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1、2013届江西省南昌 10所省重点中学高三第二次模拟突破冲刺英语卷(八)(带解析) 单项选择 * Rosy came in for _coffee and told me _ firecrackers outside kept her awake last night. A a; the B不填 ; the C the; a D a; the 答案: A 试题分析:考查冠词。第一空不可数名词 coffee前面加上数词,表示数量; a coffee=a cup of coffee一杯咖啡;第二空用 the特指外面的 firecrackers; Rosy进来喝了一杯咖啡。告诉我昨天晚上外面的爆竹让

2、他一夜没有睡觉。故 A 正确。 考点:考查冠词 点评:冠词的考查集中在定冠词 the表示特指,不定冠词 a/an表示泛指;以及冠词的一些特殊用法和固定词组,还有一些不使用冠词的情况,如抽象名词,物质名词前面就不要冠词。还要掌握冠词的特殊的用法,如不可数名词变成可数名词;抽象名词具体化等。 Now that Ive finished my exams, Im going to relax and go for a vocation tomorrow. _! Ive still got two finals to take. A How nice B Lucky you C So far,so g

3、ood D Good luck to you 答案: B 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A 太好了; B 你真幸运; C 到目前为止,一切顺利;D祝你好运。句意: 现在我考完了,我要去放松了,明天就去度假了。 你真幸运啊!我还有两次考试呢!根据句意是对对方的羡慕。故 B正确。 考点:考查交际用语 点评:情景交际的考查关键在于理解上下文语境,同时要注意辨析选项的意思,平时多熟记交际用语,尤其是一些与汉语相差较大的表达。做这类试题,要求同学们按照所给的情景,选择最佳问句或答句,完成题目。要想做好这类题目,关键是平时要养成讲英语的良好习惯,努力提高口语水平,熟练掌握日常会话项目中常用的问答语。 _ at

4、 the door before you enter my room, please. A Knock B Knocking C Knocked D To knock 答案: A 试题分析:考查祈 使句。祈使句表示的就是一种语气,如请求,命令,允诺等;句意:在你进入我的房间之前,请敲门。本句中的祈使句表示的是一种请求。故 A正确。 考点:考查祈使句 点评:祈使句和情态动词相似,表示的都是一种语气,命令,允诺等等;另外要注意祈使句的主语通常被省略。 Marry _ as a secretary in this company for twenty years and now she stays

5、at home taking care of her own garden. A has served B had served C has been served D served 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态。本题特别如错选 A项。现在完成时,表示的是过去发生的事情对现在的影响;而一般过去时只表示事情在过去发生,并不表示对现在有什么影响。句意: Mary在这家公司做了 20年的秘书,现在她在家里照顾自己的花园。根据上下文,并没有反应出过去发生的事情对现在的影响,只是陈述过去曾经有过这样的事情。故 D正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别是时态题考查的重点内容,现在完成

6、时表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,或者过去发生的事情延续到现在;而一般过去时只表示过去发生过某件事情,不表示对现在的影响。 _ with care, one paper-bag will last for six weeks. A Use B Using C Used D To use 答案: C 试题分析:考查分词做状语。本题中的动词 use与句子主语 one paper-bag构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式在句中做状语 。句意:用心被使用,一个纸袋可以使用 6个星期的时间。故 C正确。 考点:考查分词做状语 点评:当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,

7、就使用现在分词做状语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。 -Do you mind my opening the window -_I feel a bit cold. A Of course not. B I would rather you didnt. C Go ahead . D Why not 答案: B 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A当然不; B我宁愿你不要那样做; C去做吧! D为什么不?句意: 我打开窗户你介意吗? 我宁愿你不要那样做,我有点感冒。根据句意说

8、明表示的是一种委婉的拒绝,故 B正确。 考点:考查交际用语 点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现。也要把语法和句意相融合在一起,在平时的学习 中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。 - Are you _with doing a lot of homework everyday - Sometimes I am. But as a student , we have to do so at present. A satisfied B encouraged C bored D pl

9、eased 答案: C 试题分析:考查形容词辨析。 A满意的; B鼓舞人心的; C厌倦的; be bored with 对 感到厌倦; D满意的;高兴的;句意: 你对于每天坐如此多的家庭作业厌倦吗? 有时候我会厌倦。但作为学生,我们现在不得不这样做。故C正确。 考点:考查形容词辨析 点评:本题重在理解好句意。对于词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出 - Have you got the results of the fin

10、al exam - Not yet. It will be a few days _ we know the full results, A before B after C until D when 答案: A 试题分析:考查固定句式。本题考查的是固定句式 It be 一段时间 before 一段时间以后某事才发生;要特别注意时态, before引导的是一个时间状语从句,从句中通常使用一般现在时代替将来时,主句使用将来时。句意: 你知道期末考试的结果了吗? 还不知道,几天以后我们才会知道全部的结果。故 A正确。 考点:考查固定句式。 点评:固定句式: It be 一段时间 before 一段

11、时间以后某事才发生;如果before后面使用一般现在时,前面的主语使用将来时;如果 before后面使用一般过去时,前面也使用一般过去时; Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept the true facts until they reached the present critical stage. A in view of B in honor of C in place of D in ignorance of 答案: D 试题分析:考查介词短语辨析。 A鉴于 ; B为了纪念 ; C代替; D不知道;句意:一

12、些成员要求知道为什么直到如此严重的时候对于真相他们还是一无所知。根据句意说明 D正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析 点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解。 How much did the guy _ you to fix your bicycle - I dont remember,but it was quite a lot. A cost B spend C charge D take 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词用法辨析。 Cost sb some mo

13、ney花费某人 钱; sb spend some money on sth某人在 花 钱; charge sb some money to do sth/for sth因为某物某人要 钱; it takes sb some money to do sth做某事花费某人 钱;句意:帮你修理自行车 ,那个家伙想你要了多少钱? 我记不得了。但那是一大笔钱。根据句意说明是对 charge sb some money to do sth/for sth因为某物某人要 钱;的提问。故 C正确。 考点:考查动词用法辨析 点评:固定短语的考查是高考中的重点内容,在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时

14、只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。 This program can give you a lift at work, _ increase your income by 50%. A as long as B as well as C so much as D as soon as 答案: B 试题分析:考查 asas 固定搭配。 As long as 只要; as well as 和,同,也,并;so much as多达 ( 用语否定句和疑问句 ); as so

15、on as一 就 ;句意:这个计划那个给你的工作一个很大的提升,也能够增加你百分之 50的收入。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:考查固定搭配 点评: as的固定搭配一直都是考查的重点内容,固定搭配是学习语言的重要环节。要掌握好英语 ,记忆相当数量的词组是必不可少的。英语中的每一个词组 ,不仅表达一定的概念 ,具有一定的词汇意义 ,而且在语音、拼法、语法等方面都有自己的特点。在学生学习英语的过程中,单词、词组记忆是基础。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案:。 Nowadays food safety

16、 is a big problem and nobody can guarantee all foods are safe to us, but food produced in the normal companies is _ better. A strictly B absolutely C relatively D exactly 答案: C 试题分析:考查副词辨析。 A秘密地; B绝对地;相对,相当; D确切地;句意:现在食品安全是一个大问题,没有人能保证所有的食物都是安全的,但是在正规的公司里生产的食物相对较好。根据句意说明 C正确。 考点:考查副词辨析 点评:把相似、相近的词语或

17、结构放在一起作为干扰选项,若我们基础知识掌握不牢就难于区分。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项副词的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案:。 Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from _ their parents speak at home. A what B that C which D one 答案: A 试题分析:考查宾语从句。本题中的 what引导的是一个宾语从句 what their parents spe

18、ak at home作为介词 from的宾语, what在句中作为动词 speak的宾语。句意:一些孩子想要挑战自己去学一种与父母在家里所讲的不一样的语言。One不能引导宾语从句, that不能在宾语从句中做成分; which是指特定范围之内的某一个。故 A正确。 考点:考查宾语从句 点评:宾语从句属于名词性从句一种,名词性从句分为主语、宾语、表语、同位语从句四种,除宾语从句外,同 位语从句和定语从句的区别是高考常考点。宾语从句中的连接词 that, whether, if在句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用;连接代词 who(ever), which(ever), whom(ever),who

19、se(ever),what(ever)在句中做主语,宾语,表语和定语;连接副词 when, why, where, how,在句中做状语。应从上下句的句法关系着手分析,切不可 望句形生答案: 总的来说,考生在解答此类题型时,可用排除法,造句法或者还原法,造句法就是仿造原句的语法功能仿造出一个易懂易理解的 句子,帮助判断。 Amazing! You _come to the party in such a fancy dress. _ Dot you know its a fashion A must B will C could D should 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。 A必

20、须;一定; C将;会; C能够; D应该;竟然;句意: 真是令人惊讶,你竟然穿着这样奇怪的衣服来参加聚会。 难度你不知道这是时尚吗?根据句意说明 D正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法 点评:在平时的学习中既要注意情态动词的基本含义,也要注意情态动词的特殊意义,如 must偏偏,非得; should竟然; mustnt禁止,千万不能;等等。情态动词 Shall用于所有人称,表示命令,警告,允诺;以及法律规定中要做的事情。 Little Tom went to the stadium in a hurry, only _ the game had been put off. A Being infor

21、med B informed C to be informed D to informed 答案: C 试题分析:考查不定式做结果状语。不定式做结果状语表示的是意料之外的结果;现在分词表示的意料之中的结果;句意:小 Tom匆忙去了体育馆,结果被告知比赛已经被推迟了。根据句意说明使用被动语态的形式。故 C正确。 考点:考查不定式做结果状语 点评:分词做状语是非常重要的考点,不定式做结果状语表示的是意料之外的结果;现在分词表示的意料之中的结果;另外还要根据句意选择合适的语态。 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) Another persons enthusiasm

22、was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother. I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father _36_ me to her with these words: “ I would like you to meet the fellow who is -_37_ for being the worst boy in this country and will p

23、robably start throwing rocks at you no _38_ than tomorrow morning.” My stepmother walked over to me, _39_ my head slightly upward, and looked me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, “You are _40_. This is not the worst boy at all, _41_ the smartest one who hasnt yet found an o

24、utlet(释放的途径 ) for his enthusiasm. That statement began a(n) _42_ between us. No one had ever called me smart. My family and neighbors had built me up in my _43_ as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that. She changed many things. She _44_ my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated

25、 with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my fathers career could be more _45_ and my brother and I could be better _46_. When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand _47_ and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, I _48_ it, and I s

26、aw how it had improved our lives. I accepted her _49_ and began to write for local newspapers. I was doing the same kind of _ 50_ that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my lifes work later. I wasnt the _51_ beneficiary (受益者 ). My father became the _52_

27、man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president. What power _53_ has! When that power is released to support the certainty of ones purpose and is _54_ strengthened by faith, it becomes an irresistible(不可抗拒的 ) force which poverty and temporary

28、 defeat can never _55_ . You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it. This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm. 【小题1】 A rushed B sent C carried D introduced A distinguished B favored C mistaken D rewarded A sooner B later C longer D earlier A dragged B shook C rai

29、sed D bent A perfect B right C wrong D impolite A but B so C and D or A agreement B friendship C gap D relationship A opinion B image C expectation D mind A begged B persuaded C ordered D invited A successful B meaningful C helpful D useful A treated B entertained C educated D respected A camera B r

30、adio C bicycle D typewriter A considered B suspected C ignored D appreciated A belief B request C criticism D description A teaching B writing C studying D reading A next B same C only D real A cleverest B wealthiest C strongest D healthiest A enthusiasm B sympathy C fortune D confidence A deliberat

31、ely B happily C traditionally D constantly A win B reach C match D doubt 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:本文讲述了一个继母对作者的肯定,从而激发了孩子心中的对

32、成功的渴望,继母心中的热情,终于促使作者成功了。 【小题 1】 D 动词辨析。 A冲 B送 C携带 D介绍;爸爸把我介绍给了她 【小题 2】 A 动词辨析。 A显眼,突出; B支持 C错当 D奖励;因为是最坏的孩子而著名 【小题 3】 B 固定搭配; no later than 表示不迟于 【小题 4】 C 动词辨析。 A拖拉 B摇动 C抬起 D弯曲;表示微微地抬了一下我的头 【小题 5】 C 形容词辨析。 A完美 B正确 C错误 D不礼貌;你错了 【小题 6】 A 上下文串联。 前面有 not 后面用 but,不是最坏的而是最聪明的 【小题 7】 B 名词辨析 A协议 B友谊 C沟 D关系。

33、这句话开始了我们之间的友谊,用友谊说明关系的亲密 【小题 8】 D名词辨析。 A观点 B形象 C期待 D思维;在我心目中我一直是一个坏男孩 【小题 9】 B动词辨析。 A乞求 B说服 C命令 D邀请;继母把我父亲说服了去上一个牙科学校 【小题 10】 A形容词辨析。 A成功 B有意义 C乐于助人的 D有用的。在那儿我父亲的事业将更加成功 【小题 11】 C动词辨析。 A治疗 B娱乐 C教育 D尊敬;而在那,我们弟兄们可以得到更好的教育 【小题 12】 D名词辨析。 A相机 B收音机 C自行车 D打字机;给我买了二手的打字机,让我开始写作 【小题 13】 D 动词辨析。 A考虑 B怀疑 C忽视

34、D感激;我非常感激她的热心 【小题 14】 A名词辨析。 A信念 B请求 C批评 D描述;我接受了她的信念 【小题 15】 B名词辨析。 A教育 B写作 C学习 D阅读;我从事的写作,因此用writing 【小题 16】 C 形容词辨析。 A下一个 B同样的 C唯一 D真的;我不是唯一的受益者 【小题 17】 B形容词辨析。 A最聪明的 B最富有的 C最强壮的 D最健康的。我爸爸成了我们镇上最富裕的人 . 【小题 18】 A名词辨析。 A热情 B同情 C财富 D信心;热情有 着多强大的力量呀 【小题 19】 D 副词辨析。 A故意 B开心 C传统 D不断地;不断得到增强 【小题 20】 B动词

35、辨析。 A赢得 B达到 C匹配 D怀疑;这种力量是贫穷和暂时的挫折所不能相比的 考点:考查情感类完型填空 点评:本文讲述了一个继母对作者的肯定,从而激发了孩子心中的对成功的渴望,继母心中的热情,终于促使作者成功了。这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及 推理判断能力。阅读这类材料时,同学们一定要根据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时抓住每一个细节,设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象,即使是碰到深层理解题也可迎刃而

36、解。 阅读理解 Most of the time, we choose colors for decorating based on our personal taste and our sense of aesthetics (审美学 ). But, a number of color experts believe that colors have an effect on our emotions and that it would be wise of us to be conscious of that before settling on a definite choice. So

37、me of the effects of colors are well known and accepted by most people. In fact, those effects have been the subject of serious research and experiments and have been scientifically proven. But not all scientists agree on the validity (正确性 ) of the results. When we become interested in the psycholog

38、ical effects of colors, it is important to know that not all societies share our opinion of those effects on our emotions. What we hold as an objective observation on a color is often nothing more than a reflection of our cultural belongingness, which has attributed properties to that color for gene

39、rations. Why is it not possible for us to hold a really objective discourse(论述 )on the subject In part, because it is very difficult to separate the psychological from the symbolic, the symbolic aspects are definitely cultural. Often, and this without our realizing it, they influence our understandi

40、ng of colors and the following emotions - both psychological aspects. Black and white are good examples. In western countries, black is considered serious, dramatic and sometimes sad. People are warned against its potentially depressing effects on decoration. Black is the traditional color of mourni

41、ng. White, on the other hand, is associated with purity, peace and optimism. For those reasons, white is the traditional color of bridal dresses. No one would think of attending a funeral in white. Any more than it would occur to a bride to wear black. We simply remain convinced that it is not in th

42、e nature of those colors. Yet, in certain oriental countries, it is white, not black that is the color of mourning. That having been said, there is some “overlapping” in the properties different cultures attribute to certain colors. For example, Feng Shui, the traditional Chinese philosophy that dis

43、tinguishes between good and evil influences explains colors much in the same way as the majority of western color specialists. Is that to say that colors have real natural properties which all humans perceive(感知 ) in the same way or is the phenomenon an example of the cross-influences that affect th

44、e thinking of cultures brought closer to one another by a certain Venetian(威尼斯人 ) called Marco Polo It is difficult to say. But, be that as it may, colors do affect us. And if you feel emotions for a certain color, note them and remember them. You may even wish to consider them next time you are pla

45、nning to decorate. The decision is yours! 【小题 1】 Most of the time, we ignore _ when choosing colors for decoration. A personal taste B our aesthetics C cultural effects D psychological effects 【小题 2】 Why is it not possible for us to hold a really objective discourse on the subject A Because it is of

46、ten nothing more than a reflection of our cultural belongingness. B Because the colors have the properties for generations. C Because it is difficult to separate the psychological from the cultural. D Because the symbolic aspects influence our perception of colors. 【小题 3】 The italicized word “overla

47、pping” is paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to_ A difference B conflict C sameness D agreement 【小题 4】 In western countries, white is _. A preferred by bridals B used in a funerals sometimes C depressing in decoration D pure in its nature 【小题 5】 According to the author, which of the following stateme

48、nts is certain A Different cultures can have the same properties of colors. B If you feel emotions for a color, note them and remember them. C All humans perceive colors natural properties in the same way. D Marco Polo disclosed the psychological effects of colors. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:本文讨论的是在不同的文化中对于颜色的理解有很多相同的地方,并做了具体的分析。 【小题 1】 D 推理题。根据文章第一段 M


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