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1、2011届黑龙江省大庆实验中学高三上学期期中考试英语卷 其他 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 You need the right college Whats out there How can you learn all of Americas college How do you find the best match the best college for you Big or small, conservative or liberal, private or public_【小题 1】 _ Researchers are esse

2、ntial for making a good college decision ._ 【小题 2】 _ Dont easily believe what others say, such as “ Someone told me that Colorado College is too small” and “Someone told me that Michigan is too big .”Every college has something for someone ._ 【小题 3】 Just because you have heard the name of a college

3、it does not mean it will be a good place for you .Just because you have not heard the name of a college it doesnt mean that you will not like it . _【小题 4】 That means in these colleges you can fit in with the other students ,find the level of education you need and feel good on campus .Researching th

4、e colleges means finding several colleges where you really want to go. One quick way to research the colleges is to take a virtual (虚拟的 )tour of the college on you computer . 【小题 5】 _ Check out the hundreds of colleges on these two websites .When you find one that sounds like a place you would like

5、to be, check out its website and learn more .Make a list of 20 colleges and then choose a short list of 10 . A There is no college that is wonderful for everyone . B Here are the two top websites to get you started . C Get your parents involved in the decision making process. D That means collecting

6、 information from many sources . E. Dont take too much time doing your research. F. There are many things to consider . G. There are many colleges where you will be happy . 答案: 【小题 1】 F 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 G 【小题 1】 B 单项选择 * The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 is believed _more than 70,000 people an

7、d made thousands homeless, _it perhaps the most destroying tsunami in history. A to kill; making B to have killed; making C having killed; to make D killing; made 答案: B Several new railways are under _ in China . A construction B condition C surrounding D discussion 答案: A The traffic is heavy these

8、days . I _ arrive a bit late , so could you save me a place A can B must C need D might 答案: D John is fond _ football, while his brother is crazy _ music. A at; for B of; about C with; at D for; with 答案: B Ann is in hospital. -Oh, really I _ know ,I _ go and visit her. A didnt ;am going to B dont ;w

9、ould C dont; will D didnt ;will 答案: D Its important for students to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in the language we study . A situation B expression C condition D translation 答案: A As the old Chinese saying goes, only through reading thousands of books one can write _. A fluently B c

10、orrectly C energetically D professionally 答案: A Shall we go there by bus -That _ me fine .Thank you . A fits B matches C satisfies D suits 答案: D John has got a bad fever these days, and he says he doesnt want to see a doctor, but Im afraid he has no _. A extra B alternative C treatment D possibility

11、 答案: B -Would you like me to teach how to drive a car -_ . A Yes, you would B That s very kind of you C With pleasure D Im very glad to hear that 答案: B Tell me about it -dont _ anything _! A hold; back B hold; on C hold; up D hold; out 答案: A _ the term is finished, Im going to rest a few days and th

12、en take a trip. A Now that B Even if C As if D So that 答案: A It is known that water is not _ endless resource , nor _ that can be made once more. A the;/ B an; one C an ;that D /;one 答案: B _in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the money in the car. A Waiting B To

13、wait C Having waited D To have waited 答案: C _ was known to all, John had broken his promise _ he would stay with us for some time . A As; that B As; which C It; that D Which; that 答案: A 完型填空 I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket Company . “What is it ” I wo

14、ndered . I 36 it over . There, on the back in faded ink, was a hand-scrawled(手写的) 37 . Immediately my mind traveled 38 many years . I was nine years old, walking down the cold, wet streets of Springfield, with a bag of magazines on my shoulder . On my 39 that day, I came to that Company finally, who

15、se owner, Mr Rader, had always taken me there to ask his workers 40 they wanted any magazines . Shaking off the 41 like a wet dog, I entered Mr Raders office . After a quick glance he 42 me over to the fire-place . Noticing the 43 in the top of my 44 , he said, “Come with me !” pulling me into his 4

16、5 and drove me downtown. We pulled to a stop before a shoe store . Inside, a salesman 46 me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had 47 seen . I 48 several inches tall when I got up 49 them . “ Wed like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said . Back in his office, Mr Rader took out a 50 , wrote somethi

17、ng on it, and handed it to me . With 51 eyes, I read, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” He said affectionately (深情地) , “Jimmy, I want you to 52 I love you”. I said good-bye, and for the first time I 53 the hope that things would be 54 . With people like Mr Rader in the world, there was hope, kindness and love, and that would always make a 55 . 【小题1】 A read B thought C turned D passed A address B list C message D information A forward B so C ahead D back A return B rounds C trip D arrival A if only B how C whether D why


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