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1、2011-2012学年吉林长春外国语学校七年级下学期第二次月考英语试题(带解析) 其他 A: 1_ B: Yes. Id like some noodles. A: 2_ would you like B: Carrot and chicken noodles, please. A: 3_bowl of noodles would you like B: A small bowl, please. A: Would you like 4_ B: Id like a large bottle of lemonade. A: What 5_ would you like B: No, thats

2、all. Thank you. 答案: 【小题 1】 Can I help you 【小题 2】 What kind of noodles 【小题 3】 What size 【小题 4】 something to drink 【小题 5】 else 【小题 1】下句的含义为我想要一些面条,所以本句的含义为你想要什么或有什么能够为你效劳的吗,故本句空格处填 Can I help you。 【小题 2】下句的含义为我想要胡萝卜和鸡肉面条,所以本句的含义为你想要什么种类的面条,故本句空格处填 What kind of noodles。 【小题 3】下句的含义为我想要大碗的面条,所以本句的含义我你想要

3、多大尺寸碗的面条,故本句空格处填 What size。 【小题 4】下句的含义为我还想要一瓶柠檬汁,所以本句的含义为你还想要喝的东西吗,故本句空格处填 something to drink 【小题 5】下句的含义为不要了,就要这么些了,故本句的含义为你还想要别的什么,故本句空格处填别的单词 else。 【小题 1】 Nobody _ that womans age. Its not polite to ask that. 【小题 2】 Please remember _ the window when you leave. 【小题 3】 The assistants in this super

4、market are very_. I dont want to go there again. 【小题 4】 She did some _ last night. 【小题 5】 We _ a movie star last weekend. 答案: 【小题 1】 knows 【小题 2】 to close 【小题 3】 unfriendly 【小题 4】 reading 【小题 5】 visited 【小题 1】本句的含义为没有人知道那个妇女的年龄,不定代词作为主语视为单数,故本句空格处填知道的单数第三人称形式 knows。 【小题 2】本句的含义为请记住在你离开之前关上窗户, rememb

5、er to do表示记住未做的事情,故本句空格处填 to close。 【小题 3】本句的含义为超市的店员很不友好,我不想再去了,故本句空格处填不友好的单词 unfriendly。 【小题 4】本句的含义为昨天晚上我们看书了, do some reading表示看书的含义,故本句空格处填 reading。 【小题 5】本句的含义为上个周末我们拜访了一位电影明星,故本句空格处填拜访的过去式 visited。 A: Hi, Jim. I didnt see you at Lindas party. 1_ B: I went to a summer camp A: How was your vaca

6、tion B: 2 _ .We enjoyed ourselves and we made a lot of friends there. A: 3_ B: A lot of interesting things, like singing, dancing, playing games, having a party A: That sounds wonderful. 4_ B: Yes, quite a lot. A: Can you show the photos to me now B: 5_ I dont take them with me. Ill bring them to sc

7、hool tomorrow. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】下句的含义为我去了夏令营,所以本句的含义为你去了哪里,故本句空格处选 D。 【小题 2】上句的含义为你的假期如何,所以本句的含义为我的假期好极了,故本句空格处选 F。 【小题 3】下句的含义为我们还做了许多有趣的事情,如唱歌,跳舞等,所以本句的含义为你们还做了什么别的事情,故本句空格处选 E。 【小题 4】下句的含义为是的,我们拍了相当多的照片,所以本句的含义为你们拍照片了吗,故本句空格处选 B。 【小题 5】后句的含义为我没有把照片带来,所以本句的含义为

8、我很抱歉,故本句空格处选 A。 Food styles in China are different from that in western countries. Chinese people probably spend half of time on food. They choose food very carefully and only use fresh materials (材料 ) to make food. They can cook a chicken in over ten ways. Chinese have a lot of ideas for cooking. T

9、hats why Chinese food is so popular in the world. Western people, like English or American, they dont have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets. Western people enjoy fast food like hamburgers and chips, although they are unhealthy. Western people are not skillful in cooking. By t

10、he way, western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate. They are very sweet and they will make you become fat quickly. 【小题 1】 What do Chinese people spend half of time on _ 【小题 2】 Why is Chinese food so popular in the world _ 【小题 3】 Why dont western people have fresh food _ 【小题 4】 Are

11、 hamburgers and chips good for people _ 【小题 5】 What are the western people very good at making _ 答案: 【小题 1】 They (probably) spend half of time on food. /Chinese people (probably) spend half of time on food. 【小题 2】 Because they have a lot of ideas for cooking. /Because Chinese have a lot of ideas for

12、 cooking. 【小题 3】 Because they buy their food from supermarkets. / Because Western people buy their food from supermarkets. 【小题 4】 No, they arent. 【小题 5】 They are very good at making desserts and chocolate. /Western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate. 【小题 1】根据第一段 Chinese people pro

13、bably spend half of time on food. 可知答 :They (probably) spend half of time on food. /Chinese people (probably) spend half of time on food. 【小题 2】根据第一段 Chinese have a lot of ideas for cooking. Thats why Chinese food is so popular in the world.可知答 :Because they have a lot of ideas for cooking. /Because

14、 Chinese have a lot of ideas for cooking. 【小题 3】根据第二段 they dont have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets.可知答 :Because they buy their food from supermarkets. / Because Western people buy their food from supermarkets. 【小题 4】根据第二段 Western people enjoy fast food like hamburgers and

15、chips, although they are unhealthy.可知答 :No, they arent. 【小题 5】根据第二段 By the way, western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate.可知答 :They are very good at making desserts and chocolate. /Western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate. 单项选择 * His father likes to _ interes

16、ting stories. A say B speak C talk D tell 答案: D It is sunny. What _ weather! A a good B an awful C great D bad 答案: C _ Sunday morning I did homework _ my friends. A At; with B In; for C On; with D For; from 答案: C The boy studied _ the Chinese test. A in B at C for D on 答案: C -_ did she go last summe

17、r - She went to Hainan. A What B Why C When D Where 答案: D -Would you like some orange juice -_. Im very thirsty. A No, thanks. B Yes, please. C Yes, I would D Thats Ok. 答案: B Do you practice _ English in the morning A to read B read C reading D reads 答案: C -Who cleaned the classroom -Mary _. A can B

18、 does C did D is 答案: C I dont like _ hamburgers. Id like _ cakes. A some; some B some; any C any; some D any; any 答案: C There is a post office _ the street corner . A on B in C behind D across 答案: A He _ a song last night. A writes B writing C wrote D writed 答案: C We didnt go out because it _ heavil

19、y last night. A rains B rained C rainy D raining 答案: B He often has some _ and _ for breakfast. A eggs; bread B eggs; breads C egg; bread D egg; breads 答案: A We asked six students what _ yesterday. A do they do B did they do C they did D they do 答案: C What about _ for a walk after dinner A go B goes

20、 C went D going 答案: D 阅读理解 There are four girls. They go to school by car every day. Their parents drive them all to school. One day, after the girls arrive at school, Angie says, “Lets go to class an hour late. I dont want to take the math test today.” The other three girls think it is a good idea,

21、 because they all dont want to take the test. Angie says, “But our teacher will be angry if we come late. So we need a good excuse(借口 ).” “Oh, thats easy,” says Susan. “ We just tell the teacher that my mothers car has a flat tire(轮胎坏了 ). So we are late.” All the girls think it is a good excuse. Whe

22、n the girls arrive at the classroom an hour later, the math test is over. The teacher is very angry. “Why are you late ” asks the teacher. Susan says, “My mothers car has a flat tire and we have to wait for her to repair it.” Then the teacher says, “Sit down, girls. Take out a piece of paper and a p

23、en. Write down which tire is fault(出故障 ) on the paper.” The four girls look at each other and they dont know what to write.来源 :学科网 ZXXK 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确写 T,错误写 F。 【小题 1】 The four girls go to school by bus. 【小题 2】 Only Angie doesnt want to take the math test. 【小题 3】 One day, the four girls were lat

24、e because their mothers car had a flat tire. 【小题 4】 When the four girls arrived at the classroom, the math test was over. 【小题 5】 .The math teacher is very clever. 答案: 【小题 1】 F 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 F 【小题 4】 T 【小题 5】 T 【小题 1】细节理解题,有文中语句 “There are four girls. They go to school by car every day.”理解可知。 【小题 2

25、】细节理解题,有文中语句 “because they all dont want to take the test.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,有文中语句 “We just tell the teacher that my mothers car has a flat tire(轮胎坏了 ). So we are late.” All the girls think it is a good excuse.”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “When the girls arrive at the classroom an hour later, the math t

26、est is over.”理解可知。 【小题 5】理解推断题,有文中末尾的语句理解可知。 【小题 1】 Sandy and Sue usually get up early every day, but today it is a _. 【小题 2】 It is a _ to nine. Sandy and Sue usually go to school in the morning, but this morning they are _to the park 【小题 3】 Sandy and Sue usually go to bed early at night, but_ they

27、are playing a game. 【小题 4】 Miss Williams is _ her car to school. Suddenly, she _.Thats funny,” she says. 【小题 5】 Whats the _ Mr Crisp asks. Look!” Miss Williams says.” A flat tyre. 【小题 6】 Monday mornings are usually terrible. Father always gets up late and hes always _ _ _. 【小题 7】 On Friday Miss Jone

28、s always gives Sandy his piano lesson Sandy doesnt like it _ _! 【小题 8】 Here is the weather _ for tomorrow. Its going to _ in the North and its going to rain in the South. 【小题 9】 Never _, children. We can go to the cinema_. 【小题 10】 What are you doing, dad Im _this clock. 【小题 11】 Is it nearly _now, Ji

29、m No, Betty. I cant _ all these pieces _! 答案: 【小题 1】 holiday 【小题 2】 quarter, walking 【小题 3】 tonight 【小题 4】 driving, stops 【小题 5】 matter 【小题 6】 in, a, hurry 【小题 7】 at, all 【小题 8】 forecast, snow 【小题 9】 mind, instead 【小题 10】 fixing 【小题 11】 ready, put, together 【小题 1】本句的含义为桑迪和苏通常每天早起,但今天是假期,故本句空格处填假期的单词

30、 holiday。 【小 题 2】本句的含义为现在是九点一刻,今天上午他们打算步行去公园,用进行时表示将来,故本句空格处填 quarter, walking。 【小题 3】本句的含义为桑迪和苏通常晚上早睡,但今天晚上他们打算玩电脑游戏,故本句空格处填今天晚上的单词 tonight。 【小题 4】本句的含义为威廉斯小姐开车到学校,使用进行时结构故用开车的现在分词 driving,突然她停了下来,她说那是有趣的, stop表示停止的含义,故本句空格处填 driving, stops。 【小题 5】本题的含义为怎么了, the后跟名词问题 matter,故本句 空格处填matter。 【小题 6】本

31、句的含义为爸爸星期一上午起来总是很迟,然后总是匆匆忙忙的,故本句空格处填匆忙的短语 in, a, hurry。 【小题 7】本句的含义为桑迪一点儿都不喜欢钢琴课, notat all 表示一点儿也不的含义,故本句空格处填 at, all。 【小题 8】本句的含义为这是明天的天气预报, forecast表示预报的含义,北部将下雪,南部将下雨, snow表示下雪的含义,故本句空格处填 forecast, snow。 【小题 9】本句的含义为没关系,我们可以去看电影来取代, never mind可以表示没关系的含义, instead为取代的含义,故本句空格处填 mind, instead。 【小题

32、10】本句的含义为我正在修理闹钟,本句为进行时态的结构,故本句空格处填修理的现在分词形式 fixing。 【小题 11】本句的含义为现在都准备好了吗?没有,我还没有把所有的东西放在一起, ready表示准备好的含义, put together 表示把 放在一起的含义,故本句空格处填 ready, put, together。 HouseofNoodlesWehavethreesizesbowlofnoodles,small,mediumandlarge.AsmallbowlofmuttonandcarrotnoodlesisRMB5.Amediumbowlof beefandpotatonoo

33、dlesisRMB7.Alargebowlof chickenandcabbagenoodleisRMB8.Welcometoourhouse. LunchSpecialWehavesomegreatspecials.ThecabbagetomatoesandricelunchspecialisRMB3.Thebeef,carrotsandricelunchspecialis RMB5.ThedumplingsandsouplunchspecialisRMB8. Dessert House What kind of dessert would you like We have 2 great

34、new specials: (1) Apple, strawberry and ice cream. (2) Banana, orange and ice cream. And what size of dessert would you like Small, medium or large And we also have juice and tea. Time: 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. 根据表格内容完成下列问题。 【小题 1】 If you want to buy a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles and two la

35、rge bowls of chicken and cabbage noodles, you can pay_. A RMB 24 B RMB 13 C RMB 21 D RMB 18 【小题 2】 If you go to the house of noodles, you can buy a medium bowl of _ noodles. A beef and carrot B beef and potato C chicken and egg D mutton and cabbage 【小题 3】 If you have only RMB 3, you can buy _ at lun

36、ch time. A rice, cabbage and tomatoes B beef, carrots and rice C dumplings and soup D dumplings and tomatoes 【小题 4】 If you want to have some dessert, you can go there at _. A 9:00 a.m. B 3:00 p.m. C 1:00 p.m. D 4:00 p.m. 【小题 5】 In the dessert house, you can also buy _. A juice and milk B juice and t

37、ea C dumplings D Noodles 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】理解计算题,有文中语句 “A small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles is RMB 5. A large bowl of chicken and cabbage noodle is RMB 8.”理解可知 5+2*8=21。 【小题 2】细节理解题,有文中语句 “A medium bowl of beef and potato noodles is RMB 7.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题

38、,有文中语句 “The cabbage tomatoes and rice lunch special is RMB 3.”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Time: 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,有文中语句 “And we also have juice and tea.”理解可知。 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Mr. Brown went to a party and drank too much.,”理解可知。 【

39、小题 2】细节理解题,有文中语句 “when he drove home, he met the police on the street. They asked him to get out of the car.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,有文中语句 “he met the police on the street.”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “there was a robbery(抢劫 ) in a supermarket nearby.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Mrs. Brown found a police car in

40、front of their house and the lights were still on.”理解可知。 书面表达 My grandmother is seventy years old, _1_ she is very healthy. She is short and of medium _2_. She has short straight white _3_. She likes reading. Every morning she gets up very early and then reads morning newspaper. When she reads, she

41、always wears _4_.She also likes to _5_ chess. She is very happy every day. 答案:(略) 1. 本句的含义为我的祖母 70岁了,但是她非常健康,表示转折用转折连词 but,故本句空格处填 but。 2. 本句的含义为她个子矮,中等体形,故本句空格处填体形的单词 build。 3. 本句的含义为他留有白色短的直发,故本句空格处填头发的单词 hair。 4. 本句的含义为当她看书的时候,她总是戴着眼睛,故本句空格处填眼睛 glasses。 5. 本句的含义为她也喜欢下棋, play chess表示下棋的含义,故本句空格处填

42、play。 句型转换 句型转换,每空一词。( 0.5x10=5分) 【小题 1】 My friend was in Beijng last week.(就划线部分提问) _ your friend last week 【小题 2】 Did they like their trip (做肯定回答) , they_ . 【小题 3】 Our school trip was very great.(就划线部分提问) _ your school trip 【小题 4】 I went to many interesting places.(改为否定句) I_ _ to many interesting

43、places. 【小题 5】 Hed like dumplings with tomatoes. (同义句) Hed like_ . 答案: 【小题 1】 Where was 【小题 2】 Yes,did 【小题 3】 How was 【小题 4】 didnt go 【小题 5】 tomato dumplings 【小题 1】对地点提问的用 where,后跟一般疑问句顺序, be动词 was直接提前,故本题空格处填 Where was。 【小题 2】本题是一般疑问句,肯定回答用 yes,人称 +助动词 did,故本题空格处填 Yes,did。 【小题 3】对情况提问的用 how,后跟一般疑问句

44、, be动词 was直接提前,故本题空格处填 How was。 【小题 4】过去时一般动词的否定结构,在动词前加 didnt,后跟动词原形 go,故本题空格处填 didnt go。 【小题 5】根据句意本题的含义也就是他想要西红柿饺子,故本题空格处可填tomato dumplings。 单词拼写 China is a big country. The weather in the north is quite different from _1_ in the south. My hometown is Changchun. Its a beautiful city in the _2_ of

45、 China. In the city, the spring is warm, the summer is _3_, the autumn is cool and the winter is _4_. In the winter, people can _5_ snowmen and play _6_ snowballs. People can also go _7_ and skiing. They usually spend a(n) _8_ winter. Now many people in the south and even some _9_ come to the north

46、of China to see the _10_ in the winter. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 I 【小题 5】 G 【小题 6】 H 【小题 7】 F 【小题 8】 L 【小题 9】 K 【小题 10】 B 【小题 1】考查代词:用 that指代 The weather ,选 D 【小题 2】常识题:长春是在中国的北方。选 E 【小题 3】考查形容词:夏天很热。选 C 【小题 4】考查形容词:冬天很冷,选 I 【小题 5】考查动词:堆雪人,用 make snowmen选 G 【小题 6】考查词组: play with玩耍,选 H 【小题 7】考查词组: go skating去滑冰,选 F 【小题 8】考查形容词:从上面的描写,可以看出是个有趣的冬天。选 L 【小题 9】考查名词:一些外国人也来,选 K 【小题 10】考查名词:可知是到北方来看雪。选 B 【小题 1】 We had a lot of fun _ (sing) in the classroom


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