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1、2012-2013学年广东广州六中高一下期期末学业水平测试英语卷(带解析) 单项选择 * The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _ be very slow. A should B must C would D can 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词:句意: “互联网由于会很慢,所以有时被讥讽为world wide Wait ” , should“应该 ”,和 must“一定 ”推测语气强, will肯定,都排除。 Can用于肯定句,表推测,表示 “有客观的可能 ”,选

2、D。 考点:考查情态动词用法 点评:情态动词表推测注意以下解题步骤:认真审题,结合所给出的语境,正确把握说话者的语气、情感、态度、观点等。认真思考所给选项中情态动词的基本特征和用法,并结合语境推敲答案:。要注意把握时间概念。 He had to _ paying the bills because of a lack of money. A put down B put off C put out D put aside 答案: B 试题分析:考查动词短语: A. put down放下, B. put off推迟, C. put out 扑灭,D. put aside放置一边,储蓄,句意:因为

3、缺钱他不得不推迟付账单。选 B。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:动词短语是高考常考内容。可以按照以下方法学习: 1.在每个部分找出自己最熟悉或者最理解的短语,并根据该短语助记总体意思; 2.熟记动词本身所具有的全部意思; 3.重点根据小品词在该项中的总体意思结合动词本身的意思,理解自己最不理解和不熟悉的短语 4.脱离汉语,只看英语动词 短语,并放到具体句子和场景中认识动词短语 5.注意有些短语意义很接近 , 这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。 When she saw her son liked reading, she did all she could _ him. A help B t

4、o help C helping D to helping 答案: B 试题分析:考查不定式做目的状语:句意:当她看见儿子喜欢阅读,她极尽所能帮助他。这里 could后面省略了 do,而不定式表示目的状语,选 B。 考点:考查不定式做目的状语 点评:本题是易错题,句意理解是关键。要把缺失的部分还原,找出省略成分,判断所需的成分。动词不定式的基本用法:动词不定式能起名词、形容词和副词的作用,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语用。同时还要注意动词不定式的被动语态用法 Even if they are on sale, these computers are equal in price

5、to, if not more expensive than, _ at the other store. A the others B others C the ones D ones 答案: C 试题分析:考查代词:句意:即使它们在促销,这些电脑的价格如果不比其他商店的高,也是一样的高。本题中它代替 computers;因特指,故用 the ones,A. the others其他的, B. others其他,都不符合句意。选 C。 考点:考查代词用法 点评:代词的词义辨析考查的较为细致: One 指代可数名词单数,表示泛指;其特质形式为 the one。 It指代上文出现的同一事物; t

6、hat指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。其复数形式 为 those,同样后面也应该有定语修饰。 The manager demanded that the workers _ extra hours to complete the task ahead of time. A work B were working C worked D would work 答案: A 试题分析:考查虚拟语气:句意:经理要求工人工作额外的时间来提前完成任务。主语的谓语是 demand +从句, demand后接宾语从句时,从句谓语一般要用虚拟语气,即 should + 动词原形; shoul

7、d可以省略。选 A。 考点:考查虚拟语气 点评:英语中有 4 四个表示 “要求 ”的词, require, ask ,tell, demand; 3 三个表示 “建议 ”的词, suggest, recommend, advice; 2 两个表示 “命令 ”的词,order,command ; 1 一个表示 “坚持 ”的词, insist。他们后面接 should+动词原形 的虚拟语气。 Should可以省略。 Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A had co

8、nsidered B has been considering C considered D is going to consider 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态:句意:因为 Lucy失业了,所以她在考虑重返校园,但她现在还没决定。根据题意说话者在说现在的情况,因此排除了 A、 C、 D三项,B表示现在完成进行时,表示现在的事,进行时强调 “考虑 ”这个动作的 “未完性 ”,所以选 B。 考点:考查时态 点评:时态题的考查 关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。 If you had got

9、up early, you_ the early bus. A have caught B will have caught C would have caught D had caught 答案: C 试题分析:考查 if的虚拟条件句:句意:如果你早起的话,就可以赶上早班车了。从句意可知是和过去相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,主句用 would have done,选 C。 考点:考查条件句的虚拟语气 点评: if的虚拟语气非常重要,简要概括如下: 1、表示与现 在事实相反的情况,从句: If主语 +过去时 (Be动词用 were);主句:主语+should/would/could/might

10、+do: 2、表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句: If主语 +had+done;主句:主语 +should/would/could/might+have done 3、表示对将来情况的主观推测,从句: if+主语 +were to do if+主语 +should+do if+主语+did(动词过去式) /were ;主句:主语 +should/would/could/might+do It is helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. A that B when C which

11、D where 答案: D 试题分析:考查定语从句。句意:把孩子放在可以让他们从不同角度看自己的形势中是有帮助的。先行词是 situation,指物,亦可指地点,定语从句中缺少地点状语地点状语,用关系副词 where引导定语从句,选 D。 考点:考查定语从句 点评:定语从句的考查主要就是考查关系词的辨析,关系代词 that, which, whose, whom, as, who在句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语; where, why, when在句中做状语。要分析句子成分,看缺少什么成分,就选用相应的关系词。 - Learning a language is not easy. It tak

12、es time. - I cant agree more. _. There is no short cut. A Make hay while the sun shines B All roads lead to Rome C Rome wasnt built in a day D Practice makes perfect 答案: C 试题分析:考查谚语: A. Make hay while the sun shines晒草要趁太阳好 B. All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马, C. Rome wasnt built in a day罗马非一日建成。 D. Pra

13、ctice makes perfect熟能生巧,句意: -语言学习不容易,需要时间。 -是的。罗马非一日建成。没有捷径。选 C。 考点:考查谚语 点评:考查谚语的时候考查学生的平时的积累,和阅读量,如果不知道含义,也可以通过字面去猜。做题时结合上下文做题。 John as well as the other children who _ no parents _ good care of in the village. A has; is being taken B has; are being taken C have; is being taken D have; are being ta

14、ken 答案: C 试题分析:考查主谓一致:句意:约翰和其他没有孩子的父母在村子里被照顾的很好。 who引导的是定语从句,根据句意,应该做 children的定语,所以定语从句的谓语动词用复数 have. 第二个横线处要填的是主句的谓语动词。主句的主语是 John as well as the other children,谓语和 John一致,是单数,所 以谓语动用单数。这里要用被动语态。所以选 A。 考点:考查主谓一致 点评:在英语中,句子的主语和谓语动词要保持数上的一致关系,叫主谓一致。这种关系通常要遵循下面三条原则: 1语法一致原则。句子的主语是单数形式,谓语动词要用单数形式;主语是复

15、数形式,谓语动词用复数形式 2意义一致原则即谓语动词该用单数还是复数取决于主语所表达的内容在含义是单数意义还是复数意义。 3邻近原则谓语动词该用单数还是复数形式,取决于最邻近它的名词、代词或其它词的数。 完型填空 I stepped into my hotel room which was surrounded by a(n) 26 king-size bed, flanked(两侧有) by overstuffed armchairs. “Wow,” I thought to myself. “Nice place.” I 27 hotels. I love to enter a clean

16、 room, look out the window, or walk out in the morning 28 that each afternoon when I return, someone else will have made the bed. The 29 is that unless Alison travels with me, I never sleep well in hotels. I miss my family. Even though Linus and Camille, aged 4 and almost 2, find a way to interrupt

17、even the 30 nights sleep at home, still, Id rather be with them. Im deeply 31 by the parents who wake up too late with the realization: “My children grew up too 32 . In the busy and noisy career and life, I 33 their childhood.” A hundred years from now, nobody will remember the car you drove or the

18、large house you lived. The world might 34 greatly however, based on your 35 on the life of a small child. Your life will most certainly improve, if you pay attention to your important 36 , and make the choice to put her or him first. What could you do today to let your loved ones know how much they

19、37 to you What will you do tomorrow And the next day Think of one specific 38 that you can take, and take it. Challenge yourself to find new ways to 39 your appreciation and love on a daily basis. Room service will never kiss you goodnight! Nothing 40 family. 【小题1】 A empty B comfortable C ordinary D

20、 innocent A book B visit C love D hate A knowing B noticing C expecting D forgetting A surprise B situation C problem D condition A worst B longest C shortest D best A troubled B moved C amused D impressed A slow B early C fast D late A recorded B understood C valued D missed A end B differ C boom D

21、 stable A attraction B benefit C influence D education A ability B family C career D future A mean B do C pay D work A word B suggestion C thought D action A express B suggest C explain D introduce A represents B fights C satisfies D beats 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 A 【小

22、题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 试题分析:作者从住旅店联想到家人,认为我们应该多些时间陪伴家人,把自己的爱和感激表达出来。没有什么能比得上家庭。 【小题 1】考查形容词: A. empty空的, B. comfortable舒服的, C. ordinary普通的, D. innocent无辜的,修饰 king-size bed,应该是舒服的,选 B 【小题 2】考查动词: A. book预定, B. visit参观, C. love喜欢, D. hate讨厌

23、,从下文的 I love to enter a clean room, look out the window, or walk out in the morning 可知作者喜欢旅店。选 C 【小题 3】考查动词: A. knowing 知道, B. noticing 注意到, C. expecting 期待,D. forgetting忘记,知道每天下午回来的时候,有人会铺好床铺。选 A 【小题 4】考查名词: A. surprise惊讶, B. situation形势, C. problem问题 D. condition条件,问题是除非 Alison 和我一起旅 行,我在旅店睡不好。选 C

24、 【小题 5】考查形容词: A. worst最糟糕, B. longest最长, C. shortest最短, D. best最好,即使 Linus和 Camille会想办法打扰最好的睡眠,我也喜欢和他们在一起。选 D 【小题 6】考查动词: A. troubled麻烦, B. moved感动, C. amused好笑的 D. impressed印象深刻的,我对那些很迟才意识到孩子长的太快的父母感到厌烦。选 A 【小题 7】考查形容词: A. slow慢的, B. early早的, C. fast快的, D. late慢 的,有的父母会觉得:我的孩子长大的太快了。选 C 【小题 8】考查动词:

25、 A. recorded记录 B. understood理解 C. valued尊重, D. missed想念,错过,在繁忙的事业和生活中,我错过了他们的成长。选 D 【小题 9】考查动词: A. end结束 B. differ不同 C. boom繁荣 D. stable稳定,世界会因为比对孩子的影响而不同。选 B 【小题 10】考查名词: A. attraction吸引 B. benefit利益, C. influence影响 D. education教育,同上。选 C 【小题 11】考查名词: A. ability能力 B. family 家庭 C. career3D. future未来,

26、如果你重视重要的家庭,你的生活也会改善。选 B 【小题 12】考查动词: A. mean意味, B. do做 C. pay 付钱 D. work工作,今天你会怎么做让你所爱的人知道你是多么的爱他。选 A 【小题 13】考查名词: A. word单词 B. suggestion建议 C. thought 想法 D. action行动,想想你所采取的某一个具体的行动。选 D 【小题 14】考查动词: A. express表达 B. suggest建议, C. explain解释 D. introduce介绍,在日常生活中找个新的办法表达你的感激。选 A 【小题 15】考查动词: A. repres

27、ents代表 B. fights斗争 C. satisfies满意 D. beats击败,没有什么能比得上家庭。选 D 考点:考查人生百味类短文 点评:做完型填空的时候:关注文章首句,领会大意。通过理解文章的首句,我们可以明确短文话题,了解篇章结构,预测全文内容。通过理解段落的首句,也可明确每段的大意,根据前后语境,上下联系。有时只需从空格所在句子的上文或下 文考虑;有时需要从空格所在句子的前后 2-3句考虑;还有的可能要从整个段落或整篇文章给予考虑,才可选出正确选项。上下文提供的信息对应关系以及词语的重复使用,对解答完形填空也非常有用。对于文中生词的处理,有的可以通过句法分析判断词性,根据上

28、下文猜测其大意;对不影响文章理解和解题的生词可以跳过不管。根据词语辨析,挑选答案:。理解句子含义,判断句义关系,从词汇的意义、用法和搭配考虑,把握整体意思,寻找答题线索。 阅读理解 Im glad to find this comment which has some sort of support in this quest(寻求)I have to eat raw(未煮熟的) foods. Im an unhealthy 49 years old and have come to the conclusion that its now or never, so I am taking a

29、dive into the raw eating lifestyle. I have to cook for my family and prepare what they want to eat. Im trying to plan out this better so I have some of these unusual foods ready for myself. Ive read several books written by Ann Wigmore and like her approach to the living foods. Last week I attempted

30、 fasting(禁食) and failed. I lasted five days by having carrots, spinach, apples and other vegetarian diets I could get my hands on. I was doing fine until I drank some coffee. I kind of proved it in my mind to have the coffee but it only made me excited and then I couldnt sleep well and felt hungry a

31、nd weak. So I stopped and went back to the old way of eating with the family. This week I started to make a drink called rejuvelac made of sprouted wheat(芽麦) . This is fairly new to do for me and the drink smelled sort of musty(发霉的) and tasted kind of like a musty lemon. The kids tasted it and almos

32、t threw up but surprisingly it tasted good to me. It is supposed to help in digestion(消化) . Ive made some attempts to grow wheat grass. I think I have figured that out as long as I keep it away from birds and our horses. I have two habits to get rid of, drinking coffee and smoking. I quit smoking la

33、st month but something happened, so I started up again. Im very frustrated(受挫的 ) with the smoking and really have a desire to quit for good. Anyhow I will keep this updated on my progress. 【小题 1】 The author must have _ before she wrote this article. A hesitated at whether she should eat raw foods B

34、never eaten raw foods C made up her mind to eat raw foods instead of cooked ones D been discouraged by her family from fasting 【小题 2】 The books written by Ann Wigmore which the author has read are probably about _. A fasting B losing weight C how to be on a diet D approaches to eating raw foods 【小题

35、3】 To the author, the drink made of sprouted wheat _. A might help in digestion B might make people who drank it throw up C tasted good to anybody D was welcomed by the whole family 【小题 4】 We can learn from the passage that _ smoking. A the author has given up B the author will never give up C its h

36、ard for the author to quit D its easy for the author to quit 【小题 5】 The authors biggest worry at present is most probably _. A that she cant eat with her family B that she cant get rid of drinking coffee and smoking C how to get used to raw foods D that she doesnt know whether she should eat raw foo

37、ds 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:本文介绍作者为了健康的原因寻求新的饮食方法,比如吃未煮熟的食物,和麦芽做的饮料,也需要戒掉一些不好的习惯。 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: Im glad to find this comment which has some sort of support in this quest(寻求) I have to eat raw(未煮熟的) foods.可知作者在写这篇文章前在犹豫是否要吃未煮熟的食物。选 A 【小题 2】细节题:从第三段的句子: Ive read sever

38、al books written by Ann Wigmore and like her approach to the living foods.可知的书是关于吃未煮熟的食物的方法的,选 D 【小题 3】细节题:从第四段的句子: It is supposed to help in digestion(消化) .可知麦芽的饮料有助于消化。选 A 【小 题 4】细节题:从最后一段的句子: I quit smoking last month but something happened, so I started up again.可知作者很难戒烟。选 C 【小题 5】细节题:从最后一段的句子:

39、I have two habits to get rid of, drinking coffee and smoking. 可知作者担心不能戒掉咖啡和烟。选 B 考点:考查健康类短文 点评:本文介绍作者为了健康的原因寻求新的饮食方法,比如吃未煮熟的食物,和麦芽做的饮料,也需要戒 掉一些不好的习惯。问题比较简单,都是一些细节问题,在文章中都可直接找到,只要带着问题仔细阅读文章即可找到答案:。是信息筛选类文章,阅读时注意把握小标题,粗体字,特殊符号等方面的的信息,可以快速的把握文章的结构和内容。做题时可以先看题目,带着问题看文章,有的放矢 A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲) i

40、s what made Romel Joseph fall in love with the violin. He learned how to play in Haiti, where he was born, but a Fulbright scholarship brought him to the United States, and he finally earned a masters degree, reports CBS News reporter Katie Couric. Music had changed his life. He wanted to do the sam

41、e for the children of Haiti. Joseph built a school in Port-au-Prince nearly 20 years ago. He was on the third floor when suddenly “It was like boom boom boom and everything just opened,” Joseph said. “And the next thing I knew I was on the ground.” Blind since birth, Joseph tried to feel his way out

42、, but was pinned(夹) beneath heavy concrete(混凝土) . He remained trapped for 18 hours. He prays that his new wife, seven months pregnant(怀孕的) , will be found. He is now being treated at Miamis Jackson Memorial Hospital for two injured legs and an arm. Joseph wonders if hell ever play the violin again.

43、He can feel sensation(知觉) in his fingertips. He said, “If you were to give me a violin and if I didnt have to fold the fingers, I would be able to play.” Josephs daughter Victoria spent three terrifying days unsure of her fathers fate. For her, having him home is the sweetest music. “Can you imagine

44、 your dad not being able to play the violin ” Couric asked. “No, I cant,” Victoria Joseph said. “But I will love him all the same if he cant.” Romel doesnt know how many of his 300 students died in the quake. As he waits for news about his wife, Romel Joseph is already planning a return to Haiti to

45、rebuild the school and continue teaching there. “We can save two children, 20, 200, 300, 500 through education and music, and these children will make a difference,” Romel Joseph said. 【小题 1】 Romel began to like music _. A because he was blind since birth B after he had listened to a famous piece of

46、 music C when he got a scholarship to study in America D since he was born in Haiti 【小题 2】 From what Romel said in Paragraph 6, we can infer that he was _. A upset B fearful C excited D optimistic 【小题 3】 To Victoria, the best thing is _. A to see her father recover from the injury quickly B to liste

47、n to her father playing the sweetest music C to play the violin as well as her father D to be sure that her father could play the violin 【小题 4】 Why does Romel want to go back to Haiti A To save his students from the earthquake. B To change the life of children by teaching music. C To find out how se

48、riously his school was damaged. D To look for his wife who is pregnant. 【小题 5】 Which of the following is the best title for the passage A Music education: keep your creativity alive B A great blind musician and his students C Haiti earthquake: a story of a music teacher D How did some Haiti earthquake victims survive 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述一个音乐老师在海地地震中的遭遇,看出他对学生的热爱和音乐的执着。 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲) is what made Romel Joseph fall in


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