ANSI ASME B18.13.1M-2011 Screw and Washer Assemblies SEMS (Metric Series)《螺钉和垫圈组件 SEMS(米制系列)》.pdf

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ANSI ASME B18.13.1M-2011 Screw and Washer Assemblies SEMS (Metric Series)《螺钉和垫圈组件 SEMS(米制系列)》.pdf_第1页
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1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME B18.13.1M-2011Revision of ASME B18.13.1M-1998 (R2008)Screw and Washer Assemblies: SEMS(Metric Series)ASME B18.13.1M-2011Revision of ASME B18.13.1M-1998 (R2003)Screw and WasherAssemblies: SEMS(Metric Series)AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDThree Park Avenue New York, NY

2、10016 USADate of Issuance: October 21, 2011This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisStandard. Periodically certain actions of the ASME B18 Committee may be pub

3、lished as Cases.Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages athttp:/ as they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeti

4、ng the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comme

5、nt that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any p

6、atent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determi

7、nation of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or sta

8、ndard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval sy

9、stem or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2011 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword ivCommittee Roster . viCorre

10、spondence With the B18 Committee vii1 Introduction . 12 General Data 123 Helical Spring Lock Washer SEMS. 144 Tooth Lock Washer SEMS. 155 Conical Washer SEMS 156 Plain Washer SEMS 15Figures1 Unthreaded Length on Screws With Machine Screw Thread DiameterPitchCombinations 122 Conical Spring Washer Twi

11、st Test . 143 Unthreaded Length on Tapping Screws With Spaced Thread DiameterPitchCombinations 15Tables1 Dimensions of Helical Spring Lock Washers for SEMS With Machine and TappingScrews Having Machine Screw Thread DiameterPitch Combinations 22 Dimensions of Helical Spring Lock Washers for SEMS With

12、 Screws HavingTapping Screw Thread DiameterPitch Combinations 33 Dimensions of Internal Tooth Lock Washers for SEMS . 44 Dimensions of External Tooth Lock Washers for SEMS . 55 Dimensions of Conical Spring Washers for SEMS 66 Dimensions of Plain Washers for SEMS . 77 Through-Hardened and Tempered SE

13、MS 88 Examples of SEMS Product Data 11Nonmandatory AppendicesA Reference Information for Users of This Standard . 17B Plain Washers on Tapping Screws . 19C The Relationship of This Revision to Previous Revisions of This Standard and toISO Standards 20D Manufacturing . 21E Statistical Expression of H

14、ardness . 22F Recovery Test 23G How SEMS Function . 24iiiFOREWORDAmerican National Standards Committee B27 for theStandardization of plain and lock washers was orga-nized in March 1926 as Sectional Committee B27 underthe aegis of the American Standards Association (laterthe United States of America

15、Standards Institute and,as of October 6, 1969, the American National StandardsInstitute,Inc.)withtheSocietyofAutomotiveEngineersand The American Society of Mechanical Engineers asjointsponsors.(Since1950,thisCommitteehasalsobeenassigned responsibility for standardization of washersand machine rings.

16、) The Committee was reorganizedin May 1928, at which time two subcommittees wereestablished to carry on development work:Subcommittee 1*on plain washers and Subcommittee 2on lock washers.In 1940, the B27 Committee was reactivated, andSubcommittee 2 proceeded to draft a proposal coveringhelical sprin

17、g lock washers. It was further amended in1943 and, following approval by the B27 Committeeand sponsor organizations, accepted as an AmericanStandard under the designation ASA B27.1-1994.A draft proposal completed by Subcommittee 2 inSeptember 1949 incorporated requirements applicabletohelicalspringl

18、ockwashersmadefrommaterialsotherthan carbon steel and included specifications for toothlockwashers,bothhelicalspringandtoothlockwashers,and machine screw assemblies. Subsequent to approvalby the B27 Committee and sponsors, the proposal wasforwarded to the American Standards Association anddeclared a

19、n American Standard on May 22, 1950.During the years of 1951 through 1956,Subcommittee 2 considered numerous refinements tothe coverage of helical spring lock washers and heat-treated machine screw and lock washer assemblies. Aformal draft dated June 1957 was approved by letterballot of the B27 Comm

20、ittee and the sponsor organiza-tion and submitted to the American StandardsAssociation for designation as an American Standard.This was granted on November 3, 1958.In 1961, a study group comprised of members of theB18 and B27 Committees recommended that the screwand washer assemblies, commonly known

21、 as SEMS, bepublishedasaseparatedocumentunderthejurisdictionof the B18 Committee but subject to approval of both*As of April 1, 1966, Subcommittee 1 was redesignatedSubcommittee 2 on plain washers; Subcommittee 2 was redesig-nated Subcommittee 1 on lock washers under American NationalStandards Commi

22、ttee B27. As of March 16, 1972, Subcommittees1and2becameSubcommittees22and21,respectively,ofAmericanNational Standards Committee B18.ivSectional Committees and the affected Subcommitteesthereof. This recommendation was accepted by the B27and B18 Committees, respectively, on the 28th and 30thof Novem

23、ber 1961. Subcommittee 27of Committee B18was subsequently appointed.At the initial meeting of Subcommittee 27 onFebruary 1, 1962, a proposal was submitted consistingof a pertinent date for lock washer SEMS extracted fromASA B27.1-1958 and for plain washer SEMS proposedfor inclusion in ASA B27.2, plu

24、s information gleanedfrom SAE Standard J773, Conical Spring Washers. It wasagreed that the proposal should be extended to includetappingscrewSEMS.Consequently,additionalmeetingsof the subcommittee were held at which new draftsincorporating data for these products were reviewed,and further changes an

25、d corrections were recom-mended. On February 15, 1963, a formal proposal wascirculated for comment to Subcommittees 3, 9, and 27of the B18 Committee and Subcommittees 1 and 2 ofthe B27 Committee. On November 15, 1963, a reviseddraft incorporating resolutions to the commentsreceived and additional re

26、finements was letter ballotedtoSectionalCommitteesB18andB27.Theresultingcom-ments and disapprovals were resolved at a meeting ofSectional Committee B18 on June 4, 1964 and by circula-tion of the recommended dispositions to SectionalCommittee B27 on February 12, 1965. Subsequent toapproval by the spo

27、nsor organization and the AmericanStandards Association, the document was formally des-ignated an American Standard, ASA B18.13-1965, onSeptember 29, 1965.Over the next 18 years, attempts were made to updateand refine the document. However, due to extendedvacancies in the chairmanship and continual

28、shifts inmembership of Subcommittee 13, none of these effortsproved successful, and the Standard was reaffirmed forthe three review periods. At the December 5, 1984 meet-ing of Subcommittee 13, it was agreed the Standardshould be revised to incorporate those changes neces-sary to bring it into agree

29、ment with the latest versionsof the referenced B18 document covering the screw andwasher components and for possible additional refine-ments. Recommendations for changes were reviewedanddiscussedfurtheratameetingheldonMay18,1985,and task groups were established to prepare detailedAs of April 1, 1966

30、, Subcommittee 3 was redesignatedSubcommittee 6, Subcommittee 9 was redesignated Subcommittee6, Subcommittee 9 was redesignated Subcommittee 3, andSubcommittee 27 was redesignated Subcommittee 13 of AmericanNational Standards Committee B18.proposals relative to specific product lines. A proposedrevi

31、sion was drafted that relegated the coverage forround and truss head SEMS and Types A and C tappingscrewSEMStoappendicesunder“Notrecommendedfornew design“ status. The revision included dimensionalcoverage for smaller sizes where applicable, changes tothe helical spring lock washer sections and hardn

32、ess,plus other technical and editorial updating previouslyaccepted. This proposal was reviewed at the December3,1985meetingofSubcommittee13.Numerouseditorialrefinements were considered and adopted.AformalproposaldatedFebruary1986wascirculatedto Subcommittees 3, 6, 13, 21, and 22 of theB18 Committee.

33、 A revised proposal incorporating reso-lutions to the comments received was given letter ballotapproval by Standards Committee B18 in March 1987.Following its acceptance by ASME and the AmericanNational Standards Institute, this revision was grantedrecognition as an American National Standard onJanu

34、ary 12, 1996.A metric equivalent to the Standard was identified in1998;thus, B18approveda metricseries SEMSstandard.The document was accepted by ASME, and theAmerican National Standards Institute grantedapproval on February 15, 1991.vWith draft International Standards for screw andwasherassembliesne

35、aringcompletioninISO/TC2,anddue to national or regional differences in productionmethods used, some revisions to this Standard, and anaddition of an explanation of the alternative manufac-turing practices in Nonmandatory Appendix A, becamedesirable. This revision was accepted by ASME andapproved as

36、an American National Standard onSeptember 9, 1998.In 2009, a formal proposal was made by the newchairman with a view to update and harmonize theStandard with ISO 898, incorporate information ofimportance to end users, and recognize manufacturingpractices. The proposal was received, and a task forcew

37、asformed.Afinaldraftwassubmittedbythechairmanfor ballot in October 2010.SuggestionsforimprovementofthisStandardarewel-come. They should be sent to The American Society ofMechanical Engineers, Secretary, B18 StandardsCommittee, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-5990.This revision was approved as a

38、n American NationalStandard on September 2, 2011.ASME B18 COMMITTEEStandardization of Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Washers, andSimilar Fasteners(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSJ. Greenslade, ChairD. S. George, Vice C

39、hairR. D. Strong, Vice ChairC. J. Gomez, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELV. Cartina, Autocraft IndustrialD. A. Clever, ConsultantA. P. Cockman, Ford Motor Co.C. A. D. de la Garza, TSPD. S. George, Ramco SpecialtiesC. J. Gomez, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersJ. Greenslade, Industri

40、al Fasteners InstituteJ. J. Grey, Contributing Member, Fastener Consulting Services, Inc.A. Herskovitz, ConsultantJ. Hubbard, Leland-Powell Fasteners, Inc.J. Jennings, Contributing Member, Naval Surface Warfare CenterW. H. King, Porteous Fastener Co.W. H. Kopke, ConsultantSUBCOMMITTEE 13 SEMSC. B. W

41、ackrow, Chair, MNP Corp.W. H. Kopke, Vice Chair, ConsultantG. M. Simpson, Vice Chair, Semblex Corp.T. Anderson, Bay BoltJ. F. Braden, Fasteners UnlimitedD. S. George, Ramco SpecialtiesJ. Greenslade, Industrial Fasteners InstituteA. Herskovitz, ConsultantJ. Hubbard, Leland-Powell Fasteners, Inc.viW.

42、J. Lutkus, Emhart TeknologiesD. A. McCrindle, Canadian Fasteners InstituteM. D. Prasad, Contributing Member, GlobalM however, they shouldnot contain proprietary names or information.RequeststhatarenotinthisformatmayberewrittenintheappropriateformatbytheCommitteeprior to being answered, which may ina

43、dvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by aninterpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subco

44、mmittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The B18 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings thatare open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary o

45、fthe B18 Standards Committee.viiINTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKviiiASME B18.13.1M-2011SCREW AND WASHER ASSEMBLIES: SEMS (METRIC SERIES)1 INTRODUCTION1.1 ScopeThis Standard covers the general, dimensional, mate-rial, and mechanical requirements for metric through-hardened (property classes 8.8, 9.8, and 10.

46、9) machinescrews and case-hardened tapping screws from 5 mmto 12 mm captivated washer assemblies (SEMS). Thecovered washer types are helical, plain, conical, andtoothed.This Standard describes two different methods ofSEMS manufacturing. It also covers standard and modi-fied hardness requirements for

47、 machine screw SEMS.The inclusion of dimensional data in this Standard isnot intended to imply that all of the products describedherein are stock production items. Consumers shouldconsult with respective suppliers concerning the avail-ability of products.In addition, this Standard includes Nonmandat

48、oryAppendices that contain information considered of sig-nificantimportancetobothpurchaserandmanufacturer.1.2 Use and ApplicationThe SEMS covered by this Standard are general pur-pose fasteners intended for mass production and otherassembly operations where speed and convenience areparamount factors

49、. Further attributes of the variouswashers, recognized herein, are given in detail for eachtype of SEMS.1.3 ISO ComparisonSee Nonmandatory Appendix C.1.4 Types of SEMSIncluded in this Standard are SEMS comprised of thefollowing types of screws and washers:(a) helical spring lock washers and(1) socket head cap screws (see Table 1)(2) hex cap screws (see Table 1)(3) machine screws (see Table 1)(4) tapping screws (see Tables 1 and 2)(b) tooth lock washers and(1) machine screws (see Tables 3 and 4)(2) tapping screws (see Tables 3 and 4)(3) hex cap screws (see Tables 3 and 4)(c)

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