ANSI HPS N13.49-2001 Performance and Documentation of Radiological Surveys.pdf

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1、ANSI/HPS N13.49-2001 Health Physics Society An American National Standard Performance and Documentation of Radiological Surveys ANSI/HPS N13.49-2001 American National Standard Performance and Documentation of Radiological Surveys Approved: August 6, 2001 Reaffirmed: June 10, 2011 American National S

2、tandards Institute, Inc. Published by Health Physics Society 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd. Suite 402 McLean, VA 22101 Copyright 2001 by the Health Physics Society All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior

3、 written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America ii The Health Physics Society Standards Committee Working Group responsible for the development of this standard had the following members: Mr. Eric W. Abelquist, Chair Mr. James C. Dupaquier Ms. Ninni Jacob Mr. Pat LaFrat

4、e Dr. Rodican P. Reed Mr. Timothy J. Vitkus Lt. Col. Ronald L. Weed iii This standard was consensus balloted and approved by the ANSI-Accredited HPS N13 Committee on April 13, 2001. At the time of balloting, the HPS N13 Committee had the following membership: Chairperson Joseph RingVice Chairperson

5、Toshihide Ushino American Chemical Society Al Zirkes American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Bryce Breitenstein American Industrial Hygiene Association Bruce Zaczynski American Iron and Steel Institute Anthony LaMastra Peter Hernandez (alt.) American Mining Congress Scott Munson

6、American Nuclear Insurers Jerre Forbes American Nuclear Society Nolan Hertel Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Roland Fletcher Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards Jileen Shobe Chris Soares (alt.) Health Physics Society Jack Fix Institute of Electrical and Electro

7、nic Engineers Lou Costrell Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Kenneth Okolowitz International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Will Paul Manuel Mederos (alt.) Nuclear Energy Institute Ralph Andersen Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union Mark Griffon Dave Ortlieb (alt.) U.S. De

8、partment of Commerce Lester Slaback, Jr. Timothy Mengers (alt.) U.S. Department of Energy Robert Loesch Joel Rabovsky (alt.) U.S. Department of Defense John Esterl Pat Keller (alt.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Frank Marcinowski Mike Boyd (alt.) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Donald Cool

9、 U.S. Navy Paul Blake Karl Mendenhall (alt.) Individual John Auxier Individual Ronald Kathren Individual Edward Reitler, Jr. Individual L. Max Scott Individual Kenneth Swinth Individual Al TschaecheIndividual McDonald Wrenn iv Contents 1.0 Purpose and Scope 1 1.1 Introduction . 1 1.2 Purpose . 1 1.3

10、 Scope. 2 2.0 Definitions 2 2.1 Specific Word Usage . 2 2.2 Specific Terms 2 3.0 Survey Types and Objectives 4 3.1 Purpose of Survey Types. 4 3.1.1 Operational Surveys for Radiological Control 4 3.1.2 Equipment and Materials Release Surveys 5 3.1.3 Decommissioning Surveys 5 3.1.4 Radioactive Materia

11、ls Transportation and Packages Surveys 6 3.2 Reasons for Initiating Surveys . 6 4.0 Survey Prerequisites 7 4.1 Survey Data Quality Objectives 7 4.2 Training Requirements. 7 4.3 Survey Instrument Selection 7 4.3.1 Calibration Source Selection .8 4.3.2 Minimum Detectable Concentrations 9 5.0 Performan

12、ce of Radiological Survey Activities 11 5.1 Survey Precautions and Limitations 11 5.1.1 Precautions and Limitations for Operational and Decommissioning Surveys. 11 5.1.2 Precautions and Limitations for Equipment and Material Release Surveys . 13 5.2 Frequencies for Conducting Surveys. 13 5.3 General

13、 Considerations in Performing Radiological Surveys 13 5.4 Indoor Survey Activities . 13 5.4.1 Surface Scans for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Radiation 14 5.4.2 Surface Activity Assessment for Alpha and Beta Activity 14 5.4.3 Radiation Levels 15 5.4.4 Air Sampling 16 5.4.5 Radon Measurements . 19 5.4.6 Mis

14、cellaneous Media Sampling. 19 5.5 Outdoor/Environmental Survey Activities 20 5.5.1 Surface Scans for Gamma Radiation 20 5.5.2 Environmental Media Sampling. 20 5.5.3 Radiation Levels 22 v 5.5.4 Stack Sampling 22 5.5.5 Radon and Radon Progeny Measurements 22 6.0 Documentation of Radiological Survey Ac

15、tivities. 23 6.1 Radiological Survey Documentation 23 6.1.1 Generaing Radiological Survey records 24 6.1.2 Reporting Radiological Survey Data Units, Coversion Factors and Maps. 24 6.1.3 Area and Field Logbooks. 25 6.2 Radiological Survey Records Management. 27 7.0 QA/QC Activities 28 8.0 Reference .

16、 28 Figrues Fig. 1 Example Radiological Survey Record . 26 1 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/HPS N13.49-2001 Performance and Documentation of Radiological Surveys 1.0 Purpose and Scope 1.1 Introduction Radiological surveys are performed at many types of facilities for a variety of purposes. Survey o

17、bjectives range from ensuring operational radiological control to demonstrating that a remediated facility may be safely released for unrestricted use. Radiological surveys comprise a set of discrete survey tasks, such as, ambient dose rate measurements, air monitoring, evaluating radiation levels f

18、rom radiation producing equipment, assessing radioactive material concentrations in environmental media, and determining surface contamination levels. It is essential that these fundamental radiological survey tasks be properly performed and documented so that survey results are sufficient for their

19、 intended purposes. The data life cycle, which includes survey planning, implementation, and assessment, can be used to ensure that these survey data satisfy their stated objectives. The data life cycle is an integral component of designing, assessing and documenting radiological surveys (ANSI/ASQC

20、E4-1994). During the planning phase of the data life cycle, the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process is used to define quantitative and qualitative criteria for determining the number and type of survey measurements and samples needed for the identified survey purpose. Following the statement of su

21、rvey DQOs, field and analytical procedures are selected, and appropriate quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) documents are developed. Survey data are then collected following the developed survey and QA/QC procedures documents. The data life cycle is completed with the Data Quality Asses

22、sment (DQA), which includes validation and verification of the data to ensure that the measurement and sampling protocols were properly followed. DQA then proceeds using the validated data set to determine if the quality of the data is sufficient to support the decision. The data life cycle, along w

23、ith standardized performance of radiological survey tasks, helps to ensure that reliable procedures are implemented, appropriate survey instruments are selected and used, and qualified personnel are responsible for conducting surveys and assessing survey results. Inconsistencies and non-uniformities

24、 in documentation of radiological surveys are reduced by promoting the use of consistent units on records and consistent reporting of survey data. These records are used in the evaluation of trends, demonstrating compliance with regulations, and providing documentation of area and work site conditio

25、ns. This standard provides both specific and general guidance for facilities using radioactive material or machines producing radiation fields that will make the performance and documentation of radiological surveys more uniform and complete. The information provided is integrated into the overall s

26、urvey program, in the form of procedures, for the various radiological survey types. Training of personnel responsible for radiological surveys should, in some manner, encompass the information provided. 1.2 Purpose This standard provides minimum requirements for the performance and documentation of

27、 radiological surveys. These requirements are incorporated into procedures for specific survey programs, thereby assuring that survey information is complete, uniform, and sufficient for its intended purposes. Radiological surveys in the workplace and environment include measurements of dose rates,

28、exposure rates, radioactive material concentrations in air and other media, and surface contamination levels, among others. Records of survey results may be used to evaluate trends; to plan for other similar tasks; to plan for measures to reduce personnel exposure; to demonstrate compliance with app

29、ropriate regulations; and to improve facility conditions. Further, survey results 2 provide evidence regarding working conditions as the need arisese.g., during the process of worker compensation claims or during a tort law proceeding in which a worker sues for compensatory or punitive damages. 1.3

30、Scope Radiological surveys are performed by making in situ measurements of radiation and radioactivity and by collecting media samples for subsequent radiological analyses by a measurement system in the field or laboratory. This standard addresses the specific measurement and sampling tasks that com

31、pose a radiological survey, such as air sampling, surface activity measurements, dose and exposure rate measurements. The documentation of surveys includes the use of consistent nomenclature and units for records and a standardized methodology for calculating minimum detectable concentration levels.

32、 The standard is not intended to replace existing requirements for design or strategies for performing specific radiological surveys, e.g., final status or compliance demonstration surveys for remediated sites, and operational surveys to demonstrate radiological control. This standard identifies the

33、 survey tasks used in most radiological surveys, and provides details on how these survey tasks are performed and documented. The information provided in this standard is intended to be used in the development of procedures for the various radiological survey programs. This standard is not intended

34、for external/internal dosimetry programs nor to replace requirements already established for environmental monitoring surveys or radioactivity determinations. 2.0 Definitions The following terms are of a restricted nature for the purposes of this standard. Terms defined in N1.1-1976 (ANS-9) and in t

35、he American National Standard Glossary of Terms in American Nuclear Society (1986) are not defined in this standard. A word or term requiring a more precise definition is redefined in this section even though it was included in one of the aforementioned references. 2.1 Specific Word Usage The word “

36、shall” is used to denote a requirement; the word “should” is used to denote a recommendation; and the word “may” is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation. To conform to this standard, all survey activities and documentation shall be performed in accordance with its re

37、quirements, but not necessarily with its recommendations. 2.2 Specific Terms As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA): An approach to radiological safety to manage and control exposures to levels that are as low as reasonable, considering social, technical, and economical factors. Background radiatio

38、n: Radiation from naturally occurring radioactive materials which have not been technologically enhanced (i.e., not increased by or as a result of past or present human practices above levels encountered in the natural state, such as that from oil and gas production pipe scale and phosphate industry

39、 wastes, cosmic and cosmogenic sources, global fallout, and consumer products containing nominal amounts of radioactive material.) Background reference area: A geographical soil area or structure surface area (i.e., building construction material) from which background radiation levels and radionucl

40、ide concentrations in soil can be obtained and used for comparison to the radiation and radioactivity measurements performed in areas being surveyed. The distribution and concentration of radiation levels and radionuclide concentrations in the background reference area should be the same as that for

41、 the surveyed area (site) if that site had never been contaminated. Calibration source: Radioactive material that has been characterized by, and is traceable to, a recognized standards or testing laboratory, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for its radiological prop

42、erties (e.g., particle emission rate). The calibration source is used for calibration of survey instruments and measurement systems. Check source: A radioactive source, not necessarily calibrated, which is used to confirm the continuing satisfactory operation of a survey instrument. ANSI/HPS N13.49-

43、2001 3 Continuous air monitor (CAM): An instrument that continuously samples and measures the levels of airborne radioactivity on a “real-time” basis. These instruments typically have alarm capabilities at preset levels. Critical level (LC): The net count, or final instrument measurement result afte

44、r appropriate calibration and/or correction factors have been applied, at or above which a decision is made that activity is present in a sample. That is, if the observed net count is less than the critical level, the surveyor correctly concludes that no net activity is present in the sample. When t

45、he net count exceeds LC, the surveyor falsely concludes that net activity is present in the blank sample (Type I decision error). Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process: A planning tool that promotes the effective use of resources and increases the likelihood of efficiently collecting appropriate and

46、 useful survey data. DQOs are qualitative and quantitative statements derived from the outputs of the DQO Process that: 1) clarify the objective; 2) define the most appropriate types of data to collect; 3) determine the most appropriate conditions from which to collect the data; and 4) specify toler

47、able limits on decision errors which will be used as the basis for establishing the quantity and quality of data needed to support the decision. DQOs assure that the type, quantity and quality of the survey data used in decision making is appropriate for its intended use, at the same time promoting

48、efficient use of resources by eliminating unnecessary, duplicative, or overly precise survey data. Detection limit (LD): The smallest number of net counts, or final instrument measurement result after appropriate calibration and/or correction factors have been applied, that will be detected with a p

49、robability () of non-detection (Type II decision error), while accepting a probability of incorrectly deciding that activity is present in a sample (Type I decision error). Energy dependence: A change in instrument response with respect to varying radiation energies, with other conditions, such as incident radiation fluence, held constant. Energy dependence is evident for many instruments that measure surface activity, in that the instrument efficiency varies as a function of particle energy. Graded approach: The process of basing the level of application of managerial controls


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