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1、2012-2013学年四川省成都二十中高二上学期期中考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 根据课文内容填空。 (20*0.5=10) 【小题 1】后半夜来了一场暴风雨,大雨倾盆而下。我们躲进了自己搭起来的避雨棚,让木筏顺流而下。 There was a big storm after midnight and the rain _ _. We stayed inside the _ we had built and let the _ sail down the river. 【小题 2】作家的生活经历常常和他们所创造的角色的生活经历相似。马克吐温也不例外。 Often the lives of

2、 writers_ the lives of the characters they _. Mark Twain is _ _. 【小题 3】欧洲是狂欢节的发源地,在那里,狂欢节过后会有 40天不食肉的日子。这期间,人们准备迎接基督教的节日 复活节。 In Europe, _ it began, _ was followed by forty days without meat, as people _ _ the Christian festival of Easter. 【小题 4】那时,他们把自己的脸涂成白色,模仿并取笑他们的主人。 They _ their faces white, i

3、mitating their masters and _ _ _ them. 【小题 5】但就是这种失败感,使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。 But it was this _ _ _ that made him determined to _in his new life. 答案: 【小题 1】 poured down shelter raft 【小题 2】 resemble create no exception 【小题 3】 where carnival prepared for 【小题 4】 painted making fun of 【小题 5】 sense of failure su

4、cceed 试题分析: 【小题 1】考查词组:倾盆而下 poured down ;考查单词:避雨棚 shelter ;木筏 raft 【小题 2】考查单词:相似 resemble ;创造: create ,词组:不例外 no exception 【小题 3】 where引导的是定语从句,修饰 Europe,狂欢节 carnival ,为 做准备: prepared for注意用过去时。 【小题 4】考查单词:涂成 painted 词组:取笑 make fun of因为和 imitating并列,所以用现在分词。 【小题 5】考查词组:失败感 sense of failure “成功 ”的动词是

5、 succeed 考点 ; 考查完成句子 点评:根据汉语完成句子,首先比较汉语英语,找出所缺单词短语,还要根据句意和上下文选用正确形式,考查平时对单词短语的记忆是否牢,还有在具体语言环境中的灵活使用。 Recent studies show that many young people in the United States never finish high school Some researchers say about fifteen to twenty percent of public school students do not complete their education

6、 But many other experts and policymakers believe that for the past twenty years, the dropout rate has been around thirty percent For Latino and black students, the numbers are even higher Researchers say almost half of them leave schoo1 At the same time, almost half the states let students leave sch

7、ool before the age of eighteen without letting their parents know Finding a good job without a high school education is _ A recent study found that almost half of all dropouts aged sixteen to twentyfour did not have a job The lack of high school education can also lead to other problems An estimated

8、 twothirds of prisoners in the United States dropped out of high schoo1 The main reason why many students drop out of school is that they are failing Many are bored with their classes or feel disconnected from their school and teachers Some students feel that educators place low expectations on them

9、 There have been efforts to increase graduation rates through education reforms during the past twenty years Some communities are working on dropout prevention programs These include alternative (其他的 ) high schools to meet special needs In addition, experts suggest “early warning systems to help ide

10、ntify young school children at the risk of dropping out of high schoo1 They say schools should also keep regular contact with parents, especially if their children are missing school often 【小题 1】 What is the best title of the passage (Please answer within 10 words ) 【小题 2】 Which sentence in the pass

11、age can be replaced by the following one Many students feel tired of their classes or dont feel connected with their school and teachers 【小题 3】 Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence (Please answer within 10 words ) 【小题 4】 What do you think is t

12、he most important reason for the high dropout rate in the high school (Please answer within 30 words ) 【小题 5】 Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese 答案: 【小题 1】 High Dropout Rate in Americas High School 【小题 2】 Many are bored with their classes or feel disconnected from t

13、heir school and teachers 【小题 3】 very difficult more and more difficult more difficult than before not so easy as before 【小题 4】 They feel the educators and parents are disappointed with them Little by little they begin to feel tired of their classes 【小题 5】在过去的这二十年期间,一直努力通过教育改革提高毕业率。 试题分析: 【小题 1】文章的第一

14、段是主题段落,主要是说美国高中退学的比率在增加,可归纳为: High Dropout Rate in Americas High School 【小题 2】近义句: be tired of=are bored with ; feel disconnected from= dont feel connected with 【小题 3】从后面 deep句子: A recent study found that almost half of all dropouts aged sixteen to twentyfour did not have a job 可知找工作很难或是不容易: very di

15、fficult more and more difficult more difficult than before not so easy as before 【小 题 4】从文章倒数第二段的第一句和第三句可知,学生在学校总是失败,老师对他们的期望值很低。填 They feel the educators and parents are disappointed with them Little by little they begin to feel tired of their classes 【小题 5】 during the past twenty years, 在过去的这二十年期间

16、,一直努力,There have been efforts to通过教育改革提高毕业率。 increase graduation rates through education reforms 考点 ; 考查阅读表达 点评:阅读表达有主旨题,细节题,翻译题,同义句转换题,要求学生即抓住文章的主旨又能注意细节,对一些重点的句子理解也要透彻。 单项选择 * The professor kept telling us that the future _ to the well-educated and I kept wondering where I _ of it. A would belong;

17、 heard B belonged; had heard C was belonged; heard D was belonging; had heard 答案: B 试题分析:考查 belong to的用法和时态,第一空填 belonged,因为 belong to不能用进行时和被动,第二空填 had heard表示在教授讲之前我在哪听过的。句意是:教授一直告诉我们未来属于受过良好教育的人,我一直在想在哪里听过的。选 B。 考点 ; 考查固定词组和时态 点评:固定词组要记它们的特殊用法,时态题要结合上下文 推断出动作的时间。 All the teachers and students _ N

18、ational Day with a party. A celebrated on B celebrated C congratulated on D congratulated 答案: B 试题分析:考查动词的用法, A. celebrate及物动词,庆祝,宾语是物, C. congratulate及物动词 “祝贺 ”宾语是人, congratulate sb on sth“祝贺某人某事 ”,句意是:所有师生开派对庆祝国庆节。选 B。 考点 ; 考查动词搭配 点评:有些动词属于易混一类,平时学习中要重点加以区分,特别是它们的各自搭配,要记牢。 The stones each _ as muc

19、h as two tons. A weighs B are weighed C weigh D is weighed 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词 weigh的用法,和主谓一致, weigh表示 “称重量 ”时是及物动词,做为 “重达多少 ”时,是不及物动词,就是不能用被动。句意是:每块石头重达两吨。说明 weigh是不及物动词,用主动,还有主语是 The stones each时,谓语用复数,但是如果是 each of, 谓语是单数。选 C。 考点 ; 考查动词和主谓一致 点评:和 weigh相似用法的还有 measure,做为 “长宽高是多少 ”measure是不及物的。主谓一致要求考生

20、记牢一些语法规则,做起来更好。 _ to overcome the difficulty, he works day and night A Determined B Determining C To determine D To be determined 答案: A 试题分析:考查形容词做状语的用法, be determined to “有决心做 ”, determined是形容词做原因状语从句,表示状态,句意是:决心克服困难,他日夜工作。选 A。 考点 ; 考查形容词做状语 点评:形容词和副词做状语的不同在于吗,形容词表示状态,副词表示动作,如 He went home happily.

21、(表示动作)和 He went back home, happy but tired(表示状态) 一 Did he notice you enter the classroom 一 I dont think so He _ to the radio with his eyes shut A 1istened B was listening C has listened D had listened 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态,句意是: -他注意你进入教室了吗? -我不知道,他眼睛闭上在听广播。由此可知他听广播是在我进教室的时候,用 过去进行时。选 B。 考点 ; 考查时态 点评:时态题要结

22、合句意和上下文推断出动作的时间。不能忽视句子提供的语境。 I think its impolite to play _ trick on others just for _ fun A a: B; a C the; D a; a 答案: A 试题分析:考查冠词的用法,第一空填 a,是词组: play a trick on sb“捉弄某人 ”,第二空不填, for fun也是词组 “为了好玩 ”,句意是:我想只是为了好玩捉弄别人是不礼貌的。选 A。 考点 ; 考查冠词 点评:冠词的基本用法是泛指用 a或 an,特指用 the,有时涉及到一些固定词组的用法,就靠平时的积累了。 I have bou

23、ght two ball pens ,_ writes well. A none of them B neither of them C neither of which D none of which 答案: C 试题分析:考查定语从句和代词的用法,根据句子结构,这句话属于定语从句,用代词 +of+which,因为前面说是两只圆珠笔,所以用 neither, none是三者以上都不,句意是:我买了两只圆珠笔,两只都不好写。选 C。 考点 ; 考查定语从句和代词 点评:定语从句一定分析句子结构,两句话之间没有连词,就要考虑是定语从句,结合定语从句的用法做题,选用适当的关系代词。 Oh, its

24、 raining hard outside. Mum, do you think the milkman will come Of course. He will come on time _it rains. A in case B even though C as long as D ever since 答案: B 试题分析:考查连词的用法, A. in case以防, B. even though即使, C. as long as只要, D. ever since自从,句意是: -外面雨下的很大,妈妈,你说送牛奶的人会来吗? -当然,即使下雨他也会来。选 B。 考点 ; 考查连词 点评

25、:连词的选择主要是根据上下文的逻辑关系,是转折,原因,结果,还是让步等。 _ when to leave, I could only stay at home, _ nothing. A Knowing not; done B Not having known; doing C Having not known; done D Not knowing; doing 答案: D 试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法:第一空是现在分词的否定做状语,我只呆在家里是因为不知道什么时候走,现在分词的否定 not在现在分词前面,第二空填现在分词做伴随状语,句意是:不知道什么时候走,我只好呆在家里什么都不做。选

26、D。 考点 ; 考查非谓语动词 点评:非谓语的用法要结合句子结构和句意,判断是做什么成分,考虑动词和逻辑主语的关系,否定式都在非谓语前面。 Jane likes collecting stamps very much. In fact, her interest in it _ back to her school days. A dated B dates C was dated D is dated 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定词组 date back to的用法,这个词组只能用一般现在时,也不能用被动,句意是:简非常喜欢收集邮票 ,事实上,她的兴趣可以追溯到她上学的时候。选 B。 考点

27、 ; 考查固定词组 点评:一些特殊的词组: belong to, date back to, break out等都是不能用被动式,要熟记它们的用法。 完型填空 If your father never says to you “I love you” when you are a child, it 31 to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows 32 I do not 33 hearing the words from my father when I was growing up. 34 , I

28、could not recall(回忆 ) when I had 35 said those words to him either. One day, I decided to _36_ the ice and make the first 37_ . So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my _ 38 and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad I love you!” There was a 39 at the other end and he awkwardly 40 _, “Wel

29、l, same back at you!” I was unexpectedly 41 and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.” Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 42 asked, “Paul, is everything okay ” A few weeks later, Dad 43 our phone conversation with the

30、 words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “_44 ” the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this 45 moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new 46 .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly 47 death following heart surgery(外科手术)

31、. Many times _48 , I have 49 if I had not taken the first step and Dad not 50 the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love. 【小题1】 A works out B breaks out C turns out D comes out A wiser B busier C older D weaker A enjoy B remember C mind D regret A Fortunately B Truthfully C Naturally D Obvious

32、ly 【小题 5】 D A only B never C last D first 【小题 6】 D A melt B build C strike D break 【小题 7】 A A complaint B promise C impression D move 【小题 8】 B A words B ideas C strength D attention A sigh B cry C voice D silence A refused B shouted C explained D replied A frightened B touched C shocked D annoyed A

33、excitedly B sadly C willingly D nervously A continued B checked C interrupted D ended A accepted B expected C learned D heard A quiet B difficult C special D different A level B idea C world D end A managed B escaped C avoided D faced A then B ago C before D since A realized B found C doubted D wond

34、ered A challenged B experienced C survived D received 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:多年来父子二人从未用语言表达过心中的爱。最终,作者鼓足勇气,在电话中向父亲倾述了自己的心声。

35、父亲同样道出了内心深处的爱。作者听后潸然泪下。 【小题 1】 turn out结果是,意思是想让父亲说出 “我爱你 ”将更加困难其余三项分别是: “计算出 ”“爆发 ”“出版 ”,都不符合。选 C 【小题 2】此处于前面 的 when you are a child相呼应,表示父亲年龄的增加,选C 【小题 3】句意是:我不记得成长过程中听到父亲说过这样的话。选 B 【小题 4】考查副词辨析: A. Fortunately幸运的, B. Truthfully说实话, C. Naturally 自然的, D. Obviously明显的,句意是:说实话,我也没向父亲表白过。选 B 【小题 5】这里表

36、示我也不记得最后一次和父亲说 “我爱你 ”选 C 【小题 6】考查词组: break the ice“打破沉默,打破僵局 ”选 D 【小题 7】从本段第二句话可知,作者和 父亲都没说过 “我爱你 ”,作者打算先采取行动。 Make the firstmove。选 D 【小题 8】前文说作者要先向父亲表白,这是需要鼓足勇气的。选 C 【小题 9】作者的父亲没有和孩子说过 “我爱你 ”现在孩子和他说了,他的反映是沉默,选 D 【小题 10】作者是在电话中和父亲说话的,父亲这里是回答。选 D 【小题 11】父亲说 “Well, same back at you!”作者很感动。选 B 【小题 12】根

37、据本句后半部分引号中的内容可知作者的母亲担心发生了什么事情,所以 “紧张地 ”询问。 D 【小题 13】在几周以后的电话交谈中,作者的父亲对作者说出 “我爱你 ”后 “结束 ”了交谈。 end with 意为 “以 结束 ” 。 选 D 【小题 14】作者终于在电话中 ”听 “到了父亲对自己的爱,无比感动,泪水滚滚滑落。文章最后一句也是线索提示。 D 【小题 15】多年来父子之间从未向对方表露过爱意,如今埋在心底多年的话终于得以表达,对作者而言,显然是 “特殊 ”的时刻。 C 【小题 16】在彼此表达过心中的爱后,父子之间的关系上升到了一个新的 “水平 ”。选 A 【小题 17】此后不久,作者

38、的父亲在做了心脏手术后九死一生, “摆脱 ”了死神的 魔掌。 选 B 【小题 18】本句的时态是现在完成时,由此可判断用 since,意思是 “自从 ”那以后,作者很多次思绪翻腾。选 D 【小题 19】从那以后,作者不止一次地 “琢磨 ”,如果自己当时不主动表达感情,并且父亲没有从手术中活下来,自己将永远无法听到父亲的爱。前两项的意思基本相同,可排除。 doubt用于肯定句时,与 if whether连用表示对后面的内容的怀疑,显然不符合所给语境。选 D 【小题 20】上一句提到作者的父亲在心脏手术中幸存下来。此句是虚拟语气,意思是假如当时他没有在手术中 “幸存 ”下来,作者将永远听不到父 亲

39、的爱。选C 考点 ; 考查人生百味类短文阅读 点评:这篇完型填空是关于亲情的话题,内容简单易懂,设空合理,主要是些动词,名词,形容词的辨析也有考查上下文的逻辑关系,包括一些语法相关的题目,做题时都要考虑在内。 阅读理解 No one knows yet the accurate number of lives which have been lost in this terrible fire .But reports suggest that it is more than one hundred . A wall of flames fifty feet high and at least

40、 one hundred and fifty miles wide is now racing towards the forests and rich farmlands of southern Victoria . Towns less than one hundred miles from Melbourne will be in danger unless the wind changes . People are rushing excitedly into the streets . The police have warned them not to see the fire b

41、ut many people are doing so . The cause of the fire is unknown . No rain has fallen in this part of Australia for three months , and the hot , north-west wind from the great central desert is blowing at more than thirty miles an hour . The firefighters are travelling to the fire by road , rail and a

42、ir . But it is not easy to get there . Flames and fallen trees have cut off or blocked roads and railway lines . The thick smoke often prevents them from finding the air strips (飞机跑道 ). It is said that the fire has brought the greater danger to the country since the Second World War . 【小题 1】 By the

43、time the article was written , the fire . A had just broken out B had been put out C was spreading violently D was coming to an end 【小题 2】 The writer wrote this article mainly to tell people . A the fire was terrible and dangerous B it was impossible to put out the fire C more than one hundred peopl

44、e died of the fire D to join in the fight against the fire 【小题 3】 In the 4th paragraph , the writer suggested that . A the fire would soon be controlled by the firefighters B it would be very difficult to put out the fire C the government was paying great attention to the fire D the fire had caused

45、great losses and the airport was in ganger 【小题 4】 The underlined word “ accurate” in the first sentence has the same meaning as . A recent B whole C rough D exact 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 试题分析: 【小题 1】推理题:从文章第二段的句子 A wall of flames fifty feet high and at least one hundred and fifty mil

46、es wide is now racing towards the forests and rich farmlands of southern Victoria .可知大火正在蔓延。选 C 【小题 2】写作意图题:从全文和最后一句话: It is said that the fire has brought the greater danger to the country since the Second World War .说明作者写文章是告诉人们大火很危险。选 A。 【小题 3】推理题:从第四段的句子: But it is not easy to get there .说明大火很难扑

47、灭。选 B 【小题 4】猜词题:从第二句话 But reports suggest that it is more than one hundred .说明是很难准确的估计损失。选 D 考点 ; 考查新闻报道类短文 点评:这是一篇新闻报道的短文,讲述的澳大利亚发生的一场大火和它的危害,其中有很多描写的细节,考试应该从中去揣摩作者的写作意图。 A car drew up outside the Swan Hotel and a young man got out Pausing only for a moment to see that he had come to the right plac

48、e, he went into the hotel and rang the bell on the counter of the bar Mrs Crump, the landlady, who was busy in the kitchen at the time, hurried out,wiping her hands The young man raised his hat “Excuse me, ”he said “Im looking for my uncle, Mr White I believe he is staying here ” “He was staying here ”Mrs Crump corrected him “But Im afraid that he went bac


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