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1、2014届江西省赣州市十二县(市)重点中学高三上学期期中联考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题,然后将答案:填入相应的位置上。 (请注意答题后的词数要求 )。 In 2009, the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time. It is difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people on the planet do not have enough

2、 to eat. By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have died as a result of . Hunger kills more people per year than AIDS and malaria (疟疾 ) combined. The UN calculates that almost two-thirds of the worlds hungry people are in Asia. More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa. Almos

3、t all of the rest are in Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean. In the richest regions of the world there are only a small number of people who dont have enough to eat. There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods and the overuse of farming land. All of them a

4、ffect food production. But the most important reason is, quite simple, poverty which has increased recently due to the e conomic effects of the financial crisis of 2008. Although many people point out that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller, few people would argue that

5、there is not enough food to go around. The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution.In the last 50 years, global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population and there are of course many areas of the world where people generally have more than enou

6、gh food. Overweight is a far bigger problem than hunger there. 【小题 1】 Whats the main topic of the passage (no more than 3 words ) 【小题 2】 Where do most of the hungry people live (no more than 3 words) 【小题 3】 Fill in the blank in Para.1 with proper words. (no more than 5 words ) 【小题 4】 What does the u

7、nderlined word “they”(line 4, paragraph 2 ) probably refer to (no more than 6 words) 【小题 5】 What is the suggested way to reduce hunger in Paragraph 3 (no more than 8 words ) 答案: 【小题 1】 World hunger problem 【小题 2】 In Asia 【小题 3】 hunger/ not having enough to eat /a lack of food 【小题 4】 The reasons for

8、world hunger 【小题 5】 A proper distribution of food around the world / Distributing food around the world properly / To distribute food around the world properly 试题分析:本文讲述的是世界范围的饥饿问题,分析了原因,并提出了解决的方法。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。根据 文章第一段内容,尤其是最后一句 Hunger kills more people per year than AIDS and malaria(疟疾 ) combined.说

9、明本文讲述的是全球的饥饿问题。 【小题 2】细节题。根据第二段第一句 The UN calculates that almost two-thirds of the worlds hungry people are in Asia. More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa.说明最多的饥饿人 群是在亚洲。 【小题 3】推理题。根据本句 By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have died as a result of . Hunger kills more peo

10、ple per year than AIDS and malaria(疟疾 ) combined.说明很多人都死于饥饿。死于没有足够的食物吃。 【小题 4】推理题。根据第二段 . There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods and the overuse of farming land.说明这里的 they就是指前句的 many reasons for world hunger。 【小题 5】主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段第三行 The basic problem seems to be

11、 not a lack of food, but its distribution.说明粮食分配不公平是主要的问题,作者建议在这方面做出改变。 考点:考查阅读表达 单项选择 * W ill you do me a favor and pick me up tonight _. A My pleasure B With pleasure C Go ahead D Don t bother 答案: B 试题分析:考查交际用语: My pleasure别客气; With pleasure乐意地; Go ahead好吧,前进; Dont bother不打扰了。句意: -今天晚上帮个忙接我好吗?-非常乐

12、意。故选 B。 考点:考查交际用语的用法。 Its hard to b elieve that Jack _ have fought with the policeman. Yes.If one _ ask for trouble, it cant be helped. A would; will B must; may C should; must D need; dare 答案: C 试题分析:考查情态动词:句意: -很难相信杰克竟然和警察打架。 -是的,如果一个人一定要滋事的话,也没有办法, should 竟然。 must一定要。选 C。 考点:考查情态动词 -Do you smoke

13、- _. Its years since I smoked. A No, I dont B Yes, I dont C No, I do D Yes, I do 答案: A 试题分析:考查句意理解:句意: -你抽烟吗? Its years since I smoked.是我好几年不抽烟了,因为 smoke是延续性动词,所以应该是 smoke这个动作结束几年了。如果是短暂动词的话,那就表示从那个动词开始到现在多久了。所以回答是 不抽烟了,选 A。 考点:考查句意理解 . I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with . A a

14、nything B something C everything D nothing 答案: C 试题分析:考查部分否定:此题容易误选 A,生搬硬套不定代词用法规则:something 用于肯定句, anything 用于否定句或疑问句。因为 not anything=nothing是完全否定,注意前文的 I agree with most of what you said(我同意你说的大部分内容 ),其后的 not 与 everything 构成部分否定,意为 “不是所有的都同意 ”,前后两部分用转折连词 but 连接,语气通顺、连贯。选 C。 考点:考查部分否定 Miss Li _ as

15、a secretary for five years in the company, and now she is general manager of it. A serves B served C has served D had served 答案: B 试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:李小姐在公司做秘书有 5年了,现在是总经理。从题干中的 “and now she is a general manager of it”可知 Miss Li 现在已经不是秘书了,也就是说她曾经担任过 5年的秘书职务,因此应该用一般过去时。选 B。 考点:考查动词时态 I _ to send him a gi

16、ft to congratulate him on his marriage, but I _ it. A hoped; hadnt managed B hoped; didnt manage C hope; dont manage D had hoped; didnt manage 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态:句意:我本打算送给他一个礼物来庆祝他的结婚,但是我没有做到。从 but I _ it.可知是本希望做却没做,用 had hoped表示 “原本想做 ” ,但 manage应发生在后,所以用过去时故只用过去式,选 D。 考点:考查时态 He is such a lazy man _

17、nobody wants to work with _. A that; / B as; him C whom; him D as; / 答案: D 试题分析:考查定语从句:句意:他是个如此懒惰的人,以致于没有人想和他一起工作。跟 such搭配的有两个句型: such.that.(如此。以致于。)后接结果状语从句, such.as.(如此。以致。)后接定语从句,其中as 属于关系代词,在定语从句中须作主语 /宾语或表语。根据以上所说,我们来判断一下,如果第一空填 that, that在从句中是不作任何成份的。那么这时句子就不是一个完整的句子的了,那么我们就必须考虑 such的另一用法了,而根据

18、 such.as. 的用法,我们可以看出, as 填入后,正好在从句中作 work with的宾语,所以第二空正好不要填任何词才正确。选 D。 考点:考查定语从句 Sorry for being late for the party. _ earlier next time, will you A Coming B To come C Having come D Come 答案: D 试题分析:考查祈使句:句意: -对不起,聚会迟到了。 -下次早一些好吗?从反意问句 will you 可知前面是祈使句,选 D。 考点:考查祈使句 Measures must be taken to preven

19、t pollution _ happily. A from we live B for us to live C us living D from our living 答案: B 试题分析:考查句意:对于我们来说,为了幸福地生活着,我们必须采取一些措施阻止污染。 for us对于我们 来说, to live不定式表示目的,本题中注意采取措施做某事的句型 take measures to do sth,而 prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事,不符合题意,而只能用不定式作为目的状语才符合题意,不定式的逻辑主语是 us。故选 B 考点:考查不定式做目的状语 _ is

20、surprising to us is that Tom, for _ English was once boring, can speak English fluently as though he were a native speaker. A What; whom B What; whose C It; whose D As; whom 答案: A 试题分析:考查主语从句和定语从句:句意:让我们惊讶的是汤姆对他来说英语曾经是枯燥的,现在可以流利的说英语好像是英国本土的人。通过分析句子结构,可知这个句子中包含一个主语从句,和一个非限制性定语从句。且引导词在主语从句中作主语,表示 “什么

21、”的含义,故用 what。介词 + 关系代词引导的定语从句,定语从句的主语是 English,需要 for 的宾语,指人只能用 whom。选 A。 考点:主语从句和定语从句的考查 When the question _ at the meeting, no one could answer it. A rose B arose C came D raised 答案: B 试题分析:考查动词辨析。 Rise上升; arise出现; come来; raise提出,筹集;句意:当这个问题在会议上出现的时候,没有人能回答。 Raise是及物动词,要使用被动语态。 AC 的意义与句意不符。故 B正确。

22、考点:动词辨析 We cant _ other countries in trade if we dont develop our national economy. A compete for B compete against C catch up D catch with 答案: B 试题分析:考查词组: compete for sth的意思是 “为了 竞争 ”。 Compete against和 竞争, catch up赶上, catch with接住,抓住,本句话的意思是: “如果我们不发展我们的民族经济的话,在商业方面我们就不能够和其他国家竞争。 ”选 B。 考点:考查词组 At

23、first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape, he _ and admitted everything. A broke up B broke away C broke down D broke in 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语的辨析。句意:一开始他 拒绝承认偷了,但是当给他看录像的时候,他崩溃了,承认了一切。 break down 意为 “(健康,精神 )跨下来 ”;break up 意为 “分散;拆散 ”; break away 意为 “脱离、摆脱 ”; break in 意

24、为 “中断、破门而入 ”。选 C。 考点:考查动词短语的辨析 Considering your income, you should be able to _ at least twenty dollars a week. A put forward B put in C put down D put aside 答案: D 试题分析:考查词组:句意:考虑到你的工资,你每个星期至少能存 20美元。put forward提出; 将 提前; 向前移; 将钟拨快, put in放进去, put down记下; put aside放置一边,储存,选 D。 考点:考查词组 As a simple and

25、 convenient way to get _ latest fashions online, online shopping also has _ major problem you c ant see whether they fit or not. A the; the B / ; the C the; a D /; / 答案: C 试题分析:考查冠词的用法。句意:做为一个简单的方便的得到网上最新时尚的方式,网上购物也有个大问题,你不知道它们合不合适。 latest最新的,是最高级;形容词最高级前必须加定冠词 the,排除 B、 D;泛指 一个 ,用不定冠词 a/an。 一个主要问题

26、a major problem。故选 C。 考点:考查冠词 完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3655 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项填入答题卡。 A feeling of excitement overcame me as I looked around the stadium. At 5:30 pm, two hours before game time, I walked into the locker room (更衣室) .My of school, music and what I planned to do on Saturday night

27、 were with the simple aim to beat the football team across the field from us tonight. Approaching my locker (衣物柜), I noticed my teammates .Some rested on benches, staring up at the ceiling it were a film of the opposing teams play. Some seemed a bit more , using the time to tell jokes. A few stared

28、at the field, what will happen in 120 minutes. Our coach, Tony Severino, came out of his office at 6 oclock He told the team how this game was for the season, between two of the states top teams _ my school and our opposing team, Liberty High School. His words gave the team impulse (冲动) it needed to

29、 . At 7:10 pm, warm - ups finished, we went over the game and discussed what we needed to do for the next three hours. The sound of the national anthem (国歌 ) that we were only minutes from the action. Our coach usually made a final . But tonight was different. On this clear night he looked around th

30、e room at all the players and shouted, “Lets go and get them” Even the “get” came out of his mouth, we were already our way out of the door. Outside, a few young fens reached to touch our hands, eager to be a of our schools winning tradition. When I smiled and my hand, the young feces lit up as if t

31、hey had just met Superman. Seconds later, the team ran onto the , moving as a mass of blue, in front of a packed stadium. We enjoyed a noisy from fens and the fight song played by our school band. Breathing in the of one of the biggest game of the year, I felt we were sure to win. I told myself, “Th

32、is was what it was all about” and that it was for moments like this that I loved high school football. 【小题1】 A thoughts B ideas C pictures D minds A covered B mixed C replaced D filled A exercising B struggling C preparing D previewing A in case B even though C as long as D as if A relaxed B worried

33、 C frightened D impressed A dreaming B wishing C expecting D imagining A useless B difficult C available D important A warm up B pick up C get up D rise up A route B frame C plan D forecast A urged B insisted C suggested D stressed A speech B preparation C decision D change A finally B simply C actu

34、ally D eventually A when B before C as D since A leading B dragging C showing D making A player B friend C part D team A held out B took out C got out D brought out A field B stage C yard D garden A success B reply C achievement D welcome A atmosphere B experience C expectation D examination A accep

35、ted B admitted C realized D recognized 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:文章介绍了作者的球队在比赛,在更衣室每个队友的表现和教练的行为,在去球场的途中受到球迷的热烈欢迎,作者认识到了比赛的意义点

36、出了自己热爱足球的原因。 【小题 1】考查名词: A. thoughts 想法, B. ideas主意, C. pictures图画, D. minds思维,我原来想到的要做的事被即将到来的比赛代替。在英语中想到的事情用 ones thoughts of sth.。选 A 【小题 2】考查动词: A. covered覆盖, B. mixed混合, C. replaced代替, D. filled填满, be replaced with被某事物取代是 repalce sth with sth的被动形式。选C 【小题 3】考查动词: A. exercising练习, B. struggling 努

37、力, C. preparing准备,D. previewing预习, 下文提到一些队友在长凳上休息一些在 . ,说明队友在做准备。选 C 【小题 4】 考查连词: A. in case以防, B. even though即使, C. as long as只要,D. as if好像,从 it were a film of the opposing teams play可知意思是说好像天花板上正在上演与对手的比赛录像并且用虚拟语气。 as if“好像 ”从句中用虚拟语气。 选 D 【小题 5】考查形容词: A. relaxed放松, B. worried担心, C. frightened害怕,D.

38、 impressed印象深刻,从空格后的讲笑话可知一些队友很放松。选 A 【小题 6】考查动词: A. dreaming做梦, B. wishing希望, C. expecting期望, D. imagining想象,还有一些人盯着场地在想象即将会发生什么事情。选 D 【小题 7】考查形容词: A. useless无用的, B. difficult困难的, C. available可利用的, D. important重要的,教练在作动员告诉我们这场比赛的重要性。选 D 【小题 8】考查词组: A. warm up热身, B. pick up捡起 ,收听,接送, C. get up 起床, D.

39、 rise up升起,教练的讲话给了球队要热身的冲动。从下文 At 710 pm warmups finished可知答案:为 warm up 。选 A 【小题 9】考查名词: A. route保留节目,日常工作, B. frame结构, C. plan计划, D. forecast 预测,热身后我们回顾了我们制订的比赛方案 plan可 “计划方案 ”讲。选 C 【小题 10】考查动词: A. urged 强烈要求, B. insisted 坚持, C. suggested 建议,表明, D. stressed强调,庄严正式的歌曲表明我们离行动只有几分钟的时间了。选 C 【小题 11】考查名词

40、: A. speech说话, B. preparation准备, C. decision决定,D. change改变,这一次我们的教练没有像以往一样做赛前动员 make a speech 做讲话作动员。选 A 【小题 12】考查副词: A. finally最后, B. simply简单地, C. actually实际地,D. eventually最终地,这次教练只是环顾了四周看看队员然后说道 “让我们出发去击败他们。 ”选 B 【小题 13】考查连词 : A. when当 时候, B. before在 , 前面, C. as正如, D. since自从,甚至他还没来得及说出 “get”我们就准

41、备好要走出休息室了考查before“还没来得及 就 ” 。选 B 【小题 14】考查动词: A. leading带领, B. dragging拖, C. showing 展示, D. making制作,考查短语 make ones way out of sp.走出某个地方 make ones way to sp.走向某处。选 D 【小题 15】考查名词: A. player队员, B. friend朋友, C. part部分, D. team队伍, a part of sth/sb一部分。该句的意思是说一些球迷伸出手来碰我们的手渴望成为我们中的一员。选 C 【小题 16】考查词组: A. he

42、ld out伸出, B. took out拿出 C. got out出去 D. brought out阐明。结合句意选 A。伸出手。 【小题 17】考查名词: A. field球场, B. stage 舞台, C. yard院子, D. garden花园,几秒种后球队跑向球场。 field球场。选 A 【小题 18】考查名词: A. success成功, B. reply回答, C. achievement成就, D. welcome欢迎,球员进场通常球迷会欢呼作为欢迎。所以选 welcome。选 D 【小题 19】考查名词: A. atmosphere气氛, B. experience经验,

43、 C. expectation期待, D. examination检查, atmosphere气氛氛围。我呼吸着这场伟大比赛的气氛我确信我们会赢得这场比赛。选 B 【小题 20】考查动词: A. accepted接受, B. admitted承认, C. realized意识到,D. recognized认出,作者认识到了比赛的意义点出了自己热爱足球的原因。realize认识到。选 C 考点:考查故事类短文 阅读理解 There has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the past few y

44、ears, and it is assumed that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.Some of the worlds leading cities are facing disasters like floods and heat waves. London Londons flood defences are getting older. Since 1982, the Thames Barrier(水闸 ) has protected the city

45、from the threat of flooding, but it was only designed to last until 2030 and close once every two or three years. About 21 years later the barrier now closes five or six times a year and according to Environment Agency predictions, by 2050 the barrier will be closed on almost every tide if the probl

46、em is not addressed. There are 26 underground stations, 400 schools, 16 hospitals, an airport and 80 billion worth of property in Londons flood risk area, so large scale flooding would be disastrous. Paris Over a six-week period in July and August 2008, more than 11400 m ainly elderly people died in

47、 France from dehydration ( 脱水 ) and extremely high body temperature in a deadly heat wave. Heat waves of similar intensity (强度 ) are expected every seven years by 2050, so what can be done to make sure such a disaster does not happen again One solution is to have air-conditioners installed in elderl

48、y care homes. But this is considered a short-term solution, as the increase in demand for electricity also increases carbon emissions. In Paris the local authorities are encouraging architects to design new types of buildings such as the building “Flower Tower”, which uses a covering of bamboo to act as a natural air-conditioner. Shanghai Shanghai is the fastest growing city on Earth. It has a population of 18 million


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