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1、上海市格致中学 2010届高三第一学期期中考试 其他 Translation: 1 60年前,新生的中华人民共和国还不为许多国家广为承认。( recognize) 2只有通过亲身体验,你才能理解志愿服务有多么重要!( figure out) 3据报道,世博前这条马路已被拓宽来改善交通条件。( report) 4令我们宽慰的是,地震发生的时候,大楼里碰巧没有人。( happen) 5停车场足够大,可以容纳数百辆车,这使得居民停车非常方便。( hold) 6她是个如此爱忘事的女孩以至总是丢三落四,有时别无选择只得买新的了。( alternative) 答案: 1 Sixty years ago,

2、the newly-born Peoples Republic of China was not widely recognized by most countries 2 Only by your own experience can you figure out how important volunteer work is! 3 The road is reported to have been widened to improve the traffic condition before the EXPO 4 To our relief, there happened to be no

3、ne in the building when the earthquake occurred 5 The parking lot is big enough to hold more than a hundred cars, making it convenient for residents to park their cars 6 So forgetful a girl she is that she is always leaving things here and there and sometimes has no alternative but to buy something

4、new She is so forgetful a girl that she is ( E) A Importance of Transport in Trade B Birth of Transport-related Industries and Trade C Role of Transport in Trade Development D Another Means to Develop Trade E Higher Living Standard F Modern Life Needs Modern Traffics 80 Transport is one of the aids

5、to trade By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce, transport adds to their value The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer, the better for trade When there were no railways, no good roads, no canals, and on

6、ly small sailing ships, trade was on a small scale 81 The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand, for instance Quicker transport makes po

7、ssible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from, and selling goods to, all parts of the globe Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel e

8、asily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance 82 Transport also prevents waste Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns Transport has given us a much gre

9、ater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year Transport has raised the standard of living 83 By moving fuel, raw materials, and even power,

10、for example, through electric cables, transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with on

11、e another The cheaper and quicker transport becomes, the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living 84 Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information Means o

12、f communication, like telephones, cables and radio, send information about prices, supplies, and changing conditions in different parts of the world In this way, advanced communication system also help to develop trade 答案: 80-84 C A E B D Section B A accompanied B trend C resist D murder E. incredib

13、le F. severe G. involving H. tolerant I. roughly J. particular Tough new laws have led to increased arrests and tests and, in many areas already, to a marked decrease in fatalities(死亡事故) Some states are also penalizing bars for serving customers too many drinks 答案: 41-45 D E I F G 46-49 H B A C 单项选择

14、 * Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 25 If I walk in this city myself, Ill probably get lost as I havent got _very good sense of _direction A a/ B the/ C a the D thea 答案: A 36 Surveys demonstrate that a majority of urban residents nowadays in the mainland of China rate _a perfect family one boy and o

15、ne girl, as opposed to the only one of the day A as having B as to have C so as to have D as for having 答案: A 37 Todays college is appropriate as a setting for a society,_ its members must acquire and manage knowledge from a wide variety of sources A which B so that C where D of which 答案: C 38 After

16、 the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on education, with girls as well as boys_to go to school A to be encouraged B encouraging C encouraged D be encouraged 答案: C 39 Is it the_bad smell that is difficult -Of course A how getting rid of B got rid of C to get rid of D being got ri

17、d of 答案: C 40 Shown together with those products, some advanced ones made abroad included_, which greatly appealed to the visitors coming from all the corners of the world A models of the new generation of airliners there were B there were models of the new generation of airliners C were models of t

18、he new generation of airliners D were there models of the new generation of airliners 答案: C 35 Goods must be fit for any particular purpose_to the seller, which is rated as honest in the trade If the seller says a glue will mend china, then it should A known B to be known C being known D having been

19、 known 答案: A 34 He took his washing machine just bought dozens of days previously for 1800 yuan in the Guo Mei Applicance in for repair it needed replacing rather than _ A having been told, being repaired B only to be told , being fixed C just to be told, being mended D having been told, to be fixed

20、 答案: B 33 When problems such as energy crisis, pollution and population explosion_, people are asked to share the bitterness and endure the hardship with all the whole nation of the times A are arisen B arise C arising D Arisen 答案: B 32 _the many ways illegal immigrants come into the United States e

21、very year, the vehicle crammed with crowds seems to be the method of choice lately, however, tragedies such as deaths on the journey to the destination, are sometimes reported nowadays A In B For C Of D On 答案: C 31 With the cell phone available, I can do whatever I want to do and still_in touch with

22、 my parents and friends A stay B to stay C staying D Stayed 答案: A 30 It was the training that he had as a child_made him such a good pianist, received by teenagers as well as adults A that B which C who D What 答案: A 29 The patient who had suffered from H1N1 insisted on_from others immediately, holdi

23、ng the belief that the disease would infect others A being isolated B having isolated C to be isolated D Isolating 答案: A 28 You_use your cell phone here in our hospital because of the disturbance to the electronic equipments! Its forbidden A shouldnt B may not C neednt D mustnt 答案: D 26 To our great

24、 joy, it snowed_ the night of Feb 14 this year in Shanghai, arousing the curiosity of the residents A in B for C at D On 答案: D 27 The worker coming from the rural area spent twenty minutes painting on end of the stick red and_white A another B others C the other D Other 答案: C 完型填空 Reading Comprehens

25、ion Section A Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of ones intelligence But people fail to realize the importance of training these factors in young people The so-called “non-intelligence factors” include ones feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits After

26、a 30-year follow up study of 8,000 males, American psychologists50that the main cause of disparities in intelligence is not intelligence51 , but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence 52people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong

27、 will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents dont pay much attention to 53 these factors Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies They blame either genetic factors, malnutrition(营养不良) or laziness, but they never take54considerati

28、on these non-intelligence factors At the same time, some teachers dont inquire into these, as reasons55students do poorly They simply give them more courses and exercises, or56 criticize or laugh at them After all, these students lose self-confidence Some of them just feel defeated and57themselves u

29、p as hopeless Others may go astray(堕落) because they are sick of learning An investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 46 5 percent of them were58of learning, because of examinations, 36 4 percent lacked persistence, initiative and consciousness and 10 3 percent

30、were sick of learning It is clear that the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors has been a main 59 to intelligence development in teenagers It even causes an imbalance between physiological and 60 development among a few students If we dont start now to61the cultivation of non-intelligenc

31、e factors, it will not only affect the development of the intelligence of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation Some experts have put forward62about how to cultivate students non-intelligence factors First, parents and teachers should63understand teenage psychology On this bas

32、is, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning, 64their interests and toughening their willpower 50 A came out B found out C made out D worked out 51 A in itself B by itself C itself D on its own 52 A Though B Nevertheless C However D Moreover 53 A believing B studying C Cultivating D d

33、eveloping 54 A for B in C into D over 55 A why B that C when D how 56 A ever B even C still D more 57 A put B get C handle D give 58 A afraid B ahead C aware D ashamed 59 A difficulty B question C threat D obstacle 60 A intelligent B characteristic C psychological D physical 61 A practice B Thrust C

34、 strengthen D urge 62 A projects B warnings C suggestions D decision 63 A fully B greatly C very D highly 64 A insuring B going C encouraging D Exciting 答案: 50-54 B C A C C 55-59 A B D A D 60-64 C C C A D 阅读理解 ( B) People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed

35、 It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behavio

36、rs There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory The controversy is often referred to as “nature/nurtu

37、re” Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory Taken

38、to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts Proponents of the “nurture” theory, or, as they are often called, behaviorists, claimed that our environment is more important than our biologically based

39、instincts in determining how we will act A behaviorist, B F Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings The behaviorists view of the human being is quite mechanistic; they maintain that, like machines, humans respond to environmental stimuli as the

40、 basis of their behavior Either of these theories cannot yet fully explain human behavior In fact, it is quite likely that the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes That the controversy will continue for a long time is certain 69 Which of the following statements would the su

41、pporters of the “nature” theory agree with A A persons instincts have little effect on his actions B Environment is important in determining a persons behavior and personality C Biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act D The behaviorists view correctly explains how we act 70 Concerni

42、ng the nature/nurture controversy, the writer of this article_ A supports the nature theory B supports the nurture theory C believes both are completely wrong D thinks that the correct explanation of human behavior will take ideas from both theories 71 In the United States, Black people often score

43、below White people on intelligence tests With this in mind, which of the following statements is NOT true A Nature proponents would say that Whites are genetically superior to Blacks B Supporters of the nature theory would say that Whites score well because they have a superior environment C Behavio

44、rists would say that Blacks often lack the educational and environmental advantages that Whites enjoy D Nurture proponents would disagree that Blacks are biologically inferior to Whites 答案: 69-71 C D B ( C) TexasUS President George W Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to bridge their d

45、ifferences over a key arms control treaty last week, but that didnt stop them from backslapping(喧闹的狂欢) as they ended a summit The two leaders also offered differing interpretations of the fate of nuclear warheads to be removed from missiles under arms reductions they each announced last week Bush sa

46、id he intended to destroy the warheads, but Putin said their fate should be negotiated The two men untied on the need for Northern Alliance forcesto allow for a broad based government that respects all parties there Bush and Putin had spent the night at Bushs ranch Despite the rain, the rural enviro

47、nment and friendly company appeared to have worked its magic They slapped on the back and joked, at one point teasing each other about whether it is better to visit Texas in the heat of August or Siberia in winter Analysts say the dramatic warming in US-Russian relation could herald(预示) an era of pragmatism(务实的想法或做法) in global affairs as the two old rivals finally end decades of hostility and become friends “Washington and Moscow are no longer playing the big game against each other, but with each other,” said Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst at the Konrad Adenanaer Foundation, a German think


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