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1、2013届辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期期中考试英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * My neighbor is very kind. Ill never forget the _ shes done for me. A actions B favors C deeds D Help 答案: B 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -我的邻居,人实在太好了。我永远会记得她给予我的帮助 A.action:行动;活动;功能 常构成句型 take action to do sth. B.favors:帮忙;帮助 常构成句型 do sb a favor/do sb favors 帮助某人;此题就是以定语从句的形式考察

2、该句型 C.deeds:行动,行为,功绩如: good deeds 善行 evil deeds恶行 D.help:帮助,帮忙 常构成句型 give/lend sb a help帮助某人 考点:对名词短语进行考察 点评:此题属名词词义和固定短语考察。主要考察考生对名词词义和固定短语的掌握程度和熟练情况,做此类型题,考生应该将选择枝做出对比,按关联性原则将选项归类,以此题为例, A,C为 1类 B, D为 2类,在 2类中找 出单词之间词义的差别(可根据具体语境和常用搭配),进而帮助考生缩小选择范围,推出正确答案:。 The party will start at 7:00 sharp. Come

3、 earlier! _. Thanks for your mention. A Good idea B I will C I think so D Youre right 答案: B 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -舞会于七点整开始。来早一点哦! -我会的。谢谢邀请 A. Good idea 好主意对他人的建议或主意 表示赞同 B. I will 对别人的邀请或嘱托等进一步回答 ,表示自己的意愿和决心等。 C. I think so 对他人建议或主意或观点的认同 D. Youre right 功能同 C一致 考点:对情景对话进行考察 点评:此题我主要考察考生对 -的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类

4、题型,可用排除法,将明显错误的选项排除。当然,也可用替换法,按原文重新造句,据此可根据礼貌性原则,习惯用语原则等做出正确回答 The place he suggested to us _ the meeting is a five-star hotel. A holding B to hold C hold D should hold 答案: B 试题分析: 句意为: -他向我们推荐举行会议的地点是一家五星级酒店 Suggest可做表明和建议讲,做表明讲,如 her pale face suggested she was ill.不用于虚拟语气。 做建议讲,一: suggest sb/ones

5、 doing sth 或者 suggest (doing) sth to sb 向某人推荐或建议什么 二:后接从句(需接虚拟语气)如: he suggested that we set out early the next day 还原思想: he suggested the place to us to hold 不受语言形式迷惑 考点:对 suggest进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对句子结构分析的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类题型,可用还原思想,将原句重新写一遍,答案:就跃然纸上。复习时,注重知识和技能的双重训练。 We expect Mr. Drew will _ Class Two

6、when Miss Syme retires. A take over B take up C take off D take to 答案: A 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -我们希望在 Syme老师退休后 Drew老师继续接管二班 A. take over 接管,接替 B. take up拿起,抱起,占据 C. take off脱去,离开,腾飞 D. take to 喜欢,习惯于 考点:对动词短语进行考察 点评:此题我主要考察考生对 take短语的掌握程度和熟练情况。对此类动词短语(同一动词 +不同的介词 /副词),应以介词和副词取意,复习时 ,注重对动词短语的积累和练习。 I phone

7、d you at 9 this morning but got no answer. I am sorry. I _ the bell. I _ in the garden. A didnt have heard, must have been B didnt have heard, must be C didnt hear, must have been D didnt hear, must be 答案: C 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -今天早上九点我给打了个电话不过没人答复 -很抱歉。没有听见电话声。我那时一定在花园吧 一般过去时:简单陈述一件过去发生的事,强调事件本身。 Must h

8、ave done 是must对过去事件的肯定推测,这个事件肯定发生了,所以用完成时。结合语境可知,选 C. 考点:对动词时态和语态进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对时态和 must表推测的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类型题,应从时态本身代表的含义出发,平时复习应以理解为主,记忆为辅。 Its a shame _ able to give them any advice. A not to have been B to have not been C to have been not D to not have been 答案: A 试题分析: 句意为:很遗憾,未能给他们任何建议 从语气上看,此题

9、属于虚拟语气。动词不定式的否定形式在其前加 not,可排除B,C,D 考点:对动词不定式的否定形式进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对动词不定式的掌握程度和熟练情况。考生在进行复习时,应特别注意此类知识点的活学活用。 They _ so tired if they _ for a whole day. A wouldnt feel, didnt walk B wouldnt feel, werent walking C wouldnt be feeling, werent walking D wouldnt be feeling, hadnt been walking 答案: D 试题分析:情景

10、对话 句意为:如果他们不走一整天,他们就不会感到累 If引导的虚拟语气,从此题可判断为对过去事件的虚拟,故从句的时态应用过去完成进行时,主句用 would+动词原形 考点:对虚拟语气考察 点评:此题我主要考察考生对 if引导的虚拟语气的掌握程度和熟练情况。考生在复习时,应对虚拟语气进行强化记忆,形成正确的语感。 Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre _ the curtain went up. A then B before C when D then 答案: C 试题分析: 句意为: -他们在剧院

11、一坐下,幕布就升起了。 A .then,在那时 B. before,在 -之前 C .when,固定搭配: Scarcely had+完成时 when+一般过去时:一 -就 =no sooner -than D. then在那时 考点:对固定搭配进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对固定搭配的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类题型,可用排除法,将明显错误的选项排除。当然,也可用替换法,按原文重新造句,据此可根据礼貌性原则,习惯用语原则等做出正确回答 What you told me the other day is really true,_ A isnt it B isnt what C didnt

12、you D wasnt it 答案: A 试题分析:句意为:前些天你给我说的都是千真万确,是吗? 附加疑问句(反义疑问句)由一个完整句子 +保留主语和谓语的不完整句子充当。通常的规律是,前肯后否,前否后肯。所谓肯就是肯定句,否就是否定句。结合前句时态,可排除 C/D。 What you told me在句中作主语,利用整体分析和替换法,用 it替换,推出 A 考 点:对代词和附加疑问句进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对附加疑问句和代词 it的掌握程度和熟练情况。作答此类题型,可用排除法,将明显错误的选项排除。用整体思维和替换思维,讲主语(一个从句)看成一个单词,可用 it替换。养成做题的良好思

13、维习惯。 The happiest of people dont _ have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. A simple B necessarily C actually D normally 答案: B 试题分析:句意为:最幸福的人并非一定需要拥有世界上最好的东西,而是那些能够最大限度利用身边资源的人 A. simple:简单的,朴素的为形容词,此题需用副词 B. necessarily:必需的,必要地从词义上看,符合题意。 C. act

14、ually:实际上,事实上相当于 in fact ,常做评论性状语 D. normally:通常,正常地相当于 usually 考点:对副词词义进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对副词词 义的掌握程度和熟练情况,做此类型题,考生应该将选择枝做出对比,按关联性原则将选项归类, A为一类, B,C,D为一类。排除一类,再将另一类细分(通过词义等),缩小范围,方能破解。 Chinas population is expected to increase to about 1.5 billion in 2040, _ it will start to decline slowly. A where B

15、which C after which D on which 答案: C 试题分析:情景对话 句意为:中国的人口有望在 2014年增长到 15亿左右。此后,人口增长速度将会减慢 定语从句可分为限制性和非限制性定语从句。此题显然属于非限制性定语从句,关系词的选择就成为关键。介词 +which或 whom=关系副词 从功能上将, A,C,D归为一类, B为第二类。又从句中缺状语,故排除 B选项。讲第一类细分, C和 D在功能上一致,相当于 when,不过意义上有区别。 B选项充当地点状语。根据句意,可排除 B。 C和 D的区别在介词上,确定介词的方式就是和前面的名词(现行词)进行搭配。以此题为例,

16、 after which 在 2040之后, on which 在2040这一年,显然 C符合题意 考点:对定语从句的关系词进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对定语从句关系词的掌握程度和熟练情况,此类型题,考生应该将选择枝做出对比,按关联性原则将选项归类,详见。 I have visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _ this one. A makes B beats C compares D Matches 答案: D 试题分析:情景对话 句意为:我到

17、过很多地方,住过很多旅馆。不过,没有一家旅馆可以与这家旅馆匹敌(这家旅馆最好) A. make;制造,做,获得等意 B. beat;跳动,将 -打败。做将 -打败意时,主语通常为人或由人构成的团队,如: our football team beat his yesterday C .compare;与 -比较,把 -比作。主动语态中,主语通常由人充当, I compare you as the summer flower D .match;与 -匹敌,与 -较量。主语由物或人充当,如: no one can match him in English/none of the other hote

18、ls can match this one.据此,选 D 考点:对动词词义和动词用法进行考察 点评:此题主要考察考生对动词词义和用法的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类题型,可用排除法,将明显错误的选项排除。当然,也可用代入法和替换法,讲 them换成 hotels, this one换成 this hotel,再结合前句可推出答案: Why does the lake s mell terrible Because large quantities of water_. A have polluted B is being polluted C has been polluted D have b

19、een polluted 答案: C 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -这片湖闻着咋这么难闻呢? -因为大片的水都被污染了 从语态上讲,动词有主动和被动之分;如果主语和谓语动词之间是主动关系,则为主动语态,反之,则为被动语态。根据答语,主语为 water,谓语为 pollute,显然为被动关系,可排除 A.从时态角度讲,此题涉及进行时和完成时,根据答语可知,水被污染这件事造成了湖被污染,产生了影响,这是现在完成时的用法。据此,可排除 B.从主语和谓语一致关系看,通常情况下,不可数名词后跟单数谓语,不过前面有 large quantities of修饰时,谓语需要复数形式,推出答案: D 考点:对

20、动词的时态和语态 ,主谓一致进行考察 点评:此题属于较难语法题。主要考察考生对动词时态和语态和主谓一致的掌握程度和熟练情况,作答此类题型,可用排除法,将明显错误的选项排除。 We h ad _ really damp October this year. I cant remember _ autumn when it rained so much. A a; 不填 B不填 ; the C the; an D a; an 答案: D 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -今年的十月气候非常潮湿 -我现在都记不起来一个雨量如此充足的秋天 定冠词 a/an和不定冠词 the的主要用法。通常情况下,在星期

21、,月份,球类名词,一日三餐等不加冠词(也就是零冠词),不过前提是这类名词前 无任何修饰和限定词,如: play football, eat lunch, on Sunday等。如果这类名词前后有修饰成分存在,则可加冠词。如: a wonderful summer ,a cool Sunday, a delicious lunch等,同样此题一样是属于该情况, a( damp )October 或 an autumn (when it rained so much.),中心词前后都有修饰成分,故选 D 考点:对冠词进行考察 点评:此题属于冠词的特殊考察。主要考察考生对冠词的掌握程度和熟练情况,作

22、答此类题型,可用联想法。冠词的用法有其规则,但是任何规则都有例外,所以在作答此类题目时,首先联想规则以及规则成立的前提,然后联想规则之外的特殊情况。 If you find yourself _ no one will help you, please call me. A where B when C which D what 答案: 试题分析:情景对话 句意为: -如果当你发现身边没有人能帮助你的时候,随时给我打电话 A. where:在 -地方,可做从属连词,引导地点状语从句 B. when:当 -时侯,可做从属连词,引导时间状语从句,结合句意,符合题意。 C. which:不定代词哪一

23、个,可在定语从句中做关系代词 D. what:疑问代词什么多少,可引导名词性从句 考点:对从属连词的考察 点评:此题属于连词考查题。主要考察考生对从属连词的掌握程度和熟练情况。此类型题,考生应该将选择枝做出对比,按关联性原则将选项归类,以此题为例, A,B为 1类 C, D为 2类,在 1类中找出连词词义和用法的差别(可根据具体语境和常用搭配),进而帮助考生缩小选择范围,推出正确答案:。 完型填空 My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 36 job, so I ha

24、d a very cynical (愤世嫉俗的 ) view of life and the world around me. I saw no point in trying to 37 my life or the lives of the people around me. Two years ago my wife 38 me to return to school and work toward a career where I would find satisfaction. So I entered Long Beach City College to pursue a 39 i

25、n history. Last term I took a political science class. The 40 Dr. Rock had such a great effect on me. He 41 in the Air Force, worked in the U.S. nuclear program and served in the White House. When I asked another instructor 42 someone who was so overqualified(资历过高的) worked at a small community colle

26、ge, she 43 told me because he wanted to. This 44 me, so I asked Dr. Rock himself why he did not pursue a better role in his career. What he told me has changed my 45 forever. He told me that by working at the college he would be able to 46 the kinds of students he believed would make a 47 in the wor

27、ld. He said that 48 the right motivation and support, the students he taught could become the future leaders of our country. He said that he preferred the inner city 49 because the students there showed the 50 promise and cared deeply for their education. Dr. Rock paid attention to the needs of the

28、community. He taught me how to care and 51 us to take part in our community in any way we 52 . I thought that I was the 53 one that was affected by his lessons, but at the end of the term I found that the entire class had felt the same 54 that came over me. Dr. Rock taught us how to 55 our country,

29、our community and ourselves. 【A unfamiliar B impatient C unsatisfying D Irregular 小题1】 A better B feel C respect D Taste A informed B suggested C ordered D Convinced A reward B degree C success D Career A headmaster B instructor C officer D Classmate A served B played C assisted D Succeeded A where

30、B how C why D Whether A angrily B hurriedly C simply D Nervously A frightened B interested C worried D Troubled A feeling B spirit C family D Life A remember B calm C watch D Reach A difference B decision C promise D Choice A beyond B through C with D For A college B environment C education D Backgr

31、ound A strongest B usual C deepest D Most A forced B encouraged C warned D Invited A had B did C should D Could A few B just C only D First A time B pressure C change D Reaction A care about B make for C turn to D appeal to 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 C

32、【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 A 试题分析: 【小题 1】 3C 形容词词义的辨析 A. unfamiliar 不熟悉的,陌生的 B. impatient没有耐心的,急躁的 C. unsatisfying 不满意的 D. Irregular 没有规律的上下文可知,作者做着不满意的工作 【小题 2】 .A动词词义辨析,对一词多义的考察 A. better改善,提高 B. feel 触摸,感觉 C

33、. respect 尊重,敬佩 D. Taste味道鉴赏力 可知:作者不想改善自己的生活 【小题 3】 D动词词义和固定搭配 A. informed 通知 - B. suggested 暗示,建议后跟 ing C. ordered命令 D. Convinced使 -确信,说服 - A,C,D可接动词不定式可知:是妻子说服作者重返学校 【小题 4】 B A. reward报酬,报答 B. degree度数,学位 C. success 成功,成就 D. Career就业,职业 pursue a degree in history 在历史学方面取得学位 【小题 5】 B名词词义辨析 A. headm

34、aster校长 B. instructor指导者,教师 C. officer 军官 D. Classmate同学 显然, Dr. Rock是作者的导师,指导者 【小题 6】 A名词词义辨析 A. served为 服务,任 -职 B. played 扮演,演出 C. assisted协助,促进 D. Succeeded成功,完成 serve in the air force在空军服役 【小题 7】 C副词词义 的考察 A. where 在哪里 B. how如何 C. why为什么 D. Whether是否 可知:作者问另一位导师为什么这么一位资历高的人会在一个不大的社区大学工作呢 【小题 8】

35、C副词词义辨析 A. angrily生气地 B. hurriedly匆忙地 C. simply简单地 D. Nervously紧张地 原句:他简单地(只是)告诉我 【小题 9】 B动词词义辨析 A. frightened 惊吓 B. interested使 -感兴趣 C. worried对 -感到担忧 D. Troubled担忧的,受困 扰的 原句:这让作者非常的感兴趣,一探究竟 【小题 10】 D名词词义辨析 A. feeling感觉,感触 B. spirit精神,心灵 C. family 家庭,家族 D. Life生命,生活 原句:指导老师的一番话让作者改变了今后的生活态度 【小题 11】

36、 D动词词义辨析 A. remember记起 B. calm使镇定 C. watch观 D. Reach到达,可引申为接触到 原句:导师说在大学工作可能会让他接触到在各领域有所作为的学生们 【小题 12】 A名词词义和固定搭配 A. difference 差别,纷争 B. decision决定 C. promise承诺 D. Choice选择 原句: make a difference 有所作为 【小题 13】 C 介词词义辨析 A. beyond 超然 -之上 B. through经历着,度过 C. with 带有 -D. For为了 - 原句:带着这份冲劲 【小题 14】 A名词词义辨析

37、A. college大学 B. environment环境 C. education教育 D. Background背景 原句:他更偏爱内地的城市大学 【小题 15】 D形容词词义辨析 A. strongest 最强的 B. usual平常的 C. deepest最深的 D. Most最多的,最大的 原句:那儿的学生最有前途 【小题 16】 B动词词义辨析 A. forced强迫 B. encouraged 鼓励 C. warned 警告 D. Invited邀请 原句为:鼓励我们尽可能去参加社区活动 【小题 17】 D助动词和情态动词考察 原句:可相当于 as could as we can

38、 尽可能去参加 【小题 18】 C形容词词义和固定搭配 A. few 不多的,少数的 B. just 正好,恰恰 C. only 唯一的,才 D. First第一的,首先地原句:我是唯一一个被他上的课深深影响的人 【小题 19】 C 名词词义辨析 A. time时间 B. pressure压力 C. change 改变,变化 D. Reaction反应,回应 原句:期末,全班都感受到了我身上发生的变化 【小题 20】 A动词短语词义辨析 A. care about 关心,在乎 B. make for弥补 C. turn to求助于,把 变成 D. appeal to向 呼吁,向 -请求,对 有

39、吸引力 原句:指导师教会作者去热爱自己的国家,去关心自己的团体,爱惜 我们自己。 考点:作者的经历,谈了自己思想上和生活态度上变化的全过程。 点评:对于此类完型,要把作者幻想成自己,自己就是文章中的主人公,再把自己的情感放在整个文章中,去切身感受情感的变化,同时注意上下文串联以及词性的辨析和搭配 阅读理解 A George had stolen some money, but the police had caught him and he had been put in prison. Now his trial was about to begin, and he felt sure th

40、at he would be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time. Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trial. Of course, he did not tell anybody, but he managed to see his friend secretly one day. He said to him, Jim, I know that the jury will find me

41、guilty of having stolen the money. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking it that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong recommendation for mercy to their statement that they con

42、sider me guilty. “Well, George,”answered Jim. “I shall certainly try to do what I can for you as an old friend, but of course I cannot promise anything. The other eleven people on the jury look terribly strong-minded to me.” George said that he would quite understand if Jim was not able to do anythi

43、ng for him, and thanked him warmly for agreeing to help. The trial went on, and at last the time came for the jury to decide whether George was guilty or not. It took them five hours, but in the end they found George guilty, with a strong recommendation for mercy. Of course, George was very pleased,

44、 but he did not have a chance to see Jim for some time after the trial. At last, however, Jim visited him in prison, and George thanked him warmly and asked him how he had managed to persuade the other members of the jury to recommend mercy. Well, George, Jim answered, as I thought, those eleven men

45、 were very difficult to persuade, but I managed it in the end by tiring them out. Do you know, those fools had all wanted to find you not guilty! 【小题 1】 56. We are told that George expected Jim to help _. A prove him innocent B him turn over a new leaf C lighten his punishment D him escape from pris

46、on 【小题 2】 57. Which of the following is true about Jim A He covered up Georges guilt. B He persuaded the jury to set George free. C He told the jury that George was indeed guilty. D He recommended severe punishment to give George a lesson. 【小题 3】 58. The passage suggests that _. A it was due to Jim

47、that George was found guilty B Jim did not do exactly what George asked him to do C Jim asked his colleagues to recommend mercy D Jim persuaded the jury to lighten Georges punishment 【小题 4】 59. The title for this passage is _. A Illegal or Not B Guilty or Not C Merciful or Not D Answerable or Not 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 试题分析: 【小题 1】细节判断题题干:我们告知乔治希望吉姆帮助 _ 选 C(为他开罪减刑) 判断依据:第二段最后一句 add a strong recommendation for mercy(同义句) 。对于细节题。应该确定答案:出现的区域,进而从段位和段首往中间查找,缩小答案:区域。最后进行句意转换,通常在原文以原句或同义句形式出现。此题的答案:在原文中以同义句形式出现。 【小题 2】正误判断题题干:下选项中关于吉姆的叙述哪一个是正确的 选 C(他说服陪审团说乔治的确是无罪的


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