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1、 Notices and General Information GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS 2016 NOTICES AND GENERAL INFORMATION American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2015 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA

2、Table of Contents part Notices and General Information CONTENTS Introduction . 1 TABLE 1 Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2016 Guide 2 TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides 2 Change Notice (2016) . 3 TABLE 3 Summary of Changes from the 2014 Guide . 3 ii ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING A

3、ND CLASSING YACHTS .2016 Notices and General Information Introduction 1. The year 2016 edition of the Guide for Building and Classing Yachts consists of the nine (9) booklets as shown in Table 1. With regard to three booklets, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 7: a) The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules

4、 for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) is to reflect the expanded contents of PART 1, as a result of including consolidated requirements for “Classification” applicable to all types of and sizes of yachts. Additional specific requirements are contained in Chapters 2 and 3 of Part 1. b) The purpo

5、se of the generic title ABS Rules for Materials and Welding of PART 2 is to emphasize the common applicability of the requirements to ABS-classed vessels, other marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make PART 2 more readily a common “PART” of various ABS Rules and Guides, as

6、appropriate. c) The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) is to reflect the expanded contents of PART 7, as a result of including consolidated requirements for “Surveys After Construction” applicable to all types and sizes of vessels, barges and specific shipb

7、oard arrangements/systems, etc., as specified in Part 7, Chapter 1, Section 1. 2. The numbering system applied in the Rules is shown in Table 2. 3. The effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parenthesis at the end of the subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Par

8、t. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the years in parentheses refer to the following effective dates: (2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and subsequent years) (1996) 9 May 1996 (1999) 12 May 1999 (1995) 15 May 1995 (1998) 13 May 1998 (1994) 9 May 1994 (1997) 19 May 1997 (1993) 11 May 1993

9、4. Until the next edition of the Guide for Building and Classing Yachts is published, Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda, as necessary, will be published on the ABS website www.eagle.org only, and will be available free for downloading. It is not intended to publish hard copies of future Rule Cha

10、nge Notices and/or Corrigenda to existing Rules or Guides. The consolidated edition of the Guide for Building and Classing Yachts, which includes Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda using different colors for easy recognition, will be published on the ABS website only when RCN and/or Corrigenda ar

11、e issued. 5. The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the ABS website www.eagle.org for download. ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS .2016 1 Notices and General Information TABLE 1 Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2016 Guide Notices and General Informati

12、on 2016 Part 1: Rules for Conditions of Classification (1)2016 (2)Part 1: Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) (1)2016 Part 2: Rules for Materials and Welding Rules for Testing and Certification of Materials Rules for Welding and Fabrication 201

13、6 (2)Part 2: Rules for Materials and Welding Aluminum and Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) 2016 (2)Part 3: Hull Construction and Equipment 2016 Part 4: Vessel Systems and Machinery 2016 Part 5: Specialized Yachts and Services 2016 Part 7: Rules for Survey After Construction 2016 (2)Notes: 1 The requi

14、rements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1). Additional specific requirements are contained in Part 1 of these Rules. 2 The latest edition of these Rules is to be referred to. These Rules may be downloaded from t

15、he ABS website at www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Downloads or may be ordered separately from the ABS Publications online catalog at www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Catalog. TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides Division Number Part Part 1 Chapter Part 1, Chapter 1 Section Section 1-1

16、-1 Subsection (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1 Paragraph (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1.1 Subparagraph 1-1-1/1.1.1 Item 1-1-1/1.1.1(a) Subitem 1-1-1/1.1.1(a)i) Appendix Appendix 1-1-A1 or Appendix 1-A1-1 Note: 1 An odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) numbering system is used for the Rules and Guides. The purpose is to permit futu

17、re insertions of even-numbered paragraphs (2, 4, 6, etc.) of text and to avoid the necessity of having to renumber the existing text and associated cross-references, as applicable, within the Rules and associated process instructions, check sheets, etc. 2 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS .2

18、016 Notices and General Information Change Notice (2016) TABLE 3 Summary of Changes from the 2014 Guide EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2015 shown as (2015) (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner) Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks PART 3 Hull Construction and E

19、quipment 3-1-2/5.3 (New) Structures Exposed to Low Air Temperatures To align the requirements with IACS UR S6, in order to prevent brittle fracture in ships operating in areas with low air temperature. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-1-2/Table 3 (New) Application of Material Classes and Grades Structu

20、res Exposed at Low Temperatures To align the requirements with IACS UR S6, in order to prevent brittle fracture in ships operating in areas with low air temperature. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-1-2/Table 4 (New) Material Grade Requirements for Classes I, II and III at Low Temperatures To align the

21、 requirements with IACS UR S6, in order to prevent brittle fracture in ships operating in areas with low air temperature. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-1-2/5.5 (New) Design Temperature tD To align the requirements with IACS UR S6, in order to prevent brittle fracture in ships operating in areas with

22、 low air temperature. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-1-2/Figure 1 (New) Commonly Used Definitions of Temperatures To align the requirements with IACS UR S6, in order to prevent brittle fracture in ships operating in areas with low air temperature. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-7-1/7.1 Final Coating T

23、o align the requirements with IACS UR S14. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 3-7-1/Table 1 Testing Requirements for Tanks and Boundaries To align the requirements with IACS UR S14. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) PART 4 Machinery and Systems 4-4-2/7.1 General To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution

24、MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-4-2/7.5.6 Fire Endurance To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-4-2/7.7.1(a) To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-4-2/7.13.4(b) To incorporate the

25、requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-4-2/Table 2 Fire Endurance Requirements Matrix for Plastic Pipes To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-4-2/19.3 Valve Connections to Shell To harmonize pipe size terminolo

26、gy in the Rules, in line with current IACS requirements. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-5-2/11.1.2 Design To clarify applicability of requirement already stated in 4-6-2/5.5.5(a), as related to CO2 system piping, in line with IACS UR P2.7.3. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/3.9 Switchboard To align

27、the requirements with 4-8-4/7.1.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/3.25 Receptacles and Plugs of Different Ratings To align the requirements with the latest version of IEC 60092-306. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/5.1.4 Restricted Location of Cabling To prohibit the in

28、stallation of cables in cargo tanks, ballast tanks, fuel oil tanks, or water tanks unless the cables are suitable for liquid submersion. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/5.1.10 (New) Protection of Cables in Tanks To provide requirements for protection of cables from liquid submersion. (Incorporates

29、 Notice No. 1) ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS .2016 3 Notices and General Information Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks 4-6-3/9.1.1 General To clarify that IEC 60079 is based on an ambient temperature range of 20C to 40C and that (a) the ABS Rules are based on a wider range, as

30、given in 4-1-1/Table 2 and (b) even more extreme temperatures may be encountered at the location of equipment installation. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-4/Table 3 Limits of Temperature Rise for Air-Cooled Rotating Machines To align the ambient temperature with 4-1-1/Table 2. (Incorporates Notice

31、No. 1) 4-7-2/Table 1 Type Tests for Control, Monitoring and Safety Equipment To provide requirements for high-temperature testing of equipment. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2015 shown as (1 July 2015) (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner) Pa

32、rt/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment 3-1-2/Table 2 Material Class or Grade of Structural Members To require the materials for other steering equipment components described in Section 3-2-9 to be of steel in accordance with the requirements of Part 2, Chapt

33、er 1. (Incorporates Notice No. 2) 3-2-14/1.1.6 (New) To add requirement for IMO PSPC (Section 3.3.2) and/or IMO PSPC-COT Regulations compliance. (Incorporates Notice No. 2) PART 4 Machinery and Systems 4-5-2/9.1 Fixed Local Application Fire-fighting Systems To delete the reference to the vessels mai

34、n propulsion and power generation, in line with IMO MSC.338(91). (Incorporates Notice No. 2) EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2016 shown as (2016) (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner) Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment 3-

35、2-9/7.3 Lower Rudder Stocks To remove “K” since material factor (K) is already included in the maximum allowable stress formula. 3-7-1/1 General To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS C

36、hapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/1.3.2 To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC mee

37、tings. 3-7-1/3.3 Structural Testing To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/5 Testing Methods To reflect the

38、comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/7.1.1 Leak Testing To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organiz

39、ations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 4 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS .2016 Notices and General Information Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks 3-7-1/7.7 (New

40、) Hydrostatic or Hydropneumatic Tightness Testing To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/9 (New) Alternative

41、 Procedure for Strength Testing To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/Table 1 Testing Requirements for Tank

42、s and Boundaries To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. 3-7-1/Table 2 Application of Leak Testing, Coating and Pro

43、vision of Safe Access for Type of Welded Joints To reflect the comments from Administrations and Industry Organizations considered during review of the proposed Testing Guidelines associated with SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 11, made during the IMO MSC and SDC meetings. PART 4 Machinery and System

44、s 4-3-1/5.3.1 General To include the requirements of 2-3-7/1 for propulsion shafts and to clarify that the part can comply with only one, not all, specifications. 4-3-3/5.5.6 Keyless Coupling To align the requirements with industry practice. 4-4-2/7.5.7(b) Multi-core Metallic Tubes Sheathed by Plast

45、ic Materials To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-4-4/3.7 Valves on Oil Tanks To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-1/3.9.2 To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-1/3.21.1 Category “ia” To align the requirements with the lat

46、est IEC requirements. 4-6-1/3.23 Low Voltage To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-1/Table 3 Degree of Protection of Electrical Equipment (Second IP Numeral) To include degree of protection “IP X9”, in line with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-2/1.3 Short-circuit Data To a

47、lign the requirements with 4-8-1/5.1.3 of the Steel Vessel Rules. 4-6-2/9.5.2(a) Instantaneous Trip To specify that if generators are fitted with differential protection systems, then they need not simultaneously have a separate instantaneous trip function. 4-6-3/3.7.2(a) Large Batteries To align th

48、e requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-3/9.1.1(a) Electrical Equipment Types To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-3/9.5.1 General To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-4/7.13.1(a) Systems Exceeding 50 Volts To align the requirements

49、with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-4/7.13.1(b) Systems of 50 Volts and Less To align the requirements with the latest IEC requirements. 4-6-4/10.5.10 Electrical Protection To clarify overvoltage, overcurrent and short circuit protection requirements of the semiconductor converter and the semiconductor devices associated with or contained within. To reduce the proscribed protection requirements is to allow equipment makers to provide protection for their semiconductor converters and semiconductor devices that is appropriate to the semiconductor technology that they utiliz


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