SY T 6736.1-2008 石油海上数字地震采集拖缆系统.第1部分 水听器技术条件.pdf

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1、ICS 75. 180.10 E 92 备案号:24418 2008 SY 中华人民共和国石油天然气行业标准SY /T 6736. 1-2008 中文/English石油海上数字地震采集拖缆系统第1部分:水昕器技术条件Marine seismic digital streamer system一Part 1: Standards for specifying hydrophone parameters (Geophysics, 52 , no. 02 , 242 - 248 , 1987 , SEG Standards for marine seismic hydrophones and st

2、reamer cables Part 1 : Standards for specifying hydrophone parameters , MOD) 2008-06-16发布2008-12-01实施国家发展和改革委员会发布卢_,凡SY/T 6736.1-2008 目次前言. . . ., . II 范围2 规范性手|用文件3 符号、单位、术语和定义. 4 要求. . . 2 4.1 物理特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3、 4. 2 电气特性. . 2 4. 3 .性能指本示. . 2 4.4 带集成前置放大的水听器的附加参数-. 2 4. 5 变压器棋合水昕器附加参数. E . 3 5 水听器校准方法. 3 附录A一一M_C _%湿度。引脚:正极标注为.,+ 并加红点。性能指标:电压灵敏度,dB 参考lV/Pa:t一一_dB Hz。最低机械响应频率,Hz o 电压灵敏度与频率, M!C一一一%humidity Ierminals: Positive polarity marked + and with Rea dot Pcrformancc: Voltage sensitivity :一_dBrelV/Pa:

4、t 白咽.vA. dB Hz Lowest mechanical resonant frequency: Hz Voltage sensitivity vs frequency: 3dB change from Hz to Hz Plots are available on request: Voltage sensitivity vs temperature: 3dB lrom 一一一Cto一一一一C一一一_m&- Hz Voltage sensitivity vs depth: 3dB change from o to m Change sensitivity:一二一dBre lnC/Pa

5、 _m&一一一一C(computedl Acceleration sensitivity: Output is 一一m V / g due to acceleration in any 01 the three ma jor axes. Tests made in air at Hz &. 一-一一-g15 SY/T 6736. 1-2008 Annex B (Informative) Comparison between the numbers of c1ause, sub-c1ause in this p盯tand the provision in SEG Geophysics, 52,

6、no.02, 242 - 248, 1987 Part 1 Table B. 1 provides the comparison between the the provislOn in SEG Geophysics, 52, no.02, numbers of clause, sub-clause in出ispart and 242 - 248 , 1987 , Part 1 Table B. 1 Comparison between the numbers of c1ause, sub-c1ause in this part and the provision in SE也Geophysi

7、cs,52 , no.02, 242-248, 1987 Part 1 The numbers of clause , sub-clause in this part SEGGeophysics, 52 , no.02, 242-248. 1987 , Part 1 1 Scope P. 1: Scope: the 1时sentencc2 Normative referenc巳5P. 2: Definitions , terminology 3.13.3 P.2: Definitions, terninology, mctrication 3. 43. 6 P. 1: Scope : all

8、after the 1 sl sentence 3. 7 P. 2: Electrical (2) polarity 4 Requirements P. 2: Hydrophone sensar parameter standards 4. 1 Physical P. 2: Physical 4.2 Electrical P. 2: Electrical 4.3 Perform且nceP. 3. Pcrfo口口.anc巳4.4 Additional parameters for integral preamplifier hy P. 3: Additional parameters for i

9、ntegral preamplifier hy drophone drophone 4.5 Additional parameters for transfonner couplcd hy P. 4: Additonal parameters for transfonner couplcd hy drophonc drophone 5 Hydrophone calibration method P. 3: Hydrophone calibration method Annex A (Infonnative Annex) Data sheet P. 5, Annex A Data sheet 1

10、6 Annex C (lnformative) SY/T 6736. 1-2008 Technical differences and the reasons between this part and the SEG Geophysics, 52, no.02, 242 - 248 , 1987 , Part 1 Table C. 1 provides the Tcchnical differences be twcc口thispart and the SEG Geophysics, 52 , lHl. 112 , 242 - 24H , 19H7 Part 1 and the reason

11、s Table C. 1 Technical differences between this part and the SEG Geophysics, 52, no.02, 242 - 248, 1987, Part 1 and the reasons The nlrnber目。fr clausc. sub clausc T cchnical differe口cesce且50nsin this pa口The purpose in part 1 of the SEG standards has bccn I lt is not suitablc for th( standard d(lctcd

12、 in thi5 part矗statement in China 2 Six ATST standards have been reviscd cditorially as the This is for co口veme口cef thc applica nonn日tivcrcfcrcnces. tion and the editorial reqircmcnts 3. 43. 7 The thr( typcs of hydrophones have bccn rcviscd cdito 丁hisi5 for convcnicncc of the applic3 I rially as thc dcfinitiom. tion and the editorial cqircmcnts 4.2d) i tion and the i口Spcctlon4.3a) This i日forcOllvenienc巳oftl1( opcra : tion and quality control 5 IH川hOllecaliLration method has bccn reviscd editori- ,1 Tl川n四of川ally (iS cl旧1日e5 I tion and thc editorial reqircmcnts 17 圃-瞠幢幢幢悍啡.咱中、


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