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1、2013-2014学年安徽省望江中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * As _ teacher, you must believe that you can make _ difference to the lives of your students. A a; 不填 B a; a C不填 ; 不填 D不填 ; a 答案: B 试题分析:句意:身为教师,你们必须坚信你们能够影响学生的一生。第一空填 a,泛指 “一位老师 ”,第二空填 a, make a difference“有影响,有差别 ”,所以选 B。 考点:考查冠词 Tom, could you give me

2、 a hand in the following exam _ . Mom wont allow me to do such crazy things. A No problem B Its a pleasure C Forget it D My pleasure 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -汤姆,在接下来的考试中,你能帮帮我吗? -还是别想了。妈妈不允许我做那样疯狂的事 情。 A没问题; B不客气; C算了吧; D乐意效劳。根据答语的后一句可知,汤姆不会答应帮忙,排除 A、 D, B项无关,故选 C。 考点:考查情景交际 His first book _ next month is ba

3、sed on a true story. A published B to be published C to publish D being published 答案: B 试题分析:句意:他的下个月第一本将要出版的书是以真实的故事为基础的。这里需要非谓语动词做定语, book与 public是动宾关系,应该使用过去分词表被动,排除 C; done表完成; to be done表将来; being done表进行;根据 next month可知表将来,故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词 Never before_ such a wonderful park, _ Id like to pay

4、a visit again. A had I seen; where B have I seen; which C have I seen; where D had I seen; which 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我以前从没有见过一个这么好的公园,我想再次来参观。Never是否定词,放在句首的时候,用半倒装,因为和 before连用用现在完成时,所以 have+主语 +过去分词句型,第二空填 where,引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是 park,定语从句中不缺主宾表,缺少的是地点状语,所以用 where,选 C。 考点:考查倒装句和定语从句 It was the surprising

5、degree of accuracy that the old man predicated with_ shocked the public. A how B that C who D which 答案: B 试题分析:句意:这是老人预测的惊人的精确度震惊了公众。这里是强调句,结构是 It is/was+强调部分 +that+其余部分,判断是否是强调句的方法是:去掉强调结构,如果这句话还是成立的,就是强调句,拿这句话举例,如果去掉强调结构,就成了 the surprising degree of accuracy that the old man predicated with shocke

6、d the public.由此可知这句话是成立的,所以是强调句,强调的是这句话的主语。所以选 B。 考点:考查强调句 When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to_ the last sentence as it is rather misleading. A point out B make out C leave out D put out 答案: C 试题分析:句意:当你在写这一段时,我建议你省略最后一句,因为它实在是让人厌倦。四个选项的含义分别是: A 指 出; B 辨认出,理解; C 遗漏,省略;D生产;扑灭;故 C正确。 考点:考查

7、动词短语辨析 The deadline is drawing, but I failed to challenge the task a third time. _ my brother have a try A Will B May C Shall D Must 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -最后期限就要到了,但是我又没能挑战任务。 -我哥哥可以试一次吗? shall可与第一、三人称连用,用于疑问句中,表示征求对方意见,请求许可或向对方提出建议; shall还可用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示警告、许诺、命令、威胁、规定等。这里表示提建议, will将会, may可以,must必须,故选

8、C。 考点:考查情态动词 _ you have offered 50 yuan , you can telephone for 100 yuan. A To provide that B Provided that C Being provided that D Provide that 答案: B 试题分析: Provided that或 providing that可以做连词,引导条件状语从句,句意:假如你已经提供了 50元,你可以打 100元的电话。所以选 B。 考点:考查连词短语 Deeply moved by her words, _. . A tears came to his e

9、yes B he could hardly hold back his tears C tears could hardly be held back D his eyes were filled with tears 答案: B 试题分析:句意:被她的话深深的感动了,他忍不住自己的眼泪。非谓语动词做状语的时候,主语应该是这个非谓语的逻辑主语,因为 “deeply moved “的对象是 he,而不是 teas和 his eyes,所以选 B。否则就主句从句主语不统一了。所以选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词 Just as Professor Scotti often _it, success

10、is ninety-nine percent mental attitude. A gets B makes C puts D means 答案: C 试题分析:句意:就象 Scotti 教授说的那样,成功是由 99%的心态决定的。这几个动词和 it搭配的意思分别是: get it懂了; make it成功; means it认真的,这都不合题意。 put it说 , 所以选 C 考点:考查动词和短语 Wait a moment, please. When I _ writing the letter, I will go shopping with you. A will have fini

11、shed B have finished C will finish D finished 答案: B 试题分析:句意:请等会,当我写完这封信的时候,我会和你去购物。这里主句是一般将来时,从句不能用一般将来时,可以用一般现在时或现在完成时,所以选 B。 考点:考查动词时态 The news inspired the whole world_ Israeli scientists have invented a kind of magic glasses_ can let the blind see things. A that; what B which; that C what; that

12、D that; which 答案: D 试题分析:句意:以色列科学家研发了一种神奇眼镜,可以让盲人看到东西,这消息让 全世界的人都振奋。前面句子是同位语从句,从句不缺句子 成分,用连接词 that, 后面句子是定语从句,关系代词在从句中作主语,可以用 that或which, 故选 D。 考点:考查同位语从句和定语从句 I hope I will not be called on in class as I am not yet _prepared. A attentively B readily C actively D adequately 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我希望上课不会被叫到,

13、因为我还没有做好充分准备。四个选项的意思分别是: adequately意为 “足够地,充分地 ”,表示在质量上和数量上都是充足地,足够地。 attentively意为 “注意地,留意地 ”。 readily意为 “不迟疑地,迅速地,轻易地 ”。 actively意为 “积极地,活跃地 ”。所以选 D。 考点:考 查副词辨析 Why is the chemical plant closed Because large quantities of waste water _ into the Yangtze River. A has been released B is being release

14、d C was released D have been released 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -这个化工厂为什么被关闭了? -因为大量的废水被排放到长江里面。 a quantity of+可数名词复数时,谓语用复数; +不可数名词时,谓语用单数; large quantities of大量的 .,后加不可数名词或可数名词复数,谓语统一用复数形式,排除 A、 B、 C,故选 D。 考点:考查主谓一致 The task is very difficult. I wonder whether we will be able to finish it in the _ of any oth

15、er helpers. A appearance B escape C spare D absence 答案: D 试题分析:句意:这个任务很困难,我想知道没有别人的帮助是否能够完成。四个选项的含义分别是: A. appearance出现,外貌, B. escape逃离, C. spare备用零件,备用轮胎, D. absence缺席,不在, In the absence of“在 不在的时候 ”,所以选 D。 考点:考查名词辨析 完型填空 Joshua, my son, is fifteen years old. He was born with Down Syndrome (唐氏综合症 )

16、. In the last fifteen years. I have experienced many difficult and stories. However, right now I want to just stick to the topic of . When Joshua was born, they us not to “waste our time, energy or money. They claimed that our son would never accomplish anything. They told us he would never walk, ta

17、lk or learn to use the toilet. , we were not about to accept the words. However, we werent really sure what to expect. Therefore, we expected him to develop at his own pace, with a lot of help and encouragement, but only to develop little. We decided that we saw progress we could never give up. Very

18、 early on, we knew in our hearts that we had to have high expectations, but how high We could not set goals for him that he could not ever possibly reach. , if we did not have high hopes, the chances would be very slim for him to work to his potential. When Joshua was four and a half years old, his

19、younger sister, CJ, was three and attended the same preschool in a younger class. The school an art contest and all the children in it presented pictures. The pictures were hung on the wall and the president of the local church, who was not personally with the children, was appointed to be the . On

20、the day of the contest, I made my through the crowded parents to see CJs picture, it was likely to be hung there, but Joshuas class pictures were not yet up and I didnt think twice about seeing his picture leaving the building. You see, I had no expectation that Joshua would win; it was for me to kn

21、ow that he was able to draw a picture and have it with those of the other children. Well, when I returned to the kids, you can image my when I discovered that Joshua was the winner from his class! Proud and excited, he told everyone, “I won the contest! I it! ” CJ kept insisting that she had won too

22、 and it was certainly a feeling to know that Joshua had achieved something that his sister had not. After that I decided to keep my expectations . It seems that most people work to whatever expectations are set for them. Why should Joshua be any 【小题1】 A inspiring B frustrating C encouraging D exciti

23、ng A expectation B love C education D instruction A suggested B hoped C persuaded D advised A Luckily B Unfortunately C Naturally D Generally A due to B as long as C so far as D in case A However B Besides C Thus D Therefore A charged B prepared C engaged D held A familiar B similar C friendly D clo

24、se A host B teacher C headmaster D judge A effect B way C force D struggle A where B as C when D that A after B during C before D once A anxious B enough C amazing D pleased A displayed B kept C taken D replaced A take up B keep up C get up D pick up A surprise B expectation C anxiety D amusement A

25、got B drew C made D defeated A special B extraordinary C curious D mixing A on B high C great D easy A difficult B upset C disappointed D different 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】

26、 A 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 D 试题分析:文章讲述了一个患有唐氏综合症的孩子的故事。 Joshua患有先天性唐氏综合症,医生告诉他父母, Joshua将不会走路、说话、生活不能自理,让他们不要在 Joshua身上花费时间和精力。但是,作者夫妇没有放弃 Joshua,当Joshua的画获得班级第一名时,作者感到惊喜和欣慰,并决定像正常孩子那样去看待 Joshua。 【小题 1】考查形容词辨析。 A鼓舞人心的; B令人沮丧的; C振奋人心的; D令人兴奋的。根据 difficult and storiesand表并列可知,空白处所 填词与 di

27、fficult近义, A、 C、 D都是积极词汇,故选 B。 【小题 2】考查名词辨析。 A期望; B爱; C教育; D指示,说明。根据第一段最后一句 However, we werent really sure what to expect.可知,作者谈的是期望,故选 A。 【小题 3】考查动词辨析。 A建议; B希望; C劝说; D建议。 the doctor us not to “waste our time,医生建议作者不要浪费时间 ., suggest不能加 sb to do sth,advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事,故选 D。 【小题 4】考查副词辨析。 A幸运

28、的是; B不幸的是; C自然; D大体上。 we were not about to accept the words作者不愿意听取医生的建议,不想放弃这个孩子,对孩子来说,是幸运的,故选 A。 【小题 5】考查短语辨析。 A由于; B只要; C就 .而言; D以防。 We decided that we saw progress we could never give up.作者夫妇决定,只要孩子有一点进步,他们就不会放弃,故选 B。 【小题 6】考查副词辨析 。 A然而; B而且; C因此; D所以。根据 “We could not set goals for him. if we did

29、 not have high hopes,”可知,前后表示转折关系,故选 A。 【小题 7】考查动词辨析。 A掌管; B准备; C忙于; D进行,实施;管理,经营。 The school an art contest学校举办美术竞赛,故选 D。 【小题 8】考查形容词辨析。 A熟悉的; B相似的; C友好的; D亲密的。 who was not personally with the children当地教堂和 孩子们不熟悉的长老,故选 A。 【小题 9】考查名词辨析。 A主人; B教师; C班主任; D裁判,法官。 was appointed to be the 教堂长老担任竞赛的裁判,故选

30、 D。 【小题 10】考查名词辨析。 A效果,影响; B方法; C力量; D努力,难事。 I made my through the crowded我在人群里挤着走, make ones way艰难行进,故选 B。 【小题 11】考查连接词辨析。 A哪里; B正如,像,作为; C当,既然; D无意义。 it was likely to be hung there,正 如 CJ的画很有可能挂在那里,故选 B。 【小题 12】考查介词辨析。 A在 .之后; B在 .期间; C在 .之前,趁 .还没; D一次,曾经,一旦。 I didnt think twice about seeing his p

31、icture leaving the building作者认为在离开教学楼之前都不会看到儿子的画,故选 C。 【小题 13】考查形容词辨析。 A 兴奋的; B 足够的; C 令人惊奇的; D 高兴的,满足的。根据 “I had no expectation that Joshua would win”可知,作者认为,知道儿子能画画并得到展示就足够了, it was for me to know that he was able to draw a pictur。故选 B。 【小题 14】考查动词辨析。 A展示; B绞死; C拿走; D取代。 have it with those of the

32、other children让自己的画进行展示,故选 A。 【小题 15】考查短语辨析。 A占据,从事; B跟上,继续; C起床; D捡起,学会,车接。 Well, when I returned to the kids根据上文 可知,作者后来离开了,现在是来接孩子们,故选 D。 【小题 16】考查名词辨析。 A惊喜; B期望; C欢乐; D愉悦,娱乐。 you can image my when I discovered that Joshua was the winner from his class!对作者来说,看到儿子获胜,是一个很大的惊喜,故选 A。 【小题 17】考查动词辨析。 A

33、到达,得到; B画,拉,吸引; C制作,使得;D打败。 “I won the contest! I it! ”我赢了,我做到了。 make it成功,故选 C。 【小题 18】考查形容词辨析。 A特殊的; B非凡的; C好奇的; D混合的。 it was certainly a feeling to know that Joshua had achieved something that his sister had not儿子做到了妹妹 CJ没有做到的事情,这是一种特别的感受,故选 A。 【小题 19】考查固定搭配。 A在 .上; B高的; C很好; D容易的。根据第二段 “we knew

34、in our hearts that we had to have high expectations, but how high ”可知,作者想对儿子抱以很高的期望,儿子获胜后,作者决定对儿子抱以很高的期望,故选 B。 【小题 20】考查形容词辨析。 A 困难的; B 烦恼的; C 令人失望的; D 不同的。根据 “It seems that most people work to whatever expectations are set for them.”可知,作者想把儿子当作一个正常人来看待,故选 D。 考点:故事类短文阅读 阅读理解 A smart phone (智能手机 ) is

35、 a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing abilities than a common phone. The first smart phones enabled the users to send and receive emails. Later models added the function of portable media players, pocket video cameras, and GPS navigation (导航 ) units to form

36、 one multi-use device. Many modem smart phones also include touch screens and web browsers (浏览器 ) that display web pages. A recent report says we spend an average of two hours and 40 minutes each day looking at a smart phone. That doesnt mean making calls, but playing phone games and browsing the We

37、b. Nowadays we always find people checking emails in a restaurant, taking a picture of the food when it arrives, or checking a message during a conversation instead of traditional communication. Its no secret that our lives are being affected by our smart phones obsession. However, this phenomenon h

38、as never been presented so vividly as in the short YouTube film I Forgot My Phone. Despite only being online for a few days, its already been viewed more than 10.5 million times. Whether it will be screened in the cinema remains to be seen. Ironically, YouTubes data show that the site gets a billion

39、 views per day from mobile devices, so a lot of those people watched it on their phones. The short film, written by and starring actress Charlene Deguzman, shows groups of people in various social situations, the majority of whom are absorbed in their phones instead of the world around them. To a ce

40、rtain extent, we all do it. 【小题 1】 People prefer a smart phone to a common one, because the latter only can help us _. A check emails B send messages C find the destination D watch a video 【小题 2】 The underlined word “obsession” in the third paragraph most probably means “_”. A devotion B contributio

41、n C addiction D emotion 【小题 3】 Which of the following is right A People spend as average of two hours and 40 minutes each day using smart phones. B The film hasnt been put on in the cinema. C The film is written by an actor named Charlene Deguzman. D The film has already been viewed more than 105 mi

42、llion times in the first few days. 【小题 4】 When the writer mentions the number of people watching the film from mobile devices in the fifth paragraph, he mainly feels _. A encouraged B depressed C proud D satisfied 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 试题分析:文章主要讲述了智能机对人们日常生活的影响。一部智能机是基于一个手机操作系统的职能手

43、机,比一般的手机带有更多的高级处理能力。有报告显示,人们每天平均花 2小时 40分钟的时间看智能手机,玩手机游戏或浏览网页。 【小题 1】细节题:根据第一段 “The first smart phones enabled the users to send and receive emails. Later models added the function of portable media players, pocket video cameras, and GPS navigation (导航 ) units to form one multi-use device.”可知,A、 C、

44、D是智能机的功能,故选 B。 【小题 2】猜词题:根据第三段 “checking emails in a restaurant, taking a picture of the food when it arrives, or checking a message during a conversation.”可知,人们无时无刻不在用智能机,这在一定程度上,已经成为了一种癖好, “obsession”的意思是 “addiction”,故选 C。 【小题 3】根据第四段 “Whether it will be screened in the cinema remains to be seen.”

45、可知,这个视频是否会被拍成电影在电影院上映还未可知。故选 B。 【小题 4】根据第五段的 “Ironically”可知,作者对用手机看视频感到哭笑不得,A、 C、 D都是积极词汇,故选 B。 考点: 科技类短文阅读 Some people succeed in unbelievable ways. Roussel was orphaned at the age of eight and went to live with his grandfather. He built on the music he had learned from his mother, entertaining him

46、self by reading through the family music collection and playing his favorite songs on the piano. Three years later, Roussels grandfather died, and his aunt adopted him. Her husband arranged for young Albert to take regular piano lessons. Summer vacations at a Belgian seaside resort added a second lo

47、ve to his life - the sea. He studied to be a naval cadet (海军学员 ), but still made time to study music. In the French Navy, while he served on a warship based at Cherbourg, he and two friends found the time to play the music of Beethoven and other composes (作曲家 ). Roussel also began composing. At the

48、Church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day 1892, he had his first performance as a composer. That success encouraged Roussel to write a wedding march, and one of his fellow offices offered to show it to a well-known conductor (指挥家 ), Edouard Colonne. When Roussels friend returned with the manuscript (手稿 ), he reported that Colonne had advised Roussel to give up his naval career and devote his life to music. No


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