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AIR FORCE MIL-T-5608 G (2)-1978 TAPE TEXTILE WEBBING TEXTILE《纺织带状织物》.pdf_第1页
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AIR FORCE MIL-T-5608 G (2)-1978 TAPE TEXTILE WEBBING TEXTILE《纺织带状织物》.pdf_第2页
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1、- . . . .-.MILITARYSPECIFICATION .TAPE,TEXTILE: WEBBINGTEXTILEThis amendmentformsa partofMIL-T-568G, dated3 March 1971,by all Departmentsand AgenciesofPAGE 2* 3.1, second+ine: Delete“,light-resistant.”+ 3.1, sixthline: DeleteWi_ninum,”* 3. I, shth line: Delete1*2440tandtTABLEI, 4th column, title: De

2、leteMlitaq Specificationandis mandatoryfor usethe Departmentof Defense.substitute“254*lOO.”PAGE 3andsubstituteMinimumWeight(Yd/Lb)“PAGE LMILT-56(MGANENDMEHT227 Julv1978SUPERSEDINGAMENmEm 114 October1971* 3.3,3: Deleteand substitute: “Withthe exceptionof classA, the finishedtapeshallnotlosemore than2

3、5 percentof its originalstrength,when testedin accordancewith4.2.3.1,”-PAGE 10f * h.2.3.1: Deleteandsubstitute:-.“4.2.3,1 Resistanceto heatandlisht, Threesetsof fivewarptestspecimensshallbeselectedfor detennfing resistanceto heat and to light. Eachof the specimens shallcontainidenticalyarns, One set

4、 of specimensshallbe testedforbreakingstrengthinaccordancewithMethods5104and410g of FED-STD-191withoutany exposure, Anothersetof specimensshallbe testedas specifiedin The thirdset of specimensshallbe testedas specifiedin 4.2.3,1.2, (See3.3.5)”* 4.?.3.1.1: Deleteandsubstitute:“4.2,3.1.1 Re

5、sistanceto light. One set of fivespecimens(see4.2.3,1)shallbeexposedin the acceleratedweatheringunit as specifiedin Method5!?04of FED-STD-191exceptthe waterspraynoz-zleshallbe off. The spectiensshallbe placedside bysideon the rackusingno backingin sucha mannerthatthe specimenshallbe exposedU.nigorml

6、y.The exposuretimeshallbe 50 hours. Relativehumidityof 55 percentat155F shall be maintaineddurzingthe entireexposureperiod. At the end of the expo-sureperiod,the specimensshallbe broughtto equilibriumunderstandardconditionsdefinedin FED-STD-191,The specimensshallthenbe testedfor breakingstrengthhacc

7、ordancewithI.lethods5104and 4108of FED-STD-191,andthepercentof breakingstrength(B.S.)lost shallbe computedas follows:Percentof B.S. lost= OricinalB.S,- B*S. afteragingX 190.”OrietinalB,S.FSCt3315Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . . ,

8、 - - .-PAGE 11tlResistanceto Heat!Resistanceto LightL.2.3. I INearest1.0percent4.2.3.1.?Ifb.2.3.l Nearest1.0percent4.2.3,1.? 11PAGE 1?a71 4,;,3,10: Deleteand substitute: 14.?.3.1,2 Resistanceto heat, One set of fivespecimen (se1+.2.)oshdl be sus-pendedin a circulatingairoven at a temperatureof 189 *

9、3 c (354 -5 F) for 1 hour.Afterremovalfromthe oven,the specimensshallbe broughtto equU.ibfiurnunderthestandd conditionsdefinedin FD-STD-191. The specimensshaU thenbe testedforbreakingstrengthin accordancewithmethods5104and 4198of FED-STD-191,andthepercentof brealtigstrengthlost shallbe calculatedas

10、specifid in”IPAGE 13extentpossible.”and substitute:Preparingactitity:Air Force- 99* ter 6.4 add: 1645 Reced materiels The use of recltied materielsshallbe encouragedtothe maxtium* Concludingmaterial: Deleteustodians:Air Force- 99Navy- ASRetiewactivities:Air Force- k5Navy - ASDLA - CT”NOTE

11、: The marnsof this mendment aremarkedwith an asterisk to imiicate where changes (i-tions,modifications!corrections,deletions)fromthe pre%ciousamendmentweremade. Thiswa9.ioneas a convenienceoriLY ad the Government assumes no liabilitywhatsoeverfor anyinaccuraciesin thesenotations. Biddersand contract

12、orsare cautionedto evaluatethe requirementsof thisticumentbasedon the entirecontentirrespectiveof the marginalnotationsandrelationshiptothe lastpreviousamendment.custodians: Preparingactivity:Air Force-99Air Force- 99Naw - ASReview activities: (project8315-oO)Air Force- h5Navy - ASDLA - CT0Page 2 of 2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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