1、 MIL-P-4bl185 NOTICE 3 = 999990b 20b3720 bT = NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN MIL-P-46185 NOTICE 3 22 April 1998 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PLASTIC MOLDING AND EXTRUSION MATERIALS, POLYETHERSULFONE This notice should be filed in front of MIL-P-46185, dated 10 June 1983. MIL-P-46185, dated 10 June
2、1983, and Validation Notice 2, dated 6 February 1989 are inctive for new design and are no longer used, except for replacement purposes. Custodians : Army - MR Navy - EC Air Force - 11 Preparing activity: Army - MR (Project 9330-0068) Review Activities: Army - GL, SM Navy - AS, CG, SH Air Force - 03, 84, 99 DLA - GS . AMSC N/A FSC 9330 Licensed by Information Handling Services