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1、2013届天津市天津一中高三第三次月考英语卷(带解析) 其他 答案: 单项选择 * So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor. _. I got there 10 minutes before it finished. A Not at all B Not exactly C Not really D Not likely 答案: 答案: I paid a fine of 200yuan for speeding. If only I _ the traffic rules! A had respected B respec

2、ted C would have respected D could respect 答案: 答案: 答案: It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness _. A to make B to be made C making D being made 答案: Work gets done _ when people do it together and the rewards are higher too. A easily B very easy C more easily D easi

3、er 答案: 答案: Have you worked here since you graduated No, I _at a factory in Beijing for six years. A would work B have worked C had worked D worked 答案: Who is making so much noise in the garden _ the children. A There are B They are C That is D It is 答案: The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty,

4、 courage and truthfulness shown by his employees. A virtues B features C properties D characteristics 答案: 答案: Will you give me some suggestions on my job interview Smiling is a great way to make yourself _. A stand out B turn out C work out D pick out 答案: 答案: Whats your plan for this winter vacation

5、 Ill take an express train to Shanghai for my holiday _ school ends. A hurriedly B soon C immediately D since 答案: 完型填空 In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. The

6、re is no _31_ for stillness. And when we are _32 _to be still because were in line for something, or waiting at a doctors appointment, or on a bus or train, we often _33 _something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something. Being still isnt something were _34 _. This come

7、s at a _ 35_: we lose that time for _ 36_, for observing and listening. We lose peace. And _37_ yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get _ 38_done. Take a moment to think about _39_ you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around Are y

8、ou constantly reading and answering _40 _, checking on the news and the latest stream of information Are you always _41_through your schedule Is this how you want to spend your _42_ If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be _43_. Dont think about what you have to do, or what youve done a

9、lready. _44_be in the moment. Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how youd _45_ it to be. See your life with less movement, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more _46_. Then be that vision. Its pretty simple: all you have to do is

10、 sit still for a little bit each day. _47_youve gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too_48_. Slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of _49_ for it. _50 _ the stillness. Its a treasure, and its available to us, always. 【小题1】

11、A place B chance C freedom D time A forced B ordered C invited D told A have B find C buy D get A familiar with B curious about C used to D interested in A cost B risk C loss D danger A play B food C sleep D consideration A further B worse C farther D deeper A everything B anything C nothing D somet

12、hing A how B where C why D whether A questions B problems C phones D messages A walking B rushing C stepping D going A school B youth C work D life A silent B patient C still D quiet A Nearly B Ever C Just D Already A like B decide C choose D need A activity B research C study D peace A Because B Un

13、til C Once D Unless A frequently B slowly C fast D quickly A asking B sending C calling D waiting A Value B Miss C Owe D Hold 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 D 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 C

14、 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 A 试题分析:本文的主要内容是:现在快节奏的生活使得我们失去了静心思考的时间。沉静是很有必要和价值的。作者建议大家每天都要留出一些可以静心思考问题的时间。 【小题 1】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. place地方; B. chance机会 ; C. freedom自由; D. time时间。根据 In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages.可知我们没有时间静止 ,故选 D。 【小题 2

15、】考查被动语态及上下文的呼应。 forced被迫的 ordered命令 invited邀请 told告诉,根据 because were in line for something, or waiting at a doctors appointment, or on a bus or train,可知我们是被迫静 止,故选 A。 【小题 3】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 A. have有; B. find找到,发现; C. buy 买; D. get得到。根据 Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something可知我们通常

16、找事情做 .故选 B。 【小题 4】考查固定词组及上下文的呼应。 A. familiar with熟悉; B. curious about好奇,想知道; C. used to惯于,故去经常; D. interested in对有兴趣。由“Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something.”现在做的事情和过去常常做的不同,故选 C。 【小题 5】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 根据 we lose that time for consideration for observing and listening. We lose

17、peace.可知这是要付出代价的, cost代价; risk冒险; loss丢失; danger危险,故选 A。 【小题 6】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. play 玩; B. food食物; C. sleep睡觉;D. consideration考虑,关心,报酬。根据 See it with more stillness, more consideration, more peace.故选 D。 【小题 7】考查比较级及上下文的呼应。 A. further更远的,更深一层的; B. worse更糟糕的; C. farther更远地,进一步的; D. deeper更深。根据 sometime

18、s too much action is worse than no action at all,故选 B。 【小题 8】考查不定代词及上下文的呼应。 A. everything每件事物; B. anything任何事; C. nothing无事; D. something某事。根据 sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all,可知这里想说你狂热的东奔西跑,却一无所获,故选C。 【小题 9】考查疑问副词及上下文的呼应。 A. how怎样; B. where哪里; C. why为什么; D. whether是否,不论。根据 I

19、s this how you want to spend your life 这里想说花一些时间去思考怎样度过你的每一天,故选 A。 【小题 10】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. questions问题; B. problems难题; C. phones电话; D. messages信息。根据 checking on the news and the latest stream of information 故选 D。 【小题 11】考查现在分词及上下文的呼应。 A. walking步行; B. rushing猛冲,急速进行; C. stepping 步进,踏; D. going前 进。根据

20、Are you constantly rushing around 故选 B。 【小题 12】考查名词及上下文的呼应。根据 Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life,这里想表达这是你想要过的生活吗, school学校; youth 年轻; work 工作; life生活。故选 D。 【小题 13】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 A. silent寂静的; B. patient 耐心的;C. still静止的,仍然; D. quiet安静的。根据 Being still isnt something were used

21、to.故选 C。 【小题 14】考查副词及上下文的呼应。 A. Nearly 几乎,差不多; B. Ever 曾经;C. Just 仅仅,刚才,恰好; D. Already已经。根据 Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how youd like it to be,可知这里想说仅仅是那一刻,故选 C。 【小题 15】考查动词及上下文的呼应。这里想说你喜欢 生活是什么样子的,like 喜欢; decide决定; choose决定; need需要。故选 A。 【小题 16】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A.

22、 activity活动; B. research调查,研究; C. study学习,研究; D. peace和平。根据上文 We lose peace. 故选 D。 【小题 17】考查连词及上下文的呼应。这里表示一旦你习惯了那样做, Because因为 Until到 为止 Once一旦 Unless除非,故选 C。 【小题 18】考查副词及上下文的呼应。 A. frequently 频繁地; B. slowly 缓慢地;C. fast快地; D. quickly迅速地。根据 Slow down,故选 C。 【小题 19】考查非谓语动词及上下文的呼应。这里想表达现在去寻找快乐,而不是等待快乐,

23、asking 问; sending发送; calling 叫; waiting等。故选 D。 【小题 20】考查祈使句及上下文的呼应。 A. Value重视; B. Miss错过,想念;C. Owe 欠,感激; D. Hold持有,拥有。根据 Its a treasure, and its available to us, always,故选 A。 考点:社会现象类短文。 阅读理解 A butcher watching over his shop was really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside the shop. He went ove

24、r to the dog and noticed it had a note in its mouth. He took the note and it read “Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well.” The butcher looked carefully and was surprised to find that there was really a ten-dollar note there. So he took the money an

25、d put the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dogs mouth. The butcher was so impressed, and since it was about closing time, he decided to shut up shop and follow the dog. So off he went. He followed the dog to a bus stop. The dog stopped and started looking at the timetable. The dog check

26、ed out the time, and then sat on one of the seats provided. Along came a bus. The dog walked around to the front, looked at the number, and went back to its seat. Another bus came. Again the dog went around to the front, looked at the number and climbed on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, followe

27、d it onto the bus. The bus traveled through the town and out into the suburbs. Eventually the dog got up, and moved to the front of the bus. It stood on two back paws and pushed the button to stop the bus. Then it got off with groceries still in its mouth. Well, the dog and the butcher were walking

28、along the road, and then the dog turned into a house. It walked up the path, and dropped the groceries on the step. Then it walked back down the path, took a big run, and threw itself against the door. Then again, it threw himself against it. Theres no answer at the house. so the dog waited at the d

29、oor. The butcher watched as a big guy opened the door, and started shouting at it. The butcher ran up, and stopped the guy. “Why do you shout at the dog It is really a genius.” The guy responded, “You call this clever This is the second time this week that this stupid dogs forgotten its key.” 【小题 1】

30、 Which may be the best title of the passage A A clever dog. B A curious butcher. C A cruel owner. D A second lost key. 【小题 2】 Why was the butcher surprised when he saw the dog A Because there was a note in the dogs mouth. B Because a dog was not supposed to come into his shop alone. C Because the do

31、g was not afraid of being butchered. D Because the dog could read. 【小题 3】 The passage implies that _. A dogs are cleverer than man B dogs are our best friend C the butcher is a cruel person D some people are never satisfied with what they have got 【小题 4】 The dog threw itself against the door, becaus

32、e _. A it wanted to force the door open B it wanted its owner to open the door C it wanted to punish itself for forgetting the key D it wanted to get the butchers help 【小题 5】 Which of the following statements is NOT true A The butcher was curious so he followed the dog. B The dog didnt get on the fi

33、rst bus because it was the wrong number. C To get off the bus, you should let the driver know by pressing the button. D The dog would be driven away by the big guy. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:本文是篇记叙文,讲了一只聪明的狗可以独自为主人买东西,甚至选择正确的公交车回家,主人不但不满足,还因为狗忘记了带钥匙而骂它愚蠢。 【小题 1】标题归纳题。通过全文

34、内容,这只狗可以为主人买东西,甚至选择正确的公交车回家,它是非常聪明的,故选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题。没有主人带着,这只狗自己出现在肉铺里,故选 B。 【小题 3】推理判断题。根据全文内容,这么聪明的狗,它的主人却因为它忘记带钥匙而骂它愚蠢,故选 D。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据 Theres no answer at the house. so the dog waited at the door.The butcher watched as a big guy opened the door, and started shouting at it.故选 B。 【小题 5】推理判断题。文中并没有提到狗会被主人撵走,故选 D。 考点:故事类短文阅读。 答案: 答案: 答案: 书面表达 答案:


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