infringing sites and t

5、ransferred 355 criminal cases to the prosecutors. And the Trademark Office, and Trademark Review and Adjudication Board together decided 2,800 cases against bad faith trade mark filings. A new trade mark law, which came into force in May 2014, introduced more severe punishments for repeated infringe

6、ments and raised the amount of fines from 500,000 RMB (51,501 pounds) to 3 million (300,000 pounds). Earlier this year, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, which is facing legal action over allegations it has turned a blind eye to the sale of pirated goods on its websites, ramped up protection for for

7、eign brands.(分数:2.00)_3.Read carefully the following excerpt on garbage classification and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether the network catchwords exert a positive or bad influence on Chine

8、se language. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Chinese Network Catchwords A survey by China Youth

9、Daily shows that more than 64 percent of people think that network catchwords are adversely affecting the Chinese language. Wu Tong, a college student, tends to use network catchwords either when chatting with others or when writing on the Internet. She thinks these words are simple and much easier

10、to understand. However, some people believe its disrespectful to communicate with network catchwords. One of Wus peers who does not want to be named feels uncomfortable using such words in conversations. However, Zhang Huaiqiong, a member of Shanghai Political Consultative Committee, points out that

11、 some network catchwords are crude or vulgar, which in his opinion, poses great threat to Chinese language. Im rather disgusted with people using crude or vulgar language online. But we should get it right first whether a network catchword is crude and vulgar or not, Li Mingsheng, writer and vice pr

12、esident of the Chinese Reportage Association, says. Li believes that Chinese needs to be purified, but not by administrative means. Chen Manhua, professor at the School of Literature at Renmin University of China, says that much work remains to be done towards the end of improving the development of

13、 the Chinese language. For example, experts can be organized to collect network catchwords on a large scale and give detailed explanations and descriptions of them. They say that this will help enrich the Chinese language and allow people to keep pace with its development.(分数:2.00)_4.Read carefully

14、the following excerpt on education resources gap between schools and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether it is sensible to divide elite schools from other schools in elementary education. You

15、should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Balance Education Resources Recent National Bureau of Statistics dat

16、a indicates that, while housing prices across the country are falling, property prices in the school districts of some regions are still rising. A 4.4-square-meter space in a Beijing school district was sold for a whopping 1.35 million yuan ($220,300). The space, in fact, a small room, is nothing bu

17、t a passport for the buyers child to get admitted to a so-called elite school in the area. Many parents believe that getting their children enrolled in a good school is a ticket to a bright future not only in education, but also other spheres of life. Since the problem has arisen because of the unba

18、lanced distribution of educational resources, local governments should take measures to correct the imbalance. Given the narrow outlook on political performance, some local governments have used available educational resources to forge a number of so-called elite schools and left others poorly equip

19、ped in hardware or software or both. It has been proved beyond doubt that poor education perpetuates poverty. If local governments keep using a major part of the educational resources on a small group of schools, how can we build a harmonious society? Every child is entitled to quality education. An

20、d this should no longer be confined to paper.(分数:2.00)_5.Read carefully the following excerpt on the decline of dialects and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on the significance of protecting dialects

21、. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Is Beijings Dialect in Need of Protection? Beijing released Ch

22、inas first survey on the healthiness of the capitals dialect in late May, revealing that students in middle schools know less and less about it. Therefore, Beijing has begun to try to open courses on this and related cultural activities on campus, with a view to protecting and spreading the local to

23、ngue. The decline of dialects is not a problem unique to Beijing; all dialects across the country are being squeezed out by Putonghua. In recent years, Putonghua has spread smoothly across the country. A substantial number of middle and primary schools stipulate that students should not speak dialec

24、ts within schools. Some schools even demand that students speak Putonghua at home, so that they can help their parents to do so too. In the past decades, due to urbanization and migration, Putonghua has been accepted by a vast majority of Chinese people. Will the rise of Putonghua inevitably lead to

25、 the demise of local dialects? Is it possible to push forward dialect education in primary and middle schools? The significance of Putonghua is undeniable, as it makes communication among people from around China easy and efficient. If people all speak their local dialects, theyll find it almost imp

26、ossible to understand each other. However, the importance of dialects is also clear. They are the carriers of local culture and history, and their disappearance will diminish the exclusive characteristics of local societies.(分数:2.00)_6.Many people believe that marrying a foreigner makes it easier fo

27、r one to learn a foreign language and is a shortcut to blend into another culture. Is intercultural marriage really a good thing? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you shoul

28、d first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.YES With the convenience of the Internet, t

29、he mixed marriage is not only about love, its about the whole package you can get from it People involved in it get a shortcut to blend into the mainstream, which brings them huge advantages to advance their careers, especially in corporations, the language and culture advantages. Besides, an interr

30、acial marriage has its own benefits. With a couple from different countries bound together in wedlock, they could improve their understanding of the history, culture, and customs of each others countries. They might learn some advantages from each others cultures, consequently, blending into another

31、 culture more easily.NO Although a mixed marriage may seem as dreamily beautiful as a fairy tale, the tale is often based on romantic imagination rather than on reality. Different cultures, tastes, life experiences, eating and living habits like strong waves, may wash the dream away as soon as the w

32、eather becomes stormily. Asian cultures prefer the solidarity within the family. People tend to be interdependent and supportive. In contrast, western culture is rooted in individualism. The Chinese are often rudely disillusioned by such discoveries after their marriages. Thus a mixed marriage is no

33、t a shortcut to blend into another culture.(分数:2.00)_专业英语四级(作文)-试卷146答案解析 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.PART VI WRITING(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Read carefully the following excerpt on pirated products, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the

34、main message of the excerpt, and then comment on the phenomenon of piracy. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss

35、 of marks. China Tackles Problems of Pirated Goods The International Chamber of Commerce predicts the global value of counterfeit and pirated goods could this year reach $1.77 trillion and put 2.5 million legitimate jobs at risk. While a study from the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market

36、 (OHIM) shows that in the European Union alone piracy causes lost revenues of more than $26 billion. China is making increasing attempts to tackle pirated goods production. In 2014 its administrative authorities handled 67,500 trade mark infringement cases with a value of 100 million renminbi (10.3

37、million pounds), destroyed 1,007 infringing sites and transferred 355 criminal cases to the prosecutors. And the Trademark Office, and Trademark Review and Adjudication Board together decided 2,800 cases against bad faith trade mark filings. A new trade mark law, which came into force in May 2014, i

38、ntroduced more severe punishments for repeated infringements and raised the amount of fines from 500,000 RMB (51,501 pounds) to 3 million (300,000 pounds). Earlier this year, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, which is facing legal action over allegations it has turned a blind eye to the sale of pira

39、ted goods on its websites, ramped up protection for foreign brands.(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Say No to Pirated Products Given lost revenues caused by piracy, attempts have been made in China to cope with pirated goods: A new trade mark law has executed more severe punishments on counterfeit; Chinese e-c

40、ommerce giant Alibaba follows this trend and protects foreign brands on its websites from being pirated. From my perspective, piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers, inventors and authors in many ways and thus should be prohibited. To start with, pirated products often cost much less

41、 than the original ones, so they enjoy unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality. The original ones, therefore, sell badly. Besides, piracy may ruin inventors or authors reputation. As far as pirated books are concerned, they do great harm to the authors reputation due

42、to their misprints. Finally, pirated products may also have a negative impact on customers since those legitimate producers enthusiasm may be greatly hurt by the fact that some customers are more inclined to purchase pirated products. In the long run, there will be fewer provisions of excellent prod

43、ucts. To conclude, piracy has a bad influence not only on the legitimate producers but also on the consumers. And therefore, its high time that the government called on everyone to start the battle against piracy. Whats more, as customers, we should increase our consciousness to resist pirated produ

44、cts. Only in this way can we create a healthy environment for both customers and producers.)解析:解析: 本题主要讨论盗版商品的现象。首先应当总结概括材料的内容,再给出自己的观点。文章可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料的内容,并引出自己的观点盗版在许多方面严重损害利益相关方,因此应被禁止。 第二段:并列出理由论证观点盗版影响了正版的销售;盗版作品损害了作者的名誉;盗版产品还会危害消费者的利益。 第三段:总结全文,提出建议。3.Read carefully the following excerpt on

45、 garbage classification and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether the network catchwords exert a positive or bad influence on Chinese language. You should support yourself with information from

46、the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Chinese Network Catchwords A survey by China Youth Daily shows that more than 64 percent of people think that netw

47、ork catchwords are adversely affecting the Chinese language. Wu Tong, a college student, tends to use network catchwords either when chatting with others or when writing on the Internet. She thinks these words are simple and much easier to understand. However, some people believe its disrespectful to communicate with network catchwords. One of Wus peers who does not want to be named feels uncomfortable us


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