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1、2011-2012学年江苏省苏州市高新区七年级上学期期中考试英语卷 单项选择 * There is _u and _h in the word hour. A a/a B an/an C a/an D an/a 答案: C 此题重点考查不定冠词的基本语法。不定冠词有 a和 an两种: a用于辅音音素开头的词前, an用于元音音素开头的词前。元音字母 U的第一个音素是辅音音素,辅音字母 h的第一个音素是元音音素,故要用 C。 We have _ lessons like Music, Art and PE. A other B others C another D the others 答案:

2、A - Whose names are these, _ or yours -_. I dont know all of the students in Class 5, so I have _on this piece of paper. A theirs; Theirs; them B their; Theirs; they C their; Theirs; them D theirs; They; them 答案: A Tom is really a polite boy. He _ “Good morning to every teacher every day. A says B t

3、ells C speaks D talks 答案: A Every day we have _ homework, so we have no time _TV A too many, watch B too many, to watch C too much, to watch D much too, watch 答案: C Danielis are talking _ his grandpa _ his new school _ the phone. A to, on, in B with, about, m C to, about, on D with, on, to 答案: C He

4、is so careless that he always _his school things at home. A forgets B forgot C leaves D left 答案: C -_do you spend _English learning every day -For about an hour. A How long, in B How many times, on C How often, on D How long, on 答案: D -Are Mr. and Mrs. Black at home - No. _ of them are at work. A Ev

5、ery B Each C Both D All 答案: C Millie often goes to school by bus but _her mother drives her to school. A sometimes B some times C sometime D some time 答案: A They wont go to the zoo because the price is too _. A expensive B high C low D cheap 答案: B Max is Chinese. He _ to practice Chinese more. A nee

6、dnt B dont need C doesnt need D needs not 答案: C -Let Lin Tao and _me, will you They are my good friends, A he helps B he help C him helps D him help 答案: D They _ healthy and they _healthy food. A all are, often eat B are all, eat often C all are, eat often D are all, often eat 答案: D -_does he play f

7、ootball after school - He always plays football after school. A How often B How long C How much D How well 答案: A 完型填空 Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Almost everyone in the USA 31 shopping for presents. 32 is falling and people are walking fast. They are trying 33 warm as they move from

8、 shop to shop. Inside the shops the children are 34 at the toys and talking to a man called Father Christmas. He is asking them what they want for Christmas. In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer, the trees and fields are green then. But now it is winter and 35 is white. The white snow is as

9、 almost 36 as Father Christmas. At 37 there are different colours. Thousands of lights decorate(装饰 )the houses and buildings of every town. These bright red, green, blue, orange and yellow lights help to make Christmas a beautiful 38 of year. Christmas Day always begins 39 breakfast. The children wa

10、ke up very early and cant wait to open the 40 from their parents. Then they wake their parents up calling Merry Christmas! 【小题1】 A go B goes C went D going A Snow B Rain C Leaf D Kite A kept B keeping C keeps D to keep A seeing B looked C looking D saw A everything B nothing C anything D some things

11、 A interested B thin C welcome D strong A evening B night C morning D afternoon A times B times C times D time 【小题 9】 A, before B. at C. from D. in 【小题 10】 A. doors B. presents C, windows D. books 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】考查主

12、谓一致。 Everyone作主语,谓语用单数。故选 B。 【小题 1】考查名词辨析。圣诞节是冬季,应该是雪花正在落下。故选 A。 【小题 1】考查 try的用法。 try to do sth.“尽 力做某事 ”; try doing sth.“试着做某事 ”。故选 D。 【小题 1】根据 at可知,应该用 look, look at“看一看 ”。故选 C。 【小题 1】考查不定代词。在冬天,一切都是白色的。故选 A。 【小题 1】考查形容词辨析。雪花像圣诞老人一样受欢迎。故选 C。 【小题 1】考查固定搭配。 at night“在夜晚 ”。故选 B。 【小题 1】考查 time的用法。 Tim

13、e作 “时间 ”讲,是不可数名词;作 “时代、次数 ”讲,是可数名词。使圣诞节成为一年的一个美好的时光。故选 D。 【小题 1】考查介词。圣诞节常常在早饭前开始。故 选 A。 【小题 1】考查名词辨析。孩子迫不及待想看看父母送的礼物。故选 B。 阅读理解 Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, Dont forget this ! One day he went on a long trip alone. Before

14、 he left home, his wife said, Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip. He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it. About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man

15、and said, Will you please show me your ticket The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train. said the old man. “I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to

16、 buy another one, said the conductor kindly. But how can I know where Im going -I cant remember my station! the old man said sadly. 【小题 1】 Where is the ticket _. A The old man forgot to buy it. B The old man could not remember where it was. C The old man showed it to the conductor. D The old mans wi

17、fe took the ticket away. 【小题 2】 The old man was sad because_. A he had to buy another ticket. B he lost all the things his wife gave him. C he did not know where he was. D he did not know where he should get off. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 1】本文谈论的是一个健忘老人,老人有一天出去旅行,买了票上了火车,列车员来检票,老人去找不到票非常着急,故本题选 B,意思

18、为老人想不起来票在哪里,符合文意。 【小题 2】根据最后 2句可以判断出老人难过是因为他找不着票,不知道自己应该在哪一站下车,列车员没有要求他再买票,问中也没有提到他丢掉他妻子给他的所有东西 ,故本题应该选 D, D项与文章意思较符合。 Walking in the street in the USA or the UK, you can often hear people talking about the weather. Lovely day, isnt it Its cold, isnt it and so ox Americans and English people like ta

19、lking about the weather. This makes lots of Chinese puzzled(困惑) . But they talk about the weather not only because the weather there changes a lot, but also they do not like to talk with others about private things like age, family and income. Stay with strangers, people all like talking about the w

20、eather, then they can talk about other things naturally(自然) . They think if you like spring, you have a warm heart; if you like summer, you have a great will; if you like autumn, you have abundant feeling(丰富的感情); if you like winter, you have a vast mind(广阔的胸怀) 【小题 1】 What is the Chinese meaning of p

21、rivate A私人的 B公共的 C未知的 D不感兴趣的 【小题 2】 Why do Americans and English people like talking about the weather A Because the weather there is changeable. B Because they do not like to talk about private things. C Because then they can talk about other things naturally. D Both A and B 【小题 3】 Which is NOT tru

22、e A If you like spring, you like to help others. B A lot of Chinese dont know why the English people like talking about the weather. C The weather often changes in UK, D English people will talk about their ages with the strangers. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 D 【小题 1】从第二段第三行可以看到美国人和英国人不喜欢谈论年龄,家庭和收入

23、,这些都属于个人的隐私,也就是私人的事情,所以 private 是私人的意思,故本题选 A。 【小题 2】从第二段第二行我们可以看到美国人和英国人喜欢谈论天气的原因不仅是由于当地的天气易变,而且是因为他们不喜欢谈论私人的事情,故选 D。 【小题 3】本文的最后三行提到四季,如果你喜欢春天,那么你将会有一个热心肠,乐于帮助别人,在第二段第二行提到中国人对英美国家的人喜欢谈论天气感到困惑,不知是什么原因,在英国的天气易变,英国人不喜欢谈论他们的私人问题,如年龄和收入等,故本题不正确的为 D项。 All students need to have good study habits(习惯 ).Whe

24、n you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing. When

25、 you study, dont think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do this, you will do your homework more quickly and you will make fewer mistakes. Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If you are already good, try to make

26、them better. 【小题 1】 This passage(文章 )tells about._. A good study ways B good study habits C good study environment D the homework 【小题 2】 When do you remember things easily _. A When we study B When we learn things C When we need to have good study habits D When we have good study habits 【小题 3】 How d

27、o you learn things when you have good study habits A All students need to have good study habits. B Do not think about other things. C We will learn thing quickly., D Only think about our homework. 【小题 4】 You must only think about _when you study. A good study habits B other things C your homework D

28、 mistakes 【小题 5】 If you do not have good study habits, you must _. A try to learn them and have them B try to make them better C try to make fewer mistakes D try to do our homework quickly. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: All students need to have good study habit

29、s(习惯 ).可知这篇文章讲的是好的学习习惯。选 B 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.可知有了好的习惯,会记得更清楚。选 D 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.可知有了好的习惯,学习东西会更快。选 C 【小题 1】细节题:从第二段的句

30、子: Only think about your homework.可知学习的时候只能想着作业。选 C 【小题 1】细节题:从第四段的 句子: If you do not have them, try to learn them. 可知如果没有好的学习习惯,就要学习,拥有它们。选 A 书面表达 书面表达(共 1小题,满分 10分 ) 假设你是 Peter,请你给你的朋友 Simon写一封信,介绍你的学校生活,要求包含以下要点,字数不少于 60字。 1早上 8点开始上课,上午 4节,下午 4节。 2每天 8点 50分做早操,下午跑 10分钟的步。 3午餐时间,经常和朋友聊天和听音乐。 4放学后进

31、行许多课外活动,如打篮球,踢足球等。 5每天花一个半小时做作业。在学校过的很愉快。 答案:句型转换 句型转换:(共 20空,每空 0.5分,满分 10分) 1. Lucy does housework with her mother on Sundays,(否定句) Lucy _ _ housework with her mother on Sundays. 2. Please e-mail me soon.(同义句) Please _ _e-mail _me soon. 3. The museum is closed on Wednesday.(同义句) The museum is _eve

32、ry day _Wednesday. 4. Millie is a good swimmer. (同义句) Millie is_ _ _. 5. She does well in English because she often talks to foreigners.(提问) _ _ she _well in English 6. My birthday is on January 6th,1983. (同义句) I_ _ on January 6th, 1983. 7. I only know one answer to this question. _ _ _ to this ques

33、tion do you know 8. The blue ball is Sandys. _ _ is Sandys 答案: 1. 主语为单数第三人称,谓语动词为一般动词的一般现在时用 doesnt构成否定句,后跟动词原形 do,故本题空格处填 doesnt do。 2. 本题的含义为请尽快地给我寄一份邮件, send an e-mail to sb可以表示此意,故本题空格处填 send an to。 3. 本句的含义为博物馆在星期三是关闭的,也就是博物馆除了星期三之外都是营业的, open表示开着的含义, except表示除之外的含义,故本题空格处填open except。 4. 本句的含义

34、为米莉是一个好的游泳者,也就是说她擅长游泳, be good at表示擅长的含义,在介词后用 swimming表示游泳,故本题空格处填 good at swimming。 5. 对原因提问的用疑问词 why,后跟一般疑问句,本题用助动词 does,后跟动词原形 do,故本题空格处填 Why does do。 6. 本题的含义为我出生于 1983年 1月 6号, be born可以表示出生的含义,故本题空格处填 was born。 7. 对于可数名词数量提问用 how many后跟可数名词复数形式,故本题空格处填 How many answers。 8. 对于事物类别提问可用 which,后跟名

35、词,故本题空格处填 Which ball。 单词拼写 单词拼写(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分)每空格限填一词。 1. She with her friends often _(聊天) in the playground after lunch. 2. He likes making_(朋友) with helpful people. 3. Do you know the_(游泳者) names 4. She often looks for some_(信息) for her study on the Internet. 5. They even have lessons on_(周

36、末) . 6. How many after-school_(活动) do you have every week 7. What about _(听) to music now 8. Thank you for_(组织) the class trip. 9. We often play football on the football_. 10. Sandy is good at singing, and she is a _of the Music Club. 答案: 1. 本题的主语中心词为单数第三人称,故本题空格处填聊天的三单形式 chats。 2. 本题的含义为他喜欢交朋友, mak

37、e friends表示交朋友的含义,故本题空格处填 friends。 3. 本题的含义为你知道那个游泳者的名字吗,故本题空格处填游泳者的名词所有格形式 swimmers。 4. 本题的含义为她经常在网上为她的学习查找一些信息,信息为不可数名词,故本句空格处填信息的单词 information。 5. 本题的含义为他们甚至在周末上课,故本句空格处填周末的复数 weekends。 6. how many后跟可数名词的复数形式,故本题空格处填活动名词的复数形式activities。 7. 介词 about后跟听的动名词形式 listening。 8. 介词 for后跟组织的动名词形式 organiz

38、ing。 9. 本题的含义为我们经常在足球场踢足球,故本题空格处填场地的单词 field。 10. 本题的含义为桑迪是一名音乐俱乐部的一名成员,故本题空格处填成员的单词 member。 翻译 中译英(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 【小题 1】他是我最爱的羽毛球运动员之一。 【小题 2】我们都在盼望着这一天的到来。 【小题 3】 Sandy中文说得很好因为她经常练习。 【小题 4】你能教我如何打排球吗? 【小题 5】 吴老师对我们很好。他帮助我们学好数学。 答案: 1. one of表示其中之一的含义,后跟可数名词运动员的复数形式 players, my favorite badmi

39、nton player表示我最喜欢的羽毛球运动员,故本题可翻译为 He is one of my favorite badminton players。 2. look forward to 表示盼望做某事的含义,介词 to后跟动名词或名词, the coming to the day表示这一天的到来的含义,本题表示进行的时态,故本题可翻译为 We are looking forward to the coming of the day。 3. 说某种语言用 speak,修饰动词好用 well,表示原因用 because,修饰动词多用 a lot,故本题可翻译为 Sanday speaks C

40、hinese well because she practises a lot。 4. teach sb sth 表示教某人某事的含义, how 后跟动词不定式表示如何做某事作宾语, play volleyball表示打排球的含义,本题为一般疑问句,用 can you+动词原形表示你能做什么吗?的含义,故本题可翻译为 Can you teach me how to play volleyball? 5. be nice to sb表示对某人很好的含义, help sb do sth表示帮某人做某事的含义,故本题可翻译为 Mr. Wu is nice to us.He helps us learn maths well.


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