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1、2013届黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高三第三次阶段英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * I cant help you _ much for your help A very B that C too D so 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定搭配。固定搭配: Cant与 too连用表示 “再 也不为过 ”;句意:对于你的帮助我再怎么帮助你也不为过。故 C正确。 考点:考查固定搭配 点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。

2、-So you missed the lecture given by Professor Smith -_ I got there 30 minutes before it finished A Not exactly B Not really C Not a little D Not at all 答案: A 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A不完全如此; B不是这样; C非常; D一点也不;句意: 那么你就错过了 Smith教授的演讲了。 不完全如此。我是在它的演讲结束前 30分钟到的。说明他还是听到了部分的演讲。故 A正确。 考点:考查交际用语 点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑

3、关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现。如:在面对对方的赞扬的时候,应该使用 Thanks.等等。也要把语法和句意相融合在一起 ,在平时的学习中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。 The time of the last term , _full use of _the college entrance examination , will be very important to every senior three student A when made ; preparing for B if made; to prep

4、are for C that made; to prepare for D whether is made; preparing for 答案: B 试题分析:考查状语从句的省略和不定式做目的状语的用法。在状语从句中,如果状语从句的主语和主句一致,且状语从句中有 be动词,可以把状语从句的主语和 be动词一起省略。本句的第二空不定式是在句中做目的状语。故 B正确。 考点:考查状语从句的省略 点评:在状语从句中,如果状语从句的主语和主句一致,且状语从句中有 be动词,可以把状语从句的主语和 be动词一起省略。 _ in a branch of the tree _ a note which re

5、ad Ill meet you at the School Gate A Sticking; was there B Stick; was there C To stick; was D Stuck; was 答案: D 试题分析:考查倒装句。本题中有一个固定词组 be stuck in 粘在 上。本题是把表语部分提前,表示强调,后面形成完全倒装的形式。句意:粘在树枝上的是一张纸条,上面写着我在校门口等你。故 D正确。 考点:考查倒装句 点评:完全倒装: 1.由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词 here, there和时间副词 now, then 开头,后面的动词是 be, come

6、, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句。 eg :Up climbed the boy when his mother came. 2.表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词且主语是名词时使用完全倒装 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. 轰炸机肚底下窜出一枚导弹。 注意: 在 here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词时用完全倒装句,但当主语是代词时,就要用部分倒装句。 例: Here comes the post

7、man!(邮递员终于来了!注意实意谓语动词位于主语之前。) Here we are.(我们到了。注意系动词位于主语代词之后。) Mother asked the youngest kid _with his toy car A what the matter was B what was the matter C what the matter is D what is the matter 答案: B 试题分析:考查名词性从句的语序问题。在所有的名词性从句中,都要使用陈述语序,在该结构: what is the matter 中主语就是 what,表语即为 the matter。故变成陈述句

8、时,仍然为该语序。 考点:考查名词性从句 点评:任何一个名词性从句都使用陈述语序,所以要分析句子的主语,谓语和宾语。正确使用语序。 Global Health officials have been closely monitoring a new virus related to SARS that is believed _ at least one person in Saudi Arabia A to kill B to be killing C to have killed D kill 答案: C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词中不定式用法。本题考查了 believe的固定搭配, be

9、believed to do sth,如果不定式的动作是已经完成的动作,就是还有完成时 to have done;如果是被动关系就使用被动式 to be done。句意:世界健康官员一直都在监视一种新型的与 SARS有关的病毒,这种病毒据说已经杀死了至少一个人。故该句表示的是已经完成的动作,故 C正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词中不定式用法 点评:本题重在理解非谓语动词的用法,非谓语动词是高考语法点的重中之重。把握好以下的知识: to do 表目的、将来; doing 表主动、伴随; done表被动、完成。同时答题步骤为: 1.判断是否为非谓语动词,看是否有连词。 2.找逻辑主语。 3.判断逻辑主

10、语与非谓语动词的关系。 4.看是否 非谓语动词动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,如果是之前,就用完成式的形式。 _ the misunderstanding removed, the two old friends _ happily A As, took up B Because, put up C Although, brought up D With, made up 答案: D 试题分析:考查 with的复合结构和固定词组。第一空是 with的复合结构,因为misunderstanding与 remove 是被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式。 Take up 占据,从事于,开始做; put u

11、p 张贴,留宿; bring up抚养,抚育; make up化妆,和好,编造,弥补,组成;句意:因为误会解除了,这两个朋友和好在一起了。故 D正确。 考点:考查 with的复合结构和固定词组。 点评: with的复合结构为: with+宾语 +宾语补足语;宾语补足语可以是名词,代词,形容词,副词,现在分词,过去分词,也可以是不定式。对宾语的情况进行补充说明。当做宾语补足语的动词与宾语构成被动关系的时候,使用过去分词的形式;当二者构成主动关系 的时候,使用现在分词的形式。要注意 With的复合结构经常与独立主格结构转换使用。 动词的短语辨析要根据上下文的语境进行,要把短语的意思和句意相结合。同

12、时也要注意一个短语多种意义的现象,如 pick up 捡起;用车接;无意中学会;接受信号;康复。恢复;染上 ;在平时的学习中要把同种类型的短语放在一起比较,如同一个动词 +不同的介词 /副词;同一个介词 /副词 +不同的动词。诸如此类的固定短语,属于最基本的知识,如果学生有错误,则应该加强背诵并平时多解题,进而加以巩固 As for Latin America generally, theres no reason why, _resources available, it cant become a highly industrialized area A in honor of B in

13、favor of C in terms of D in charge of 答案: C 试题分析:考查介词短语辨析。 A纪念 B支持 C就 而言; D负责;句意:对于拉丁美洲来说,就所有的资源来说,它不可能成为高度工业化的地区。根据句意说明 C正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析 点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解 The little girl is walking along the beach, _, occasionally bending down to

14、 pick up a beautiful seashell A happily and joyfully B happily and joyful C happy and joyfully D happy and joyful 答案: D 试题分析:考查形容用法。有时候也使用分词转换成的形容词的。本题中的形容词 happy and joyful是对句子主语名词 the little girl的情况进行的说明,故使用形容词的形式。句意:那个小女孩沿着海边在走,很开心且兴奋,偶尔弯腰捡起一些漂亮的贝壳。故 D正确。 考点:考查形容词用法 点评:形容词经常在句中做表语或者定语修饰名词,也可以在句中构

15、成形容词短语对主句的情况进行说明。 Did you know any French be fore you arrived in Washington Never _ it, actually A had I learned B have I learned C I learned D was I learning 答案: A 试题分析:考查倒转句和时态。当否定词或者半否定词放在句首的时候,后面的句子使用部分倒装的形式。本题的 never属于否定词,放在句首,后面使用部分倒装的形式。句意: 在你来华盛顿之前,你会一些法语吗? 我从来都没有学过。说明学法语是在来华盛顿之前,来华盛顿都使用了过 去

16、时,在这之前使用过去完成时。 考点:考查倒装句 点评:当否定词或者半否定词放在句首的时候,后面的句子使用部分倒装的形式。部分倒装: 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活) 1) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提 前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例: Not until yesterday did lit

17、tle John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。) In no country other than Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.(据说除了英国世界上没有哪个国家能让人在一天中感受到四季变化) 2) 以否定副词开头并加状语放在句首的句子要求部分 倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely when, never, no sooner than, rarely

18、, no more, not nearly, not only等以及 only。 Only in the country can you learn the “true English”. 3)一些如 scarcelywhen, no sooner than, hardlywhen 引导的主从复合句主句要求使用过去完成式。 注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词 to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。 Jason is a man of great determination and he will keep moving forward_ the result

19、A whatever B however C wherever D whichever 答案: A 试题分析:考查让步状语从句。本题在 the result后面省略了 is。句意: Jason是一个意志坚定的人,无论结果是什么,他都会勇往直前。 Whatever在句中做为is 后面的表语。 考点:考查让步状语从句 点评:让步状语从句的引导词也要注意词性, however, wherever是副词性质,在句中做状语。 Whatever和 whichever属于代词性质,在句中做主语,宾语,表语。 A good film producer must make sure that his films

20、 _ fit into the needs of the changing market A are to B will C are going to D are about to 答案: A 试题分析:考查将来时的表达法。 Be to do sth表示计划的事情;表示注定要做某事;也可以表示命令做某事,相当于 have to, must, should; will表示一般的将来,或者临时决定做某事; be going to do sth表示按照计划安排要做某事;或者根据某种迹象要做某事; be about to do sth即将做某事,不与表示将来时的时间状语连用。句意:好的电影出品人要确保

21、他的电影应该满足不断变化的市场的需要。该句中的 be to =should.故 A正确。 考点:考查将来时的表达法 点评: Be to do sth表示计划的事情;表示注定要做某事;也可以表示命令做某事,相当于 have to, must, should; will表示一般的将来,或者临时决定做某事;be going to do sth表示按照计划安排要做某事;或者根据某种迹象要做某事; be about to do sth即将做某事,不与表示将来时的 时间状语连用。 You cant predict everything Often things dont as you expect A w

22、ork out B set out C figure out D put out 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。 A锻炼,计算除;制定;结果是; B出发,动身; C计算出; D生产,出版;句意:你不可能预测所有的事情,事情的结果经常和你期待的不一样。故 A正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:动词的短语辨析要根据上下文的语境进行,要把短语的意思和句意相结合。同时 也要注意一个短语多种意义的现象,如 pick up 捡起;用车接;无意中学会;接受信号;康复。恢复;染上 ;在平时的学习中要把同种类型的短语放在一起比较,如同一个动词 +不同的介词 /副词;同一个介词 /副词 +不同的动词。

23、诸如此类的固定短语,属于最基本的知识,如果学生有错误,则应该加强背诵并平时多解题,进而加以巩固 . All those second-hand goods are sold at before A 30 as lower price as B 30 as low a price as C as 30 low price as D 30 lower price than 答案: B 试题分析:考查倍数被动法。本句中的 30也是倍数的一种表达。倍数表达有三种: 1. “A+倍数 +形容词或副词的比较级 +than+B”, 2.“A+倍数 +as+形容词或副词的原级 +as+B”, 3. “A+倍数

24、 +the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”, 4. “times+what+ 从句 ”。句意:所有这些二手车都是以以前的价格的百分之 30出售。 考点: 点评:倍数表达要牢记,倍数表达法是高中英语教学的重点,也是历届高考的热点。当我们要表达甲是乙的几倍时,通常用句型来表示: 1. “A+倍数 +形容词或副词的比较级 +than+B”,表示 “A 比 B 大(长、高、宽等)多少倍 ”。如: This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子的两倍长(比那根绳子长一倍)。 2.“A+倍数 +as+形容词或副词

25、的原级 +as+B”,表示 “A正好是 B的多少倍 ”。如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 3. “A+倍数 +the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”,表示 “A正好是 B的多少倍 ”。如: This street is four times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的四倍长。 4. “times+what+ 从句 ”。如: The production is now three times what it was ten years ago.

26、 现在产量比十年前增加了两倍。 Because her mother was ill, she had no _ to go to the New Year Party A taste B emotion C sense D mood 答案: D 试题分析:名词辨析。 A 品味 B情绪,情感 C 知觉,感觉 D 心情,情绪;句意:因为妈妈生病了,她没有心情去参加新年聚会。故 D正确。 考点:考查名词辨析 点评:名词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意上下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推理,特别要注意一些名词的固定搭配以及名词的深层次的含义的区别。 完型填空 One of my fondes

27、t memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank There I would 36 the peace and quiet, watch the water rush 37 and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling of 38 in the trees I would also watch the bamboo trees 39 under pressure from the wind and watch them 40 graceful

28、ly to their original position after the wind had 41 When I think about the bamboo trees ability to bounce back to its original position, the word resilience comes to mind When used in 42 to a person, this word means the ability to readily 43 from shock, depression or any other situation that stretch

29、es the limits of a persons 44 Have you ever felt like you are at your 45 point Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it During the 46 you probably felt a mix of emotions that threatened your health You felt emotionally drained(枯竭) , 47 exhausted and you most likely stood

30、 48 physical symptoms Life is a 49 of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy 50 that take you close to your breaking point, bend, 51 dont break Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you A measu

31、re of hope will take you 52 the unpleasant ordeal (考 验) With 53 for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to 54 if the final result is worth having If life gets 55 and you are at your breaking point, show resilience L

32、ike the bamboo tree, bend, but dont break! 【小题1】 A see B hear C touch D enjoy A smoothly B downstream C uphill D peacefully A fruits B branches C leaves D roots A bend B move C fall D decline A go B turn C return D suffer A died away B died off C died down D died out A honor of B reward to C favor o

33、f D reference to A escape B suffer C come D recover A emotions B mind C body D thoughts A starting B breaking C standing D tiring A practice B experiment C experience D victory A possibly B mentally C terribly D probably A unpleasant B unreasonable C exciting D good A result B change C mixture D won

34、der A moments B events C adventures D changes A however B but C though D and A away B through C apart D out A idea B search C imagination D hope A get stuck B look into C depend on D deal with A tough B wrong C acceptable D cozy 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题

35、8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 A 试题分析:本文是一篇语言生动优美的夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过对自己童年在河边玩的情景回忆,赞美竹子的坚韧品格,进而产生联想,感悟人生。人们在处于困境时应具有竹子的品格,弯曲但永不折断。 【小题 1】 D. 动词辨析。 A看见 B听见 C触摸 D享受。享受平和与宁静 .and是并列连词 【小题 2】 B. 上下文串联。 rush表明 downstream

36、的水流之急。 【小题 3】 C. 没词表现。 A水果 B树枝 C叶子 D根部;注视着竹叶的摆动 . 【小题 4】 A. 动词辨析。 A弯曲 B移动 C摔倒 D下降。竹子在风力下弯曲 . 【小题 5】 A. 动词辨析。 A去,变化翻转 C返回 D遭受;风后返回原来的位置 . 【小题 6】 C. 短语辨析。 Die down逐渐减弱。风逐渐消失 . 【小题 7】 D名词辨析。 A荣誉 B奖赏 C支持,帮助 D涉及; refer to 的名词形式意为 : 指 . 涉及 ;当涉及到人的时候 【小题 8】 D 动词辨析。 A逃跑 B遭受 C来 D恢复;指人恢复身体健康 . 【小题 9】 A 名词辨析。

37、A“情感 ,感情 ”B思维 C身体 D想法;指从对人的情绪的限制中解脱出来。 【小题 10】 B 固定搭配。 Breaking point爆发点。你的爆发点是什么? 【小题 11】 C 名词辨析。 A做法 B实验 C经历 D胜利;从这样的经历中 【小题 12】 B依前后关系 , 前 emotionally情感上地 ,后 physical体力 ,故选mentally精神上地 . 【小题 13】 A Unpleasant的不令人愉悦的;指那些让人不愉快的身体上痛苦的症状。 【小题 14】 C 名词辨析。 Mixture混合体。人生是快乐时光与不幸时光相互交织的混合体 【小题 15】 A 名词辨析。

38、 A时刻 B事件 C冒险 D改变;这里的 unhappy moment与 bad times对应。 【小题 16】 B.上下文串联。到了爆发点,但是不会折断。上下文存在着转折关系。 【小题 17】 B.介词辨析。心中充满希望会让我们经历过这些不愉快的时刻。 【小题 18】 D 上下文串联。根据上下文的意思可知是指在困境中我们仍然要充满希望,乐观地面对。 【小题 19】 D 短语辨析。 A陷入 B调查 C依靠 D处理;这些事情也许很容易就可以处理 。 【小题 20】 A 形容词辨析。 Tough艰难;当生活变的艰难的时候,要像竹子一样,坚韧。弯曲但不会折断。 考点:考查哲理类短文 点评:整个完形

39、填空大题,设空科学合理,考 生很容易从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。 阅读理解 GAOMI, Shandong, Oct 11( Xinhua) Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was very surprised at winning the Nobel Literature Prize Speaking to reporters at a hotel in his homet

40、own Gaomi city in east Chinas Shandong Province, Mo said, ( I was) very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification( among Chinese writers) There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high I am very happy, he said I was having dinner when

41、 I received the news I was surprised ” Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more I believe none of you have seen the crop, he said The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top award It re

42、presents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ) I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature They show the life of Chinese people as well as the countrys unique culture and folk customs Meanwhile, my novels described h

43、uman beings in the broad sense I wrote in the perspective of a human being These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups, he said The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood When I picked up the pen for lite

44、rature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works, he added Mos win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its cen

45、tury-long history Born into a farmers family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum, which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou 【小题 1】 Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he f

46、elt A he was not the best writer in China B he was not as famous as other writers C he was born in a farmers family D he didnt have good education 【小题 2】 By reading Mo Yans works, we can A increase our sense of national pride B learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture C form a vivid picture of his

47、 childhood D learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize 【小题 3】 Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan A romantic B self-confident C modest D humorous 【小题 4】 Where might you find the article A In a novel B In a travel book C In a student book D In a newspaper 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B

48、 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 试题分析:本文是一则新闻访谈录,诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言对自己获奖的感受以及其它的有关信息。 【小题 1】 A 细节题。根据第二段 3,4行 I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification( among Chinese writers) There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high说明他认为自己不是中国最优秀的作家,所以对自己赢得诺贝尔文学奖很惊讶。故 A正确。 【小题 2】 B 推理题。根据文章倒数 3,4行 They show the life of Chinese people as wel


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