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1、2011广东省深圳市初中毕业生学业考试英语全真模拟试卷与答案( 1) 其他 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下面的问题,将答案:写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。 Charter schools in the US operate with public money but without many of the rules that govern traditional public schools. In the United States the rules for charter schools are different from state to state. But in general

2、these schools have greater freedom to decide what and how to teach. A charter school might have nothing to do with the local public school system. It might be started by teachers, parents, community groups or a profit-making business. Forty-seven million students go to traditional public schools. An

3、d more than a million students go to charter schools. And now a group of charter schools have formed the Green Charter Schools Network. The idea is to have environment friendly school buildings but also to go further than that. The schools teach students to give lots of time and attention to the com

4、munity problems that affect them and the environment. For example, young children grow vegetables in a school garden and learn about healthy eating. Older students help recycle waste from restaurants. And local schools share what they grow in community gardens with people in need. Jim McGrath is pre

5、sident of the Green Charter Schools Network. He says there are about two hundred “green” charter schools across the United States. And the Green Charter Schools Network holds its first national conference this October in Minnesota. Supporters of green schools say their goal is to let the movement be

6、 popular across the country. 【小题 1】 . Are the rules for charter schools the same in the US 【小题 2】 . How many students go to charter schools 【小题 3】 . What do students in charter schools often do 【小题 4】 . Do teachers teach students to protect the environment or to know the Network 【小题 5】 . Why do supp

7、orters hope charter schools to be popular across the country 答案:【小题 1】 . No. they arent. 【小题 1】 More than a million. 【小题 1】 . They grow vegetables, learn about healthy eating and help recycle waste from restaurants. 【小题 1】 . To protect the environment. 【小题 1】 Because charter schools can help the stu

8、dents not only learn knowledge but also care about social problems. 单项选择 * The two cities have reached an _ to develop science and technology. A education B excitement C agreement D invention 答案: C Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he _ us English. A teaches B taught C has taught

9、D will teach 答案: C Many volunteers_ food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunami. A gave out B cut out C put out D found out 答案: A Plan your time carefully and make sure you have some time _ what you like every day. A do B to do C doing D done 答案: B 1. 现在分词表示动作正在进行,或者主动形式,或者伴随, 2过去分

10、词表示动作在过去已发生,或者被动形式, 3不定式表示一次性的动作,或者表示目的 仔细计划的时间 ,确保有足够的时间做你每天喜欢做的事 .根据题意这里的 to do表示的是仔细安排时间的目的 ,所以选 B. I _ along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat. A walked B was walking C would walk D had walked 答案: B Is Mr. Black ill _. I think he will have to stay at home to have a good res

11、t. A I dont think so B Im afraid not C I hope so D Im afraid so 答案: D Excuse me. Could you tell me _ It will leave at 4:00 p.m. A how will you go to Shanghai B how you will go to Shanghai C when will the bus leave for Shanghai D when the bus will leave for Shanghai 答案: D How soon _ all the work _ In

12、 a week. A willfinish B is.going to finish C willbe finished D aregoing to be finished 答案: C be going to与 will的区别 be going to与 will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别: 1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情, will 表示的将来时间则较远一些 . 2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生 的事情, will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 3. be going to 含有 “计划,准备 ”的意思,而

13、 will 则没有这个意思 . 4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用 will. 根据题意 ,完成工作是客观发生的事情 ,应该用 will.这里工作是完成的对象 ,应用被动语态 ,所以选 C. I saw Li Ming _ near the river on my way home. A plays B playing C to play D played 答案: B I ll go to Beijing for the coming summer holiday. _. A Thank you B It doesnt matter C The same to

14、 you D Have a good time 答案: D Sandy feels unhappy because nobody seems to _ her progress. A notice B look C watch D read 答案: A Linda is a hard student and She usually _ English every evening. A study B studies C studied D had studied 答案: B A car accident happened here yesterday and the driver _ his

15、head badly. A hurt B hurts C has hurt D had hurt 答案: A Ge You is _ popular film star in China, who likes listening to music. A a B an C the D 答案: A _ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer! A What B What an C How D How an 答案: C Wheres David He _ be in the playground because he is fond

16、of playing basketball. A will B may C cant D mustnt 答案: B Can I use your e -dictionary Sorry. I dont have _. A it B this C that D one 答案: D 完型填空 A passenger (乘客 ) told an air hostess (空姐 ) that he needed a cup of water to take medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring

17、him the 16 soon. Twenty minutes 17 , when the passengers ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that she 18 to bring him the water. Therefore, the passenger was held up (延迟 ) to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he 19 it.

18、 In the following hours on the flight, 20 time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile 21 he needed help or not. But the passenger never 22 her words. When he was going to get off the 23 , the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers booklet (意见簿 ). She

19、 was very 24 . She knew that he would write down sharp words, which might make her 25 the job. 26 with a smile she handed it to him. Off the plane, she 27 the booklet, and cracked a smile, for the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me if I needed help for twelve times 28 . How can I refuse

20、29 twelve sincere smiles ” Thats right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that touched (感动 ) the passenger 30 and of course she wouldnt lose her job! 【小题1】 A milk B juice C coffee D water A late B later C ago D after A remembered B forgot C wanted D learned A accepted B took C refused D re

21、ceived A some B either C another D each A why B when C whether D how A paid attention to B thought of C heard of D worried about A coach B bus C train D plane A happy B cheerful C sad D excited A lose B loses C losing D lost A And B So C Then D But A opened B closed C destroyed D hid A at all B in a

22、ll C of all D all over A her B your C their D our A peacefully B comfortably C deeply D slowly 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D water水。由上一句 .he needed a cup of water to take medicine.知空

23、姐将给他送水 【小题 1】 B时间段后跟 later表示 多长时间之后 。由上文知乘客在等空姐送水。故说 二十分钟后 【小题 1】 B前文说 the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that.汉意:空姐马上意识到(自己还没有送水),她一直很忙以至于 .显然是空姐 忘记送水了 。故用 forgot 【小题 1】 C前文说 她马上给客人送去一杯水 ,又根据第三段的意思知道客人不接受服务,故 but后应该是与前 相对的 动作。 【小题 1】 D根据上下文,应该说:空姐 每一次 经过客人的时候。故选 D. 【小题 1】 C w

24、hether.or not 意为 是否 。 【小题 1】 A任凭空姐服务态度再好,但是乘客对她 从不理睬 。故选 C.paid attention to 【小题 1】 D前文是在飞机上发生的事。故说 当他要下飞机的时候 。 【小题 1】 C.从下句: She knew that he would write down sharp words,.(她知道他会写下批评的话)知道空姐当时心情应该是难过的。故选 C.sad。 【小题 1】 A. make的宾语补足语应该用动词原形,即 make sb.do 。故选 A.lose 【小题 1】 D.上文说 .那可能使他失去工作 。与下文的 with a

25、smile形成对比,故用 But表转折 【小题 1】 A由下文知道空姐读了意见簿上的内容,所以应该先 打开 (opened)。 【小题 1】 B in all总共; at all根本; of all在所有 当中; all over遍及。本句意为 在飞行途中 ,你总共问了我十二次要不要帮忙。 故选 B。 【小题 1】 B从上句中的 .you asked me.知道 意见 是写给空姐的。故此处应该说 .your twelve sincere smiles你的 12次真诚的微笑 【小题 1】 C 考查副词词义。 touched the passenger deeply意为 深深感动了乘客。 阅读理解

26、 Its a goal for millions and millions of families every year to keep the Christmas spending within a certain amount of money, but you can still afford the gifts because your loved ones will enjoy them. This concern (忧虑 ) is becoming greater and greater theses days. Even so, there are several things

27、that you can do to help. Hit the sales. No one wants to get up at four oclock in the morning and fight to get a good deal (交易 ) on Black Friday ( the first Friday at Christmas time). Its surely very difficult to pick up the courage and get out there in the cold for a good deal. But sometimes it can

28、be well worth. Many retailers (零售商 ) offer specials all through the day. Some even offer online Black Friday specials, so we may still be able to get a great deal on Black Friday. Read advertisements regularly. Once the Christmas shopping season is coming, retailers will be hungry for business. They

29、 will try their best to get us into the store. Please read the weekly advertisements of sales among the major retailers from time to time. We may be lucky enough to find different prices for the same thing in different shops. Shop online. Some of us dont like running from store to store to get the b

30、est price on the perfect gift. Some of us dont like to go out in the cold at all, and then, we can do online shopping. The world of online shopping makes it possible for us to visit all the major retailers and some specialty stores on the Internet. We can find exactly what we are looking for at the

31、best possible price without even having to leave the house. With traditional Christmas shopping, it will always take us a long time to wait if we want to get the perfect gift. 【小题 1】 The underlined word “specials” in Paragraph 2 means_. A赠品 B奢侈品 C特价商品 D 圣诞礼品 【小题 2】 We can have more choices to get a

32、good deal _. A on the Internet B in specialty C from salesmen D from retailers stores 【小题 3】 In this passage the writer wants to _. A tell us to shop online B tell us the best way to do shopping C show us how hard it is to do Christmas shopping D give us advice on how to get a good deal at Christmas

33、 time 【小题 4】 From the passage we can infer (推断 ) that _. A people are surely able to get a good deal on Friday B it is possible for people to buy the perfect Christmas gifts with less money C retailers will be hungry because they are busy selling Christmas gifts D with traditional Christmas shopping

34、, people cant buy the perfect gifts 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【主旨大意】文章主要建议了圣诞节应该怎样购买礼物及要注意的问题 。 【小题 1】词义猜测题。由第二段知在圣诞节的第一个星期五购物的少,许多零售商提供 “特价商品 ”,来促销。 【小题 1】细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句可知。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。请参考【主旨大意】。 【小题 1】推理判断题。从第三段最后一句和第二段及最后一段提到的 “特价商品 ”可知。 When you are curious about something and wa

35、nt to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The following steps can guide you during the research. Step 1 Write down the subject that you are interested in on a piece of paper. Just get the ma

36、in idea down. For example, you might write: Discover more about robots. Step 2 Stop and think for a moment about what you have already known about your subject. List what you have already known like the sentences below: 1. The first robot appeared in the USA in 1959. 2. A robot can do housework and

37、act as a teacher. 3. Sometimes a robot catches viruses and causes a lot of problems. Step 3 What can you do with what you want to learn By asking questions, start writing down questions about the robots on the paper: 1. What might robots be like in the future 2. What other things can robots do for p

38、eople 3. What kind of power will robots possibly use in five years Step 4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, youll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover tha

39、t robots can help scientists explore dangerous places, like the sea and outer space. How What happened Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely. The next time you find something interesting to research, take time to organize your thinking by asking good questions. And reme

40、mber that learning more always brings more questions. 【小题 1】 What does the writer advise us to do when were curious about something A To read more books about it. B To look it up in the dictionary. C To turn to the teacher for help. D To raise questions and find the answers. 【小题 2】 What does the und

41、erlined part “Armed with your list of questions” mean A Writing down your list of questions. B Discussing your questions with others. C Taking your list of questions with you. D Putting your list of questions under your arm. 【小题 3】 What might be the correct order of the steps when you do research Li

42、st what you want to learn. Find new problems. List what youve already known. Choose a research subject. A B C D 【小题 4】 What might be the best title for this passage A Doing Research onRobots B Asking Good Questions While Doing Research C Having Interesting Answers on Robots D Finding Subjects before

43、 Doing Research 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【主旨大意】文章主要以研究机器人为例讲述了提问题的 4个步骤。 【小题 1】由第一段可知。 【小题 1】句意推测题。由倒数第三段可知应该是 “带着所有的问题 ”去图书馆或在电脑上开始研究,进而可能发现新的问题。 【小题 1】整体理解题。对应文中 Step 1至 Step 4可知。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。参见【主旨大意】。 There was a man who had a little son. He loved him very much. Every day after wor

44、k the man would come home and play with the little boy. When the man came home from work one night, he found that he had some extra work to do. And he wasnt able to play with his little son. He wanted to give the boy something to keep him busy. So, looking around his study, he saw a magazine with a

45、large map of the world on the cover. He got an idea. He patiently tore the map up into pieces. Then he led his son into the dining room and spread the pieces on the table. He explained to the boy that it was a map of the world. He told the boy to put it back together and they could play together whe

46、n he finished. Surely this could keep the child busy for hours, he thought. After about thirty minutes, the boy came to the man and said, “Okay, its finished, Dad. Can we play now ” The man was surprised, saying, “Thats amazing! How did you do that ” The boy said, “It was easy. On the back of the pa

47、ge was a picture of a man. When I put the man together, the whole world appeared completely.” 【小题 1】 Why couldnt the man play with his son that night A He had to read a magazine. B He had some extra work to do. C He had to learn something about a map. D He had to stay at his office for extra work. 【

48、小题 2】 What did the man ask his son to do A To read the magazine to find the map. B To tear the map of the world up into pieces. C To put the pieces of the map of the world back together. D To clean the dining room first, and then read the map of the world. 【小题 3】 How long did it take the boy to finish the work A A few hours. B About an hour. C About


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