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1、湖南省 2010年普通高中学业水平考试模拟试卷与答案( 3) 其他 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 125分) 双向翻译(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语,并将答案:转写到答题卡上。 If you love books, then Three Cups of Tea: One Mans Journey to Change the World, One Child at a Time will be your favorite. This book will take you on an adventure to one of thehig

2、hest mountains in the world. 61 You will learn how the people who lived there survived and how author Greg Mortenson helped build an education system. While climbing K2 in Pakistan, author Greg Mortenson became ill and got lost. He got help in a small village named Korphe. 62 The people of the villa

3、ge took good care of him, feeding him and letting him sleep in the village chiefs house. They also gave him one of their most rare treats: sweet tea. As Mortenson recovered from his illness, he noticed that the children of the village worked and went to school outdoors. 63 Their teacher came only th

4、ree times a week and they didnt have blackboards. They used sticks to write on the ground. The day he left the village, 64 他许诺回来建一所学校 . His school would allow both boys and girls to attend. He kept his promise and helped found a school with a building and supplies so the kids could study indoors wit

5、h real writing tools. 65 那是在一九九三年 . Today Mortenson is responsible for building 80 schools in Central Asia. He has helped more than 18,000 girls receive an education so far. 答案: 61. 你就会了解到住在那里的人们是如何生存的。 62. 村民们细心照顾他。 63. 他们的老师一周只来三次。 64. he promised to come back and build a school. 65. That was in 1

6、993. 第三节回答问题(共 3小题;每小题 2分,满分 6分) 阅读下面短文,根据第 58至第 60小题的具体要求,尽可能简要回答问题,并将答案:转写到答题卡上。 An online recruitment drive(招聘活动 ) with a TV reality show in the world was truly a tourism marketing campaign. It is called The best job in the world competition which finally has a winner, Ben Southall, a 34-year-old

7、 charity worker from Britain. Ben won the competition and he has to blog(写博客 ) about life on Australias Hamilton Island. Ben beat over 34,000 people from 200 countries in the online competition that became something of an internet wonder. To go away now as the island caretaker for tourism Queensland

8、 and the Great Barrier Reef is an extreme honor. I hope I can do the job well as much as everybody is expecting, my swimming hopefully is up to standard and I look forward to all of the new roles that the task concerns. Ben Southall told the reporters. Whats claimed to be the best job in the world c

9、omes with a $110,000 (about 750,000 Yuan) contract(合同 ) for six months work. 58. How many people asked for “the best job in the world” (回答词数不超过 4个 ) _ 59. How long will Ben Southall work on the island (回答词数不超过 2个 ) _ 60.What has Ben Southall to do for his new job (回答词数不超过 8个 ) _ 答案: 58. More than/ O

10、ver 34000 people. 59. Six months/ 6 months. 60. To blog about life on Australias Hamilton Island. 第二节摘录信息(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后第 53至第 57小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语,并将答案:转写到答题卡上。 注意:每空不超过 3个单词。 Youre listening to Radio Five. Regular listeners know that every Thursday I give a list of places in th

11、e city that are looking for volunteers. Perhaps youd like to get a pencil and write down the ones that interest you. Tiny Tot Preschool is looking for someone who will sing songs to the children on Tuesday mornings. The best person for the job would be someone who can play the piano or guitar. Prima

12、ry School 39 needs volunteers to tutor students in English after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you are good at English, that is a great chance. The Parks Department needs volunteers to help clean up the parks before National Day. If you like to work outdoors and help the environment,

13、 this job is for you. Lastly, the Community Center is looking for volunteers to work with older people on weekends. You can help read and write letters for seniors with bad eyesight. The Center also needs a few students to do fix-up work on houses. If you often help your grandfather repair his house

14、, perhaps this is the perfect job for you. If you are interested in any of the jobs, you can call us at 5488-2377. People need your help. Volunteer today! Lets be volunteers! Places People wanted Tiny Tot Preschool People who can play the 53_ 54_ People who are 55_ The Parks Department People who li

15、ke 56 _ and help the environment 57_ People who like to work with older people 答案: 53. piano or guitar 54. Primary School 39 55. good at English 56. work outdoors 57. the Community Center 第二节:完形填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第 31至第 40小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。 Tony was a po

16、or student. He was trying to pay his way through school(半工半读 ). One day, he was 31 goods from door to door in the street. He found that he only had one penny left. He was very 32 so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, Tony changed his mind when a lovely young woman 33 the door.

17、Instead of a meal, he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of 34 . Tony drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you ” “You dont owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught me never to 35 pay for a kindness.” Tony said, “Then I th

18、ank you from the bottom of my heart.” Years later Tony became a famous doctor in a big city. One day, the young woman became very ill. The local doctors finally sent her to the big city, 36 specialists could be called in to study her rare disease. 37 Tony heard the name of the town she came from, a

19、strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctors gown Tony went in to see her. He 38 her at once. He decided to try his best to save her life. After a long struggle, Tony succeeded. He asked the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval(批准 ). He looked at it and then wrote 39 o

20、n the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it 40 she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words: “Paid in full with a glass of milk.” 31. A. making B. buyin

21、g C. giving D. selling 32. A. thirsty B. full C. hungry D. tired 33. A. opened B. broke C. knocked D. mended 34. A. wine B. milk C. water D. tea 35. A. give B. offer C. accept D. lend 36. A. which B. when C. how D. where 37. A. When B. But C. However D. Though 38. A. married B. recognized C. cured D

22、. hurt 39. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. none 40. A. whether B. if C. because D. though 答案: 31-35 DCABC 36-40 DABAC 单项选择 * When I got up that morning, I found _ elephant standing by the window. A a B an C the D不填 答案: B We are told that more new teaching buildings _ in our school next term.

23、A will be built B was built C has built D will build 答案: A The bike under the tree _ belong to Hilary. Look! Her bag is on it. A must B shall C will D can 答案: A The kind-hearted woman made _ her duty to look after all the old people there. A this B that C one D it 答案: D Most of us hate people _ talk

24、 much but do little. A whom B whose C which D who 答案: D The craze fans _ outside the hall, and they will wait till the movie star comes. A were waiting B are waiting C waited D had waited 答案: B Her grandmother has taught in this school _ she became a school teacher. A before B since C until D after

25、答案: A Jack, youve done your homework, _ you A havent B dont C wont D do 答案: A Please ask _ not to skate on the thin ice. Its very dangerous. A they B them C their D theirs 答案: B Is this the hotel _ you stayed the first time you were here A which B when C that D where 答案: D 阅读理解 Bali is a tiny island

26、 that is part of Indonesia(印度尼西亚 ) today. It is a pretty island that has many mountains and a pleasant climate. For a long time, Bali was cut off from much of the world. The people of Bali were happy and had a peaceful life. They were not allowed to fight. At one time there had been terrible wars on

27、 Bali. Then the people decided it was wrong to fight or have wars. They made rules to keep apart those people who wanted to fight. Bali was divided into seven small kingdoms. The land around each kingdom was kept empty, and no one lived there. Since the kingdoms did not share the same borders(边界 ),

28、the people could not fight about them. On Bali, even children were not allowed to fight. If two children started a fight over a toy, someone separated them. When two boys argued, they would agree not to speak to each other. Sometimes they did not talk together for months; this gave the boys a chance

29、 to forget their anger. Families who were angry with each other also promised not to speak. Their promise was written down, and the whole village knew about it. If they broke their promise, they had to offer gifts to their gods. 49. Bali is an island belonging to _. A. Europe B. Africa C. Asia D. Am

30、erica 50. The people of Bali _. A. lived a happy and peaceful life B. fought for a long time C. is cut off from much of the world D. quarreled about their borders 51. How did the people of Bali prevent fighting from breaking out A. They shared the same borders. B. The island was divided into seven k

31、ingdoms. C. They made strict rules to punish those who wanted to fight. D. Land was kept empty around each kingdom and no one lived there. 52. Which of the following is not true according to the passage A. Bali is a beautiful island with many mountains and nice weather. B. People had to offer gifts

32、to the villagers if they broke their promise. C. At one time there were terrible wars on the island. D. Youll hardly see children fighting on the island. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B What does an astronaut eat in space This is a question that will puzzle many, as people rarely think of th

33、at. In the early space-travel years, astronauts ate dehydrated (脱水的 ) foods that were eaten through straws (吸管) . In todays space-age, the food that they eat is totally different. They eat food in the same way as people do on Earth. Astronauts are able to prepare and eat a variety of foods in space.

34、 Some can be eaten in their natural form, like fruits, while some need to add water, like noodles. However, there are no refrigerators, so the food has to be prepared and eaten without being stored for a long time. When the astronauts are hungry, they simply eat the food by opening the food packages

35、 and with a fork, knife, and spoon. Just like people on Earth, astronauts also eat three meals a day which include breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes they also eat snacks. The US space agency NASA has found out that an astronauts diet reduces by about 70% on a space mission, though he has a wide

36、 range of foods to choose from like nuts, chicken, beef, seafood, and candies. Drinks in the spaceship include coffee, tea, juices, and lemonade. Astronauts can also request a particular food that they would like to have in space. Scientists are always experimenting and trying out different space fo

37、ods that can be offered to astronauts when on space missions. 45. Now astronauts eat _ in space. A. dehydrated (脱水的 ) foods B. food as people do on Earth C. totally different D. food with a lot of water 46. The food the astronauts prepared _ . A. cant be stored for a long time B. can be put into ref

38、rigerators C. can be stored for a long time D. cant be kept in the food packages 47. In space, astronauts _ like people on Earth. A. only have nuts, chicken and beef B. onlyhave lunch for a day C. only drink coffee, tea and lemonade D. also eat three meals a day 48. What are scientists experimenting

39、 and trying out A. Some very special snacks. B. How astronauts can sleep well. C. Different space foods for astronauts. D. How to get some fruits for astronauts. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 第三部分:阅读技能(共三节满分 35) 第一节 阅读理解(共 12小题;每小题 2分,满分 24分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂

40、黑。 Read the following posters carefully and answer the questions below. Basketball Match Rockets VS Lakers DATE: July 19, 7 oclock; Billy Basketball Club For detailed information, see Paul Burton before Friday lunch time. Laylas Disco No-shop light music show 15 Pembroke Road; Weekdays: 7 pm-11 pm;

41、Sunday closed Over 18s only Fashion Show At the Daxing Square Date: May the 1st to the 8th From 7:30 to 11:00 pm Booking agent: Peter Smith 010 -8266 1555 KARMA Health Food Restaurant 6 Castle Street Hot and cold vegetable food(素食 ) Lunch(11:0014:00) Self -service; Dinner(17:0021:00) Table -service

42、For bookings, ring 0865-5677665 41. _ can give you more information about the basketball match. A. John Smith. B. Tommy Brown. C. Paul Burton. D. Tonny Wang. 42. Who cant be allowed to go to the Laylas Disco A. A 30-year-old worker. B. A 50-year-old doctor. C. A 22-year-old manager. D. A 15-year-old

43、 student. 43. You must phone _ if you want to get a ticket for the fashion show. A. the booking agent B. the teacher C. the manager D. a postman 44. Which of the following food can you have at KARMA A. Chicken. B. Tomato. C. Fish. D. Beef. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 书面表达 第二节:情景作文(共 1个小题

44、,满分 15分) Christina最近失眠,身心疲惫,她给 网站的专栏作者 Ellen写了一封信,诉说了她的痛苦,希望能得到 Ellen的帮助。请根据 Christina的求助信写一封回信,帮助她解脱痛苦。 要求: 回信应根据 Christina的来信展开,可任意发挥; 词数在 100个左右; 信的首 句和结尾已为你写好。 Dear Ellen, I was very happy and healthy before but recently things have changed a lot. Now I cant sleep well. As soon as I lie on the b

45、ed, I will always think about the things in the day. I tried to sleep, but I just couldnt. Sometimes I would turn in bed all night. This troubles me a lot. I really dont know what I should do. Could you help me Thank you very much. Yours Christina Ellen 答案: Dear Christina, I know how you are feeling

46、 now. Im sorry to hear that you cant sleep well. Dont worry about that. Here are some pieces of advice for you. First, try to be confident in yourself and get in the good habit of going to bed and getting up regularly. Second, try to do some exercises before going to bed, relax yourself by listening to some light music and dont think too much. Finally, try to drink a cup of milk if you want to. It will help you go to sleep quickly and well. I hope these ideas can help you. Best wishes. Yours, Ellen


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