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ARMY MIL-DTL-51222 E-2008 DETAIL SPECIFICATION nFILTER GAS 150 CFM M23A1《M23A1型150 CFM气体过滤器》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-DTL-51222 E-2008 DETAIL SPECIFICATION nFILTER GAS 150 CFM M23A1《M23A1型150 CFM气体过滤器》.pdf_第5页
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1、INCH -POUNDMIL-DTL-51222E(EA)22 July 2008SUPERSEDINGMIL-DTL-51222D(EA)22 October 1997DETAIL SPECIFICATIONFILTER, GAS, 150 CFM, M23A1Inactive for new design after 28 September 1995This specification is approved for use by the U.S. Army EdgewoodChemicalBiologicalCenterandisavailableforusebyallDepartme

2、ntsand Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. Thisspecificationcoversonetypeandonesizeoftoxicgasfilter.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 of thisspecification. This section does not include documents cited inot

3、her sections of this specifica-tion or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has beenmadetoinsurethecompletenessofthislist,documentusersarecautionedthatthey mustmeetall specified requirements documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification, whether ornot

4、 they are listed.AMSC N/A FSC 4240Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: U.S. Army EdgewoodChemicalBiologicalCenter,ATTN: AMSRD-ECB-ENA-S,5183BlackhawkRoad, AberdeenProvingGround, MD 21010-5424 or emailed to Since contact information can

5、change,youmaywanttoverifythecurrencyofthisaddressinformationusingtheASSISTOnlinedatabaseat http:/ STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

6、DTL-51222E(EA)22.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards,and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or c

7、ontract.FEDERAL STANDARDSFED-STD-191 - Textile Test MethodsDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICATIONSMIL-DTL-32101 - Carbon, Activated, Impregnated,Copper-Silver-Zinc -Molybdenum - Triethylenediamine(ASZM - TEDA)(Copies of these documents are available online at http:/ orht

8、tp:/ or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Ave-nue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.2.2 OtherGovernmentdocuments, drawings, andpublications. ThefollowingotherGov-ernmentdocuments, drawings, andpublicationsforma partofthisdocumenttothe extentspe-c

9、ified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in thesolicitation or contract.U.S. ARMY EDGEWOOD CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL CENTERDRAWINGS5-19-2298 - Filter, Gas, 150 CFM, M23A1136-41-5000 - Tester, Filter Life, Q262, Assembly(Copies are available from Technical Dir

10、ector, U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical BiologicalCenter, AMSRD-ECB-ENA-D, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5424.)2.3 Non-Governmentpublications. Thefollowingdocumentsforma partofthisdocumentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents arethose which are cite

11、d in the solicitation or contract.AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)ASTM D 2867 -Moisture in Activated Carbon(Copiesofthisdocumentareavailablefromwww.astm.orgorASTMInternational,100BarrHarbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

12、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51222E(EA)3AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE (ARI)ARI STANDARD 700 - Standard for Specifications for Fluorocarbons and otherRefrigerants(Copies are available from ARI, 4100 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22203http:/www.ari.or

13、g).2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event ofaconflictbetweenthetextofthisdocumentandthereferencescitedherein,thetextofthisdoc-ument takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws andregulations unless a specific exempt

14、ion has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1Materialsandcomponents.AllmaterialsandcomponentscitedonDrawing5-19-2298andsubsidiarydrawingsshallconformtothespecificationslistedthereonortothespecificchar-acteristics setforthonthe drawings. No visible growthof mildew shall be evident whentestedinaccordancewi

15、thmethod5750ofFED-STD-191. Cottonclothshallbewaterrepellentandhave a minimum spray rating of 50.0 when tested in accordance with method 5526 of FED-STD-191.3.2 Assembly. The assembly of the gas filter shall be consistent with Drawing 5-19-2298(see 6.3).3.3 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a

16、sample shall be subjected to the first articleinspection in accordance with Airflowresistance. Theairflowresistanceofthefiltershallnotexceed4.5inches(114.3mm)ofwatergage(iwg)ata150standardcubicfeetperminute(scfm)airflowratewithanairstreamtemperatureof70_F(21_C)andabarometricpressureofoneatmo

17、sphere(760mmHg)when tested as specified in Filter Leakage. Thefilter shall notleak whena concentrationof 1000parts permillion(ppm) of R-134a (1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane) refrigerant is introduced at the inlet of the filterat a flow rate of 30 scfm when tested in accordancewith 4.4.2. Theref

18、rigerant (R-134a)shallconform to the characteristics of ARI STANDARD 700. A filter leak shall be defined as theProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51222E(EA)4detection of 1 ppm or more of R134a in the effluentair within2 minutesaf

19、ter theintroductionofrefrigerantattheinletofthefilter.3.6 Moisturecontentofgasfilter. Themoisture contentofthecarbonineachfilterimmedi-atelybefore packagingshall notexceed3.0 percentbyweightwhentestedas specifiedin4. Rough handling. After roughing handling in accordancewith 4.4.4, sample filt

20、ersshallshow no evidence of cracks, dents, or carbon granule leakage upon visual inspection.3.8 Dimethylmethylphosphonate(DMMP) life. Thefiltershallhave aDMMPgaslife ofnoless than 55 minutes at rated flow when tested in accordance with Cyanogen Chloride (CK) life. The unaged CK life of the

21、 carbon samples taken duringthe filling process shall be not less than 90% of the unaged CK life requirement of MIL-DTL-32101, when tested in accordance with Identification and markings. The markingofeachfilter shall include the name oftheitem (Filter, Gas 150 CFM, M23A1) and lot number a

22、s a minimum. Verification shall be inaccordance with 4.3.5. Additional information may be required by solicitation (see 6.2).3.11 Workmanship. The filter shall be free from foreign matter (e.g. dirt, grease, oil) anddamage such as chipped, burred or bent sections, or loose, broken or frayed gasket m

23、aterial.Verification shall be in accordance with 4.3.5.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51222E(EA)54. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classi-fied as follows:(a) Fi

24、rst article inspection (see 4.2)(b) Conformance inspection (see 4.3)4.2 First article inspection.4.2.1 Sample. The first article sample shall consist of 10 consecutively produced filterswhich pass airflow and leakage requirements (3.4 and 3.5). The first article sample shall bemanufactured and packa

25、ged using the same methods, materials, equipment, and processes aswillbeusedduringregularproduction.Thefirstarticlesampleshallbesubmittedforinspectionand approval in accordance with the terms of the contract.4.2.2 Inspection procedure. As determined by the Government, the sample first articleitemssh

26、allbesubjectedtoanyoralloftheexaminationsandtestsspecifiedinthisspecificationandbe inspectedfor compliancewithanyor alloftherequirements ofthe applicabledrawingsand special packaging instructions. For examination. The sample packaged filters shall be examined for all require-ments of the appl

27、icable drawings and this specification. For test.(a) Carbon testing.(1) Samplesformoisturetesting. Asampleofcarbon shallbetakenduringthefillingofthe1st,5thand10thfilter. Eachcarbonsampletakenduringthefillingofthose3 filtersshallweigh at least 100 grams. Each sample shall be placed in an open

28、container whose diameterissuchthatthedepthofthecarbonwillbe1.50.5inchesdeep. Thosesamplesofcarbonshallbeexposed to the same conditions of temperature and humidity as their associated filters and beusedfor subsequentmoisture testing.Concurrentwithor immediatelyfollowingthepackagingofthefilterscorresp

29、ondingtoeachcarbonsample,eachofthreecarbonsamplesshall betestedfor moisture contentinaccordance with4.4.3. Ifanycarbonsample fails tomeet the moisturerequirement, the first article lot of filters represented by the samples shall be rejected.(2)SamplesforCKgaslifetesting. Asampleofcarbonshallbetakend

30、uringthefill-ingof8ofthe10firstarticlefilters,placedinanopencontainer,andexposedtothesamecondi-tionsoftemperatureandhumidityasitsassociatedfilter. Eachcarbonsampletakenduringthefillingofthosefiltersshallweighatleast100grams. The8samplesshallthenbesealedintheircontainersandsenttotheGovernmentforsubse

31、quentCKlifetesting. TheGovernmentwilltestProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51222E(EA)68carbonsubsamplesforCKlifeinaccordancewith4.4.6. Ifanysamplefailstomeettherequire-ments for CK life, the first article lot represented shall b

32、e rejected.(b) Filtertesting. Eachfiltershall betestedforairflowresistance (4.4.1)and leakage(4.4.2). Followingleakagetesting,filtersshallbepackagedusingthesamemethods,materials,equipment,andprocessesaswillbeusedduringregularproduction. Aftermoistureanalysisofthecarbonsamples(see4.2.2.2(a),thepackag

33、edsamplefilterswhichpassthemoisturerequire-mentin3.6shallbeforwardedtotheGovernmentandsubjectedtoroughhandlinginaccordancewith 4.4.4. Following rough handling, the Government will test ten (10) sample filters forDMMPlifeinaccordancewith4.4.5. Ifanysamplefromthelotfailstomeettherequirementsforrough h

34、andling and DMMP life, the lot represented shall be rejected.4.2.3 Acceptance criteria. If any first article sample filter fails to comply with any of theapplicable requirements, the firstarticle quantityshall be rejected. The Governmentreservesthe rightto terminate inspectionuponany failure to comp

35、ly withany ofthe requirements.Thecontractor shall obtain written approval from the contracting activity prior to proceeding withregular production.4.3 Conformance inspection.4.3.1 Lotting. Alotshallconsistofthefiltersproducedbyonemanufacturerononeproduc-tionline, fromthe samematerials, withthesame p

36、rocess,andwithouta breakinproductionofmore than 10 calendardays. However, anyone lotof filtersshall containno more than one lotof carbon, and a new lot shall be started whenever any carbon filling or final assembly processequipment change is made. Each lot shall be identified by an alphanumeric lot

37、number. Thelot number shall include a manufacturers identification symbol consisting of 3 alpha charac-ters,anumericcodeidentifyingtheyearofproduction,a codeorabbreviationthatsignifiesthemonthofproduction, andaninterfix-serial number. The interfix-serial number shall changeifthere ischangeinthedesig

38、n, manufacturingprocess, materials, suppliers,productionrun,orif a new contract is issued.4.3.2 Sampling. Sampling of packaged filters shall be conducted in accordance with theclassificationofcharacteristics in4.3.5. Samples shall be selected atrandom. CarbonsamplesizeformoisturetestingandCKlifetest

39、ingshallbeinaccordancewith4.3.3.2. Samplesizeforrough handling in 4.4.4 shall be the same as that for DMMP life test in Inspection procedure. Forexamination. Samplefiltersshallbeinspectedaccordingtotheclassificationofcharacteristics table in 4.3.5. If a non-conforming filter to a

40、100% inspected characteristic isfound, the non-conforming filter shall be rejected and removed from the lot. Failure of anysamplefiltertoconformtoanycriticalormajorcharacteristicintheclassificationofcharacter-isticstable(see4.3.5)thatisnotcoveredby100%inspection shall becauseforrejection oftheProvid

41、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-DTL-51222E(EA)7lot represented. Failure of any sample item to conform to any minor characteristic may because for rejection of the lot represented. For test.(a) Carbon testing.(1) Samplesformoistur

42、etesting. Asampleofcarbonshallbetakenduringthefillingofthefirstandlastfiltermanufacturedeachday. Eachcarbonsampletakenduringthefillingofthose2filtersshall weighatleast100grams. Eachsampleshall beplacedinanopencontainerwhosediameterissuchthatthedepthofthecarbonwillbe1.50.5inchesdeep. Thosesamplesof c

43、arbon shall be exposed to the same conditions of temperature and humidity as theirassociatedfiltersandbeusedforsubsequentmoisturetesting.Concurrentwithorimmediatelyfollowing the packaging of the filters corresponding to each carbonsample, eachof the carbonsamplesshallbetestedformoisturecontentinacco

44、rdancewith4.4.3. Ifanyofthecarbonsam-ples taken that day fails to meet the moisture requirement in 3.6, the production run of filtersfabricated that day shall be rejected.(2) SamplesforCKlifetesting. Foreachlot,eight(8)samplesofcarbon,eachsam-pleofcarbonweighingatleast100grams, shallbetakenatrandomt

45、imesduringthefillingof 8respectivefiltersandplacedinanopencontainer. Thosesamplesshallbeexposedtothesameconditions of temperature and humidity as their associated filters. The samples shall then besealedintheircontainersandsenttotheGovernmentforsubsequentCKlifetesting. TheGov-ernment will determine

46、the minimum CK life for 4 of the 8 samples for eachlot inaccordancewith4.4.6. IfCKlifeisatleast57minutesforeachof fourcarbonsamples,acceptthelot;other-wise,performCKtestingontheremaining4carbonsamples toaccumulateCKlifedataonall8samplesfromthesamelot. IfCKlifeislessthan50minutesforanyofthe8samples,r

47、ejectthelotrepresented.(b) Filtertesting. Eachfiltershall betestedforairflowresistance (4.4.1)and leakage(4.4.2). Any filter failing air flow resistance or leakage requirements shall be rejected and re-moved from the lot, and then replaced, if possible (see 4.3.1), by one from the same lot whichpass

48、es such requirements. Following leakage testing, filters shall be packaged using the samemethods, materials, equipment, andprocessesaswill be usedduringregularproduction. Aftermoistureanalysisofthecarbonsamples(see4.3.3.2(a),thepackagedsamplefilterswhichpassthe moisture requirement in 3.6 shall be forwarded to the Government and subjected to roughhandlinginaccordancewith4.4.4. Followingroughhandling,samplefiltersshallbetestedbytheGovernmentforDMMPlifeinaccordancewith4.4.5. Ifanysamplefromthelotfailstomeettherequirements for rough handling and DMMP life, the lot represented shall be


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