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1、2014届浙江省湖州中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 下面是美国长大的台湾人气歌手 Wang Lee Hom在接受 CNN Talk Asia栏目专访时,回答了主持人 Lorraine Hahn 提出的五个问题。请从下列提问( A、 B、C、 D、 E和 F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。 A. What do awards mean to you B. How would you describe your style C. What is it about acting thats so attractive D. How do you deal with this

2、loss of privacy E. How do you divide your time in acting and music F. What gave you the idea to start the studios in the first place WL: Well, it can be a real pain in the neck. You know, I feel lucky that I can go back to New York and not be recognized and not be followed. At times it can be really

3、, really annoying. Today many people own a cell phone that has a camera on it and a blog. In the entertainment news, theres a recent trend of journalists or media just going on to the Internet and saying “Oh, so and so saw so and so.” when they see a blog. You know, its completely irresponsible but

4、in the blog what he says can become the title of the newspaper article. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 试题分析: 本文是台湾人气歌 手王力宏接受电视采访时,就主持人提出的问题所做的回答。包括他对自己音乐风格、对获奖、对表演、对隐私等问题的看法。 【小题 1】王力宏说自己的音乐 combines Chinese elements and sounds, original to Chinese culture.这里指的是他的音乐风格。故 B项正确。 【小题 2

5、】因为工作繁重,他认定他 need a studio.故答案:为 F. 【小题 3】王在下文说: Acting, every day you get called and youre surrounded by other actors and creative people. 表明他喜爱表演及喜爱表演的原因。故 C项正确。 【小题 4】王说他第一次获奖时感到意外。但是认为获奖可以给自己以信心。他说 every artist needs confidence.可见这里说的是对于获奖的看法。答案:选 A. 【小题 5】王 feel lucky that I can go back to New

6、York and not be recognized and not be followed. 能够不被认出、不被追踪,王觉 得很幸运,表明说的是隐私问题。故答案:为 D. 考点:采访报道。 单项选择 * Do you need the dictionary too _. A My pleasure B No way. C After you D Thats all right 答案: C 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A.乐意效劳; B.没门; C.您先请; D.没关系。甲问: “您也要用词典吗? ”乙回答说: “您先用。 ”故答案:为 C. 考点:交际用语。 The precious pain

7、tings were hopelessly_ by long exposure in the cold, damp garage. A harmed B ruined C damaged D injured 答案: B. 试题分析:阴冷潮湿彻底毁坏了珍贵的画。词义辨析题。 injure: 主要指 “人身伤害或健康受损 ”。 harm, damage既可表示 “物理损害 ”也可指 “对于品质或功能的损害 ”。通常是可以修复的。 ruin: 彻底毁坏,使彻底失去其价值或人们的原有期待。 hopelessly一词提示本题选项 B正确。 考点:近义词词义辨析。 _ relation between C

8、hina and Russia has developed steadily since Vladimir Putin was re-elected_ president. A The; the B The; / C A; the D The; a 答案: B. 试题分析:普金重新当选总统后中俄关系稳定发展。 relation特指中俄之间的关系;表示“正式的、唯一的职务或头衔 ”的名词在句子中充当表语、同位语、补足语的时候,前面用零冠词。故本题 B项正确。 考点:冠词的用法。 -I prefer spending much time solving the problem to consult

9、ing my teacher. -Thats_ I dont agree. You should turn to your teacher for help if necessary. A when B where C what D how 答案: B. 试题分析: Thats之后的表语从句中, agree是不及物动词,从句缺状语,排除 C项;根据题意,甲 “宁愿自己多花时间解题也不问老师 ”的说法是乙 “不赞同之处 ”。故 B项正确。 考点:名词性从句。 The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _ deserts, _mountains

10、 and _valleys, until at last it reaches the sea. A across; through; over B through; on; across C across; along; up D across; over; through 答案: D. 试题分析:长城蜿蜒东下,过荒漠、越丛岭、穿山峡。从表面经过: across. 翻越: over. 从里面穿过: through. 故答案:为 D. 考点:介词的用法。 The boy failed in the last exam, but if he continued being addicted to

11、 computer games, then so much_. A the worst B worst C worse D the worse 答案: D. 试题分析:男孩上次考试不及格。如继续迷恋电脑游戏,情况会更加糟糕。 so much the worse: 固定搭配, “更糟 ”。故选择 D项。 考点:固定搭配。 -Why can you speak English so fluently -Oh, I_ English in Shanghai International Studies University for four years. A studied B would study

12、 C was studying D had studied 答案: A. 试题分析:乙英语之所以说得流利,是因为在上海国际关系学院读过四年。在上海读书是过去的事情,用一般过去时。本题干扰最强的是 D项。 had done表示 “过去的过去 ”。本题不表示 “过去某个时间之前 ”在上海读过四年。故答案:为 A. 考点:动词时态的用法。 The tourists gathered at_ was once a square, _ is used as a theme park. A where; which B what; which C which; what D that; which 答案:

13、 B. 试题分析:游客在曾经是广场现在是主题公园的地方集中。介词 at后面的宾语从句缺主语,故第一空填 what在从句中作主语;逗号后面是一个非限制性定语从句,故填 which. 本题答案:选 B. 考点:名词性从句;定语从句。 Only by doing what your soul is eager to do_ your life something full of beautiful memories. A you can make B could you make C can you make D you will make 答案: C. 试题分析:只有从事渴望做的事情,才能使生活充

14、满美好的记忆。本题考查 “only+状语 +部分倒装 ”句式。 by doing what your soul is eager to do是 you can make your life something 的方式状 语。 A,D两项可直接排除; B项时态不当。故 C项正确。 考点:倒装句。 _ is no possibility_ the engineer can complete the project within two weeks. A There; that B It; that C There; what D It; whether 答案: A. 试题分析:工程师不可能在两周内

15、完成项目。表示可能性的句式有: There is a possibility that; It is likely that; It is possible that; Chances are that 故 A项正确。 考点:固定搭配。 _ the crown of the second season of The Voice of China, Liqi devoted himself to practicing singing. A Winning B Won C To win D Having won 答案: C. 试题分析:本题考查非谓语动词做状语的用法。 to do sth.常用作目

16、的 状语;而分词做状语置于句首常表示 “原因 ”、 “时间 ”、 “条件 ”等。本题意为: Liqi为了赢得 “crown of the second season”而专心练习歌唱。故答案:为 C. 考点:非谓语动词做状语。 I actually believe that you_ in hospital now if you had worn seat belts at that time. A werent B had not been C wouldnt have been D wouldnt be 答案: D. 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。本题意为:若果当时戴上安全带,现在就不会躺在医院了

17、。对过去 (at that time)的虚拟, if从句用 had done,主句用 would do.故 D项正确。 考点:虚拟语气。 At the school sports meeting, many students are full of_, but Im always exhausted. Youd better take more exercise. A strength B force C energy D power 答案: C. 试题分析:名词词义辨析。 strength: the quality of being strong,力气,主要指 “肌肉力量以及物体的承重力或抗

18、拉力 ”。 force: 指 “能量的应用 ”即释放的能量及其冲击力。 energy: being full of life and action,指 “活力 ”。 power: the ability to do things,指可供使用的能量,如意志力、影响力、控制力。题意: “许多学生精力充沛,而我总是精疲力竭 ”。 full of energy(充满活力)与后文 exhausted(精疲力竭的)相对。所以选项 C正确。 考点:近义词辨析。 It was the truth that the black reached a stage_ they had almost no rights

19、 at all in the past. A when B where C which D that 答案: B. 试题分析:名词 point, condition, situation, stage, case, position等作先行词在定语从句中做状语,表示 “场所、状况 ”等含义,从句应该用 where引导。本题意为:黑人处于无权状态。故选择 B项。 考点:定语从句。 It is extremely hot this summer. _, many people say it has been the hottest in the past 30 years. A Frequentl

20、y B Actually C Fluently D Gradually 答案: B. 试题分析:副词词义辨识。 frequently: often, 经常。 actually: in fact, 事实上、实际上。fluently: 流利地。 gradually: 渐渐地。本题是说,今年异常地热。实际情况是,许多人说这是过去 30年来最热的天气。故 B项正确。 考点:副词在语境中的运用。 _ himself with too much homework, he had no time to participate in outdoor activities. A Being occupied B

21、 Occupied C Occupying D To be occupied 答案: C. 试题分析:本题考查分词作状语。 occupy oneself with sth. 或者 be occupied with sth. 意为 “忙于某事 ”。 句子主语 he是 occupy himself的执行者,故用现在分词;若将题干中的 himself去除,句子主语 he则是 occupy的承受者,此时应该用过去分词。此类动词常见的还有:dress, seat, devote, concern, prepare, lose, expose 等。因为课后作业太多,所以没有时间参 加户外活动。 occup

22、ying himself 是原因状语。本题答案: C. 考点:分词作状语。 Armed with rich knowledge you have learnt, you can _ to have an interview for the managers job. A set aside B set out C set about D set off 答案: B. 试题分析:短语动词辨识。 set aside: 搁置;保留、储存。 set out to do sth. 着手做某事 。 set about doing sth. 开始做某事。 set off: 动身、出发;引发。本题意为:储备了

23、丰富的知识,你可以准备面试经理一职了。选项 B正确。 考点:短语动词在语境中的运用。 - Two tickets for Sunday. - Sorry, weve got _ left. A nothing B anything C no one D none 答案: D. 试题分析: nothing, “一无所有 ”,与题意不合。 anything 同样不合语境。 no one = nobody. none在本题中等于 no ticket. 售票员告诉买票人 “一张票不剩了 ”,故选项 D正确。 考点:代词。 The students took the trouble _ all the

24、_ leaves away. A to clean, fallen B to clean, falling C cleaning, falling D cleaning, fallen 答案: A. 试题分析:学生们不怕困难尽力扫除落叶。 take the trouble to do sth. 不怕麻烦或困难尽力做某事。 falling leaves: 正在飘落的叶子。现在分词表示正在进行的动作。 fallen leaves: 落在地上的叶子。过去分词表示已经完成的动作。故答案:为 A. 考点:固定搭配;分词作定语。 Youd better put the medicine in a top

25、drawer to make sure it would not be_ to the children. A sensitive B acceptable C accessible D valuable 答案: C. 试题分析:形容词词义辨识。 sensible,敏感的;体贴的。 acceptable,可接受的。 accessible,可得到的、可利用的。 valuable,有价值的、珍贵的。本题意为:将药放在顶层抽屉里,以保证儿童拿不到。 be accessible to sb.可为某人获取或使用。故答案:选 C. 考点:形容词在语境中的运用。 完型填空 My father was in

26、the navy, which meant that my mother was married to both my father and the sea. As was often the , we had to pack our belongings into boxes and those we had grown to love. We would arrive at our new home and find ourselves once again standing at the pier (码头 ) good-bye to my father as his ship pulle

27、d him away from us. My mother would turn my brother and me around before the ship was out of , wipe our tears, and take us back home to start the process of in the new environment again. Throughout the years of changing , schools and friends, there remained one constant in my childhood my mother. Fo

28、r both my and me, she was the cook, maid and teacher. She played these roles while some type of part-time job. Leaving a career is just one of the sacrifices which my mother made for my family as we moved around the world with our father every three years or so. she had to deal with only a small bud

29、get, my mother, , managed to make each house the very home that is safe and . This probably sounds like a depressing way to live, with two small children: “single” parenthood, short-term friendships, and the inability to her career or establish a home. But it was not for my mother. She turned this i

30、nto adventure for us all! Each relocation (变换位置 ) was a chance to another part of the world. My mother greeted each new culture, climate and neighborhood. Each new house was a to rearrange furniture, make curtains and pictures. Every part-time job was an opportunity to learn something new and work w

31、ith interesting people. No matter how difficult the life was, she was always having a attitude. She always had strength in the face of struggle and change. My mother was so all those years during my childhood she was my island in a sea of change. She is my hero. 【小题1】 A situation B condition C case

32、D matter 【小题2】 A leave out B leave behind C leave off D leave for 【小题3】 A speaking B staring C waving D talking 【小题4A range B shape C sight D control 】 【小题5】 A adapting B suiting C matching D fitting 【小题6】 A names B jobs C addresses D directions 【小题7】 A father B classmates C brother D relatives 【小题8

33、】 A performing B seeking C waiting D applying 【小题9】 A terrible B promising C hopeless D negative 【小题10】 A Once B While C When D Unless 【小题11】 A somewhere B anyhow C somewhat D somehow 【小题12】 A romantic B comfortable C mysterious D wealthy 【A generally B actually C especially D unfairly 小题13】 【小题14】

34、A desert B develop C affect D limit 【小题15】 A lifestyle B value C journey D opportunity 【小题16】 A acquire B explore C occupy D realize 【小题17】 A load B sadness C result D challenge 【小题18】 A hang B draw C took D sold 【小题19】 A changeable B cautious C positive D negative 【小题20A experienced B brave C ordin

35、ary D annoyed 】 答案: 试题分析: 本文记叙了作者父亲在海军服役,因为经常搬家,其母亲面临种种艰辛却从不退缩、克服诸多困难、做出重大牺牲的故事,表现了其坚强的性格。 【小题 1】 as is often the case: 情况经常如此。即母子不得不打点行装、舍弃心爱之物。故选择 C项。 【小题 2】 leave sth. behind: 丢下某物。 leave sth. out: 省略、省去。 leave off: 停止。 leave for: 前往。故 B项正确。 【小题 3】 wave good-bye to sb. 挥手向某人道别。 speak, talk都是不及物动词

36、。 stare: 凝视,不合题意。故答案:为 C。 【小题 4】 out of sight: 看不见、在视线里消失。在军舰看不见之前,母 亲将 “我们 ”转过身、擦干 “我们 ”眼泪、带 “我们 ”回家。答案:为 C。 【小题 5】 fit in the new environment: 融入新环境。 suit, match都是及物动词。 adapt to: 适应。选择 D项。 【小题 6】因频繁搬家,作者常换住址 (address)、学校等,而母亲是唯一不变的。可见作者还是学生,不是换工作;当然也不是改名。 direction:方向,不合题意。 C项正确。 【小题 7】文章第一段提到 “My

37、 mother would turn my brother and me around” ,第三段提到: “with two small children” 。故此处填 brother。选择 C项。 【小题 8】 performing = doing, 后文说到,放弃自己很有前途的职业是母亲作出的重大牺牲之一,文章第三段提及每份临时性工作都成为母亲学习新东西、与人合作的机会。所以此处应该是 “母亲边工作( perform some type of part-time job)边照顾孩子,身兼厨师、女佣和教师等数职 ”。 seek: look for, try to find, 找工作不应该是

38、“持续 ”的; wait, apply都是不及物动词。答案:为 A。 【小题 9】放弃自己前景不错的职业是母亲作出的重大牺牲之一。 promising: 有前途的、前景不错的。 terrible: 糟糕的。 hopeless: 无望的。 negative: 负面的、否定的。都不合语境。故答案:是 B. 【小题 10】虽然经济拮据,母亲还是设法让每一处居所成为安全舒适的家。while=though, 表让步。故 B项正确。 【小题 11】虽然经济拮据,母亲还是设法让每一处居所成为安全舒适的家。 somehow: in some way, by some means. “以某种方法 ”,修饰动词。

39、 somewhat: to some degree. “一定程度上 ”,修饰形容词或副词。 anyhow: “无论如何 ”, somewhere: “某处 ”,都不合语境。故 D项正确。 【小题 12】虽然经济拮据,母亲还是设法让每一处居所成为安全舒适的家。 romantic: 浪漫的。 mysterious: 神秘的。 wealthy: 富裕的。都不合语境。故答案:为 B. 【小题 13】频繁搬家、经济拮据,这样的日子自然令人喘不过气来,尤其是还带着两个年幼的孩子, “单亲 ”,短暂的友 谊,等。 especially: 尤其是、特别是。 A, B, D项的含义分别是:大体上,事实上,不公,

40、故不合语境。答案:为 C. 【小题 14】母亲遇到的困难之一是难以发展自己的事业、难以建立稳定的家。 develop ones career: 发展自己的事业。 A, C, D三项的含义分别是:放弃、影响、限制。不合语境。故 B项正确。 【小题 15】母亲将这样的生活方式转变为一种探索的过程。频繁搬家,频繁找工作,是一种生活方式, 故答案:为 A. value: 价值。 journey: 旅行、旅途。 opportunity: 机会。 【小题 16】后文说道,每次换住所,母亲都会热忱接触新的文化、新的气候和新的邻居,将每一个临时工作都看做是学习新知识和结识新朋友的机会。所以,母亲将他们频繁搬家

41、、频繁换工作的生活方式视为 “探索 ”世界的机会。故答案:为 B。 acquire: 获得。 occupy: 占据。 realize: 认识到。 【小题 17】每次搬家都意味着 “重置家具、定制窗帘 ”等,应该是一件相当麻烦的事。challenge: something difficult. 挑战。 load: 载重量。 sadness: 悲伤。 result: 结果 。答案:选择D项。 【小题 18】搬至新房,自然要装扮一番,包括家具、窗帘、挂画。所以选择 A项,悬挂画作,而非作画或卖画。 【小题 19】本文表现了母亲坚强、乐观的性格。故答案:为 C。 positive: 积极向上的。cha

42、ngeable: 多变的、反复无常的。 cautious: 小心谨慎的。 negative: 负面的,消极的。 【小题 20】最后点题。母亲勇于面对艰辛、勇于克服困难、勇于牺牲。故选择 B项。brave: 勇敢的。 experienced: 有经验的。 ordinary: 普通的。 annoyed:恼怒的。 考点:记叙文 阅读理解 Half of the worlds population is affected by Asian monsoons(季风) , but monsoons are difficult to predict. American researchers have pu

43、t together a 700-year record of the rainy seasons, which is expected to provide guidance for experts making weather predictions. Every year, damp air masses, known as monsoon, produce large amounts of rainfall in India, East Asia, Northern Australia and East Africa. All this wet air is pulled in by

44、a high pressure area over the Indian Ocean and a low pressure area to the south. According to Edward Cook , a weather expert at Columbia University in New York., the complex nature of the climate systems across Asia makes monsoons hard to predict. In addition, climate records for the area are too re

45、cent and not detailed enough to be of much use. Therefore, he and a team of researchers spent more than fifteen years traveling across Asia, looking for trees old enough to provide long-term records. They measured the rings, or circles, inside thousands of ancient trees in more than 300 places. Rain

46、fall has a direct link to the growth and width of rings on some kinds of trees. The researchers developed a document they are calling a Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas. It shows the effect of monsoons over seven centuries, beginning in the 1300s. Professor Cook says the tree-ring records show periods of

47、wet and dry weather. “If the monsoon basically fails or is a very weak one, the trees affected by monsoons at that location might put on a very narrow ring. But if the monsoon is very strong, the trees affected by that monsoon might put on a wide ring for that year. So, the wide and narrow ring widt

48、hs of the chronology that we developed in Asia provide us with a measure of monsoon variability.” With all this information, researchers say they can begin to improve computer climate models for predicting the behavior of monsoons. “There has been widespread famine and starvation and human dying in the past in large droughts. And on the other hand, if the monsoon is particularly heavy, it c


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