2015届高三(人教版选修8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 4英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc

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1、2015届高三(人教版选修 8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 4英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 The success of a government should be measured _terms of the happiness of the people as well as the development of economy. 答案: in _(free) from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to wa

2、tch the sunrise. 答案: Freed He never hesitated_ (help) those in trouble because he was a kind-hearted man. 答案: to help He is always picking up very heavy things just to show _ his stre ngth. What a man! 答案: off People _(mistake) about him, which made him so upset. 答案: were mistaken Generally _(speak)

3、, the living standard in our country has been greatly improved, but there are still some people leading a poor life. 答案: speaking The bank is reported in the local newspaper to _(rob) in broad daylight yesterday. 答案: have been robbed _(drive) by a greater demand for green products, the food company

4、has set higher standards to ensure the quality. 答案: Driven I am working on _ screen adaptation of my latest science fiction. You can dream of making _ fortune out of it. 答案: a; a In some languages,100 words make up half of all words _(use) in daily conversations. 答案: used 完型填空 A shopkeeper sent his

5、son to learn about the secret of happiness. The boy wandered through the wilds for many days. He _ reached a beautiful castle, where a wise man lived. Entering the _, the boy saw the wise man talking with some people listening _. It was two hours before it was his _. The boy explained why he had com

6、e. The wise man suggested that the boy _ and return in two hours. “Meanwhile, I want you to do something”, said the wise man, handing the boy a spoon that held two drops of _. “As you walk around, carry this spoon without allowing the oil to spill (溢出 ) ” The boy began _ up and down many stairs, kee

7、ping his eyes fixed on the _. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was. The wise man asked, “Did you see the Persian tapestries (壁毯 ) _ in my dining hall Did you see the _ that took a master gardener ten years to build? ” The boy was _, and admitted that he had observed nothin

8、g. His only _ was not to spill the oil he was given. “Go back and observe the marvels of my world”, said the wise man. “You cannot _ a man if you know nothing about his house.” Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and _ his exploration again. This time he observed all the _ of art on the ceilings a

9、nd the walls. Upon returning, he related _ everything he had seen. “But where are the drops of oil I had given to you? ” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he _, the boy saw that the oil was _. “Well, there is only one piece of _ I can give you”, said the wise man. “The secret of happines

10、s is to _ all the marvels of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” 【小题A suddenly B happily C finally D accidentally 1】 A castle B palace C cottage D kitchen A eagerly B attentively C seriously D quietly A conversation B report C chance D turn A look around B look back C set d

11、own D set out A milk B water C oil D coffee A sweeping B climbing C running D jumping A man B castle C way D spoon A hanging B knitting C storing D flying A house B farm C garden D lake A disappointed B embarrassed C surprised D confused A worry B plan C energy D concern A trust B suggest C accept D

12、 thank A sought B continued C began D stopped A treasures B works C designs D exhibits A in detail B in common C in general D in particular A contained B needed C bought D held A stolen B gone C dry D ready A discover B keep C own D see A information B clothing C advice D equipment 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题

13、2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 D 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。一个小伙子向一位智者请教快乐的秘密,智者让他手拿一个装有两滴油的勺子在城堡里四处走走。最后,智者告诉他快乐的秘密就是:在观看世界所有奇迹的同时,永远不要忘记勺子里的油。 【小题 1】答案: C finally“最终;

14、终于 ”。根据前面的 “for many days”可知,他在找了很多天以后,终于到了智者居住的城堡。 【小题 2】答案: A 根据第一段最后一句中的 “reached a beautiful castle”可知,他进入了城堡 (castle)。 【小题 3】答案: B 句意:他看到智者在和一些人讲话,这些人很专心地听着。 attentively“专心地 ”。 【小题 4】答案: D 句意:小伙子等了两个小时,才轮到他和智者说话。turn“(依次轮到的 )机会 ”。 【小题 5】答案: A 句意:智者让小伙子 在城堡里面四处走走,两小时后回来。 【小题 6】答案: C 根据后面一句可知,小伙子

15、手里拿着一个勺子,里面有两滴油 (oil)。 【小题 7】答案: B 他开始沿着城堡的楼梯爬上爬下 (climbing)。 【小题 8】答案: D 在走动的时候,他的眼睛一直盯着勺子 (spoon)。 【小题 9】答案: A 智者问他: “你看到我的餐厅的墙上悬挂着 (hanging)的波斯壁毯了吗? ” 【小题 10】答案: C 此处表示 “你看到一个熟练的园丁花了十年的时间修建的花园 (garden)了吗? ”由后面的 “master gardener”可判断出此处应是 garden。 【小题 11】答案: B 句意:面对智者提出的问题,小伙子感到十分尴尬(embarrassed)。他承认

16、,自己转了一圈却什么也没有看到。 【小题 12】答案: D 因为他的全部注意力都放在了勺子里面的油上,所以他什么也没有观察到。 concern“重要的事情 ”。 【小题 13】答案: A 句意:如果你不了解他的住所,你就不能信任 (trust)一个人。 【小题 14】答案: C 句意:小伙子松了口气拿起了勺子,再次开始 (began)了他的探索之旅。 【小题 15】答案: B 这次他看到 了墙壁上和天花板上所有的艺术品。work“作品;著作 ”。 【小题 16】答案: A 句意:当他回到智者身边时,他详细地讲述了这次他看到的一切。 in detail“详细地 ”; in common“共有;公

17、有 ”; in general“总的说来 ”;in particular“特别;尤其 ”。 【小题 17】答案: D 句意:看看手里拿着 (held)的勺子,小伙子发现里面的油没有了。 【小题 18】答案: B 由于这次他只注重观察城堡的环境,以至于油洒了,故此处表示油没有 (gone)了。 【小题 19】答案: C 最后,智者给 了他一条忠告 (advice)。 【小题 20】答案: D 句意:快乐的秘密就是,在观看 (see)世界所有奇迹的同时,永远不要忘记勺子里的油。 阅读理解 Steven Spielberg was not a scholar, and his classmates

18、teased him. Rather than read, the kid really preferred running around with an 8mm camera, shooting home-made movies, which he showed to friends for a small fee. In his first year of high school, he dropped out. But when his parents persuaded him to return, he was mistakenly placed in a learning-disa

19、bled class, which lasted one month. Only when the family moved to another town did he land up in a more suitable high school, where he eventually graduated. After being denied entrance into a traditional film-making school, Steven Spielherg enrolled in English at California State University at Long

20、Beach. Then in 1965, he recalls, in one of those serendipitous moments, his life took a complete turn. Visiting Universal Studios, he met Chuck Silvers, an executive in the editorial department. Silvers liked the kid who made 8mm films and invited him back sometime to visit. He appeared the next day

21、. Spielberg, dressed in a dark suit, carrying his fathers briefcase with nothing inside but a sandwich and candy bars walked confidently up to the guard at the gate of Universal and gave him a casual wave. The guard waved back. He was in. “For the entire summer, ” Spielberg remembers, “I dressed in

22、my suit and hung out with the directors and writers, including Silvers, who knew the kid wasnt a studio employee, but winked at him. I even found an office that wasnt being used, and became a squatter (擅自 占用他人房子的人 ). I bought some plastic tiles and put my name in the building directory: Steven Spiel

23、berg, Room 23C.” It paid off for everyone. Ten years later, the 28-year-old Spielberg directed Jaws, which took in $470 million, then the biggest grossing movie of all time. Dozens of films and awards have followed because Steven Spielberg knew what his teachers didnttalent is in the eyes of the fil

24、mmaker. 【小题 1】 Why was Steven Spielberg laughed at by his classmates A He was the youngest boy. B He was too short for his age. C He liked to fight with other boys. D He didnt care much about his lessons. 【小题 2】 Why did Stevens friends pay him some money A To see his movies. B To use his camera. C T

25、o look at his photos. D To include them in the movie. 【小题 3】 What did Steven Spielberg intend to do after graduating from high school A Study English at a college. B Become a newspaper editor. C Work for Universal Studios. D Go to a traditional film-making school. 【小题 4】 What could have changed Stev

26、en Spielbergs life A Being dressed in a suit. B Meeting Chuck Silvers. C Missing a film-making school. D Working for Universal Studios. 【小题 5】 What can we learn from the story A Always follow our dream and we can make it. B We need someone to help us realize our dreams. C Anyone can become a film di

27、rector if he wants to. D We should grasp the opportunity that comes our way. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 文章大意:美国著名电影导演史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格小时候不喜欢学习功课,但是对拍摄电影很感兴趣。 1965年,一次到环球影视城的参观经历彻底改变了他的人生。 【小题 1】答案: D 细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格在少年时代不是那种用功的好学生,所以遭到同学们的嘲笑。 【小题 2】答案: A 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知,史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格把拍摄的电影放给朋友看并收取少量的费用。 【小题 3】答案: D 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格中学毕业后本想进入电影学校。 【小题 4】答案: B 推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知, 1965年史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格参观环球影视城时,遇到了 Chuck Silvers,这改变了他的人生。 【小题 5】答案: A 主旨 大意题。史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格最终成名的故事说明了这样一个道理:如果一个人对某件事有强烈的兴趣,他就会不断地努力追求,最终梦想成真。


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