1、MIL-STD-859A W 9999933 0337059 567 M ;y. 1 7- p= .i,: _._._ ! ,/. . 3 _- J- Super ceding MILSTlr859 22 NovemSer 1966 MILITARY STANDARD STANilARD CALIBRATION TABLE FOR AEROKALTICAL PRESSURE MEASURING EQUIPMEhT rr . . r- - , -_ 1 * . I -.- Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-859A m 999993
2、3 O337060 289 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 St axiard CaliSration Table for beronacSical Pressure Measuring Equipment M L-S Tu-65 9X 1. is mandatory for use by ail Departments and Agencies 3f the Department of Defense effective This Military %andard has been approved by the Department
3、 of Defense and 2. Recamended corrections, additions, or deletions should be addressed to the Aeronatical Systems Division (ASNPS ), Wright-Patxerson Air Force Base, Ohio l+5i;33. 3. hterntional standardization agreement. - Certairri provisions ( the pressUre/altitude tables) of this standard are th
4、e subject of internationol stzndardization agreement STANAG 3495 and ASCCAS 10/3?. or camellation of this standard is proposed which will affect or violate the hternational agreement concerned, the preparing activity will take appropriate reconciliation action through international standardization c
5、hannels, including departmental standardization offices, if required. When amendment, revision, ii Licensed by Information Handling Services- MIL-STD-859A W 9999911 033706l 115 W MILSTD-859A i3 November 1969 CONTENTS Standard calibration tabulation for aeronautical pressure measuring e O O0 O00 8 cv
6、 8 rl ln 3 M O 7. rl rl O00 -;-i O0 O0 O . O00 i I Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-859A m 9999911 0337068 57T m MIL-STD-859A 13 November 1968 Custodians : Army - AV havjr - AS Air Force - 11 Preparing activity: Air Force - 11 Reviewer activities : Aw - AV Navy - AS Air Force - 11 International interest: See page ii. Project No. NISC-Oj5l+ 7 Licensed by Information Handling Services