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1、2012届上海市十校高三第二次联考英语试卷与答案 其他 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets 1她把毕生奉献于教育。( devote) 2今天中国足球队败北的消息占据了各主要媒体。( dominate) 3这个计划虽然听上去不错,但我担心它能否付诸实施。( concern v) 4有些年轻人错误地以为他们享有富裕生活是理所当然的。( takefor granted ) 5凡是到过漓江的游客莫不对它的美景印象至深,两岸青山,清水缓流。( impress) 答案:【

2、小题 1】 She devoted her whole/entire life/all her life to education./Throughout her life, she was devoted to education. 【小题 2】 The news that the Chinese Football team has lost/was/has been defeated/beaten/eliminated dominates all the major media today. 【小题 3】 Although the plan sounds good, I am concer

3、ned whether it can be put into practice. 【小题 4】 It is wrong for some young people to take their wealthy life for granted/to take it for granted that they should enjoy the/their wealthy life. 【小题 5】 All the tourists who have been to the Lijiang River cant/couldnt help being deeply impressed by/with i

4、ts beautiful scenery, with green mountains on/along both banks/sides and clean/clear water flowing slowly. 【小题 1】 “毕生奉献于 ”是: Sb devote ones whole/entire life/all ones life to (doing) sth或者是 sb be devoted to ( doing) sth 【小题 2】 that引导同位语从句,解释说明 The news的内容, the Chinese Football team has “败北 ”lost/was

5、/has been defeated/beaten/eliminated “占据了各主要媒体 ”是: dominates all the major media 【小题 3】 Although引导 让步状语从句, be concerned 是 “担心 ”whether it can be put into practice.是宾语从句。 【小题 4】这题用 It is adj+ for sb to do sth.这个句型, take sth for granted是 “认为 理所当然 ”,或者用 to take it for granted that they should enjoy the

6、/their wealthy life. 【小题 5】这里的 who引导定语从句修饰 All the tourists, cant/couldnt help doing“情不自禁的做 ”be deeply impressed by/with “ 对 印象深刻 ”, with+sth+介词短语, with+sth+doing结构,做伴随状语。 Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph There is one extra heading which you do

7、 not need A Dont overlook talented people around you B Seize the opportunity when it comes up C Stay humble D Find the system that works for your style E Keep Honest Forever F Work hard Lin couldnt have seized his opportunity if he hadnt worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills There are no

8、 short cuts to hard work Success is a by product of that If youve got a Tiger Mom whos always pushed you to work hard, great If not, let your conscience be your own Tiger Mom! Get up early, stay up late Nobody gave Lin any free passes Why should you get any You can only control what you control and

9、that means youve got to work harder than anyone else you know 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 F 【小题 1】从这段最后的: Make the most of them Dont waster them说明填 B,机会来时要抓住。 【小题 2】从文章的 句子: Youve got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and then ensure that youre in a system “你应该尽

10、力理解你的强项是什么,确保你在这个体系中,说明选 D 【小题 3】从文章的 :Dont be like the General Managers in Golden State and Houston, and let talent slip through your fingers “不 要让人才从你指尖溜走。选A。 【小题 4】从文章的句子: Its been remarkable watching how humble Lin remains through all this media craze看出人要保持谦逊。选 C。 【小题 5】从文章的最后一句: You can only co

11、ntrol what you control and that means youve got to work harder than anyone else you know你得比别人更努力。选 F。 Complete the following passage by using the words in the box Each word can only be used once Note that there is one word more than you need A best-selling B influenced C tragic D canceled AB in peac

12、e AC used to AD given BC focus BD comeback C D concentration A year ago, at the annual pre-Grammy party, Whitney Houston, the great diva(女歌手) , walked on stage and closed the evening with a brilliant performance Last Saturday, Houston was once again the 1 of the showcase before the Grammys, but her

13、presence was a posthumous(死后的)one Earlier that day, pop musics former queen was found dead in her hotel room She was 48 This, no doubt, is sad news to the whole music industry and her fans all over the world, _2_ what a legendary life and remarkable career that she once had At her peak, Houston was

14、the golden girl of the music world From the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, she was one of the worlds 3 artists She strongly impressed the audiences with effortless, powerful and peerless vocals Besides multi-million record sales, Houston made countless hits such as The Greatest Love of All, I Have Not

15、hing, and the mostly famous I Will Always Love You She also 4 a generation of younger singers, from Christina Aguilera to Mariah Carey But by the end of her career, it was a 5 fall for this superstar Houston has been addicted to drugs Her album sales plummeted and the hits stopped coming Her once ca

16、lm and peaceful image was shattered by a wild manner and unusual public appearances, and her once natural voice became rough and hoarse, unable to hit the high notes as she 6 “The biggest devil is me Im either my best friend or my worst enemy,” Houston told the ABC in an interview in 2002 In 2009, H

17、ouston staged what seemed to be a successful 7 with the album I Look To You, which debuted on top of the charts But hoarse voice, 8 concerts, and continuous illnessHoustons comeback trail wasnt smooth at all In an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2009, Houston confessed: “It ( show business) is too m

18、uch So much to try to live up to, to try to be, and I wanted out ” Now that Houston has finally taken a break from all the chaos, may she rest 9 答案:【小题 1】 BC 【小题 2】 AD 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 AC 【小题 7】 BD 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 1】句意是:惠特尼 休斯顿再次成为格莱美前夜派对的焦点,填 focus。 【小题 2】句意是:鉴于她传奇的一生以及事业上所取得

19、的辉煌成就, given是 “鉴于 ”。 【小题 3】这里表示她是世界上最畅销的艺人之一,选 A。 【小题 4】这句的意思是:她还影响了一代的年轻歌手 B 【小题 5】 tragic是 “悲剧的 ”句意是:,这颗巨星星途没落,令人惋惜。所以选 C。 【小题 6】 used to 是 “过去常常 ”,指无法唱出曾经的高音。 【小题 7】这里表示 “成功地复出 ”选BD。 【小题 8】 canceled concerts“取消了音乐会 ”选 D。 【小题 9】 may she rest in peace. 愿她安息吧! 选 B。 单项选择 * Western journalists claim t

20、o be loyal the truth only But they never bothered to question the truthfulness of the Dalai Lamas claims A to B about C with D for 答案: A 这题考查介词的用法: be loyal to“对 忠诚 ”,句意是:西方记者宣称只忠实于事实,但是他们从不质疑达赖喇嘛的话的真实性。 Some people believe that they would be better off more adaptive activities in their leisure time

21、, such as establishing relationships and teaching their children A doing B to do C having done D to be doing 答案: A 这里考查的是现在分词做条件状语的用法,句意是:一些人相信他们会更幸福的,如果在空闲时间多做些适应性活动,如建立关系,和教育孩子。选 A。 “All is necessary for the triumph of the evil is good men do nothing ” Edmund Burke said A what; that B that; why C

22、what; when D that; that 答案: D 这题考查复合句的用法:第一空填 that,引导定语从句修饰 all,不可以用 which,第二空填 that引导 表语从句。句意是:Edmund Burke said: “好人袖手旁观,恶魔就高唱凯歌 ”。 To make it up to his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more_ A than good health B than was good for his health C than his health was D than t

23、hat his health was 答案: B 句意是:为了补偿住院这一段不愉快的经历,那人喝得稍许多了一点。 more than是 “多于 ” Since time began, it seems, people have been putting off_they_have done today, scolding themselves in the meantime A that, must B that, should C what, could D what, would 答案: C 句意是:自从时间开始,人们一直推迟他们本可以今天做的事,同时又会责备自己。第一空用 what引导宾

24、语从句,做 do的宾语,第二空填 could,表示虚拟语气, could have done是本可以做却没有做。选 C。 What a beautiful girl your daughter is! _ A So she is and so are you B So is she and so are you C So she is and so you are D So she is and so you are 答案: A 这题考查 So+主语 +be/情态动词 /助动词,表示 “赞同 ”, So +be/情态动词 /助动词 +主语,表示 “ 也是 ”。句意是: -你女儿多漂亮啊! -是

25、的,你也是。选 A。 Are you going to the concert tonight I should have told you that I wont, _ A havent you B shouldnt you C are you D will you 答案: C “The impact will only grow Irans leaders decide to change course and meet their international obligations,” US Secretary of State Clinton warned A in case that

26、 B provided that C unless D until 答案: C 这题考查连词的用法: A in case that以防, B provided that 条件是, C.unless 除非 D until直到。 句意是:美国国务卿希拉里警告说: “影响会持续增长,除非伊朗领导人改变做法,履行他们的国际义务 ”,所以选 C。 I was standing atop a North Carolina mountain, the afternoon sun_like golden lace through the trees A threaded B threading C being

27、 threaded D was threaded 答案: B 从句子结构分析:前面是完整的句子,和后面的成分用逗号隔开,没有连词,说明后面不是一个句子,而是独立主格结构,又因 the afternoon sun和 thread是主动的关系,所以用现在分词。句意是:我站在North Carolina的山顶上,下午的阳光象金色的带子穿过树林。选 B。 Some people claim the rumor that some Egyptians are planning a 100,000 people anti-government protest A to overhear B to have

28、 overheard C having overheard D to be overheard 答案: B 这题考查 claim to have done“宣称做过什么 ”,句意是: “一些人宣称偶然听到了谣言说一些埃及人计划一次 10万人的反政府抗议 ”。 In his lecture, the professor referred to the belief, in contrast to all other countries, _the elderly are wise, _is particularly dominant in the Chinese culture A that;

29、one that B that; that C which, which D that; one 答案: A 这题第一空考查同位语从句的用法, that引导同位语从句,对 belief的内容进行说明,第二空 one是 belief的同位语,后面的 that引导一个定语从句,对 one进行修饰, that是做从句的主语的。 one做同位语,常在考点中出现。如: He is a good captain, one who always takes good care of his crew.one就是 captain的同位语,后也有一个定语从句。 Please go on with your de

30、monstration But where was I Well, you_the two chemicals together A tried to mix B were trying to mix C were trying mixed D had tried to mix 答案: B 根据句意是: -请继续你的演示。 -到哪儿啦? -你想把两种化学物质混合起来。说明是刚才正在做 , 用过去进行时。选B。 It is not until May, 2013 the online consultation comes to an end the draft will be officiall

31、y in force A when; that B that; that C that; when D before; that 答案: A 第一空填 when引导定语从句修饰 May, 2013,第二空填 that是强调句。句意是:直到 2013年 5月份,网上咨询结束时,该草案将正式生效。 We hoped that the bird had found some friendly person, landed on his shoulder, _ A expected to love and care for B expecting to love and care for C expe

32、cting to be loved and cared for D to expect to be loved and cared for 答案: C 这题考查现在分词做伴随状语的用法,expect和它的逻辑主语 the bird是主动的关系,所以用现在分词,另外 the bird是希望被关爱,表示被动。所以选 C。 Were programmed to want more food, we wont have a chance to eat tomorrow A even though B just in case C in which way D in which case 答案: B 这

33、题是连词辨析: A even though 即使B just in case 以防 C in which way 以这种方式 D in which case在这种情况下。句意是:我们按计划需要更多的食物,以防明天没有机会吃了。 _I find someone_understands my dislike for the conventional driveway makes me eternally grateful A What; that B When; who C Who; that D That; who 答案: D 第一空填 that引导主语从句, that不做成分,第二空填 who

34、引导定语从句修饰someone,句意是:我找到一些理解我不喜欢传统车道的人使我感到很感激。 完型填空 For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to b

35、e there, to serve some sort of 1 , teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become You 2 know who these people maybe ( possibly your roommate, neighbor, co-worker, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger) , but when you lock eyes with them, you know a

36、t that very moment they will affect your life in some 3 way And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but _4_you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart Everything happens f

37、or a reason Nothing happens5 or by means of good luck Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul 6 these small tests whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere It would be safe and

38、 comfortable, but dull and utterly 7 The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become Even the 8 experiences can be learned from In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones If someone hurts you,

39、9 you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart If someone loves you, love them back 10 , not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your 11 an

40、d eyes to things Make every day count 12 every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sightshigh

41、Hold your head up because you have 13 right to Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you dont believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you You can make of your life anything you wish Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolut

42、ely no 14 Most importantly, if you LOVE someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have 15 And learn a lesson in life each day that you live Thats the story of life 【小A people B purpose C intention D advantage 题1】 【小题2】 A already B sometimes C should D never 【小题3】 A limited B str

43、ange C other D profound 【小题4】 A in reflection B in reality C in addition D in a way 【小题5】 A on purpose B by any chance C by accident D on principle 【小题6】 A Despite B With C For all D Without 【小题7】 A bored B pointless C undeserved D meaningful 【小题8】 A good B different C bad D pleasant 【小题9】 A betrays

44、 B loves C appreciates D understands 【小A in turn B moderately C unconditionally D in a way 题10】 【小题11】 A mouth B mind C heart D emotion 【小题12】 A Comprehend B Appreciate C Expect D Evaluate 【小题13】 A every B each C proper D exact 【小题14】 A ambition B hatred C belief D regrets 【小题15】 A in the future B i

45、n stock C in store D in pursuit 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 C 【小题 1】句意是:他们的到来是为了达成某种目的。选 B。 【小题 2】句意是:你不会知道这些人是谁,选 D。 【小题 3】句意是:你就知道他们会给你的生命带来深远的影响。选 D。 【小题 4】句意是:但仔细一想,选 A。 【小题 5】 by c

46、hance“偶然的 ”和后面的 by means of good luck “通过好运 ”一致。选 C 【小题 6】句意是:没有了它们,生命就像是一条不知通往何处的平坦大道,填without,选 D。 【小题 7】 utterly pointless毫无意义,选B。 【小题 8】从这段的内容可知是:不好的经历也能从中学到东西。选 C 【小题 9】 betray“背叛 ”,和后面的 hurt一致。选 A。 【小题 10】 unconditionally“无条件地 ”选C。 【小题 11】 open yourheart“敞开心扉 ”,选 C。 【小题 12】句意是:珍惜生命中的每一刻,选 B。 【

47、小题 13】 have every right to do sth“很有权利做 ” 选 A。 【小题 14】句意是:创造你自己的人生,并无怨无悔地去过这一生吧。选 D。 【小题 15】 in store“储备 ”,句意是:因为你不知道明天将会怎样。选 C。 阅读理解 There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown They probably came about just to give children something to do In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers This is true because boys and g


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