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1、2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修 1Unit3英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * (2014 重庆一中第一次月考 )Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now _ , if he is ready. A By all means B No way C My pleasure D In no case 答案: A The situation put us at a serious_, which made us very worried. A advantage B disadvantage C cond

2、ition D situation 答案: B I think hes determined that he wont give inyou may try your luck and see if you can persuade that old_fellow. A stubborn B uneducated C friendly D responsible 答案: A (2011 江苏卷 )Wed better discuss everything_before we work out the plan. A in detail B in general C on purpose D o

3、n time 答案: A (2014 湖北重点中学联考 )In order to protect the environment, people are greatly encouraged to travel by public_. A transport B service C means D transfer 答案: A (2014 石家庄市高三模拟 )A smile_the mothers face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize. A lit up B brought up C put up D t

4、ook up 答案: A Its time you changed your attitude_women now, Tom; they hold up half the sky, you know. A towards B from C with D in 答案: A (2014 山西部分重点高中高三联考 )Mrs Black had such a wonderful time_she visited her friends in Sydney last year. A when B that C which D as 答案: A (2014 济南 4月巩固性训练 )_it is, the

5、boy never seems to be able to finish it off. A However interesting a book B Whatever interesting a book C How interesting a book D What an interesting book 答案: A (2014 湖南部分重点中学 5月联考 )She couldnt wait_home after such a long and tiring journey. A going B to go C go D went 答案: B I sincerely suggest tha

6、t you try your best to finish this project, unless you dont _the complaints from all directions. A care about B set about C bring about D go about 答案: A (2014 福州市高中毕 业班质量检查 )John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game, but the look on his face_him_. A turned; down B took; in

7、 C made; out D gave; away 答案: D (2014 哈尔滨四校高三统一检测 )In fact he lived a comfortable life, but he_about his fate all the time. A is complaining B has complained C was complaining D had complained 答案: C I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha. A that B it C this D one

8、答案: D (2014 江西赣州适应性考试 )We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given. A it B one C the one D those 答案: C 完型填空 A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years.She_immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words ba

9、ck._she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt_the pain she caused._to cancel what she had done, she went to an older,wiser woman in the village, explained her situation, and asked for_. Listening to her, the older woman_the younger womans distress and knew she must help

10、her.She also knew she could never_her pain, but she could teach.She knew the_would depend only on the character of the younger woman.She said,“Tonight, take your best feather pillows and put a single feather on the doorstep of each house in the town_the sun rises.” The young woman hurried_to prepare

11、 for her chore, even though the feather pillows were very_to her.All night long, she labored alone in the cold.Finally the sky was getting_, she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house.Just as the sun rose, she returned to_. “Now, ” said the wise woman, “Go back and_your pillows with

12、the feather you have put on the steps.Then everything will be_it was before.” “You know thats_! The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the_! ” The younger woman was surprised. “Thats true, ” said the older woman.“Never forget.Each of your_is like a feather in the wind.Once spoke

13、n, no amount of effort, _how heartfelt or sincere, they can never return to your mouth.Choose your words well and_them most of all in the presence of those you love.” 【小题1】 A said B felt C regretted D explained A That B Which C Who D What A for B as C to D of A By means B In an effort C In addition

14、D On account A question B suggestion C advice D practice A sensed B touched C smelt D breathed A raise B release C relieve D rehearse A outline B outcome C output D outbreak A until B unless C after D before A home B south C inside D outdoors A heavy B brilliant C colorful D dear A light B dark C ra

15、iny D sunny A her home B the older woman C her bedroom D the feather pillow A recite B rebuild C refill D recycle A with B just C like D as A impossible B important C imaginable D immoral A house B doorsteps C pillow D bag A action B feather C words D behavior A friendless B regardless C homeless D

16、hopeless A guarantee B secure C maintain D guard 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 D 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一个善良的女人说了一些话伤害了她最好的朋友,她话一出口就后悔了。她的话伤害朋友如此之

17、深,以至于这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。这个故事告诉我们:覆水难收。所以在别人面前尤其是我们珍爱的人面前最好注意自己的言辞。 【小题 1】: 考查动词辨析。由下文语境可知,她话一出口就后悔了。 regret意为 “后悔 ”,符合语境。 答案: C 【小题 2】: 考查名词性从句的引导词。空格处引导主语从句,且主语从句中缺少动词 say的宾语,所以用 what引导。 答案: D 【小题 3】: 考查介词辨析。这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。 for意为 “因为 ”,符合语境。 答案: A 【小题 4】: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:为了努力消除她所做的一切,她去找村子

18、里年长的、聪明的女人。 in an effort to do sth.意为 “试图做某事 ”,符合语境。 答案: B 【小题 5】: 考查名词辨析。根据第二段第一句话中 “she must help her.she could teach”可知,她来是寻求建议的。 ask for advice意为 “请求建议 ”。 答案: C 【小题 6】: 考查动词辨析。 句意为:听着年轻女人的述说,这位老妇人感觉到了她的忧伤,并且知道得帮助她。 sense意为 “感觉到 ”,符合语境。 答案: A 【小题 7】: 考查动词辨析。句意为:老妇人知道她不可能减轻她的伤痛,但可以让她从中吸取教训。 reliev

19、e意为 “减轻 ”,符合语境。 答案: C 【小题 8】: 考查名词辨析。句意为:她明白事情的结果只能是取决于她的性格。 outcome意为 “结果,结局 ”,符合语境。 答案: B 【小题 9】: 考查连词辨析。句意为:她说: “今晚,拆开你最好的羽毛枕头,在太阳升起之前,在本镇每家的门前的台阶上放一根羽毛。 ”由下文语境可知,此处指在太阳升起之前,故选 D项。 答案: D 【小题 10】: 考查副词辨析。句意为:年轻女人匆匆赶回家准备这件事。 答案: A 【小题 11】: 考查形容词辨析。由上文 “take your best feather pillows.”可知,这些枕头是她非常心爱的

20、。 答案: D 【小题 12】: 考查动词辨析。由上文可知,她是在晚上将羽毛放在每家的台阶上,由此可推出此处指 天快亮了。 答案: A 【小题 13】: 考查名词辨析。由下文她和老妇人的对话可知,她在太阳升起时回到老妇人那里。 答案: B 【小题 14】: 考查动词辨析。句意为:回去再用你放在每家台阶上的羽毛把枕头填满。 refill.with.意为 “重新填满 ”,符合语境。 答案: C 【小题 15】: 考查词汇辨析。句意为:然后,一切事情将会像以前一样。 as意为 “像 一样,依照 ”,符合语境。 答案: D 【小题 16】: 考查形容词辨析。由下文语境可知,羽毛被风吹走了,再将羽毛填到

21、枕头里是不可能的。 impossible意为 “不可能的 ”,符合语境。 答案: A 【小题 17】: 考查动词辨析。句意为:我把羽毛一放在台阶上,风就把它们吹跑了!根据句意以及第二段最后一句话中的 “doorstep”提示可知,应选 B项。 答案: B 【小题 18】: 考查名词辨析。句意为:你要永远记住,你的每句话就像是风中的羽毛,覆水难收。本文中提到这个善良的女人用话语伤害了她的好友,且由下文 “Once spoken.they can never return to your mouth.”提示可知应选 C项。 答案: C 【小题 19】: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:一旦话已说出,尽管你

22、的愿望是如何真心、如何诚意,但所说的话如泼水不可收回。 regardless 意为 “不管,不顾 ”,符合语境。 答案: B 【小题 20】: 考查动词辨析。句意为:在那些为你所爱的人面前,适当选择并且控制你的言辞。 guard意为 “控制;使 (言辞等 )谨慎 ”,符合语境。 答案: D 阅读理解 A dentists office may not be everyones idea of a perfect holiday destination.But a growing number of Europeans are travelling abroad for medical trea

23、tment to save money, or maybe to combine a visit to the doctor with some sightseeing, creating a potential but fast-growing market for traditional tour operators. “It was simply cheaper for me to go to a dentist in Hungary, ” said a 42-year-old physical therapist from Berlin.He chose the clinic near

24、 Budapest from an Internet advertisement, attracted by hundreds of euros in savings compared with the same treatment in Germany.He was happy to find when he got there that the clinic was clean, the staff qualified and the work thorough. People travel abroad for medical treatment for various reasons:

25、 its cheaper, they face a long wait at home, or the treatment they want is not available in their own country.The British-based Medical Tourist Company refers about 100 patients a year to hospitals in India for treatments.And Chief Executive Premhar Shah reports rapid growth in demand from customers

26、 in Africa, where it can be harder to find well-equipped medical facilities for complex surgeries. Some patients who have immigrated may prefer to return to be close to their families when they undergo surgery.“People will want to take the opportunity to seek treatment in places where they have rela

27、tives who might be able to look after them.Im seeing that especially with younger people from eastern Europe, ” said a professor at the University of Oxford. For some, there is the attraction of free treatment abroad.British law-makers have called for tighter checks on patients arriving for treatmen

28、t, out of concerns that foreign citizens are travelling to Britain to take advantage of the free service. The global medical tourism market is believed to be worth $40 billion to $60 billion and growing at about 20 percent per year. 【小题 1】 The 42-year-old physical therapist was satisfied with_in Hun

29、gary. A the price instead of the service B the service instead of the price C both the price and the service D neither the price nor the service 【小题 2】 How many reasons are mentioned to explain why people go abroad for medical treatment A Four. B Five. C Six. D Seven. 【小题 3】 According to the article

30、, _for medical treatment. A more Africans want to travel abroad B more Europeans want to travel to Africa C more Britons want to travel to India D no one would come to Great Britain 【小题 4】 Young people from eastern Europe return to their mother countries for surgery in order to_. A get cheaper medic

31、al service B be looked after by relatives C have better medical treatment D enjoy free medical treatment 【小题 5】 What does the article mainly talk about A Overseas sightseeing. B Hospital treatment. C Medical tourism. D Travelers health problems. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 语篇解读

32、本文是一篇说明文。文章对发展潜力巨大的 “医疗旅游业 (medical tourism)”进行了简要介绍。 【小题 1】: 细节理解题。根据第二段内容特别是第二段第一句 “It was simply cheaper for me.in Hungary”和最后一句 “He was happy.the clinic was clean, the staff qualified and the work through.”可知,他对匈牙利医院的收费和服务都相当满意。 答案: C 【小题 2】: 细节理解题。根据第二至五段内容可知,吸引人们去国外就医涉及以下五方面的原因:收费低,甚至免 费、医疗设施健

33、全、医生资质高、等候时间短、环境干净。 答案: B 【小题 3】: 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句 “.in Africa, where it can be harder to find well-equipped medical facilities for complex surgeries.”可知,在非洲很难找到做复杂手术的精良设备。因此推知,将会有更多的人去国外就医。 答案: A 【小题 4】: 细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句 “Some patients.prefer to return to be close to their families.be able to look after them.”可知,答案:选 B。 答案: B 【小题 5】: 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文就 “医疗旅游 ”进行了介绍说明。 答案: C


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