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1、2014届福建省厦门一中高三上学期期中英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 短文填词(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) Books are our best friends which will accompany us forever in life. 【小题 1】 I like reading so much. If you ask me what _(材料) I like most, 【小题 2】 my answer is that the 21st Century is my f_. It is an English 【小题 3】 language newspaper which

2、is _(出版 ) in Beijing each week. It has 【小题 4】 sections of different kinds, i_ News of the week, Todays World, 【小题 5】 Language , s_ and music and Students Reports. There are plenty 【小题 6】 of beautiful pictures and interesting a_ in it. I enjoy reading the 【小题 7】 paper. I read it to _ my English. I ha

3、ve learned a lot of new 【小题 8】 words and useful expressions. Besides, I can get i_ about different 【小题 9】 things, from _(政治 ) to entertainments. 21st Century is very popular 【小题 10】 with students and English learners. I do love it. _ I go, I always bring this newspaper with me. 答案: 【小题 1】 material(s

4、) 【小题 2】 favorite/favourite 【小题 3】 published/ released 【小题 4】 including 【小题 5】 sports/ science/ stories/ songs/singers 【小题 6】 articles 【小题 7】 improve 【小题 8】 information/ informed/ ideas 【小题 9】 politics 【小题 10】 Wherever/where 试题分析: 【小题 1】 material(s)材料,可作可数名词或不可数名词。 【小题 2】 favorite/favourite最喜爱的,根据前句

5、中 like most可以推测出。 【小题 3】 published/ released出版 /发行,注意前面是 be动词,故用过去分词。 【小题 4】 including包括,注意 including + 名词或代词。 【小题 5】 sports/ science/ stories/ songs/singers根据常识可以知道报纸上还有体育、科学、故事、歌曲等等。 【小题 6】 articles文章,这里指有趣的文章。注意用复数形式。 【小题 7】 improve提高。提高英语,注意用动词。 【小题 8】 information/ informed/ ideas获得信息、学问或观点,注意所填

6、词的形式及单复数。 【小题 9】 politics政治,注意名词形式。 【小题 10】 Wherever/where无论到哪里,我总带这份报纸,故用Wherever/where。 单项选择 * In the job interviews job applicants often find themselves asked unexpected questions, some very difficult _. A to be answered B to answer C being answered D answering 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。本题考查 find onesel

7、f done,过去分词作宾语补足语,分析其宾语与补足语之间的关系:动作未发生用不定式;动作已发生用分词,主动关系用现在分词,被动关系用过去分词。句意:在工作面试中,申请者常常发现自己被问到意想不到的问题,一些很难回答。故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词 Have you bought the same book _ I referred to yesterday A that B as C which D what 答案: B 试题分析:考查定语从句。 the same as 和 一样,句中 as引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。句意:你买了我昨天指的那本同样的书么?故 B正确。 考点:考查定语从句

8、 _ to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is dangerous. A Not reminded B Reminded not C Not having been reminded D Having reminded not 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。题中的 逻辑主语为 some drivers,与 remind之间的关系为被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。 remind sb. to do的否定形式为remind sb. not to do。句意:被提醒不要酒后驾驶,但一些

9、司机仍然碰运气,那是很危险的。故 B正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词 That must have been a long trip. Yeah, it _ us a whole week to get there. A takes B had taken C took D was taking 答案: C 试题分析:考查时态。根据题中用 must have done可知知道是对过去事情的推测,故用一般过去时。句意: 那一定是个很长的旅行。 嗯,花了我们一个周到达那儿。故 C正确。 考点:考查时态。 “Drive-ins” have large parking lots _ customers a

10、re served in their cars by waitress. A who B when C which D where 答案: D 试题分析:考查定语从句。题中先行词为 parking lots,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词 where。句意: “免下车旅馆 ”是个大的停车场,在那里顾客可以在他们的车里接收到服务员的服务。故 D正确。 考点:考查定语从句 Did you hear about Zhang Lili who saved the kids from being run over by a school bus Yes. What do you think most

11、people _ if they were in a similar situatio n A. will do B will have done. C. would do D. would have done 答案: C 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。结合句意可知这是与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,故主句谓语动词用 would+动词原形。句意: 你听说张丽丽从一辆正在行驶校车下救了孩子。 是的,如果在类似的情况,你认为大多数人都会怎么做?故 C正确。 考点:考查虚拟语气 Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others workin

12、g on it. A brought up B put up C set up D picked up 答案: D 试题分析:考查短语辨析。 A抚养;张贴; C建立; D无意中学到。句意: Sam只是通过看别人怎么操作电脑,学到了一些电脑知识。故 D正确。 考点:考查短语辨析 - How did you do in the test - Not so well. I _ much better but I misread the directions for Part D. A. could have done B. could do C. must have done D. should d

13、o 答案: A 试题分析:考查情态动词。对过去时态的推测,用情态动词 + have done, A本能够做; C过去一定做。句意: 你考试做得怎么样? 不太好。我本能够做得更好的,但我读错了 D部分的说明。故 A正确。 考点:考查情态动词 Maintaining (维持 ) peace and stability of the South China Sea and the East China Sea will certainly _ a more prosperous Asian-Pacific area. A contribute to B respond to C belong to

14、D appeal to 答案: A 试题分析:短语辨析。 A为 作贡献; B回应; C属于; D迎合。句意:维持中国南海和东海的和平与稳定一定将为繁荣兴旺的亚太地区作出贡献。故 A正确。 考点:短语辨析 The discovery of the new drug is of great _ to people who suffer from heart problems. A appreciation B significance C satisfaction D guidance 答案: B 试题分析:考查名词。 A欣赏,感激; B重要性; C满意; D指导。这里考查be of +抽象 n,

15、相当于 be + adj.句意:新药物的发现对患心脏病的人及其重要。故 B正确。 考点:考查名词 The newly-discovered evidence led to the criminal _ to five years in prison. A to be sentenced B being sentenced C sentenced D be sentenced 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。 lead to导致, to 为介词,故后面接 v-ing形式。句意:新发现的证据使得罪犯被宣判住 5年的牢。故 B正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词 Through years of ha

16、rd work, Mrs. Smith, who _ as a secretary for five years, is general manager of the company now. A serves B served C has served D had served 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态。根据句意可知史密斯女士当秘书 5年,是过去的事实,故用一般过去时。句意:通过多年的努力,当了 5年秘书的史密斯女士,现在时公司总经理了。故 B正确。 考点:考查时态 Beijing announced on Sunday that the date for events _ the 4

17、0th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations would be “adjusted to an appropriate time”. A marked B marking C having marked D to be marked 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句中 making the 40th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations作定语,修饰名词 events, mark与 events之间为主动关系,故用现在分词。句意:北京

18、政府周日宣布纪念中日关系正常化 40周年的活动日期会被调整到一个合适的时机 故 B正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词 The suggestion, _ by the locals, proved to be a very constructive one. A put down B put forward C put out D put off 答案: B 试题分析:考查短语辨析。 A镇压; B提出; C扑灭; D推迟。句意:这个当地人提出的建议证明是一个具有非常建设性的建议。故 B正确。 考点:短语辨析 So many people violate traffic regulations tha

19、t we _ put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. A must not B should not C need not D cannot 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词。 A禁止; B不应当; C不必; D不能。句意:这么多的人违反交通规则,以至于我们不得不强调交通安全的重要性。故 D正确。 考点:考查情态动词 完型填空 I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasti

20、ng in the United States be forbidden by law. Let us take a , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a( an) were accepted. Families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction(分散注意力) of TV, they might together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is w

21、ell known that many of our -everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of illness -are caused at least in part by to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better. On evenings

22、 when such talk is , families could discover more active pastimes(娱乐 ). Freed from TV and forced to find their own activities, they might take a together to watch the sunset they might take a walk together. free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment

23、in than in a TV program. report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence, at the college level. is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour. A different form of reading might also be done it was in the

24、past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the ends, the TV networks might be forced to with better shows in order to get us back from our newly- discovered activities. At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的 ). will we spend the time then The fact is: it has been onl

25、y twenty-five years since television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can childhoods without television. It wasnt that difficult. 【小A valuable B pleasant C serious D quick 题1】 A suggestion B advice C opinion D offer A get around B sit around C meet with D stand s

26、tiff A misfortunes B troubles C affairs D problems A physical B mental C common D familiar A failure B attempt C ability D permission A comment B talk C discuss D remark A impossible B unpleasant C funny D unnecessary A ride B look C walk D rest A And B But C Or D While A At B With C For D In A a go

27、od book B a fine poem C a quiet hour D a composition A Professors B Scientists C Educators D Parents A yet B still C just D even A Skill B Writing C Speaking D Listening A before B as C after D when A talk B programme C performance D quiet-hour A come across B come about C come out D come up A How B

28、 Whether C What D If A remind B recognize C remember D know 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:作者建议美国每天晚上在法律上禁止 60-90分钟的电视转播,而这些时间应当用于家

29、人之间的交流及阅读书籍。 【小题 1】 C上下文连串。作者在第一段提出了自己的建议。下面解释自己的理由。首先作者建议用认真理性的态度考虑这个建议被接受后的结果。根据reasonable的含义也可判断出。 【小题 2】 A名词辨析。从空白前的不定冠词可以排除 advice。从文章第一句作者就表明自己要提出建议,因此选 suggestion。如果这样的建议被接受。 【小题 3】 B 短语辨析。 sit around固定短语,一般指坐着没事干。这里指吃过饭,全家人坐在餐桌旁交流。 【小题 4】 D名词辨析。由 many可以推断出该空应该填入可数名词,首先排除trouble,该空后的破折号是对空白处词

30、的解释。这里指我们面临的许多问题。 【小题 5】 B上下文连串。 mental illness精神疾病。这里指家庭缺少交流、理解而引起的往往是精神疾病。 【小题 6】 A 名词辨析。 A失败; B尝试; C能力; D允许。根据上下文可以判断出答案:。我们也许知道家人少于交流。 【小题 7】 C动词辨析。 “discuss our problem讨论问题 ”。这里指家人坐在一起讨论问题,增进了解。 【小题 8】 D。形容词辨析。 unnecessary没有必要的。晚上这样的交谈是没有必要的,家人聚会还可以找到新的消遣形式。 【小题 9】 A 名词辨析。由下面的 they might take a

31、 walk together可以排除 A项。为了看日出,开车到某个地方是很可能的。 【小题 10】 C。连词辨析。此题用 or“或者 ”,这里表示选择。这里 指英语句子或者常常从阅读中学到。 【小题 11】 B 介词辨析。 with free time and no TV表示原因。这里指由于没有电视而有空余时间。 【小题 12】 A 上下文连串。此题与前句是顺承关系。一本好书包含的乐趣多于一个电视所提供的。 【小题 13】 C 名词辨析。 educator“教育者 ”。此句讨论的问题应当是教育方向的问题。 【小题 14】 D 副词辨析。教育者的研究显示:看电视长大的这一代人几乎不会写一个英语句

32、子,甚至上了大学的人也不行。 Even表示强调。 【小题 15】 B 名词辨析。 A 技巧; B 写; C 说 ; D 听。这里指学生看电视过多,因此不会写句子。 【小题 16】 B 连词辨析。 as作因为,由于。 A在 之前; C在 之后; D当 时候。这里指因为它是在过去。 【小题 17】 D 上下文连串。阅读的那种安静时间可以变成讲故事的时间,这时,电视网络系统就必须提供更好的节目以把人们再吸引回来。 【小题 18】 D 短语辨析。 come up with “提出、提供 ”,不能用被动语态; come across: “偶遇 ”; come about: “发生,产生 ”; broad

33、cast“广播,播放 ”,不与with连用。 【小题 19】 A 疑问词辨析。 A怎么; B是否; C什么; D如果。那么我们怎么花费时间呢? 【小题 20】 C动词辨析。 remember记得。 A回忆; B辨认; D知道。我们当中35岁及其以上的人还应该能记得没有电视的童年。 考点:考查议论文 阅读理解 With only a click of the mouse, rumors can be forwarded between microblogs very quickly. As an example, recently, perceptive netizens discovered

34、that some photos displayed on microblogs depicting Beijings June rainstorm had actually been fabricated. S is one of the major internet portals(门户网站 ) in China with hundreds and thousands of users, and a majority of celebrities and renowned citizens have their microblog accounts on this portal. As r

35、ecently as six months ago, the website decided to establish a specialized team to verify rumors and provide accurate information for its users. Tan Chao is in charge of the team. “Before I took the job, I usually couldnt identify what information was real and what was fake. But during the rumor veri

36、fication process, we discovered that a lot of information was false, including fake photos, fake news stories and rumors that had been spread through microblogs.” Its not just website portals which are taking on fact-checking responsibilities, but also a number of civic-minded netizens, who recently

37、 set up a Rumor Verification Federation on Ss microblog system to help netizens identify fake information online. Dianzizheng is the team leader of the federation. He says theyve publicized more than 150 pieces which refute rumors, which attracted more than 10 thousand visitors within two months. “W

38、e live in an age of new media, so we cant use the old methods to verify rumors. We cant wait for the media to verify the facts with related administrative departments and then release a formal announcement. We cant allow rumors to run rampant and then deal with it, we need to fight rumors while they

39、re spreading. I think that this is the best way to deal with rumors nowadays.” Some experts say this demonstrates the advantages of the internet compared to other traditional media. The open platform allows information to be examined and clarified by netizens. But experts like Ding Wenguo, President

40、 of the Journalism and Communication College at the China University of Political Science and Law says this self-correction function of the internet is still quite limited. “Its still quite difficult to tell which information is true in such an open environment by just reading a number of different

41、opinions on the same issue. This is something which we need to pay attention to. If society is deluged with too much false information, and its allowed to spread in such a fast manner, then people will be suspicious of all kinds of information including important information from authorities. It als

42、o exacerbates(恶化 ) problems relating to social communications and mutual-understanding, which in turn harms society as a whole.” Experts suggest that the government should react more quickly in the internet age. Once a rumor begins to spread, administrative departments should make announcements as e

43、arly as possible to dispel rumors before they lead to bad outcomes. 【小题 1】 S decided to found a specialized team to _. A limit the number of microblogs B advance the development of microblogs C prevent the spread of rumors on the Internet D urge the government to react quickly to the rumors 【小题 2】 W

44、hich of the following is TRUE according to the text A All the rumors have been spread through microblogs. B S is the most popular Internet portal in China. C The photos displayed on microblogs might be fake. D Traditional media tend to get rumors examined and clarified. 【小题 3】 The underlined word fa

45、bricated in the first paragraph can be replaced by _. A dug out B made up C got round D given away 【小题 4】 What is the best way to prove rumors on microblogs A Examining and checking while they are spreading. B Substituting the Internet for traditionally media. C Shutting down the website immediately

46、. D Making announcements after they are spread. 【小题 5】 The writer cited Ding Wenguos words in Paragraph 8 to _. A draw a conclusion B support an argument C introduce a topic D describe a scene 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:文章大意:文章主要讲述了网络上出现的虚假信息和网络谣言,以及各方人士对此的反应。并提出如何应对这样的问题。

47、 【小题 1】 C细节题。根据文章第 2段和第 6段 We cant allow rumours to run wild and then deal with it, we need to fight rumours while theyre spreading. I think that this is the best way to deal with rumours nowadays.”和 the website decided to establish a specialized team to prove rumours and provide accurate informatio

48、n for its users.说明这个队伍的成立是为了与网络上的虚假信息谣言做斗争。故 C正确。 【小题 2】 C推理题。根据第三段 2,3行 we discovered that a lot of information was false, including fake photos, fake news stories and rumours that had been spread through microblogs.说明他们发现了很多这样的虚假图片,这些图片有可能会传播一些假的信息,会对社会有很多的副作用。故要清除,故 C正确。 【小题 3】 B词义推测题。根据第一段内容,说明人们只需要点击鼠标就能传播谣言,又举北京 6月大雨中的那些图片例子来说明这一点,说明这些图片可能都是假的,都是编出来的。故 B正确。 【小题 4】 A细节题。根据第六段最后两句 We cant a


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