1、i UOTICE OF IYAMIVATIOY FOR YEW DESIGII MILITARY SPECIFICATIOM MIL-F-55356 NOTICE 1 20 December 1989 PLIaT COOBDIIlliTIOY CEMTRAL U/TSC-810 This notice should be filed in front-of MIL-P-55356 dated O December 1971 _f MIL-P-SB356 ir inactive for neu design and is no longer used by the Comunications-E
2、lectronics Coarand except for replacesent purposes. Preparing activity: (Project 5895 -A4031 drqr - CE IYCC WA FSC 5895 DISTBIBUTIOY St4TmYT A. Approvod for public roloue; diitribution is unlimited. , Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-