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1、2011-2012学年吉林长春外国语学校八年级下学期第二次月考英语试题(带解析) 单项选择 * -_terrible weather it is! It is says that it will get_ later. A What a;bad B What;worse C How;worse D How;bad 答案: B My aunt has a_son. A four-years old B four-year-old C fourth-year-old D four-years-old 答案: B Linda has been drawing _. A since 10 years

2、B for 10 years ago C since 2002 D in 2002 答案: C He asked his father . A where it happens B what was happen C how it happened D what happens 答案: C Our teachers always encourage us aloud in English class. A to read B read C reading D reads 答案: A Im in any books. A interested; interesting B interesting

3、; interested C interests; interest D interested; interests 答案: A I decided to write rather than_. A telephoning B telephoned C telephone D telephones 答案: C Its necessary _ our environment( 环境 ). I agree with you. A protect(保护) B protecting C to protect D protects 答案: C I have _ sugar, so I have to b

4、uy some. A run out of B use C ran out of D used 答案: A _, whats your hobby A In the way B On the way C To your way D By the way 答案: D -How careful Jim is! - He writes _ in our class. A more careful B most carefully C most careful D more carefully 答案: B -I cant get a ticket to the film. -_ A Good luck

5、! B Well done! C Congratulations! D What a pity! 答案: D 交际用语的考查。上句说我买不到电影票,对此下句说:那真的很遗憾,选。Good luck是祝你好运; well done是做得好; congratulations是恭喜,均不合题意。 -Where is Mr Green now I havent seen him for a few days . -He _ to Hong Kong . A goes B will go C is going D has gone 答案: D The shirt is _ strange _wear.

6、A too; to B such; that C so; that D too; that 答案: A This is a new CD _“Best Friend”. A called B calls C calling D is called 答案: A 完型填空 The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. When our part of the earth turns_46_ the sun, it is day. When our part of the earth runs away _47_

7、 the sun, it is _48_. The sun is much _49_ than the moon. But sometimes the moon _50_ bigger than the sun, because its much _51_ to the earth. The sun is very bright. It gives very _52_light. The moon looks quite bright, too, but it doesnt give any light at all. The light _53_ the moon comes from th

8、e sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars, _54_ in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. _55_ smaller than the moon because they are farther away from the earth. 【A to B from C around D on 小题1】 A from B to C off D at A day B noon C night D evening A small B b

9、ig C smaller D bigger A look B looks C sees D watches A near B far C nearer D farther A stronger B poor C weak D strong A from B of C to D away A and B so C but D because A It look B They look C They looks D It look 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C

10、 【小题 10】 B 【小题 1】此题考查动词短语 turn to表示转向。 【小题 2】此题考查动词短语 run away from表示远离。 【小题 3】此题考查名词,和前文相对应,应是 night。 【小题 4】此题考查形容词,根据生活常识太阳比月球大很多。 【小题 5】此题考查系动词 look看起来 后跟形容词。 【小题 6】此题考查副词,月亮看上去比太阳大的主要原因是离地球比较近。 【小题 7】此题考查形容词,根据语境可知太阳光一般比较强烈。 【小题 8】此题考查介词,表示所属关系用 of。 【小题 9】此题 考查连词,表示转折,故用 but。 【小题 10】此题考查主谓一致问题。

11、阅读理解 Mr. Evens works in Sydney. Last week he had a two weeks holiday, but he didnt know where to go. He said to his friend Robert, “I hate the hot weather here, but I cant find a cool place in Australia. How will I take my holiday ” “Thats easy,” said Robert. “Youd better go to Moscow. Snow and ice

12、are covering the ground now.” Mr. Evens agreed with his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon arrived in Moscow. He made a happy journey(旅程) there. But one day He got into trouble. After lunch he went to a park outside the city. He saw a dog following him while he was walking past a house. It was

13、 hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets. He tried to send it away, but it began to bark at him. He wanted to look for a stick but couldnt find anything except snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone in the ground. He tried to pick i

14、t up but he failed. “How strange Russians(俄国人) are!” Mr. Evens said to himself. “They do not tie their dogs, but firmly(牢牢地 ) tie the ground!” 【小题 1】 Mr. Evens is _. A an American B an Englishman C a Russian D an Australian 【小题 2】 Mr. Evens wouldnt spend his holiday in Australia because . A it was v

15、ery hot in his country B he liked to make a long journey C he had never been to Moscow before D Robert told him to leave his country 【小题 3】 Mr. Evens went to Moscow _. A by train B by car C by plane D on foot 【小题 4】 Mr. Evens couldnt find a stick because _. A there werent any trees in Moscow in wint

16、er B the ground was covered with snow and ice C the Russians had taken all the sticks home D the Russians didnt tell him about it 【小题 5】 Which of the following is TRUE A Russians are all very strange. BRussiansnevertietheirdogs. C Russians always tie the stones firmly. D The stone was firmly frozen(

17、结冰) on the ground.来源 :学。科。网 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Mr. Evens works in Sydney.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,有文中语句 “He said to his friend Robert, “I hate the hot weather here, but I cant find a cool place in Australia. How will I take my holiday ”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,有文中

18、语句 “He bought an air ticket and soon arrived in Moscow.”理解可知。 【小 题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “He wanted to look for a stick but couldnt find anything except snow and ice.”理解可知。 【小题 5】理解归纳题题,纵观全文理解可知。 Mary was a 911 operator(接线员 ) in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a young

19、 child who said, “Mom is ill, Mom is ill”, again and again. Mary hurried to find the address of the call. She called the police. In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open, and they couldnt believe their eyes. The little child was so young that maybe she co

20、uld not walk! She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mothers hand. Tears(眼泪 ) were running down her face. The doctor gave the woman some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people , “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. One Monday I tried to teach her how to

21、call 911.” “Its the first time Ive seen a two-year-old child call 911.” 【小题 1】 What did Mary do every day _ A She answered the telephone calls. B She talked with the policemen and the doctors. C She played with the children. D She dealt with emergencies(紧急情况 ). 【小题 2】 How did she feel when she answe

22、red the little girls call _ A She was worried. B She was sorry. C She was surprised. D She was happy. 【小题 3】 How did the police and the doctors get into the house _ A They went in through the windows. B They broke the door open. C They didnt go in. D The woman was outside. They didnt need to go in.

23、【小题 4】 How could the little girl learn to call 911 _ A She learnt it by herself. B She called it by chance.(偶然地 ) C Her mother taught her one Monday D Her mother often taught her. 【小题 5】 How old was the little girl _- A Only two. B She was nine. C She was five. D She couldnt walk, so she must be les

24、s one. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Mary was a 911 operator(接线员 ) in Los Angeles.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,有文中语句 “she was surprised to get a call from a young child who said, “Mom is ill, Mom is ill”, again and again.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,有文中语句 “In a minute, the policeme

25、n and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open,”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “One Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Its the first time Ive seen a two-year-old child call 911.”理解可知。 One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood (木头 ) near a river. Sud

26、denly his old axe (斧子 ) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy (仙女 ) came out and asked the man what was the matter. “I have lost my axe.” he said, “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”来源 :学 |科 |网 The fairy showed him a

27、gold axe and asked, “Is that yours ” “No.” said the man. The fairy then showed him a silver (银 ) axe and asked again, “Is this yours ” “No.” again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe. “Yes, that is mine.” called out the happy man. “I know it well enough.” said the fairy, “I only wanted

28、 to see if you would tell me the truth, and now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides (包括 ) your own one.” 根据短文,判断正( T)误( F)。 【小题 1】 The man was so poor that he only had one axe. 【小题 2】 The old axe fell into the river when the man was cutting the wood. 【小题 3】 . The fairy asked the man

29、 if he lost a gold axe, then the man said “No”. 【小题 4】 . When he saw his own axe, the man was very happy. 【小题 5】 . At last, the man had two axes. 答案: 【小题 1】 T 【小题 2】 T 【小题 3】 T 【小题 4】 T 【小题 5】 F 【小题 1】 T 根据原文中: He felt very sad because he lost his only axe.可知,此句话是正确的。 【小题 2】 T 根据原文中: One day a poor

30、man was cutting a big piece of wood (木头 ) near a river. Suddenly his old axe (斧子 ) fell into the water. 可知,此句话是正确的。 【小题 3】 T 根据原文中: The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is that yours ” “No.” said the man.可 知,此句话是正确的。 【小题 4】 T 根据原文中: “Yes, that is mine.” called out the happy man.可知,此句话是正确的。 【小

31、题 5】 F 根据原文中: now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides (包括 ) your own one.”可知,最后这个人最好获得了 3把斧子。 When do you think of a forest, what do you see Just trees Or do you see many other things, such as singing birds, colorful plants and wild flowers The forest is a whole world of its own. It

32、 is full of many different living things(生物 ). But even though they are all different, they have one thing in common: they all need each other in order to live on. The trees feed the forest “people” by making food in their leaves; by using sunlight to join water and minerals(矿物 ) from the soil and a

33、ir. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it. Human beings(人类 ) are like the living things in the forest. We need one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers

34、to bring it to our shops and clerks(售货员 ) to sell it to us. We need people to prepare our food and cook it and others to take our waste things away. Then, of course, we need doctors, nurses, government leaders, mailmen, telephone operators, and many others. We also need other human beings in another

35、 way. We need people for friendship, to talk over our problems, exchange ideas. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be if you lived all alone. Life is a matter of giving and taking. We need to help other people as much as we need other people to help us. Think what a good feeling you have when yo

36、u have done something for someone else! 【小题 1】 According to the text, colorful plants and flowers live on _. A the leaves of the trees B water and minerals C the soil and air D all of the above 【小题 2】 It is the _ that make it possible for living things to live in the forest. A trees B birds C plants

37、 D farmers 【小题 3】 According to the writer, human beings are _ the forest “people”. A different from B like C dislike D unhappy with 【小题 4】 The writer mainly wants to tell us_. A we need people for friendship B we need one another in order to live C the forest is a whole world of its own D the forest

38、 is full of different living things 【小题 5】 Which one is the relationship(关系 ) between a forest and your life? A We can see trees in the forests. B We like the living things in the forest. C We need farmers to grow our food in the forest. D We are the same as the forest; We need each other to live on

39、. 答案: 【小题】 D 【小题】 A 【小题】 B 【小题】 B 【小题】 D 【小题 1】细节理解题,有文中语句 “they all need each other in order to live on. ”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,有文中语句 “The trees feed the forest “people” by making food in their leaves; by using sunlight to join water and minerals(矿物 ) from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots

40、joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,有文中语句 “Human beings(人类 ) are like the living things in the forest.”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,有文中语句 “We need one another in order to live.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理 解题,有文中语句 “Life is a matter of g

41、iving and taking. We need to help other people as much as we need other people to help us.”理解可知。 书面表达 Dear Zhang Jing, My grandpa 81_ going to Changchun next month, because he has heard a lot 82._ the city and he would like 83._ see it himself. He says the bus service in Changchun is very good now,

42、and people can go anywhere 84._ bus. Is he right Can you tell me something more about it I hope to 85._ from you soon. Yours, Tony 答案: 【小题 1】 _is_ 【小题 2】 _about_ 【小题 3】 . _to_ 【小题 4】 _by_ 【小题 5】 _hear_ 【小题 1】本句的含义为我的祖父打算下个月去长春, be going to表示打算的含义,主语为单数第三人称,故本题空格处填 is。 【小题 2】本句的含义为他听说过许多有关这个城市的情况, he

43、ar about表示听说过某地的含义,故本句空格处填 about。 【小题 3】本句的含义为他想亲自去看一看, would like to do表示想要做某事,故本句空格处填 to。 【小题 4】本句的含义为人们乘公共汽车可以到任何地方,故本句空格处填乘的 介词 by。 【小题 5】本句的含义为我希望能够尽快的收到你的来信, hear from 表示收到某人来信的含义,故本句空格处填 hear。 给你的朋友李明写封信,因为他经常生病。你在信中礼貌地建议他如何保持身体健康。开头已给出, 60词左右。你的建议如下: 1.多吃蔬菜,水果; 2.多喝牛奶和水; 3.多参加户外体育锻炼; 4.保持充足睡

44、眠; 5.保持乐观心情 Dear Li Ming, I am sorry to hear you are ill again. I 答案:(略) 补充句子 A: Hey, Ben! I need your help. B: 1. A: Lindas birthday is coming.2 B:3a photo album A: No, thats too boring. B: Why 4 get her a scarf A: I think its too personal. B: Well, maybe you can hang out this weekend and then deci

45、de 5. to buy A: Thank you! B: You are welcome. 答案: 【小题 1】 Whats the matter 等 【小题 2】 What should I get (for) her 【小题 3】 What/How about 【小题 4】 not 【小题 5】 what 【小题 1】联系上文,我需要你的帮助。可知下文是在问,怎么了?故填:Whats the matter 等 【小题 2】联系上文,琳达的生日到了,及下文一本相册怎么样?可知本句意思是,我应该送她点什么?故填: What should I get (for) her 【小题 3】联系上下文可知 句意为:一本相册怎么样?故填 What/How about 【小题 4】联系下文,可知考察短语 why not 为什么不 ? 【小题 5】本句不定式缺少逻辑宾语,故填 what,然后决定买什么。


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