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1、2011-2012学年江苏省宜兴市周铁中学八年级上学期期中考试英语卷 其他 动词填空 .(10分 ) 1. Be quiet! Can you hear Lucy someone _(knock) on the door 2.Would you like to teach the boys _ (swim) now 3. When something _ (worry) my uncle, he always has a drink of wine in a bar 4.The boy _(lose) his way on his way to the zoo last week. 5.Are

2、 you busy _(brush) your fish tank 6.look, Susan _ (try) her best to open the box with a knife. 7.-_ Mike _ (help) you with your Chinese when he is free next week -No, he isnt. He is busy these day. 8.The boy rushed to the dining hall _ (have) lunch because he was so hungry. 9. Her funny joke made hi

3、m _ (laugh) happily. 10. I believe she _(have) good grades in Geography in the future. 答案:1. hear sb doing sth表示听到某人正在做某事,故本句空格处填 knocking。 2. teach sb to do sth表示教某人做某事的含义,故本句空格处填 to swim。 3. worry sb表示使某人烦恼的含义,主语为单数第三人称,故本题空格处填worries。 4. 本题中有个去年的时间状语,故本题使用过去时,故本题空格处填 lose的过去式 lost。 5. be busy doi

4、ng sth表示忙于做某事的含义,故本题空格处填刷的动名词形式brushing。 6. 本题中有个 look表示看的含义,所以本题使用现在进行时,故本题空格处填try的现在分词 trying。 7. 本题的主句表示将来时,结构为 be going to+动词原形,本题为一般疑问句,故 be动词 is 位于句首,故本题空格处填 Is, going to help。 8. 本题的含义为那个男孩跑到餐厅吃午饭,表示目的用动词不定式,故本题空格处填 to have。 9. make sb do sth表示使某人做某事的含义,故本题空格处填笑的动词原形laugh。 10. 本题的含义为我相信她在以后在

5、地理学科上将会取得好成绩,本题的从句表示将来,结构为 will+动词原形,故本题空格处填 will have。 根据短文内容及首字母写出单词 .( 5分) We each have a memory. Thats why we can still remember things a_(1) a long time. Some people have very g_(2) memories and they can easily learn many things, but some people can only r_(3) things when they say or do them ag

6、ain and again. Many of the great men of the world have amazing memories. A good memory h_(4) people learn a language(语言 ) well. Everyone learns his mother language (母语 ) when he is a small c_(5). He hears ,sounds, remembers them and then he learns to s_(6). Some children are living with their p_(7)

7、in foreign (外国的 ) countries. They can learn t_(8) languages as easily as one language because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In schools it is not so e_(9)to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are b_(10) with other subjects, too.

8、 答案:1. 本句的含义为记忆力是我们在很长时间之后仍然能记住事情的原因,故本句空格处填在之后单词 after。 2. 本句的含义为一些人有很好的记忆力,他们能很容易记住东西,故本句空格处填好的单词 good。 3. 本句的含义为但是一些人只能记住他们反复做的或说的事情,故本句空格处填记住的单词 remember。 4. 本句的含义为好的记忆力有助于人们学好一门语言,故本句空格处填帮助的动词 helps。 5. 本句的含义为每个人在他小孩子的时候,就学习他的母语,故本句空格处填小孩子的单词 child。 6. 本句的含义为小孩子听过之后然后学习说此种语言,故本句空格处填说语言的单词 speak

9、。 7. 本句的含义为一些儿童 和他们的父母住在外国,故本句空格处填父母的单词parents。 8. 本句的含义为他们能学习两种语言和学习一种语言一样轻松,故本句空格处填两的单词 two。 9. 本句的含义为在学校学习一门外语不容易,故本句空格处填容易的单词 easy。 10. 本句的含义为他们忙于别的学科而没有时间学习英语,故本句空格处填忙的单词 busy。 单项选择 * Well go hiking if it_ rain tomorrow. A wont rain B isnt going to rain C doestnt rain D dont rain 答案: C _ you pl

10、ay _ piano _ when you were young A Can, /, good B Could, /, well C Could, the , well D Can, the, good 答案: C The _ boy _ the fire on May 10th. A 18 years old, put out B 18-year-old, put out C 18 years old, putted out D 18-year-old, putted out 答案: B Its necessary _ the dogs fur and play with it for _.

11、 A brushing, sometimes B to brush, sometime C brushing, sometimes D to brush, some time 答案: D Well vote _ David, do you agree _ me A to, with B for, with C for, to D to, for 答案: B -Jim, please dont make any noise. Its too noisy. -_. A I know that. B It doesnt matter. C Its right. D Sorry, I wont do

12、it again. 答案: D There arent enough chairs. Would you please _ ones here A to bring another three B bring more three C to take three other D bring three more 答案: D Can you fisish the work better with _ money and _ people. A less, fewer B fewer, less C little, little D few, few 答案: A Its hard to keep

13、the house with three kids. A cleaning B to clean C cleaned D clean 答案: D You cant play with your rabbit _ you finish your homework. A because B while C after D until 答案: D This book _ Lucys . Look! Her name is on the book cover(封面 ) . A must be B may be C cant be D mustnt be 答案: A Did you watch Lucy

14、 _ yesterday A danced B to dance C dance D dancing 答案: C easy work it is! If you work harder, itll get . A What a; easiest B What; easier C How; harder D How a; easier 答案: B They _ the cat out for a walk now. A neednt to take B dont need take C neednt taking D dont need to take 答案: D Whats your frie

15、nd like A He likes running. B He is a teacher. C He is Tom. D He is handsome. 答案: D Shanghai is one of_ in China. A. the largest cities B the largest countries C. the most large cities D. the most largest countries 答案: A 完型填空 Therell be a charity(慈善) show called Sunshine For All _1_ 29th April. The

16、show will be held at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. We are organizing the show to raise money _2_ Project Hope. Project Hope helps build schools. It _3_ helps poor children go to school. We think its _4_ that all children learn to read and write. However, some children _5_ go to school because t

17、heir parents are too poor. Their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of _6_ to school. We hope to raise money to help poor children go to school. Tickets are¥ 20 each. Of course, donations _7_always welcome. The show starts at 7.30p.m. and _8_ at 9.30p.m. . Therell be a

18、 magic(魔术)show, music and drama, so it should be a fun evening! We hope _9_ people will come and support(支持) Project Hope. Finally, wed like to thank the people. They donated time and materials _10_ this show possible. We want to thank our teachers for their help and support. ( ) 1.A. in B. on C. at

19、 D. during ( ) 2.A. to B. for C. of D. with ( ) 3.A.also B. too C. either D. neither ( ) 4.A.important B. impossible C. polite D. impolite ( ) 5.A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. did not ( ) 6.A. go B. goes C. going D. gone ( ) 7.A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 8.A.finish B. finishes C. finishing D. finish

20、ed ( ) 9 .A. much B. a lot C. a few D. lots of ( ) 10.A. make B. to make C. made D. making 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【 小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 阅读理解 Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him,

21、“Dont forget this!” One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it. About half an hour late

22、r, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket ” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.”said the

23、 old man. “I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to buy another one,”said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where Im going I cant remember my station!”the old man said sadly. ( )1.The old man in the story was very_. A. kind B. poor C. forgetful D. sad ( )2.Where is the tick

24、et A. The old man forgot go buy it. B. The old man could not remember where it was. C. The old man showed it to the conductor. D. The old mans wife took the ticket away. ( )3.The old man bought the ticket _ he got on the train. A. after B. before C. as D. when ( )4.The conductor _ the old man. A. di

25、dnt believe B. laughed at C. believed D. felt sorry for ( )5. The old man was sad because A. he had to buy another ticket. B. he lost all the things his wife gave him. C. he did not know where he was. D. He did not know where he should get off. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】

26、 C 根据文章第一段 He always forgot a lot of things得出选 C。 【小题 1】 B 由文章第三段 The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it.可知选 B。 【小题 1】 B 根据文章第三段 I really bought a ticket before I got on the train, said the old man.可知他上车之前已经买票。 【小题 1】 C 由文章最后一段 I believe you bought a ticket. A

27、ll right ,you dont have to buy another one, said the conductor kindly.得出选 C。 【小题 1】 D.根据文章最后一段 But how can I know where Im going I cant remember my station! the old man said sadly可知选 D。 All students need to have good habits(好习惯 ): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also r

28、emember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. The telephone bell rings there; the TV is there, and sometimes it is a good place for your pet dog or cats to play and rest. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A

29、 quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线 ). So you should have a clean and bright lamp. To tell you the t

30、ruth, the most important is that you should put your heart into your study. ( )6.When you have good study habits, you will _. A. learn things quickly B. remember things easily C. make some mistakes D. both A and B ( )7.The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too_ . A. quiet B. no

31、isy C. good D. clean ( )8.Youll feel tired easily if the light is . A. good B. enough C. bad D. wonderful ( )9.You should remember to _ before you study. A. clean the desk B. tidy the room C. turn off the light D. go to the bedroom ( )10.The best title(标题 )for this passage(文章 )is _. A. Study in the

32、bedroom B. Good study habits C. How to study D. Desk light is important 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 根据原文第一段 “When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember(记住 ) them easily”可知。 【小题 1】 B根据原文第二段 “This is not a good place because it is usually

33、 too noisy”可知选 B。 【小题 1】 C根据原文第三段 “Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.”没有足够的光那就是光照很不好。 【小题 1】 A根据原文第三段 “Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. ”可知选 A。 【小题 1】 B全文都在谈论一个话题就是好的学习习惯。 One day an old man is selling (卖 ) a big elephant. A young man comes to the eleph

34、ant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.”“All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “No

35、w, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears ”“I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly ” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.” 根据短文选择正确的答案: (

36、 )11. _ the elephant. A. The young man sells B. The old man sells C. The two men sell D. The old man buys ( )12. The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _. A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. how heavy it is C. which ear of the elephant is bad D. what it looks like

37、( )13. The young man _. A. knows the elephant has bad ears B. wants to buy the elephant C. looks after the elephant D. gets some money from the old man ( )14. The young man _. A. is not interested in elephants B. knows what an elephant looks like C. has seen some elephants before D. has never seen a

38、n elephant before ( )15. Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(很可能 )be _. A. angry (生气) B. happy C. dangerous D. hungry 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】从文章的句子 : One day an old man sells(卖 ) a big elephant.可知答案:是 He sells a big elephant.可知选 B 【小题 1】从最后一句话 “

39、Because I want to see what an elephant looks like.” 可知这个年轻人想看看大象长什么样子。选 D 【小题 1】从文章的句子: he gives the young man twenty dollars and asks,可知答案:是 D 【小题 1】从文章的句子 “Because I have never seen an elephant before,可知年轻人以前没看过大象。选 D 【小题 1】推理题:老人以为年轻人看见大象的坏耳朵,给了年轻人一些钱,而年轻人只是没看过大象,想看看大象长什么样的,所以老人一定很生气。选A 略 书面表达 假如

40、你叫李红,有个网友( e-friend)叫 Mary。请根据以下信息向你的同学们介绍 Mary的情况。要求文章写在答题卡上。 外貌 苗条、漂亮,总是笑眯眯的。 特长 跑步,写作。 最喜欢的歌手 席琳 .迪翁( Celin.Dion) 品质 乐于助人,经常在公共汽车上给人们让座。 取得的成绩 去年英语竞赛中,是最棒的。 将来的打算 成为一名著名的跑步运动员,周游世界。 答案:单词拼写 1.Li Lei saved my life. Im _ to him. (grate) 2. The film isnt interesting at all, so I feel _. (bore) 3.The

41、res nothing in this box. Its _. (full) 4. Its _ ( danger ) for a young boy to climb the mountains. 5.Is he getting better now No, he is even_.(bad) 6. Different people have different _. (能力) 7.Jim _ water over his English book yesterday evening.(泼、倒) 8.My parrots _ look so beautiful in the sun. (羽毛

42、) 9.Do you like your trip Is it _ (令人愉快的 ) 10.Can you tell me the _ of the hill (高度 ) 答案:1.be grateful to sb表示对某人感激的含义,故本题空格处填感激的形容词grateful。 2.本题的含义为电影没有趣,所以我感到枯燥乏味,主语为人,故连系动词 feel后跟形容词乏味的单词 bored。 3.本题的含义为在箱子里没东西,那么箱子是空的,故本题空格处填空的单词empty。 4.be动词后跟形容词危险的单词 dangerous。 5.本题的含义为他现在变的更好了吗,不,他甚至变得更差了,故本

43、句空格处填更差的单词 worse。 . 6.本题的含义为不同的人有不同的能力,故本题空格处填能力的复数形式abilities。 7.本题中有个昨天晚上的过去时间,故本题使用过去时,故本题空格处填倒的过去式 poured。 8.本题的含义为我鹦鹉的羽毛在太阳光下看起来很漂亮,故本题空格 处填羽毛的复数形式 feathers。 9.be动词后使用形容词令人高兴的单词 pleasant。 10.本题的含义为你能告诉我山的高度吗,故本题空格处填名词高度的单词height。 补充句子 完成下列句子。 (9分 ) 1.艾米记性很好,但是有时候并不尽力 。 Amy _ but sometimes she _

44、. 2.Nick比 Jack聪明,能耍精彩的把戏。 Nick _ Jack, he can _. 3. 我 认为游泳没有滑雪激动人心 。 I _skiing. 由于看电视太多,我的妹妹视力很差 ,她不得不戴着眼镜。 My sister has poor eyesight _, and she _ 大卫长大了想和姚明一样受人欢迎。 David _ Yao Ming when_. 那个参观者在过马路的时候摔倒了 ,而且弄伤了他的左腿。 _and_ when he crossed the road. 答案: 【小题 1】考查固定短语。 have a good memory“记忆力好 ”; do on

45、es best“尽最大努力 ”。故翻译为 has a good memory, doesnt do her best。 【小题 2】考查比较级。 clever than.“比 .聪明 ”。故翻译为 is clever than, do wonderful tricks。 【小题 3】考查固定句型和比较级。 as.as用于同级比较。故翻译为 I dont think swimming is as exciting as。 【小题 4】考查固定短语。 because of“因为 ”,后加名词、代词、动名词; have to“不得不 ”。故翻译为 because of watching TV too much, has to wear glasses。 【小题 5】考查固定短语。 as.as“和 .一样 ”; grow up“长大 ”。故翻译为 wants to be as popular as, he grows up。 【小题 6】考 查固定短语。 fall down“摔倒 ”。故翻译为 The visitor fell down, hurt his left leg。


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