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1、2013届福建省福州文博中学九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读理解( 10分) We all have problems. If we cant deal with our problems, we will become unhappy easily. Worry about our problems can affect what we do at school. It can also influence the way we get along with our families at home. Here are some ways to deal with o

2、ur problems. l By learning to forget. Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didnt like, or you felt they were about a small problem. When we are angry, we are usually the ones affected. However, this usually does not last for long.

3、 We can solve a problem by learning to forget. l By regarding problems as challenges Many students often complain(抱怨 ) about school. They might feel they have too much work to do or think the rules are too strict. We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges”. As young people , it i

4、s our duty to try to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. l By thinking of something worse By comparing (比较 )yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, a very clever scientist. He cant walk or even speak

5、, but he has become very famous and successful. We are probably quite healthy and smart. Lets not worry about problems. Lets face the challenges instead. 【小题 1】 Our problems can affect what we do at_ and _. 【小题 2】 We can solve our problems by learning_ _. 【小题 3】 Its_ _ to try our best to deal with c

6、hallenges in our education. 【小题 4】 If you _ yourself _ other people, you will find your problems arent so terrible. 【小题 5】 The passage tells us not to _ _ problems. 答案: 【小题 1】 school, home 【小题 2】 to, forget 【小题 3】 our, duty 【小题 4】 compare, to 【小题 5】 worry about 试题分析:通过阅读本文我们可以知道,每个人生活中都会面临一些问题,甚至会影响

7、我们在学校的生活。短文重点提出了几点合理化建议。 【小题 1】根据 Worry about our problems can affect what we do at school. It can also influence the way we get along with our families at home. 可知填 school, home。 【小题 2】根据 We can solve a problem by learning to forget.及上文描述可知填 to, forget。 【小题 3】根据 it is our duty to try to deal with e

8、ach challenge in our education 可知填 our, duty。 【小题 4】 By comparing (比较 )yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible.可知填 compare, to。注意词形变化。 【小题 5】根据 Lets not worry about problems.可知填 worry about。 考点:考查一篇关于处理日常问题的说明文 点评:本文说明很有层次性,各小题很有针对性,基本上都能从文中找到答案:,完成不难。 根据对话内容, 选择恰当的

9、句子补全下列对话。(每小题 1分,共 5分) (Miss Yu is giving a class. Suddenly some bottles drop out of a students desk.) T: Whats the noise there S: Sorry, Miss Yu .【小题 1】 T: ( Walking over to take a look) Oh, so many bottles! S: Im collecting bottles. T: 【小题 2】 S: Because I want to make toys out of them. T:【小题 3】 If

10、 so, why not put a big paper box at the back of our classroom Then your classmates can help collect the bottles. S: Thanks for your advice. T: 【小题 4】 S: Yes, quite a few. T: 【小题 5】 S: Of course. Ill bring a few here tomorrow. T: Perfect! Thats an interesting idea. We cant wait to see the toys youve

11、made. Some bottles dropped onto the floor. Can you show some to us one day Could you help us make some toys Have you already made some toys Why do you collect bottles 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 G 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 F 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:这篇对话描写的是课堂上的一个小插曲,一位学生的课桌内掉下一些瓶子,摔碎了。后来在老师及同学们的建议下,想办法把这些碎玻璃 做成玩具,让一件坏事变成了好事。 【

12、小题 1】联系下文 ( Walking over to take a look) Oh, so many bottles!可知选 C。 【小题 2】根据下文 Because I 可知上文问的是某种原因,故选 G。 【小题 3】根据下文 If so ,联系上文描述可知选 A。 【小题 4】根据下文 Yes, quite a few.可知选 F。 【小题 5】根据下文描述可知选 D。 考点:情景交际 点评:情景交际的考查也是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语 。平时应加强英语阅读,多了解一些英语文化方面的东西。 单项选择 * -How long _ s

13、he _ this book -She _it from the library two weeks ago. A. has, kept; borrowed B. has, kept; lent C. has, borrowed; borrowed 答案: A 试题分析:句意:她持有这本书多久了?她两个星期前借来的。根据时间状语 How long和 two years ago可知上文为完成时态,下文为过去时态。 Keep是保持;持有的意思; borrow借入; lend借出。英语中表示一段时间的时间状语不能与瞬间动词连用,故选 A。 考点:动词辨析及时态 点评:英语完成时态中需要的注意的一个问

14、题就是动词的使用,即瞬间动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。持续性动词也不能非持续性时间状语连用,这一直是初中英语考查的重点。 -What did Mrs. Wang say - She_ us how we_ go on our field trip. A. asks; would B. asked; will C. asked; would 答案: C 试题分析:句意;王夫人说什么 她问我们什么时候去郊游。可知下文描述的过去发生的动作,从句内容是站在过去角度看得将来发生的动作,故主句用过去时态,从句用过去将来时态,选 C。 考点:考察时态 点评:时态的考察是初中英语考察的重点之一,判断时

15、态可以通过上下文,时间词等关键因素,平时学习中应注意总结积累。 Many nice books_ the children on Childrens Day. A. gave B. were gave C. were given to 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在儿童节许多书被赠给了孩子们。书是被赠予的对象,故用被动语态, give sth to sb,当间接宾语位于直接宾语后面时,前面要加 to 表示动作对象,故选 C。 考点:被动语态 点评:判断语态主要是从动词和主语的关系出发,如果是动宾关系就是被动语态,反之只是主动语态。 -Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of

16、good news. I _ America tomorrow. -Wow, have a good trip! A. will leave to B. leaves for C. am leaving for 答案: C 试题分析: leave意思是动身,离开的意思,和 for搭配使用表示去什么地方,和 leave是完全相反的意思。句意:嗨,简,告诉你一个好消息。我明天要动身去美国了。 喔,祝你旅途愉快。可知上文为将来时态,故选 C。 考点:词义辨析及时态 点评: leave和 leave for表达的是完全相反地含义,在考试中一定要注意两个词的区别,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语 。 _ L

17、ily _Lucy will go with you because one of them must stay at home. A. Neither; nor B. Eitheror C. Both; and 答案: B 试题分析: A.两者都不 B. 要么 要么 C. 两个都。要么莉莉要么露西和你一起去,因为他们其中一个必须呆在家。故选 B。 考点:连词辨析 点评:此类题型首先要了解各个选项的含义及用法,注意一词多义现象,然后结合具体语境选择正确答案:。 Peter is made_ his room once a week. A. clean B. to clean C. cleani

18、ng 答案: B 试题分析: make后接不带 to 的不定式,当变为被动结构后,要加上to,故选 B。 考点:非谓语动词 点评:在一些不带 to 的不定式转换成被动语态以后,原先省掉的 to 要加上,这是语态转换的一条重要原则,应牢记。 No one can tell me _ next. A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do 答案: C 试题分析:句意:没有人能告诉我接下来做什么。选项 A结构不对,选项 B表示方式,故选 C。 考点:疑问词加不定式 点评:该结构的性质主要取决于前面疑问词的含义,应用中可结合疑问词的含义理解短语的意思,结合语

19、境选择合适答案:。 China _ more people _English. A. encourage; learn B. has encouraged ; to learn C. has encouraged; learning 答案: B 试题分析:句意:中国支持更多的人学英语。不定式表示具体的将要进行的动作,结合句意可知选 B。 考点:时态及非谓语动词 点评:时态的考察是初中英语考察的重点之一,判断时态可以通过上下文,时间词等关键因素,平时学习中应注意总结积累。 -Jane has never been to such a beautiful country. -_. A. so ha

20、ve I B. Neither have I C. Neither do I 答案: B 试题分析: “so助动词(情态动词或连系动词)另一主语 ”表示前面的情况也适用于后者;如果前句是否定句,则要用 “neither nor 助动词主语 ”。并且要注意句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。上文为否定形式,选项 C助动词与上文不一致,故选 B。 考点:主谓倒装结构 点评:这几个倒装句的区别比较难。 “so助动词(情态动词或连系动词)另一主语 ”,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。 So+主语 +助动词(情态动词或连系动词)是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。如果上文是否定

21、形式则要将 so换成 neither。 _ of the population in this area _ farmers. A. Two thirds ,are B. Two thirds, is C. Two third, is 答案: B 试题分析:英语中表达分数时,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。有分数修饰的名词后的谓语动词与该名词保持一致。 Population做人口的意思讲是,为单数形式,故选 B。 考点:分数表达及主谓一致 点评:英语的分数表达有固定规则,熟记即可。只需要记住的是用分数修饰的 单词后的主谓一致问题。 You wont pass the English exam

22、_ you study hard. A. if B. so C. unless 答案: C 试题分析: A. 如果 B.因此 C.除非。句意:除非你努力学习,否则你不会通过英语考试。故选 C。 考点:连词辨析 点评:此类题型首先要了解各个选项的含义及用法,注意一词多义现象,然后结合具体语境选择正确答案:。 -Do you know_ the books on the shelves - Sorry, I cant count them, because there are _books. A. a number of; the number of B. a number of; a numbe

23、r C. the number of; a number of 答案: C 试题分析: a number of一些,许多; the number of 的数目。句意:你知道书架上书的数目吗? 对不起,我不能数出他们,因为有许多书。故选 C。 考点:短语辨析 点评:关于短语的辨析,一定要牢记短 语的基本含义,然后结合语境选择正确的答案:。 -He_ attend at the meeting. - But in fact he didnt come. A. is suppose to B. was suppose to C. was supposed to 答案: C 试题分析:句意:他应该出席

24、这个会议。 但是实际上他没有来。可知上文描述的是过去发生的动作,故用过去时态,他是被期望的对象,用完成时态,选 C。 考点:时态及语态 点评:被动语态 be supposed to已经成为一个固定结构 ,本句只要能根据上下文判断出上文时态即可 . -Its very kind _you_ help me complete the difficult job. - Youre welcome. A. to; for B. for; of C. of; to 答案: C 试题分析: to 到,不定式符号; for为了; of 的。句意:帮助我完成这项艰巨的工作,你太好心了。 不客气。固定句式 It

25、s adj of sb to do sth,故选 C。 考点:固定句式 Its adj of sb to do sth 点评:英语中一些比较固定的句式很多,尤其是以 it 做形式主语的固定句式。熟记这些句式可以让我们节省很多思考的时间。 When Mrs. Smith got home, she found_ in her room. A. strange anything B. strange something C. something strange 答案: C 试题分析: something一些东西,一般用于肯定句中; anything任何事,一般用于疑问及否定句中。修饰这两个词的词语

26、一般放于这两个词的后面,故选 C。 考点:词义辨析 点评: thing可以和一些不定代词构成的合成词是初中英语考查的重点,其主要考查内容就是这些词的修饰词的位置,需要牢记。 完型填空 完形填空。阅读下面短文,选择最佳作案。(每小题 1分,共 10分) The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east to the west in North China . It is about 6,300 kilometers 46 . It is often 47 “The Ten

27、-thousand- Li Great Wall”. It is one of the “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world. The Great Wall is 48 for ten men to walk side by side. Horses can also run along it, too. The Great Wall 49 stones and bricks(砖 ). There are huge stones on 50 side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it a

28、re worn out. There are tall watchtowers along the Great Wall. Once upon a time, the soldiers kept 51 the enemies(敌人 ) in the watchtowers day and night. They made 52 on the towers to 53 each other when the enemies came. Nowadays we dont use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. It is a fa

29、mous place of 54 to all the people in the world. Every year 55 people come to visit it from all over the world. 【小题1】 A wide B tall C long D high 【小题2】 A calling B call C called D calls 【小题3】 A enough wide B wide enough C more enough D too enough 【小题4】 A was made of B was made from C was made in D w

30、as made by 【小题5】 A both B all C each D either 【小题6】 A seeing B watching C looking D reading 【小A fire B a kite C a face D a toy 题7】 【小题8】 A tell B talk C speak D say 【小题9】 A interested B interesting C interest D interests 【小题10】 A thousand B thousands C thousands of D thousand of 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】

31、C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 试题分析:本文主要描述了长城在世界上的地位,长城的历史以及建造长城的目的。 【小题 1】 6,300 kilometers描写的是长城的长度 ,故选 C. 【小题 2】结合下文可知句意为 :它常被成为万里长城 ,故它是动作的对象 ,故用被动语态 ,选 C. 【小题 3】 ten men to walk side by side.描写的长城的宽度 ,enough做修饰词时 ,一般放于被修饰词的后面 ,故选 B. 【小题 4】短语辨析 . A. 用

32、制成,可以看出原料 B. 用 制成,不能看出原料 C. 在哪儿做成 D.由某人做成。长城由石头和转制成。能看出原料,故选 A。 【小题 5】词义辨析。 A.两者都 B.所有都 C.每个 D. 任何一个。结合上下文可知句意为:每边都有巨石。故选 C。 【小题 6】词义辨析。 A.看见 B.观察;观看 C.看 D.阅读。结合语境可知此处意思为观察敌人,故选 B。 【小题 7】联系下文 each other when the enemies came.可知选 A,烽火台。 【小题 8】词义辨析。 A.告诉 B.谈话 C.说话,说某种语言 D.说,强调说的内容。结合语境可知是告诉彼此,故选 A。 【小

33、题 9】介词后面一般用名词或者名词性短语,本句 of为介词,故选 C。 【小题 10】结合上下文可知本句表示概数,当 thousand表示概数时,后面加 s,与 of构成固定短语,故选 C。 考点:关于长城的说明文 点评:本题各小题设计科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运 用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。 阅读理解( 35分) 阅读理解 阅读下面短文,把 AD 四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,然后完成第 75小题。 ( 每小题 2 分, 共 10分

34、 ) At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. _71_ We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives. How to keep the memory Our English teacher, Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things. It is to make our own yearbook. What is

35、a yearbook _72_ Its usually made at the end of the year. Last December, we began to make our yearbook. _73_Then some students interviewed them, some wrote down their stories, others took photos of them. _74_ Finally, our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook. All of

36、 us put a lot of love into making the yearbook. It is so wonderful that not only the students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever. A. A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. B. Everyone in our class had something to do

37、to make the yearbook. C. We may feel sorry if we lose an important game. D. First, we chose the persons who had done something special. A Making a yearbook can keep the memory. B We can learning English from our teacher. C Our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever D Many thing

38、s happen to the students at school. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:这篇短文描述了我们应该如何保存我们的记忆,并详细描述了我们的英语老师教给我们的一种方法。 【小题 1】联系上文描述 We may feel excited 按照逻辑可知下文要描述当我们感到遗憾时,故选 C。 【小题 2】根据上文 What is a yearbook 联系下文描述可知选 A。 【小题 3】联系下文两个表示顺序的单词 first和 finally,可知前文为第一步,故选 D。 【小题 4】根据前文 so

39、me students , some , others ,几个不定代词的描述可知我们班每个人都有事情可作,故选 B。 【小题 5】通过阅读短文,可知本文主要介绍的是如何保存我们的记忆,故选 A。 考点:关于叙事性短文的阅读 点评:本文逻辑性很强,文中用了很多可以体现上下文关系的连接词,如序数词的使用。把握这些关键信息对于我们掌握短文大意及选择合适选项有很大帮助。答题中对于一些一时无法判断的小题可留待最后来完成,毕竟有些小题能很容易的完成,如小题 2、 3. We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing lett

40、ers, talking to people, finding information and so on. In recent years a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. Theres no real word for it yet, so well call it e-talk. People dont like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms. Acronyms are often use

41、d in chat rooms. Some of them are BTW (by the way) BRB (be right back) LOL (laughing out loud) IMO (in my opinion) People also use many abbreviations(缩写 ). They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are: Info(information) puter (computer) Pie(picture) sec (second) We usually dont s

42、ee people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keywords to draw “feeling”, such as: :-)(happy) :-p(joking) :-( (sad) :-0 (surprised) These days, many forums(论坛 ) have picture feelings. For example, (sad) (happy)There are even whole new words

43、, like“newbies”(someone who is new on a chat board or forum). It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbies have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and chang

44、e. 【小题 1】 What does the underlined word “acronyms” mean A网友 B聊天室 C首字母缩写词 D关键词 【小题 2】 Why do people type acronyms A To show their feelings. B Because people can type them quickly. C In this way newbies wont understand them. D To make people use Internet 【小题 3】 What does “BTW, my puter is not working

45、well. :- ( ” mean A The person is angry at somebody. B The person is happy about getting a new computer C The person is sad that his computer is having problems. D The person is joking that his computer is having problems. 【小题 4】 E-talk will probably _. A keep changing B be easy by people on the tel

46、ephone C be used by people on the telephone D make life easier 【小题 5】 Whats the best title for this passage A E-talk Language B Picture Feelings C How to Use Abbreviations D use the Internet 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:本文主要介绍了近年以来网上出现的一种网络语言,为了节省打字的时间,把几个英文单词缩写成几个大写字母的组合或者是

47、用单词的部分表示整体,或用一个简单的图形来表示某种含义。适应这些新的网络语言需要花费一定的时间,并且随着网络的发展,这种变化还会继续进行下去。 【小题 1】根据 To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms.及下文描述可知选 C。 【小题 2】根据 People dont like typing too much.及下文描述可知这样的缩写词打起来比较快,故选 B。 【小题 3】根据 BTW (by the way) 和 puter (computer)可知句意为:顺便说一下,我的电脑出问题了。故选 C。 【小题 4】根据 As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.可知选 A。 【小题 5】通过阅读短文,可知本篇短文主要描述了网络时代 e-talk的发展历史。故选 A。 考点:关于 e-talk的说明文 点评:本文浅显易懂,贴近生活,尤其对于经常接触网络的 初中生来说,理解起来不难。各小题出的较有针对性,基本都能在文中找出答题依据,细心阅读即可。 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案:。(每小题 2


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